The Scientist of the Year: Dr. Cagan Hakki Sekercioglu


The Scientist of the Year: Dr. Cagan Hakki Sekercioglu
Turkish Journal - The Scientist of the Y…
29 Aralık 2010, Çarşamba -
Anasay fa
Am er ika
Türkiy e
Düny a
Ekonom i
Kültür-Sa nat
Sa ğlık
VİDEO: İngiliz telev izy oncular dan, Türkiy e'y e abar tılı v e öny ar gılı y akıştırm alar! | Türk 'hacker 'lar, ABD'deki ''soy kırım '' iddiacı sitey e saldır dı!
The Scientist of the Year: Dr. Cagan Hakki Sekercioglu
From fashion to politic s, from sports to science, Radikal has chosen the people who shaped
2010. A fam iliar nam e to our readers, Assistant Professor Dr. Cagan Hakki Sekercioglu has
been selected "Scientist of the Year". He is president of Kuzey Doga Society and fac ulty
m em ber at Univ ersity of Utah Departm ent of Biology .
Decem ber 29th 2010
I sil Oz (T urkish Journal)
Intelligent, knowledgeable, passionate...
NTV Science Editor Inan Aran had this to say
about the selection of y oung scientist for the
"In 201 0, Cagan Hakki Sekercioglu became
one of the the most-cited 1% of all scientists
of the past decade. In 2008, he won the
Whitley Gold A ward, informally referred to
as the “Env ironmental Nobel”, with his Lake
Kuy ucuk conserv ation, biodiv ersity research
and ecological restoration project. There is
usually a price to be paid for such academic
achiev ement. We ex pected to meet one of the
most boring people in the world. What a
disappointment! First of all, he is intelligent.
It is obv ious from the words he chooses.
Knowledgeable. He is also handsome, y oung
and charming. Where necessary , angry and
passionate. He tells a sad story of
env ironmental massacre. From Stanford to
Kars. From Costa Rica to A frica. Birds, bears,
mountains and rocks... Study , measure,
assess, examine, demonstrate, think, write. A s if all that is not enough, come out and ex plain it to the
public. Besides embarrassment, only one other thought crosses my mind: such a person IS possible! That
is why NTV Bilim (Science) considers Sekercioglu not only the most important scientist of 2010, but also
one of the most important scientists of the past century , and enjoy s the happiness of hav ing had a 1 5minute talk with him."
Kardashian'a Kobe cev abı:
Tanıtım elçisi olduğum için
gurur duy uy or um !
H ır ist iy a n dü n y a sı ‘Noel'i ku t lu y or
Değ işim i ist ey en ler le, değ işim e dir en en ler in
k a v g a sı!
G elec eğ in bilim i ile a n t ik spor u n bu lu şt u ğ u
isim : Bu r a k Öv er
H in dist a n 'lı y et im çocu k la r , Fir st La dy 'y e sek
sek oy n a t t ı
"Un for tu n a t ely Oba m a w ill pa y t h e pr ice a t
t h e polls"
Sa n Dieg o'da "Ha llow een "
3 6 0 der ece dön en sa h n ede sin em a sa l y olcu lu k
New Y or k't a 5 Min a r e'n in biletler i, g öst er im e
g ir m eden sa t ışa ç ık tı!
Ka za k ist a n , ken di ‘Bor a t ’ın ı ç ekiy or ; ‘’Ka r deşim
Bor a t’’
Dr. Sekercioglu, recently described his work in eastern Turkey for Robert College Alumni Magazine, that he
is a class of 93. Y ou can reach and read this article : "The Challenges of Protecting Turkey 's Biodiv ersity "
The Scientist of the Year: Dr.
Cagan Hakki Seker cioglu
See all this cov erage and more information on his campaign at w ww .kuy
İşt e, Dav u t oğ lu 'n u n 2 0 1 1 h edefi: A kil ü lke
Tü r kiy e!
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V İDEO: Ka r t em izley en New Y or k belediy e
y etk ilisi ''jip''i böy le pa r ça la dı
A BD'de y ılın en sev ilen kişisi, ''Er kek ''ler de
Oba m a , ''Ka dın ''la r da Clin t on
Ka r da sh ia n 'a Kobe cev a bı: T a n ıtım elçisi
oldu ğ u m için g u r u r du y u y or u m !
A BD'n in ''Doğ u Y a k a sı''n da k a pa n a n h a v a a la n la r ı
a çıldı
New Y or k v e doğ u y a ka sı y a r ım m et r e k a r a
g öm ü ldü
Cem ev i der n eğ i: Sa ldır ıy ı siy a siler a r a şt ır sın
Y orum:
Ka r y a ğ ışı v e t ipi, T H Y 'y e New Y or k sefer ler in i
ipa t et t ir di
Los A n g eles St a ples Cen t er 'da T ü r kiy e Göst er isi
Sesinizi Duyurun
Yıkılan ik iz kulelerin yak ınındak i mescitin
bugünk ü bulunduğu yere yeni bir cami
New York Belediy e Başkanını
destekliyorum, cami planlandığı şekilde aynı
yere yapılmalı.
İçinde caminin de olduğu yapılması
plananan dini merkez, başka bir yerde inşaa
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