– YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 6

Transkript – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 6 – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 6: Renewable Energy
Generating electricity from renewable energy
rather than fossil fuels offers significant public
health benefits. The air and water pollution
emitted by coal and natural gas plants is linked to
breathing problems, neurological damage, heart
attacks, and cancer. Replacing fossil fuels with
renewable energy has been found to reduce
premature mortality and lost workdays, and it
reduces overall healthcare costs. Wind, solar, and
hydroelectric systems generate electricity with no
associated air pollution emissions. While
geothermal and biomass energy systems emit
some air pollutants, total air emissions are
generally much lower than those of coal- and
natural gas-fired power plants. In addition, wind
and solar energy require essentially no water to
operate and thus do not pollute water resources
or strain supply by competing with agriculture,
drinking water systems, or other important water
needs. In contrast, fossil fuels can have a
significant impact on water resources. For
example, both coal mining and natural gas drilling
can pollute sources of drinking water. Natural gas
extraction by hydraulic fracturing (fracking)
requires large amounts of water and all thermal
power plants, including those powered by coal,
gas, and oil, withdraw and consume water for
According to the passage, one of the main
drawbacks of fossil fuels is -----.
generate electricity
elektirk üretmek
renewable energy
yenilenebilir enerji
rather than fossil fuels
fosil yakıtları yerine
significant benefits
büyük fayda
public health
kamu sağlığı
air and water pollution
hava ve su kirliliği
coal and natural gas
kömür ve doğalgaz tesisleri
breathing problems
nefes alma problemleri
heart attack
kalp krizi
replace fossil fuels with
renewable enerji
fosil yakıtları yenilenebilir
enerjiyle değiştirmek
premature mortality
erken ölüm
reduce healthcare costs
sağlık masraflarını
emit pollutants
kirli maddeler salmak
power plant
güç istasyonu
require no water
su gerektirmemek
pollute water resources
su kaynaklarını kirletmek
strain supply
tedariği aşmak
compete with agriculture
tarımla yarışmak
water needs
su ihtiyacı
in contrast
-e karşıt olarak
significant impact
büyük etki
coal mining
kömür madenciliği
delme işlemi
drinking water sources
içme suyu kaynakları
natural gas extraction
doğal gaz çıkarımı
large amount
büyük miktar
withdraw water
su çekmek
consume water for
soğutma için su tüketmek
overall cost
toplam maliyet
worldwide distribution
dünya çapında dağıtım
shortage of supply
tedarik sıkıntısı
adverse impact
olumsuz etki
a) the overall cost of maintaining power plants
b) the difficulty of worldwide distribution
c) the shortage of supply against demand
d) the complexity of extraction
e) the adverse impact on public health
It can be inferred from the passage that ----.
a) we will soon run out of fossil fuels unless the
current consumption rate is reduced
b) natural gas is the most viable energy resource
among fossil fuels
c) reliance on fossil fuels will ultimately lead into
water shortages as demand grows
d) the amount of water used for energy
generation has recently started to decline
e) air and water pollution cannot be prevented
even by making the shift to renewable energy
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 6: Renewable Energy
Altı çizili kelimenin yerine kullanılabilecek
olan eş anlamlı kelimeyi seçiniz.
Boşlukları aşağıda verilen kelimelerlenden en
uygun olanlarla doldurunuz.
Generating electricity from renewable energy
rather than fossil fuels offers significant
public health benefits.
reduce, emit, require, pollute, consume
a) owing to
People with binge eating disorder are likely to ----a large amount of food even when they are not
Stars as big as our sun ----- so much light that, if
harnessed, it could meet our energy need almost
In order to ----- the production cost, we need to
change our supplier.
b) in spite of
c) apart from
d) instead of
e) but for
The air and water pollution emitted by coal
and natural gas plants is linked to breathing
problems, heart attacks, and cancer.
10. The companies that ----- the surrounding area are
to be strictly punished.
a) absorbed
b) maintained
c) penetrated
significant, overall, essential, premature, lower
d) prevented
e) released
11. The ----- needs of babies must be met by their
mothers so that the bond between them could
Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy
has been found to reduce premature mortality
and lost workdays.
12. ----- birth occurs when the baby is delivered
before the due date.
a) fatality
13. The most ----- contribution of the internet has
been to provide instant communication.
b) vitality
c) delivery
14. The ----- foreign debt of the country has
significantly risen since the last financial crisis.
d) treatment
e) assessment
Wind and solar energy require essentially no
water to operate and thus do not pollute water
a) hinder
b) necessitate
c) provoke
d) provide
Altı çizili kelimenin zıt anlamlısını seçiniz.
15. Generating electricity from renewable energy
rather than fossil fuels offers significant
public health benefits.
a) contribution
b) influence
c) failure
d) hazard
e) supplement
e) supply
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 6: Renewable Energy
Cevap Anahtarı
1) e
2) c
3) d
4) e
5) a
6) b
7) consume
8) emit
9) reduce
10) pollute
11) essential
12) premature
13) significant
14) overall
15) d
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim:

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