A Proposal About Multidisciplinary Nature Of Temperament: A


A Proposal About Multidisciplinary Nature Of Temperament: A
A Proposal About Multidisciplinary Nature Of Temperament: A Perspective Of
Individual Differences Based On Temperament According To Nine Types Temperament
Model in Preschool Education
Selçuk, Z1, Yılmaz ED2, Ünal, Ö3
1Professor, Gazi University, Faculty of Education
2Psychiatrist, Hatay Dörtyol State Hospital, Department of Psychiatry
3Psychologist, Self Employed
Correspondence to:
Enver Demirel Yılmaz MD
Department of Psychiatry, Dörtyol State Hospital, İstasyon Avenue 31000 Dörtyol / Hatay /
E-mail: enveryilmaz6@yahoo.com.tr
+9 0 326 712 22 87
+9 0 505 524 90 56
+9 0 326 712 47 59
Background: Number of studies about individual differences based on temperament, effect of
personality on education environment and importance of temperament in education have
increased day by day. Nowadays, many temperament models are resources for education
researches. Moreover, preschool education approach focused on temperament does not attract
attention for determination of individual differences and for practice school application.
Method: This study includes articles and e-books which are classic in preschool field
established between 1980 and 2015. Searches are made by using word series preschool
education, temperament, temperament in education ve temperament in classroom in
googlebooks, googlescholar and pubmed database.
Findings: Temperament which is a multidiciplinary approach could be an integrative
parameter, which provides determination of individual differences in behavioral, emotional
and cognitive fields. Moreover, determination of individual differences through temperament
type, which constitutes core of future personality could provide freedom for that children
present their uniqness and also could provide support and development of individual
differences especially.
Result: This study presents a temperamental perspective to preschool education approach in
the context of individual differences introductory to temperament based education approach
based on Nine Type Temperament Model (NTTM).
Preschool education approaches have a multidisciplinary nature which affect from
many disciplines such as child development, psychology, psychiatry, sociology and
philosophy as well as from social, economical and political events. (e.g. individual
contributions of philosopher, psychologist and educator J. Dewey [1], philosopher, scientist
and artist Steiner [2,3], psychiatrist M. Montessori [4,5], psychologist S. Freud [6] and E.
Erikson [7], zoologist and psychologist J.Piaget, psychologist Vygotsky [8-10] or Second
World War and effects of social and political events such as poorness on occurrence of
different education approaches)
The main factor, which shapes perspective of preschool education approaches,
methods and applications and which constitutes substructure of these approaches are, focused
concepts. When Montessori, which is one of the contemporary preschool approaches, is based
on concepts such as respects for freedom, individualism of achild and absorbent mind, [5],
Head Start; emphasizes the whole child concept which accepts child as a physical, cognitive,
and social whole [11,12]; and Reggio Emilia focuses on concepts such as a materials-rich
environment and individual creative expression [13]. While democratic education approach;
highlights free choice, self-determination and the sovereignty of the individual personality
concepts [14], Bank Street approach which is known as a developmental interaction approach,
which highlights promotion of competence, individuality, and socialization concepts [15].
Differently from these approaches spiritual development, imaginary and freedom concepts are
emphasized in Waldorf schools which are based on antroposofic point of wiew [13,16].
An important concept; which shapes basic concepts focused by preschool education
approaches, as well as forms differentiation in application, is individual difference [17].
Nowadays, many researchers agree on that core which constitutes ground of individual
differences, is temperament [18-21].
Even temperament researchers cannot agree on a mutual definition of temperament
[22], they can say about temperament that they can say about temperament that temperament
has genetic and constructional ground [e.g. 23-25] it can be observed in early life [23, 27, 28],
it is relatively stabile [18, 29-32], includes traits which underlies personality [21, 33, 34].
According to some researchers, it is more important that temperament is a resource for
individual differences, than definition of temperament. For example; when Sanson, Smart and
Hemphill [35] consider temperament through individual differences in patterns, Rothbart and
Derryberry [25] evaluate temperament through constitutional differences.
Number of researches which are made about importance of temperament in education
increase day by day, after study of Keogh and his friends, which focuses on effect of
individual differences in education atmosphere. [36-40]. As DeLisi and Vaughn [41] point
out, important effects of temperament on school success, healthy peer relationships and
contiunity of these relationships emphasize importance of temperament in education. Also
current studies show that temperament determines individual differences which are very
important in many fields in education, such as interpersonel functioning [42], social
development [43,44], learning [45, 46] and attention [47].
One of the concepts which contributes education in conjunction with temperament and
individual differences, is personality. Shiner and Caspi [48] emphasize that personality refers
constitutional differences in behavioural, emotional and intellectual tendencies. However,
Yılmaz et al. [31-33] suggest that temperament constitutes individual differences by
interacting with factors innate / internal (intelligence, gender, genetic structure, age, biological
features etc.) and with factors which we have later /external (family, education, social
environment, experience, culture, belief etc.). Many researchers search relationship between
personality and school through temperamental differences because differences in personalities
affect school and school affect personality and temperament differences underlies differences
in personalities [20]. For example, many models such as New York Longitudinal Study
(NYLS) of Thomas and Chess, the developmental model of temperament of Rohtbart and
Derryberry, inhibited and uninhibited temperaments of Kagan, are resource for educational
researches [e.g. 49-54].
Another model, which searches temperamental differences and relationship between
temperament and personality, is Nine Types Temperament Model (NTTM) [29-34, 55,56].
According to NTTM temperament consists of potential traits which determine individual
differences in personality (Table-1), determines perception preferences, motivations and
tendencies of individuals and also includes the core of behaviour, emotion and thought
patterns of personality [33, 55]. Adult sample of temperament types based NTTM is evaluated
by Nine Type Personality Scale (NTTS) [30], adolescent sample is evaluated by Nine Types
Temperament Scale-Adolescent Form (NTTS-A) [34] and junior sample is evaluated by
observation and a temperament scale, which is prepared by Yılmaz and his friends. According
to NTTM, when temperament which comes from birth does not change for a lifetime,
personality which develops on static / unchangeable traits of temperament is a
dynamic/changeable construct [33]. Moreover, NTTM suggests that temperament is a key
concept for prediction of future personality [31], explains factors; which come from birth and
develops according to individual’s temperament type as natural personality and factors which
are not found in individual’s temperament type but can be learned lately as synthetic
personality [32]. Furthermore, synthetic personality traits, which are learned later, better they
can be integrated, more quality and healthier harmonic personality occurs [32]. NTTM, which
defines relationship and pathways between temperament and personality, takes attention to
effects of individual differences on education [33] and also to effects of education on
personality [32].
We hypothesize that temperament can be a natural concept/parameter of education
approaches by providing prediction of future personality traits [21], because of
multidisciplinary nature of temperament, which shapes individual differences [33]. The
purpose of this study is proposing a temperamental perspective introductory to temperament
based education approach based on NTTM, within context of individual differences in
preschool education.
Articles established between 1980 and 2015 and books about temperament and
preschool approach and online versions of these books without date limit are included to this
study. Articles are searched in googlescholar and pubmed data base; e-books are searched
through googlebooks and googlescholar search engines by using *pre-school education,
*temperament, *temperament in education and *temperament in classroom series. Studies
which embrace temperament and preschool approaches conceptually are included to this
Individual Differences in Preschool Education Approaches
Preschool education approaches come to forefront with aspects of education more than
aspects of instruction, distinctly from school age education approaches and give a special
importance to personality development and individual differences. For example; when main
purpose in Montessori approach is revealing individual human potential [57], Democratic
education purposes to gain information, skills and behaviours for individual development and
democratic life [58]. Teachers try to gain way of achieving information, problem solving and
independent thinking traits in High Scope approach [59]. Bank Street approach defends that
individual development traits of all children in a class should be considered and also targets to
gain children self confidence, individualism, socializing and integrating with society traits
[15]. However, from our perspective, when some traits and values are purposed to gain all
students generally, individual differences can be ignored/neglected. However, from the
temperament perspective; traits, which children already have or which they gain later by
education, differ according to temperament types [32]. For example, some temperament types
have their own tendencies to present traits, which are targeted to gain in Bank Street approach
mutually such as; self confidence (such as NTT8, NTT3, NTT7, NTT1), individualism (such
as NTT4, NTT5, NTT7 ), socializing (such as NTT2, NTT7, NTT8, NTT3) or integrating
with society (such as NTT9, NTT6) [33,54]. Either, for example, supporting a child with
NTT4, who have potentially has too much individualism trait, can cause difficulty for the
child to adapt society [55]; and supporting NTT9 who supports union, avoids conflict and says
no hardly [56] for adapting society too much, could cause problems about child’s expression
of his individual wishes and demands. Thus, approaches which purpose to gain children some
specific traits can be limited to address individual differences of students.
Another reason for being limited of preschool approaches which aim to gain specific
traits to children in addressing individual differences can be about their way of dealing
individual differences. For example, philosophy of the whole child which affects view about
child education provides an important development by bringing an integrative point of view in
physical, emotional and cognitive parts of child development [e.g. 60, 61]. However, it can
said that introversion/extraversion in behavioural field, motivation in emotional field,
intelligent in cognitive field and ways of learning [62-64] are evaluated still in partial way in
considering individual differences in preschool education. However, individual differences in
childhood from birth to kindergarten are conceptualized in an integrative way by temperament
researchers [65] and many researchers focus concept of temperament in their studies about
individual differences which are seen after first tree months of life [66]. Moreover,
temperament which is a multidisciplinary concept can be presented as a basic start point and
an integrative concept, when it is thought that temperament constitutes core of behaviour [21],
affectivity [22] and cognitive traits of individual [32,33,56].
Individual Differences or Uniqueness
Preschool education approaches emphasize on importance of considering individual
differences [e.g. 67-69], so this can reflect as providing a totally free learning atmosphere for
children in curriculum (school applications). For example, in Montessori education, children
educate themselves and are free for using material, which they want [69]. In High Scope
approach, children plan what to do by themselves [70]. In Reggio Emilia approach, projects
which underlie instruction are not made by teachers; they are made by students as independent
learning units, which come from needs and ideas of children [71]. From our perspective, using
applications which set students free for supporting individual differences and which supports
individual differences, interchangeably in semantic way, can originate from allowing
expressing unique nature of students. Many educators, psychologist, psychiatrist and child
development experts agree on that every child has a unique nature [e.g. 72, 73]. However, just
because every child has unique individual traits does not mean they are completely unlike
anyone else [74]. From our perspective, the important point here is to determine not just traits
which make children unique, but also determine traits which resemble each other. In this way,
individual differences between children can be determined systematically through traits which
are resemble or are not resemble each other and opportunities are given to each child freedom
for expressing their unique nature, so presenting a suitable education approach which supports
individual differences can be possible.
According to NTTM, basic parameter which can provide determining resemblance and
differences between children is temperament type. When children differ from each other
according to their temperament types, they also have similar/same potential traits with
children with same temperament type. However, because various internal and external factors
(gender, intelligence, education, experiences etc.) which interact with these traits are never
same, children even with same temperament type have unique personalities [33, 56]. For
example, children who are NTT5 and who are NTT6 are different each other in terms of
potential traits. While two children who are both NTT6 temperament type have same potential
traits, they are different and unique in terms of way of presenting these traits in personality
and their severity of presenting them. Hence, both children have potential tendencies to be
indecisive; one of them can present being indecisive trait more severely because he has critical
parents. If another one has a supportive family, he can decide easier even he has tendency to
be indecisive [55]. On the other hand, organizing events which they can join to expose their
potential to be a team player [56] for these children who have NTT6 temperament type,
provides to support their individual differences and setting free for their role in the group and
for their choice of group friends means having respect for that they present their own unique
nature. When feeding a child who has NTT5 with extra books, informative pictures and these
kinds of materials means supporting individual difference of the child who is different from
NTT6 type, because NTT5 has positive potential to be expert on o topic ; setting the child free
about determining his own point of interest allows him to present his own unique nature.
A New Temperamental Perspective in Preschool Education Based On NTTM
According to Montessori [57], education has two kinds of aims as supporting
biological development of child and as preparing him socially for environment. In addition to
this, it can be said that Montessori does not emphasize temperament concept, which
determines individual differences in development of child [25] and contributes interaction of
child with environment [22]. In a similar way, although effects of preschool age on personality
development are known clearly by psychologists and child psychiatrists [75-77] it is
remarkable that they do not focus on temperament concept, which constitutes core of
personality, even they give importance to personality development of preschool education
approach. Reason of this situation can be that personality is changeable, so it is sensitive to
education, but temperament has a stabile nature [22, 33, 56]. However, none of temperament
traits are needed to change/bad either pure good inherently [46, 55]. On the contrary,
temperament is a wide spectrum, in which there are traits, which are open to both positiveness
and negativeness. Which severeness and which quality unchangeable temperament traits are
presented, is closely associated with education gained. In other words, temperament does not
change for a life time, but it shapes changeable personality traits with interacting internal and
external factors [32, 33, 56].
When temperament type of a child is known, traits which are open to positiveness and
negativeness (risky) are also known. These traits constitute behavioural, emotional and
cognitive individual differences [32, 56]. In this way, studies can be made about supporting
positive traits in temperament type of children and also about gaining traits, which are not
found in their own temperament type, so harmonic personality development can be possible
A Bridge Which Connects Psychiatry, Psychology and Preschool Education: Temperamental
Tendency to Psychopathology
Temperament addresses potential traits, which children tend to expose and which they
do not tend to expose and also determines psychopathologies, which they tend to [29, 34].
There are many researchers in literature, which show that temperament traits are related with
various pathologies such as externalizing and internalizing problems [e.g. 78, 79], attention
deficit and hyperactivity disorder [e.g. 34, 80], anxiety and depression [e.g. 81, 82]. Thus, it
can be suggested that when temperament types of students are known, psychopathologies,
which they tend to could be predicted [34, 83]. In relation to this, preventive education step
for a healthy personality can be taken before psychopathology occurs.
A Step from Conceptional Approach to Application
Concepts focused by preschool education approaches, education applications and
methods of preschool education approaches, contribute to education in important way. For
example, Waldorf classes [3], which made from all natural materials and which are decorated
in such a way that children can remember their home, Montessori schools [84] which are
enriched with furniture, which are built for providing children real life experiences, musical
instruments and instruction materials, Reggio Emilia schools which are designed as a
comfortable physical environment and ambience have an important role on exposing
potentials of children [59]. In addition to these, materials which are designed in such a way
that they can expose behavioural, emotional and cognitive potentials of children according to
temperament traits of them, can enrich education atmosphere [33]. Besides, determining
individual differences of children based on temperament and structuring environment
according to individual differences has primary importance. Thus, it should be laid emphasis
on both physical environment and psychological environment in preschool education. For
example, in Reggio Emilia approach, effects of environment on learning are emphasized and
it is suggested that infants and toddlers are put in same class for organizing psychological
environment as an adaptive family atmosphere [13]. We also think that effects of psychical
environment, psychological environment, interacting with different age groups and also with
children who have different individual traits are very important for child development. For
example, they focus learning by teaching peers, having social interaction and making
collaboration in Montessori approach [69]. According to NTTM, children tend to
naturally/automatically to present traits and values which they have in their own nature [32]
and they can interchange these traits between each other. Which structural traits and which
individual differences children naturally have, are important in an education atmosphere for
having rich and quality interactions. It could be effective that a healthy education atmosphere
has a rich physical atmosphere and also consists of children with different temperament types
in order to support both natural and synthetic personalities of children. Moreover, it can be
necessary that class population reflect general society population in order to have a healthy
education atmosphere.
In sum, according to us, an education approach which is suitable for individual
differences starts with determining individual differences/temperament type firstly. For this
purpose, a scale, which is prepared by Yılmaz at al, is used. After that, a) supporting children
in order that they can expose their potential in the most quality way b) gaining them synthetic
personality traits, which they do not have in temperament type, but can be learned later and c)
preventing psychopathology, which can be caused by traits opening to negativeness (risky),
after creating a balanced class in terms of range of temperament type, can be suggested. Traits,
which are open to positiveness and negativeness were presented in Table-1. Synthetic traits,
which are not seen in children’s temperament type but which could be learned later are seen
below, with the purpose of presenting a systematic road map suited to individual differences
in preschool education (Table-2). Moreover in Table-3, a basic road map about a preschool
education approach which is oriented determining, monitoring and supporting individual
differences is suggested. (Table-3).
Nowadays, effects of individual differences on education and effects of education
which develop related to individual differences on personality are accepted by many
researchers from various disciplines. However, it can be said that importance of individual
differences in preschool education approach are emphasized, but it is not agreed on through
which parameter individual differences will determine. On the other hand, temperament which
is a multidisciplinary concept can be an integrative parameter, which can provide to determine
individual differences in behavioural, emotional and also cognitive fields.
Main philosophy of temperament based preschool education approach which is based
on NTTM can be summarized as being a psychoeducational approach; which focuses
education more than instruction in preschool years, emphasizes supporting healthy personality
development according to individual differences and adopts giving freedom principle to in
order that students can expose their own nature. Moreover, according to temperament based
preschool education approach; presenting children an accepting atmosphere, in which they can
expose their uniqueness and also supporting especially individual differences, which are based
on temperament, can lead children to have a healthy harmonic personality since preschool
years. A class, which is ranged richly and balanced according to individual differences, can
constitute a natural education atmosphere, in which students can learn from each other.
An integrative preschool approach includes complement and application of many titles
such as physical atmosphere, methods and techniques which are used, teacher approach,
participation of families and evaluating education consequences. Furthermore, when it is
thought that primary factor are concepts which shape education approach, methods and
applications , this article becomes a semantic introductory to temperament based education
approach. In this way, our ideas about application of education, stay out of this study and this
constitutes limitation of this is study.
Table-1 Traits Of Nine Types Temperament Model Types
Being fair (Being Careful For Not Doing Injustice Or Not
Being Exposed Injustice Too Much), Being Hardworking,
Being Clear and Organized, Fallowing Rules, Being Planned,
Being Patient
n Seeking
Becoming Easily Stressed /Angry, Interfering Mistakes and
Deficits of People Quickly/ Too Much, Not Being Able to
Relax (Being Too Serious) Being Excessively Hypercritical
and Delicate
Caring About Relationships / Attachment, Sincerity /
Warmth, Compassion, Helpfulness and Sacrifice,
Ntt2- Seeking
Communication Skills, Being Strong, Being Friendly, Being
To Feel
Being Affected Easily (Being Sad, Crying), Being Touchy and
Reproachful, Being Insistent and Cohesive, Being Jealous
Motivation for Success/ReachingTargets, Resolution Of
Work, Not Caring About Negative Feeling, Being Practical,
Being Champion in Competition, Motivating People
ble Self Image
Being Excessively Ambitious, Despising Others, Being
Insulting, Ignoring Emotions, Being Cunning
Individualism, Having an Original Identity, Original
Creativeness, Empathy and Sensitiveness, Sincerity and
Ntt4- Seeking
Neutrality , Compassion, A Tiny Artistic/ Aesthetic
Meaning Of
Being Vulnerable, Being Jealous / Envying (“I Want This
Too”), Being Rebellious and Contradictious, Being
Being Introvert, Being A Quite Observer, Curious About
Knowing and Learning, Being Researcher Being An Expert
Ntt5- Seeking
On An Interested Topic (Knowing Everything About A
The Meaning
Topic), Tiny Sense of Humour, Analytical Thinking /
Abstraction / Conceptualisation
Being Too Cold and Distant, Being Distant From Emotions,
Being Tight, Being Sceptical
Caring About Trust and Loyalty, Being A Team Player
(Being Adaptive in Group), Deliberation, Being Rigorous and
Organized, Being Responsible, Recognizing Ambivalences,
ual Serenity
Being Canny
Being Indecisive, Being Anxious/Worried, Inefficacy /
Insecurity, Being Dependent
Being Curious About Discovery, Being Extrovert and
Sociable, Being Mobile and Energetic, Being Cheerful/ Witty,
Joy Of
Being Optimistic, Being Practical
Get Bored Easily / Not Being Able to Tolerate Anxiety,
Having Attention Deficit, Being Too Mobile, Being
Unorganized, Being Fickle
Being A Leader, Acting Quickly, Giving Strong Decisions
(Deciding Easily and Confidently), Being Brave
Being Protective (Prohibitive, Protecting Weak and Needy
Being Durable/Steady, Being Generous, Being
Being Angry/Intolerant, Being Aggressive, Being Oppressive/
Repressive, Being Rude
Being Calm and Adaptive, Avoiding Conflicts, Being
Peaceful, Being An Intermediater, Being Patient,
Being Flexible/Acquiescent
Ntt: Nine Types Temperament
Being Lazy, Being Not Able To Say No, Stubborn, Being Shy
Table-2 Synthetic Personality Traits
T e m p e r a m e n t Synthetic Personality Traits
N t t 1 - P e r f e c t i o n Being Not Afraid of Making Mistakes, Ignoring Details/ Being
Practical, Thinking Flexible, Gross and Fine Motor Skills
Ntt2- Seeking To
Thinking Rational, Being Individual (Being Able To Stay Alone),
Feel Emotions
Being Able To Wait and Fallowing Rules, Knowing Limits and
Behavioural and Emotional Stabilization
Ntt3-Admirable Self Being Honest, Caring About and Giving Value to Emotional
Image Seeking
Sensivity, Empathy, Being Helpful, Going Deep in Information
Ntt4- Seeking
Being Rational/Realistic, Not Being Stuck in Negative Emotions /
Meaning Of
Not Inhibiting Themselves, Being Self Disciplined, Being
Ntt5- Seeking The
Being Social, Being Able to go into Action, Being Sharing, Gross
Meaning Of
and Fine Motor Skills
Self Confidence, Being Individual, Being Able To Decide, Not
Serenity Seeking
Making Panic Through Uncertainty
Ntt7-Seeking Joy Of Being Able To Focus Attention/ Using His Energy in Harmonic and
Productive Way, Fallowing Rules, Taking Responsibility and Trying
to Fulfil Responsibility, Being Tenacious, Being Able To Tolerate
Anger Management, Problem Solving Skill in Rational Ways, Being
Power Seeking
Forgiving, Fallowing Proprieties and Ceremonies, Being Able To
Say Sorry
Ntt9-Sensory Motor
Being Active/ Fulfilling Responsibility Timely, Sedulity, Being Able
Comfort Seeking
to Express Needs and Demands, Being Able To Come
Table-3- Basic Road Map of Temperament Based Preschool Approach
1) Determining temperament types of students
Temperament of 48-72 months children is determined by a scale, which is fulfilled by
teachers, parents, school counsellor, psychologists and psychiatrists.
*Scales, which are fulfilled by teachers and parents, are evaluated by school counsellor or
psychologist and so temperament of child is determined.
2) Creating a balanced classroom size according to range of temperament types in society:
Every class size is organized similarly to general population according to range of
temperament types. (Data, which we get from academic and clinical application based on
NTTM, give us information about range of temperament types )
3) Evaluation
3.1. Situation that students present positive, negative and synthetic personality traits
belonging their temperament type, is evaluated and recorded.
3.2. School counsellor or psychologist meet with families and every family of students
are informed about temperament type of children. At the same time, families are
directed about how they could support healthy character and personality
development of children.
3.3. If there students, who do not present positive potential traits belonging their
temperament type or present risky traits too much;
3.3.1 It is controlled if temperament type of a child is determined correctly or not. If
temperament type of the child is determined wrongly, so temperament type is
determined again and evaluation is made according to last determined
temperament type.
3.3.2. If temperament type of a student is determined correctly; it is requested that
school counsellor or psychologist evaluate psychosocial traits of the student
and search for reason of why the student does not present positive potentials.
3.3.3. School counsellor or psychologist meet with family and gets information
from the family, gives information to the family about temperament type of
the student and lead them to support to healthy character and personality
development of the student.
4) Studies of Supporting Individual Differences
4.1. Basic Approach Features about Supporting Individual Differences
4.1.1 Supportive studies are made in order that students present their positive
potential traits harmonically.
4.1.2. Protective studies are made about risky traits, which are open negativeness.
4.1.3. Studies about gaining synthetic personality traits to students are made.
4.1.4. Gathering of students who contribute each other’s natural and synthetic traits
is supported and group studies are made.
4.2. Basic Application Features about Supporting Individual Differences
4.2.1 Physical Atmosphere:
A General living area, which can meet physical, emotional, and cognitive
needs, are created instead of indispensable areas such as school, classical
classes+toilets. For example: Cooking and eating areas, cleaning areas (such
as toilets, lavabo, cleaning materials etc.), sport center, a cultivable garden, in
which domestic animals wander freely (various paints, free standing easels,
music and activity/dance area, tables and study area for individual and group
studies, library, computer room etc.
4.2.2 Daily Applications Suited To Individual Differences:
It is provided that all children join daily life activities suited to their
individual differences. When tasks, which children can expose their positive
potentials are given to children, sometimes roles, which they do not tend to,
can be also given in order that they can gain traits which they do not have in
their temperament types. For example, while tasks such as setting play,
bonding friends and directing are given to a child with NTT2 temperament
type, which can get easily bored and has strong communication potential,
sometimes roles which he does not tend to (cognitive-oriented), such as
finding rational solutions, could also be given him. In this way, every child
has opportunity to expose their potentials and have a role/develop skills
through experiences in areas which they are weak. It is determined which
children, in which areas, how often participate according to temperament
type. Furthermore, studies about that children gain synthetic personality traits
are combined with protective studies about risky traits in their temperament
type. For example; giving to a child with NTT1 who has potential to be clean
and rigorous, is risky because he could be too rigorous and hypercritical,
tasks such as creating a new colour by mixing finger paints develops his fine
motor skills and also functions as a protection for being extremely rigorous,
which is a risky trait.
4.2.3. Teacher Approach:
Even a teacher is passive for interfering in learning; he is generally active in
the case for preparing learning atmosphere, observing education atmosphere
and evaluating teaching opportunities. He observes every student, watches
opportunity for development, does not interfere, does not help as long as child
wants help and does not compensate a behavioural, emotional and cognitive
task for him. Generally, it is waited from children that they take their own
responsibility and create their own solutions. What is important and
developing here, is that teacher should observe well if child can come over
experience/difficulty of situation by himself or not, help child if he really
cannot come over the difficulty by himself, interfere correctly if the child can
come over the difficulty for that child develops by himself. At this point, it is
determined if child can come over task by himself or not, by considering
temperament type of child.
5) Re-evaluation
5.1. Situation of children’s presenting traits, which are suited their temperament type,
positive and negative synthetic traits are re-evaluated by 3 points likert (yes, no,
sometimes) and re-evaluation is done by every three months in order to fallow
children’s personality development. If school counsellor or psychologist think there
are some children who have psychopathology risk, evaluation of these children can
be made more often. They should be sent to a child psychologist or psychiatrist
outside to school, if it is necessary.
5.2. If there are children, who do not develop or develop slowly for presenting positive
potentials belonging their temperament type, or if there are children who expose
risky traits extremely after all applications, school counsellor or psychologist meet
with family of child and leads to apply for a child psychologist or psychiatrist
outside to school.
*3, 4, and 5. Levels are repeated during education year.
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