

Jewish/Christian/Muslim Wedding
Reverend Elisheva and Wade Clegg did an absolutely amazing job. My
husband and I postponed marriage for 8 years because we could not visualize or envision how to do a
ceremony itself that would be meaningful, personal and beautiful but non religious. We needed someone to
help us bring together elements of three religions - my husband is Muslim and from Turkey, and I am half
Jewish and half Christian and from the UK. We met with several other officiants who all gave us things to
read and ideas about how traditional ceremonies are performed and what we could do, but we did not feel
a sense of comfort or inspiration with any of them.
Finally, I did a search in inter-cultural, inter-faith ministers and there she was. Her and her husband Wade
did such a phenomenal job! We had guests that flew in from the UK, Germany and Israel, and guests from
Turkey, India, Pakistan, Tunisia, 20 nations in total. They totally were able to capture who we were and
what we stand for in the most meaningful way with a service that they wrote and personalized themselves,
after we completed a questionnaire. Elisheva was also very supportive throughout the process, spoke to me
on the phone several times and gave very meaningful support throughout, and really helped us to pull our
thoughts and feelings together. The service itself was worth waiting eight years for! And the crowd was a
very discerning and highly educated lot, more phd's per square inch than any other wedding I know of. So
not an easy one to please.
I would HIGHLY recommend them to anyone considering a wedding that may not be completely traditional,
or just for people who would like to have a highly personalized service or one that pulls together diverse
identities. Of all the money we spent on our wedding, this was the best value service we could have asked
for. Anyone will be lucky to have them work with you.
Sharon & Tugrul Keskin
married August 23, 2008 at the Chesapeake Bay Beach Club, Stevensville, MD
From the Parents of the Bride
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
To call the wedding ceremony of my daughter, Sharon, and now Son-in-law, Tugrul, "remarkable" only
barely matches its actual effect on both the couple and those there to witness. To describe Interfaith
Ministers Reverend Elisheva and T. Wade Clegg's work as "Spiritual" or even "magical" still does not
capture the sense and sound of the love of the Divine Spirit connecting the couple and bathing all in
attendance with its joy, its humor, and its depth. It was a truly blessed event.
I want to thank you Elisheva and you Wade not only for taking the time to actually get to know each of the
couple in depth but to have helped them know and understand both themselves and each other. You are
truly two of heaven's beloved and blessed messengers. As we mentioned to you, should Clive and I decide
to renew our vows, we would so love to have you officiate. Love and blessings,
Eileen Watkins Seymour
(August 23, 2008 at the Chesapeake Bay Beach Club, Stevensville, MD)
Intercultural Interfaith Wedding
Hello Revs. Clegg,
How are you? I have to say, right out of the gate, that you both are so amazing. Everyone (including us)
raved about our ceremony - how personal and spiritual and soft yet funny it was. That is by far the best
memory of that day. My parents were just over-the-top thrilled with you both. SO THANK YOU, THANK
YOU, THANK YOU!!! We could not have "struck gold" in a better way than finding you! I look forward to
hearing from you and keeping in touch as time goes on.
It is strange to me how two people that are perfect strangers one day, can have such an impact on your
life after such a short time. We are blessed to have encountered relationships with you both - thank you!
Our ceremony touched the hearts of everyone at our wedding, including us. It was written from the hearts
of a couple who we should all strive to mirror in relationship, love and devotion. Reverend Elisheva and her
husband are the perfect duo. Each step of the way they made us feel at ease and in love with the entire
process of creating our ceremony. Reverend Elisheva was an integral part of our wedding and without her
we could not have captured the beauty of our love and portrayed it so eloquently. Much love to you both!"
Christine Nicoletta Sasser and Jon Sasser
Lexington, Kentucky (married September 30, 2006 at Virginia Beach, VA)
Jewish/Christian/Muslim Wedding
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
My name is Beth Silver. I was married by Rev. Elisheva on June 17, 2006. When Justin and I were in the
beginning stages of our engagement and planning, we envisioned how we wanted our ceremony to be. We
knew we wanted to incorporate our religious and cultural backgrounds, and our family. However, it was
most important for us to have a ceremony that would incorporate our immense love for each other and our
love for our family.
Elisheva did just that. She listened to our stories of who we are and where we came from and integrated all
of that into our ceremony. It was the most beautiful ceremony that I have ever been to. I know I";m
biased, but I can assure you that Elisheva could make any ceremony beautiful and meaningful.
Our ceremony had everyone laughing and crying. We received so many compliments from our friends and
family. I have been told by at least 20 different people that it was the most beautiful ceremony they have
been to.
When I reflect and think about my wedding today, I don't think about the party afterward; I think about
marrying my husband and knowing how beautiful it was to have a ceremony filled with words that meant
everything to us.
As you can tell, we absolutely love Elisheva and T. Wade (he was there every step of the way). They spent
so much time talking to us and getting to know us as a couple. In turn, we were able to get to know and
spend time with two amazing people. We will always be grateful for having them with us on our wedding
day and the months before.
Beth and Justin Silver, Arlington, Virginia
(married June 17, 2006 at parent's home in Sperryville, Virginia)
Hindu/Baptist Wedding
Dear Revs. Elisheva and Wade,
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
We give you our most heartfelt gratitude for the wonderful interfaith ceremony you developed for us. When
we began our search for a wedding officiant that could accommodate Hindu and Christian/Western
traditions, we had no idea we would come across someone like you. We were extremely lucky and blessed
to find someone who could intertwine all the elements we wanted to include and bring our cultural and
religious differences together in one ceremony rather than separate them into two ceremonies.
We thoroughly enjoyed working with you and getting to know you in the months leading up to our
wedding. We received so many compliments from our guests saying how personalized the ceremony was as
it accurately and equally represented us. We know that none of this could have been possible without your
unique and personable approach to working with us and our families.
Thank you for all the time you dedicated to us and to making our ceremony so beautiful and meaningful.
We cannot wait to see you guys the next time we are in Charlottesville!
Love, Sarita and Joseph Boyd
married May 5, 2007 at Historic Mankin Mansion, Richmond, VA
Update: Arrival of Sonati Etta Boyd
"My name is Sonali Etta Boyd, and I was born on February 12, 2009 at 9:31am. I was 7 lbs. 2 ozs. and 20"
long. My parents, Sarita and Joseph Boyd, were married in a beautiful ceremony on May 5, 2007 by
Reverend Elisheva. My parents had, and still have, so much love for each other, that I decided to finally
enter into this world and complete our family. As I am growing up, I will be sending updates. I just love
having Reverend Elisheva & Reverend T. Wade as my Spiritual Grandparents and being a part of the
Spiritual Grandchildren family."
Update: I'm Back!
"Hi ... here's my update as promised. I'm nine months old now, and I have taken over control of the house.
I have trained my mommy and daddy very well as willing servants. As you can see, they do a very good job
raising me. I'm healthy, intelligent and adorable. The only annoying thing is those many squeezes and
kisses that everybody wants to give me. Well ... guess it's OK ... until the next update.
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
Much love ..... Sonali Etta Boyd"
Religious/Catholic Wedding
Dear Elisheva & T. Wade,
Thank you for helping us create the most beautiful wedding ceremony we could have imagined! Your
guidance and support, your open-mindedness and your sincerity, your attention to detail and willingness to
listen - we couldn't have asked for a more positive experience as we journeyed through the process of
designing our ceremony. Everything about our wedding helped reveal more about us as individuals and as
a couple. It was all so personal! Thank you for coming into your lives and being such an important part of
the beginning of our marriage.
Much love,
Kristen-Paige & Christopher
married October 6, 2007 at Boars Head, Charlottesville, VA
Update (October 7, 2008)
I'm writing because yesterday was our first anniversary, and I thought of you both all day long!
Unfortunately, Chris and I could not be together, but I watched the wedding video last night, and I swear I
think I smiled just as much as I did a year ago! I still can't believe what a beautiful ceremony you helped
us create, looking back a year later, I still wouldn't have changed a thing.
I'm currently in Key West for the month on a writing fellowship ... I'm working here as an artist in resident,
so that I can have a month to write my next book. You can read more about it, if you're interested,
through the following link: (http://www.tskw.org/news_detail.php?nid=43)
It has been super hard being away from Chris, but I feel so grateful to ahve this time alone to focus on my
work. Chris and I moved to Charlottesville shortly before I left, so we must make plans to meet for coffee
when I get back ... I would love to see you both! I hope this email finds you well and that we can all get
together soon!
Love, Kristen-Page
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
Spiritual Wedding
What can I say about the wedding.... Everything was perfect. The wedding ceremony was truly the most
special ceremony I've ever seen and was so glad it was ours! Through your guidance, suggestions and our
ideas the ceremony was extremely personal. It was about the joining of the two of us and our families. It
was interactive. Greg and I were able to speak from the heart to each other during the ceremony which I
really wanted to incorporate. It was extremely important that our children were accepting of the marriage
and so we wanted our adult children to be involved in some way. Through the "binding of hands"
ceremony, we were all able to stand together and our children were provided the opportunity to "formally"
express their acceptance of our marriage to each other. That was a monumental moment for us. Since the
wedding our two families have come together as one. The children are communicating with each other
often. Greg and I both believe the coming together as a family was due to the wedding and the ceremony
itself. We are very grateful to you both for conducting such a warm, loving, personal and interactive
wedding ceremony. We will cherish the memories of it forever....
Our best to you both,
Greg & Stephanie Luce
married Framington Country Club, Charlottesville, VA July 12, 2008
Spiritual Wedding
Dear Rev. Elisheva & Rev. Wade,
Words cannot express how special and meaningful the wedding ceremony was that you created for me and
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Doug. You truly captured each of us, our children, and our relationship. What a wonderful memory we
have, and one we will treasure always. Thank you so very much for the thought, effort and love you put in
to teach part of the ceremony.
When we were in France, we visited the Matisse Chapel, in Vence. We thought of both of you while we
were there. The chapel has such beauty and peacefulness about it. In particular, when we saw the
vestments that Matisse designed, we thought they would be perfect for your services!
We hope you enjoy the book, just a small token of our deep gratitude to both of you. Thank you again, to
both of you, for helping to make our wedding day so special.
With love and Best Wishes,
Laurie & Doug Green
Gaithersburg, MD -Married September 6, 2008
Greenbriar Resort, White Sulpur Springs, WV,
Humanist Wedding
From Alyssa and David:
Elisheva officiated my marriage ceremony on June 3, 2006. I enjoyed the first conversation I had with
Elisheva - we hit it off personally, and I believe we have similar values and approaches.
Let me tell you first what we were looking for in an officiant. Dave (my husband) and I looked at a couple
of other officiants during our search process: we wanted a civil/secular ceremony (after discussions with
Elisheva, we realized that we're both mostly humanists) that wouldn't be too "touchy-feely," and would not
be religious at all. We wanted someone who would craft a ceremony for us, listen to us, and since we felt
that the ceremony was the most important part of the day, that we would really be involved in the creation
of it. Although we liked one of the other officiants we interviewed personally, we felt that his ceremony
option was a bit too "plug and play," if you will - he provided options, and you just selected texts from a
list. Personal, but not enough.
If you choose to go with Elisheva, she'll have you and your partner (separately) complete a questionnaire.
The questionnaire takes a while to complete, but really helps her to get to know you, and I think, for you
to articulate your feelings to yourself. Once we completed the questionnaires - Elisheva went to work. We
met up for coffee a couple of weeks later (ended up spending a couple of hours) and I really got the feeling
that Elisheva and Wade (her husband) were truly involved in our answers. During the process, Elisheva
contacted both of us several other times, and also spoke with our parents and our readers - just in general
made us feel that she was very involved in our lives and our marriage. Needless to say, the rehearsal and
ceremony went perfectly. I can not tell you the number of compliments we received (and continue to
receive) on our ceremony - comments like " that really sounded like you," and "how long have you known
the Cleggs?" (truly an interesting question to me, since obviously it had not been very long), and "what a
beautiful, meaningful ceremony."
Obviously, I would highly recommend Elisheva and Wade to you. The ceremony was so important to us,
and the end result truly surpassed our expectations. Plus, I feel like we've made a new friendship with the
Cleggs - an added, and unexpected, bonus!
Alyssa and David Sturgeon,
Washington, D.C.
married June 3, 2006 at Willow Grove Inn, Orange, VA
Spiritual Wedding
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
Dear Revs. Clegg, Ben and I would love to extend our warmest and most grateful THANK YOU for making
our wedding day absolutely amazing. For those of you that are inquiring about having Revs. Clegg officiate
your ceremony, make note that it will be the best decision you will make for your special day. Ben and I
have a very unique story, beginning our friendship in elementary school and blossoming into a romantic
relationship after college.
Revs. Clegg took the love that Ben and I share; along with our shared memories, and painted a perfect
portrait for our family and friends to witness at our wedding. The compliments that we have received
regarding the personalization of our wedding have been outstanding. Revs. Clegg made our wedding
memorable and unique for all of our guests and most importantly Ben and I. Your love, compassion, and
sincerity are a rare find . We love both of you and look forward to continuing our relationship through life
and our marriage.
Thank you,
Ben and Casey Floyd
(Veritas Vineyard & Winery, Afton VA - June 2, 2007)
Spiritual Wedding
Jason and I cannot express to you how wonderful you made our wedding day and how amazing your
service was. It was the most personal and touching ceremony and we are appreciative beyond words.
We even joked that it was meant to be, because of how fabulous of a couple you are and that it hopefully
rubbed off on us!
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
We want you to please ensure that we keep in touch......we hope to be able to continue our relationship
with you and to come to you for spiritual guidance and to share our experiences. WE are truly blessed to
have met you. Thank you so much!
Love Always,
Tatjana and Jason Brown
married November 3, 2007 at Jefferson Vineyards, Charlottesville, VA
From a Mother of the Happy Couple
How do I ever thank you properly for the absolute beauty, grace, charm, wit, love that you two put into
Jason and Tatjana's ceremony? I do not have the vocabulary to even begin. It was truly the most amazing,
spiritual moment I have seen since the birth of my sons and grandsons. I believe that God was the
Wedding Planner/Director of this wedding and His results were magnificent!! I will forever be grateful for
the blessing of having Him direct you onto this journey with us; it would not have been as beautiful without
you. I've spoken with Jason and Tatjana; they are having a wonderful honeymoon in Napa Valley, CA and
thoroughly enjoying themselves. May God continue to bless your lives.
Forever grateful and appreciative,
Marie Payne
UPDATE: Our NEW arrival!
September 10, 2008
Hi everybody out there! I am Laila Luciana Brown. I entered this world on September 10, 2008, and I was 7
lbs. 14 ozs. and 20" long. My mommy and daddy have a store called, "Meza." It is a yummy place, and it
will make enough money to buy me a car when I am 16, send me to college, and allow me to get married
in Virginia where mommy and daddy got married on November 3, 2007 at Jefferson's Vineyards. I also have
a membership in the "Spiritual Grandchildren Club" guided by the Reverends Elisheva and T. Wade Clegg.
How do you become a member? First, you have to find a mom and dad who love each other very, very
much ... then they have to get married .... then a little while longer you open your eyes, let our a scream
for joy, and you are born. It's that simple! Have a good life as I have a good life."
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
This is a special announcement from us: the very delighted parents of these two lovely people. Thomas
Wade Clegg IV is the son of Elisheva and Thomas Wade Clegg III. Thomas and his bride, Jolene Do,
gathered with family at Pleasant Grove Farm and Park, in Palmyra, Virginia, under the great oak tree behind
the Haden House on August 8, 2009 for a reaffirmation of their commitment to each other.
The backyard setting at Haden House on this warm summer afternoon made for a delightfully intimate
ceremony. Family members gathered near the arbor, as Jolene was escorted by the groom's father out of
the summer kitchen and across the yard. Even the groundhog, which makes its residence under the coop,
came out, stood up, and watched the proceedings. It was a good sign.
Jolene and Thomas were married in a private ceremony at their home in Los Angeles, California on April 12,
2009. The reaffirmation was held in order for Thomas's sisters and aunt to share the joy of this union in the
presence of family.
The ceremony was officiated by Thomas's parents, Revs. Elisheva and T. Wade Clegg III, Interfaith
Ministers who live at Lake Monticello in Fluvanna County, Virginia.
Spiritual Wedding
Thank you for making the most important day of our lives more perfect than we could have imagined! We
could not have had two better people to officiate our wedding than the two of you. We loved the
experience that you created for the both of us during the whole timeframe between our first contact with
you and the day we wed. You made it very personal and special. The ceremony was absolutly beautiful and
very personal. It was like we knew the two of you our whole lives. I really appreciate the time you took to
get to know us each individually and making such a touching ceremony out of it. Our friends and family
kept talking about the two of you for weeks on end. Everyone thought it was extremelly special and unique
that the two of you were husband and wife and officiated weddings together. I honestly do feel like the two
of you gave us the tools to be the best we could be every day of our lives.
Love Always,
Kandice & Ethan Reynolds
married October 7, 2007 at Chantilly Golf & Country Club, Centerville, VA
UPDATE: Our NEW arrival!
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
September 11, 2008
And now two years later......We have created something out of the love we share for each other every day
and that is our little angel, Sean. He was born September 11, 2008. He was 7 lbs. 2oz. and was 19 1/2
inches long. He is now 14 months old and is the light of our lives. Thank you both for making our lives so
special and complete. We both could not be happier!
Spiritual Wedding
We have so much to thank you for that I hardly know where to begin. thank you, of course, for the
beautiful ceremony that you wrote for Matt and I. I could not have imagined a more perfect wedding
ceremony for us. It was so meaningful and perfectly combined our differing views of how we'd like the
ceremony to be. So many of our friends and family commented on how much they liked it afterwards. They
said they liked how it was personal to the actual couple and individual. My mother and father were so
touched they cried nearly the whole time. We were so glad you gave us a copy of it. We have read through
it several times since the wedding, and it is so meaningful to us.
We are so blessed to have met you both and to have had you perform our wedding ceremony. Our
wedding day would not have been the same without you and Rev. Wade. You are two of the most kind and
caring people we've ever encountered. Thank you for everything! We will keep in touch.
Love, Cindy and Matt Duhon
married May 31, 2008 at Stonehenge Golf & Country Club, Richmond, VA
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
Hindu Wedding
We were married this past April (2006) by Rev. Elisheva at the King Family Vineyard in Crozet, Virginia. I
must say that it was a pleasure working with both Elisheva and her husband. They both make a great
team. They spent a long time crafting our wedding ceremony and making it truly unique to who we are as
a couple. My husband and I are both Indian and we wanted a ceremony that captured some of the Hindu
traditions but we also wanted it to be meaningful to us. I can honestly say that the ceremony was the best
part of our wedding day. Many of our guests came up to us afterwards letting us know what a meaningful
ceremony it was.
Veena and Ameet Patel, Alexandria, VA
married April 22, 2006 at King Family Vineyards, Crozet, Virginia)
UPDATE: Our NEW arrival!
April 16, 2008
Yes, I am a pretty baby ... everybody says so from the moment I arrived on
April16, 2008. Of course if you look at my parents and grandparents, then you will understand why I am so
cute. Hopefully they will place a picture of them pretty soon above mine. I am sure that many babies say
they have the best parents, but my parents are really awesome. Upon my arrival, I was immediately
inducted into the "Spiritual Grandchildren Club" of the Reverends Elisheva and T. Wade Clegg. Why?
Because somehow the Reverends had something to do with my arrival. I was told that they married my
parents on April 22, 2006 at a place called, "King Vineyards" in Crozet, Virginia. Evidently, this was the first
necessary step which had to take place to ensure my arrival. I have not yet been told what other steps had
to be taken. I am sure one day I will find out. Have a nice life ... Greetings, Jovin
Jewish/Christian Wedding
I have enclosed our donation to the Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum. Tommy and I visited the website and
think this is a wonderful organization that you represent. Last night Tommy and I watched the first raw
footage of the ceremony that was recorded by the videographer. This was the first piece of video and
photos that we have seen since the wedding day, and let me just say how incredibly memorable and
special our ceremony was. We sat in my Mom and Dad's living room last night, re-living a moment we will
never forget and we thank you so much for helping us make it to our wedding day.
The comments from our family and friends haven't stopped for two weeks and we know that our day would
not have been the same without you. The way you wrote the ceremony using our own words and tributes
to our family was absolutely beautiful. There was not a dry eye and you touched our hearts and spirits in a
way that will live with us forever.
We will always remember your guidance, love and encouragement. To say that you were our greatest gift
does not say enough. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts once again. We will keep in touch. Please
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
don't forget to call us and check in on us.
Love Always, Tommy & Sarah Neal
Married October 10, 2009 At Sarah's parents home in Virginia Beach, Virginia
Irish/Druid Wedding
Dear Revs Wade & Elisheva,
You, Our ceremony was, in a word, amazing. So many people came up to us afterwards to let us know
how unusual, yet beautiful, they thought it was. We took this as the highest complement and totally agree.
You made us laugh and brought us close to tears (in a good way). In fact you brought out everything we
stood for and/or love for one another - in a unique & personal way, which obviously came through to
everyone in attendance. It really made out day and set the tone for the rest of our lives. We can't possibly
thank you enough!.
Love Rachel & Ashley Jones
married October 22, 2007 at parent's family farm, South Hill, VA
Spiritual Wedding
Dear Revs. Clegg,
Thank you does not express how grateful and happy we are with how beautifully our ceremony turned out.
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
Despite the heat, everyone has said it was the most personal & touching part of the day. We were glad to
share it with you & look forward to having you perform the christenings of our red-headed babies.
Much love, Rebecca & Wes Spence
married June 7, 2008 at Old Trail Golf Club, Crozet, VA
Buddhist/Christian Wedding
I wanted to find someone to do our wedding who could combine my (now) husband's and my beliefs. I am
Buddhist and he is Baptist. I also wanted something personalized that would reflect our bonds and our
commitment, rather than a sterile ceremony that merely reflected the tenets or rituals of a particular
When I first corresponded with Elisheva and Wade I knew that I had found what I was looking for. I
couldn't have found two warmer, more caring people to preside over one of the happiest days of our lives.
They weren't merely officiants - they melded into our lives and our family as if we had known them for
years. They did an amazing amount of un-intrusive research and created a beautiful ceremony that really
was totally about our love and our joy at sharing our day with our family. They ensured our ceremony was
what we wanted it to be.
We received so many compliments on our ceremony -people asked us if they could buy a tape of it!! We
can't express how grateful we are, not only for the effort and love Elisheva and Wade put into our
ceremony, but for their continued friendship.
Christina and Ben, Baltimore,MD
married April 28, 2007 at Chapel at Quantico, Quantico, VA
Spiritual Wedding
Blessings Our Beloved Cleggs,
What a great service - you have begun a Blog site. Luke and I were married just about a year and a half
ago in Shenandoah Valley in May; as a team and individually you touched everyone present and made our
day 95% ceremony and 5% dance and drink. If you ever need or want us to share how you touched our
life or want us to give a testimony of how awe-some our ceremony and wedding was...because of your
love, detail, and true spirit, please do not hesitate, we love you and wish you the best.
Most sincerely, Kerin and Luke Weingarten
married May 13, 2006 at parent's home Woodstock, VA
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
Thank you again for making our ceremony so special. We have been to a few weddings since our own and
are disappointed at the lack of emotion or togetherness the ceremony holds. We still have people
commenting on your words and the way it was and the message of love that was shared with our family
and friends. it seems (now in hindsight) that in general many people disregard the importance of a great
ceremony. now that i can "compare" ceremony styles, i can't help but feel that not only is it the most
important part of a wedding, but it also (if planned) is the message that will remain woven through your
lives together. Again, thank you. You remain such a personal and special part of our life. You are in our
thoughts and prayers.
Take care and write when you can.
Kerin Weingarten
Spiritual Wedding
Dear Elisheva & Wade,
Travis and I want to thank you for making our wedding ceremony so special and memorable. We could not
have had a more perfect day, with many thanks to you. Your words were very personal and touched not
only Travis and me, but also our friends and family.
We greatly enjoyed getting to know you and working with you and appreciate all of the time and energy
you devoted to our wedding ceremony. We hope to remain in contact with you!
Thanks again for being such an integral part of our wedding and for making the day that much more
Take care,
Michelle & Travis Evans
married October 24, 2009 - Skylight Farms, Standardsville, VA
Humanist Wedding
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
Dear Rev. Elisheva & Rev. T. Wade,
Thank you so much for the wonderful ceremony. It was exactly what we wanted. It was so nice that it told
a story about our relationship. Thank you for all your time to prepare for our wedding. Our families enjoyed
meeting you both and getting to know you at the dinners. We look forward to hearing from you yearly.
Love, Diana & Shawn Kolodgie
married September 16, 2006 at Meadowlark Gardens, Vienna, VA)
Buddhist/Christian Wedding
We can't thank you enough for giving us the most beautiful and memorable ceremony we could have
hoped for! Thank you so much for taking such good care of Todd and I throughout this entire process. You
know better than anyone that this is such a big, life-changing step that it can be very overwhelming. Your
personal attention and care helped to make this not only easy but even more special and meaningful.
Thank you again.
Heather & Todd Lee
married January 29, 2008 at Maggiono's Little Italy Restaurant, McLean, VA
Spiritual Wedding
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
Dear Elisheva & Wade,
First and foremost we want to thank you again for composing/officiating our marriage. We were thrilled to
have such a personalized ceremony, one that really spoke true to both us and the things that we care so
deeply about - namely each other! We received countless compliments on the ceremony, many saying it
was the best they'd ever experienced. My friend Keara brought her fiance who Keith and I had never met,
and he commented that after listening to the ceremony, he really felt like he knew us. It really doesn't get
better than that! So, a million times over, thank you.
Wishing you all the best, and again, sending you all gratitude for making our wedding day so truly special.
Much love, Kelli and Keith Knox married September 26, 2009 at Khimaira Farm, Luray, VA
Spiritual Wedding
Dear Elisheva & Wade,
This is a very sincere (although belated) and grateful THANK YOU for our beautiful ceremony. You floored
us! It was even more amazing than we ever could have imagined. It was quite obvious that you put your
heart and soul into caputuring the perfect mood for our ceremony. We loved having you there, and we
hope that our paths cross again.
Thank you,
Love, Jessie & Matt Johnson-Schneider married August 2, 2008 at Khimaira Farm, Luray,VA
Spiritual Wedding
Brian and I were married on June 9, 2007. It was my dream wedding. Elisheva and Wade made the
ceremony a memorable one. We received so many compliments about the ceremony. They made is so
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
personal and that was exactly what we were looking for. It's not your every day wedding. She asks you
questions, probably none that you have even asked yourself and really made you look at why and who you
are marrying. I couldn't have asked for anything more on my wedding day!!
From Brian & Chelsea de Casper
married June 9, 2007 at Scott Eden Farm, Culpeper, VA
Bahai/Christian Wedding
Dear Rev. Elisheva,
We would like to thank you for all of your work and guidance throughout the planning. The ceremony could
not have been any more beautiful and exactly what we were hoping it to be. Nothing could have been
done any better and thank you again. We hope to keep in touch.
Katharine and Ralph Martinez
married September 2, 2006 in Richmond, Virginia
Humanist Wedding
Dear Rev. Elisheva,
What a blast the wedding was! Joe and I had so much fun, and the ceremony was beautiful. We've
received so many compliments to pass on to you two. It was a fantastic ceremony. We will always cherish
the memories.
Lisa Ellis Rosler and Josef Rosler, Gulfport, Florida
married September 23, 2006 at parent's home in Kingsmill Resort, Williamsburg, Virginia
Spiritual Wedding
Thanks again for such a great ceremony and being a part of what was one of the most magical days of our
lives. We received so many compliments about the ceremony you wrote for us. You would have thought
you'd have known us for the whole 8 years we've been together. We hope some day you can be a part of
another big milestone in our lives. Either way, I'm sure we'll stay in touch.
Jody & Jason Shelley
married September 15, 2007 at The Valentine Richmond History Center, Richmond, VA
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
Religious Wedding
Revs. Clegg,
Thank you so much for a beautiful ceremony. We absolutely loved the thoughtful words that you used for
our ceremony. It was more personal and heartfelt than we imagined, and we were truly amazed with how
well you were able to convey the love that Luther and I have for each other.
Natalie and Luther Pilkinton, Washington, D.C.
married October 1, 2006 at Veritas Vineyard & Winery in Afton, Virginia
Religious Wedding
Dear Revs. Clegg,
We wish to thank you again for a wonderful marriage ceremony. You both were so awesome. We could not
have been happier with how it all went.
Elisheva, well, the gift you've given us by the blessing of performing our marriage ceremony is, without a
doubt, beyond words. We are so happy together and we're looking forward to that happiness growing and
growing throughout the remainder of our years on this earth. In that sense, yours is truly a gift that will
keep on giving and giving and giving. We would very much love to see you both again.
Aimee and Michael Haslam, Damascus, Virginia
married August 12, 2006 at The Old Mill Restaurant, Damascus, VA
Humanist Wedding
Dear Elisheva & Wade,
We would like to thank you for the very special services you provided at our daughter's wedding. The
questions you asked before developing the services and how you worked the responses into the services
made for a special personalized ceremony. I do not think there was a dry eye in the house during the
ceremony. You added special touches (such as the rose ceremony and the joining of the families) that we
will always treasure and remember as we think back on the special day. We would like to thank you for
making the day so special. Thank-you for a job well done.
Respectfully, Charles & Penny Hardin,King George, VA
Allison Ann & Matthew Zurinski married November 17, 2007 at Boars Head Inn, Charlottesville, VA
Humanist Wedding
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]
Hello Pastor Elisheva,
It's been so long since we've updated you on how things are going with us. I would just formost like to
thank you and your husband for performing our wedding ceremony last year. We are doing great and
growing even more in love as each day passes. We have been so busy we hav'nt been able keep in touch.
We renewed our wedding vows this year and had a big wedding ceremony in Nova Scotia, Canada with 200
of our friends & family. It was as beautiful as the first time. We are now purchasing a house and expect on
spending the rest of our lives together. Thanks again for pernouncing us Husband & Wife and making our
lives together even more special.
I hope all is well with your family. Take care and God Bless./p>
THE RICKENBACKER FAMILY! married at Pleasant Grove, Fluvanna, June 25, 2008
http://www.reverendelisheva.org/testimonials_new.php/[20.05.2010 00:31:37]