– YDS Reading Vocabulary Test

Transkript – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 23: Greek Writings
Although ideas from ancient Rome already
enjoyed popularity with the scholars of the 14th
century and their importance to the Renaissance
was undeniable, the lessons of Greek learning
brought by Byzantine intellectuals changed the
course of humanism and the Renaissance itself.
While Greek learning affected all the subjects of
the humanistic studies, history and philosophy in
particular were profoundly affected by the texts
and ideas brought from Byzantium. History was
changed by the re-discovery and spread of Greek
historians’ writings, and this knowledge of Greek
historical treatises helped the subject of history
become a guide to virtuous living based on the
study of past events and people. The philosophy
of not only Aristotle but also Plato affected the
Renaissance by causing debates over man’s
place in the universe, the immortality of the soul,
and the ability of man to improve himself through
virtue. The flourishing of philosophical writings in
the 15th century revealed the impact of Greek
philosophy and science on the Renaissance. The
resonance of these changes lasted through the
centuries following the Renaissance not only in
the writing of humanists, but also in the education
and values of Europe and western society even to
the present day.
According to the passage, Greek writings -----.
a) profoundly influenced both the Renaissance
and the contemporary European culture
b) failed to gain as much popularity as the Roman
scripts due to the complexity of learning Greek
c) were considered far superior to the Roman
ideas by the majority of Renaissance scholars
d) were thoroughly analyzed by scholars that
aimed to change the course of history
e) resulted in moral issues in Renaissance
Europe, which had a particularly distinct culture
ancient Rome
antik Roma
enjoy popularity
undeniable importance
inkar edilemez önem
the course of humanism
hümanizmin akışı
profoundly affect
derinden etkilemek
history and philosophy
tarih ve felsefe
humanistic studies
insan bilimleri
rediscovery of Greek
historians’ writings
yunan tarihçilerin yazılarını
yeniden keşfi
spread knowledge
bilgiyi yaymak
historical treatises
tarih tezleri
become a guide
rehber olmak
virtuous living
erdemli yaşam
study of past events
geçmiş olayların
causing debates
münazaraya yol açmak
man’s place in the
insanın evrendeki yeri
immortality of the soul
ruhun ölümsüzlüğü
the ability to improve
kendini geliştirme becerisi
through virtue
erdem vasıtasıyla
flourishing of
philosophical writings
felsefi yazıların gelişmesi
reveal the impact
etkisini ortaya çıkarmak
resonance of changes
değişimlerin yankısı
last through centuries
yüzyıllarca sürmek
writing of humanists
hümanistlerin yazıları
education and values of
Avrupa’nın değerleri ve
western society
batı toplumu
even to the present day
günümüze kadar bile
contemporary culture
modern kültür
gain popularity
popülerlik kazanmak
complexity of learning
Yunanca öğrenmenin
far superior
çok daha üstün
change the course of
tarihin akışını değiştirmek
moral issues
ahlaki problemler
It can be inferred from the passage that -----.
a) Europe was able to prosper mainly thanks to
the contribution of the Greek writings
b) the impact of Greek philosophy on the
Renaissance was more evident in the 15th century
c) Greek scripts were instrumental in the
transformation of the European culture
d) philosophical debates led into violent conflicts
e) scientific developments became more common
only after the spread of Greek knowledge
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 23: Greek Writings
Altı çizili kelimenin yerine kullanılabilecek
olan eş anlamlı kelimeyi seçiniz.
Boşlukları aşağıda verilen kelimelerlenden en
uygun olanlarla doldurunuz.
The lessons of Greek learning brought by
Byzantine intellectuals changed the course
of humanism and the Renaissance itself.
undeniable, profound, virtuous, immortal, particular
a) influence
The ----- relationship between Asian countries
resulted in numerous cultural similarities.
----- beings exist only in fairytales in which time is
not a constraint.
----- behaviours are appreciated in all socities,
regardless of origin.
b) contribution
c) progress
d) hazard
e) significance
History was changed by the re-discovery and
spread of Greek historians’ writings.
10. The ----- truth is that the civil war will irrecoverably
harm the country.
a) escalation
b) accumulation
immortality, resonance, course, treatise, virtue
c) gathering
d) interpretation
e) translation
History and philosophy in particular were
profoundly affected by the texts and ideas
brought from Byzantium.
a) solely
b) sufficiently
11. The most sought after ----- in today’s cultures is
empathy towards others.
12. Over the whole ----- of history, no other invention
has been more significant than electricity.
13. ----- is still no more than a dream since scientists
cannot reverse the aging process by any means.
14. It is crucial for an academic to create a
groundbreaking ----- on a challenging issue if the
goal is to gain international recognition.
c) inadequately
d) ordinarily
Altı çizili kelimenin zıt anlamlısını seçiniz.
e) thoroughly
The flourishing of philosophical writings in
the 15th century revealed the impact of Greek
philosophy and science on the Renaissance.
a) contradict
b) expose
c) diminish
d) surge
15. The knowledge of Greek historical treatises
helped the subject of history become a guide
to virtuous living based on the study of past
events and people.
a) radiant
b) beneficent
c) noble
d) corrupt
e) honorable
e) vary
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 23: Greek Writings
Cevap Anahtarı
1) a
2) c
3) c
4) a
5) e
6) b
7) profound
8) immortal
9) virtuous
10) undeniable
11) virtue
12) course
13) immortality
14) treatise
15) d
Türkçe Çeviri
Antik Roma’dan gelen fikirlerin 14. yüzyıl
akademisyenleri arasında zaten popüler olmasına ve
Rönesans’a yönelik önemi inkar edilemez olmasına
rağmen, Bizanslı entelektüeller tarafından getirilen
Yunanca öğrenme dersleri hümanizmin ve
Rönesans’ın kendisinin akışını değiştirdi. Yunanca
öğrenmek hümanizm bilimlerinin tüm konularını
etkilemişken, özellikle tarih ve felsefe Bizantum’dan
getirilen fikirlerden derin bir şekilde etkilenmiştir. Tarih,
Yunan tarihçilerin yazılarının yeniden keşfi ve
yayılması ile değiştirilmiştir, ve Yunan tarih tezlerinin
bilgisi tarih biliminin geçmiş olayların ve insanların
incelenmesine dayanan erdemli bir yaşam biçimi için
bir rehber olmasına yardımcı olmuştur. Sadece
Aristotle’ın değiş ayrıca Plato’nun felsefesi insanın
evrendeki yeri, ruhun ölümsüzlüğü ve insanın kendini
erdem vasıtasıyla geliştirebilme yeteneği üzerinde
tartışmalara yol açarak Rönesans’I etkilemiştir. 15.
yüzyılda felsefi yazıların gelişmesi Yunan felsefesi ve
biliminin Rönesans üzerindeki etkisini ortaya
çıkarmıştır. Bu değişimlerin yankısı Rönesans
sonrasındaki yüzyıllarda sadece hümanistlerin
yazılarında değil, ayrıca Avrupa ve Batı toplumunun
gelen eğitim ve değerlerinde günümüze kadar süre
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim:

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