proffessor şule toktaş - Kadir Has Üniversitesi


proffessor şule toktaş - Kadir Has Üniversitesi
Kadir Has University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
Cibali, Istanbul, 34083, Turkey
Tel: 90-532-7368216; 90-212-5336532/1771
Fax: 90-212-5336515; E-mail:;
Ph.D., Political Science and Public Administration, Bilkent University, Ankara - Turkey,
Doctorate Dissertation: “Citizenship, Immigrants and Minorities: A
Comparison of Turkey's Jewish Minority and Turkish-Jewish Immigrants
in Israel,” advisor Prof. Dr. Ahmet İçduygu.
M. Sc., Gender and Women’s Studies, Middle East Technical University (METU),
Ankara, 1997.
Master’s Thesis: “Gender Awareness: A Study of Women Teachers and
Academics who are Graduates of Girls’ Institutes 1960-1970,” co-advisors
Prof. Dr. Feride Acar and Prof. Dr. Dilek Cindoğlu.
B. A., International Relations, Bilkent University, 1994.
High School, Izmir American Collegiate Institute (ACI), Izmir - Turkey, 1990.
Full Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Kadir Has
University, Istanbul, since 2013.
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Kadir
Has University, Istanbul, 2011-2013.
Visiting Scholar, Center for Research on Gender and Women, Department of Gender and
Women’s Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison – USA, summer 2012.
Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Kadir Has University,
Istanbul, 2008-2011.
Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Işık University, Istanbul,
Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Işık University, 2005-2007.
Post-Doctoral Visiting Fellow, Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies (RSCAS),
Mediterranean Programme, European University Institute (EUI), Florence - Italy, 20042005.
Research Assistant, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Bilkent
University, 2000-2004.
Research Assistant, Department of Public Administration, Hacettepe University, Ankara,
Academic Award, the Academics of the Year Award Programme, Kadir Has University
Rector’s Office, 2009.
TUBITAK Incentive Award, “For internationally recognized studies on migration such as
transit migration, documentation of immigration, international migration and
emigration of minorities,” the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey,
Award for Strategic Vision in Science, Strategic Vision Awards, Turkish Asian Center for
Strategic Studies (TASAM), 2008.
Award for ‘Scientific Leadership’, Ten Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) Awards,
Junior Chamber International (JCI), 2008.
Member, University Bologna Committee, Kadir Has Univeristy, since 2015.
Executive Board Member, the Faculty of Communications at Kadir Has University, since
Chairperson, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Kadir Has
University, since 2014.
Member, Faculty Bologna Committee, Kadir Has Univeristy, since 2014.
Coordinator, SAP System Committee, Kadir Has University, since 2013.
Executive Board Member, Gender and Women's Studies Research Center at Kadir Has
University, since 2012.
Member, Academic Board of the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social
Sciences at Kadir Has University, since 2012.
Student Advisor, for all levels of undergraduate and graduate students, since 2006.
Coordinator, International Relations Doctorate Programme, the Social Sciences Institute
at Kadir Has University, 2010-2011.
Executive Board Member, the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
at Kadir Has University, 2009 - 2014.
Member, Academic Assessment and Quality Improvement Committee, Kadir Has
University, 2009-2010.
Executive Board Member, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Kadir Has University,
Executive Board Member, the Social Sciences Institute at Kadir Has University, 20082011.
Chairperson, Department of International Relations at Kadir Has University, 20082010.
Coordinator, International Relations and Globalization Master Programme, the Social
Sciences Institute at Kadir Has University, 2008-2010.
Executive Board Member, the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Işık
University, 2008.
Undergraduate and Graduate Programme Initiator, opening of new departments and
programmes in international relations, political science and public administration at Işık
and Kadir Has universities, since 2007.
1. Kadınların Mülk ve Miras Edinmesi: Kemalist Aydınlanma ve İslami Sosyolojik
Süreçler (Women’s Property and Inheritance Acquisition: The Kemalist
Enlightenment and the Islamic Sociological Processes), ISBN: 978-605-9022-019, available at, Istanbul:
Libra Publications, 2014, (with Mary Lou O’Neil).
2. Araştırma Merkezlerinin Yükselişi: Türkiye'de Dış Politika ve Ulusal Güvenlik
Kültürü (The Rise of Research Centers: Foreign Policy and National Security in
3, Ankara: Foundation for Political,
Economic and Social Research (SETA), 2010, (with Bülent Aras and Ümit Kurt).
3. Güvenlik, Demokrasi ve İstikrar Sarmalında Suriye ve Afganistan (Syria and
Afghanistan at the Juncture of Security, Democracy and Stability), ISBN: 978605-4023-00-4,,
Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA), 2008, (with
Bülent Aras).
4. Yurtdışından Gelenlerin Nicelik ve Niteliklerinin Tespitinde Sorunlar (Problems
in the Identification of Quantities and Qualities of Immigrants), Ankara: Turkish
Academy of Sciences (TUBA), 2005, ISBN: 975-8593-81-1, (with Ahmet İçduygu).
Articles - Social Science / Arts and Humanities Citation Index Journals
1. “Gender and the Wage Gap in Turkish Academia,” Journal of Balkan and Near
Eastern Studies, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp: 447-464, 2015, (with Meltem Ucal and Mary
Lou O’Neil). (SSCI)
2. “Shelters for Women Survivors of Domestic Violence: A View from Turkey,”
Women's Studies: An Inter-Disciplinary Journal, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp: 611-634,
2015, (with Cagla Diner). (SSCI)
3. “Competing Frameworks of Islamic Law and Secular Civil Law in Turkey: A Case
Study on Women's Property and Inheritance Practices,” Women's Studies
International Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp: 29-38, 2015, (with Mary Lou O'Neil).
4. “Women's Property Rights in Turkey,” Turkish Studies, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp: 29-44,
2014, (with Mary Lou O'Neil). (SSCI)
5. “How Do Women Receive Inheritance? The Processes of Turkish Women’s
Inclusion and Exclusion from Property,” Asian Women, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp: 25-50,
2013, (with Mary Lou O’Neil). (SSCI)
6. “Women’s Shelters in Turkey: A Qualitative Study on Shortcomings of Policy
Making and Implementation,” Violence Against Women, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp: 338355, 2013, (with Çağla Diner). (SSCI)
7. “National Security Culture in Turkey: A Qualitative Study on Think Tanks,” Bilig:
Journal of Social Sciences of the Turkish World, Spring Issue, No. 61, pp: 245264, 2012, (with Bülent Aras). (SSCI)
8. “Smuggling and Trafficking in Τurkey: Αn Analysis of ΕU–Τurkey Cooperation in
Combating Transnational Organized Crime,” Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern
Studies, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp: 135-150, 2012, (with Hande Selimoğlu). (SSCI)
9. “Feminists' Dilemma - With or Without the State? Violence Against Women and
Women's Shelters in Turkey,” Asian Journal of Women's Studies, Vol. 17, No. 3,
pp: 49-75, 2011, (with Çağla Diner). (SSCI)
10. “Alevis and Alevism in the Changing Context of Turkish Politics: The Justice and
Development Party's Alevi Opening,” Turkish Studies, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp: 419-434,
2011, (with Ali Bayram Soner). (SSCI)
11. “The Turkish Military's Autonomy, JDP Rule and the EU Reform Process in the
2000s: An Assessment of the Turkish Version of Democratic Control of Armed
Forces (DECAF),” Turkish Studies, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp: 387-403, 2010, (with Ümit
Kurt). (SSCI)
12. “Waves of Feminism in Turkey: Kemalist, Islamist and Kurdish Women’s
Movements in an Era of Globalization,” Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern
Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp: 41-57, 2010, (with Çağla Diner). (SSCI)
13. “Turkey’s New Dynamics in Domestic and Foreign Policy,” Journal of Balkan and
Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp: 1-3, 2010, (with Bülent Aras). (SSCI)
14. “The EU and Minority Rights in Turkey,” Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 124, No.
4, pp: 697-720, 2009, (with Bülent Aras). (SSCI)
15. “Afghanistan’s Security: Political Process, State-Building and Narcotics,” Middle
East Policy, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp: 39-52, 2008, (with Bülent Aras). (SSCI)
16. “Cultural Identity, Minority Position and Immigration: Turkey’s Jewish Minority
vs. Turkish-Jewish Immigrants in Israel,” Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 44, No. 3,
pp: 511-525, 2008. (SSCI)
17. “The Politics of Population in a Nation Building Process: Emigration of NonMuslims from Turkey,” Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp: 358-389,
2008, (with Ahmet İçduygu and Ali Bayram Soner). (SSCI)
18. “Citizenship and Migration from Turkey to Israel: A Comparative Study on
Turkish Jews in Israel,” East European Quarterly, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp: 117-148,
2007. (SSCI)
19. “Turkey’s Roma: Political Participation and Organization,” Middle Eastern
Studies, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp: 761-777, 2007, (with Suat Kolukırık). (SSCI)
20. “Al-Qaeda, ‘War on Terror’ and Turkey,” Third World Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 5,
pp: 1033-1050, 2007, (with Bülent Aras). (SSCI)
21. “EU Enlargement Conditions and Minority Protection: A Reflection on Turkey’s
Non-Muslim Minorities,” East European Quarterly, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp: 489-518,
2006. (SSCI)
22. “Modernization and Gender: A Study of Girls’ Technical Education in Turkey
since 1927,” Women’s History Review, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp: 737-749, 2006, (with
Dilek Cindoğlu). (AHCI)
23. “Turkey’s Jews and Their Immigration to Israel,” Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 42,
No. 3, pp: 505-519, 2006. (SSCI)
24. “Citizenship and Minorities: A Historical Overview of Turkey’s Jewish Minority,”
Journal of Historical Sociology, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp: 394-429, 2005. (SSCI)
25. “Islam, Modernity, and Democracy in Contemporary Turkey: The Case of Recep
Tayyip Erdogan,” Muslim World, Vol. 93, No. 2, pp: 157-185, 2003, (with Metin
Heper). (AHCI)
26. “How Do Smuggling and Trafficking Operate via Irregular Border-Crossings in
the Middle East? Evidence from Fieldwork in Turkey,” International Migration,
Vol. 40, No. 6, pp: 25-54, 2002, (with Ahmet İçduygu). (SSCI)
27. “Engendered Emotions: Gender Awareness of Turkish Women Mirrored through
Regrets in the Course of Life,” Women’s Studies International Forum, Vol. 25, No.
4, pp: 423-431, 2002. (SSCI)
28. “Empowerment and Resistance Strategies of Working Women in Turkey: The
Case of 1960-1970 Graduates of the Girls’ Institutes,” European Journal of
Women’s Studies, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp: 31-48, 2002, (with Dilek Cindoğlu).(SSCI)
Articles - International Referee Journals
1. “Political Parties, Elections and Democracy: A Close-Up on the Political History of
Turkey,” Studia Politicae Universitatis Silesiensis, Vol. 10, No. 3042, pp: 83-99,
2. “Introduction: 50 Years of Emigration from Turkey to Germany - A Success
Story?,” Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp: 5-9,
3. “Civic Nationalism in Turkey: A Study on Celal Bayar’s Political Profile,”
Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, Vol. 6, No. 3&4, pp: 121141, 2007.
4. “Perceptions of Anti-Semitism among Turkish Jews,” Turkish Studies, Vol. 7, No.
2, pp: 203-223, 2006.
5. “Transit and Receiving Countries: Refugee Protection Policies in Belgium,
Slovenia, Greece, and Turkey,” Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International
Relations, Vol. 5, No. 1&2, pp: 20-50, 2006, (with Aspasia Papadopoulou, Mila
Paspalanova and Natalija Vrecer).
6. “The Conduct of Citizenship in the Case of Turkey’s Jewish Minority: Legal Status,
Identity and Civic Virtue Aspects,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and
the Middle East, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp: 121-133, 2006.
7. “Nationalism, Modernization and the Military in Turkey: Women Officers in the
Turkish Armed Forces,” Oriente Moderno, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp: 247-267, 2004.
8. “Sons, Daughters and Their Mothers: Turkish Women’s Perspectives on the
Gender of Their Children,” Kadın/Woman 2000, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp: 43-60, 2003.
9. “Nationalism, Militarism and Gender Politics: Women in the Military,” Minerva:
Quarterly Report on Women and the Military, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp: 29-44, 2002.
Articles - National Referee Journals
1. “Internationalization of Bioethics: The Search for Common Norms of Bioethics in
the EU and the Council of Europe,” Kocaeli University Journal of the Social
Sciences Institute, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp: 172-194, 2006.
2. “Health and Development in the Process of Globalization,” Dokuz Eylül
University Journal of the Faculty of Business Administration, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp:
192-209, 2001.
3. “Paradigmatic Shifts in the Theory on Patriarchy: Subjectification of Women,”
Culture and Education, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp: 53-64, 1998.
Book Chapters
1. “Türkiye’de Kadın Sığınma Evleri: Yasal Süreçler ve İdari Uygulama (Women’s
Shelters in Turkey: Legal and Administrative Procedures).” In Elif Çelebi, Didem
Havlioğlu and Ebru Kayaalp, eds., Sınır Bilgisi: Siyasal İktidar, Toplumsal Mekan
ve Kadına Yönelik Şiddet (Borders: Political Power, Social Space and the Violence
against Women). Ankara: Ayizi Yayınları, pp: 109-136, 2014, (with Çağla Diner).
2. “Göç Etmeniyle Etnik ve Dini Kimliklerde Yaşanan Etkileşimler: Türkiye’den
İsrail’e Yahudilerin Göçü (The Interaction between Ethnic and Religious
Identities in a Migration Situation: The Jewish Migration from Turkey to Israel).”
In Rasim Özgür Dönmez, Pınar Enneli and Nezahat Altuntaş, eds., Türkiye’de
Kesişen – Çatışan Dinsel ve Etnik Kimlikler (Religious and Ethnic Identites in
Turkey). Istanbul: Say Yayınları, pp: 289-313, 2010.
3. “1950’ler Istanbul’unda Gayrimüslim Azınlıklar ve Nüfus Hareketleri: Türkiye
Yahudi Cemaati (Non-Muslim Minorities and Population Movements in Istanbul
of the 1950s: Turkey’s Jewish Community).” In Eski Istanbullular Yeni
Istanbullular (Old Istanbullites New Istanbullites). Istanbul: Osmanlı Bankası
Arşiv ve Araştırma Merkezi, pp: 97-114, 2009.
4. “Batı Ülkelerine İşçi Gönderme ve Dış Politikaya Yansıması (Labor Migration to
the West and Its Reflections on Foreign Policy).” In Haydar Çakmak, ed., Türk Dış
Politikası: 1919-2008 (Turkish Foreign Policy: 1919-2008). Ankara: Barış Platin
Kitap, pp: 702-706, 2008.
5. “The Family in Turkey: The Battleground of the Modern and the Traditional.” In
Charles B. Hennon and Stephan M. Wilson, eds., Families in a Global Context.
London: Routledge, pp: 235-263, 2008, (with Dilek Cindoğlu, Murat Cemrek and
Gizem Zencirci).
6. “Turkish-EU Relations in the Framework of Protection of Minorities and Minority
Rights: Challenges and Prospects.” In Nimrod Goren and Amikam Nachmani,
eds., The Importance of Being European: Turkey, the EU and the Middle East.
Jerusalem: The European Forum at the Hebrew University, pp: 26-31, 2007.
7. “Türk Vatandaşlığının Gayri-Müslim Yorumları: Vatandaşlık Kurgusu ve
Türkiye’deki Yahudi Azınlık (The Non-Muslim Interpretations of Turkish
Citizenship: The Construction of Citizenship and Turkey’s Jewish Minority).” In
Gönül Pultar and Tahire Erman, eds., Türk(iye) Kültürleri (Cultures in Turkey).
Ankara: Tetragon, pp: 125-143, 2005.
8. “Yeni Sosyal Hareketler Çerçevesinde Türkiye Gey-Lezbiyen Hareketi ve Siyasalın
Dönüşümü (New Social Movements and the Transformation of the Political: The
Gay-Lesbian Movement in Turkey).” In Lezbiyen ve Geylerin Sorunları ve
Toplumsal Barış için Çözüm Arayışları (The Problems of Gays and Lesbians and
the Quest for Social Peace). Ankara: Ayrıntı Yayınları, pp: 39-49, 2004, (with
Gülbanu Altunok).
9. “Uzlaşma ve Çatışma: 1960-1970 Yıllarında Kız Enstitülerinden Mezun
Kadınların Direnme ve Güçlenme Stratejileri (Conflict and Consensus: The
Empowerment and Resistance Strategies of Women Graduated from the Girls’
Institutes between 1960-1970).” In Oya Çitçi, ed., 20. Yüzyılın Sonunda Kadınlar
ve Gelecek (Women and Future at the End of the 20th Century). Ankara: Türkiye
Amme İdaresi Enstitüsü, pp: 399-404, 1998.
Policy Briefs, Encyclopedia Entries and Newspaper Articles
“The Impact of EU Reform Process on Civil-Military Relations in Turkey,”, Policy Brief No. 26, Ankara: SETA
Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research, 2008, (with Ümit Kurt).
2. “Women, Gender and Domesticity in Turkey.” In Suad Joseph, ed., The
Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures (EWIC) Vol. II: Family, Law and
Politics. Leiden, Boston: Brill, pp: 137-139, 2005.
3. “Türkiye’yi İsrail’de Yaşatanlar: Bir Araştırmacının İzlenimleri (Those Breathing
Turkey in Israel: A Researcher’s Note),” Şalom: Haftalık Siyasi ve Kültürel Gazete
(Salom Weekly), 2 July 2003
Review of Heroin, Organized Crime and the Making of Modern Turkey by Ryan
Gingeras (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2014). Book review
appeared at Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books, May 2015, available at
2. Review of Voices Unveiled: Turkish Women Who Dare by Binnur Karaevli, 2010
and The Seamstresses, by Bijana Garvanlieva, 2012. Film review appeared at
Films for the Feminist Classroom, Vol. 5, No. 1, 23 September 2014, available at
3. Review of Women and Civil Society in Turkey: Women’s Movements in a Muslim
Society by Ömer Çaha (Surrey: Ashgate, 2013). Book review appeared at EInternational Relations, 16 February 2014, available at
4. Review of Technology and National Identity in Turkey: Mobile Communications
and the Evolution of a Post-Ottoman Nation, by Burçe Çelik (London, New York:
I.B. Tauris, 2011). Book review appeared at International Journal of Turkish
Studies, Vol. 19, No. 1&2, pp: 220-222, 2013.
5. Review of Ethnicity, Migration and Enterprise by Prodromos Panayiotopoulos
(Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010). Book review appeared at Insight
Turkey, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp: 219-220, 2012.
6. Review of International Migration and Citizenship Today by Niklaus Steiner
(London: Routledge, 2009). Book review appeared at Insight Turkey, Vol. 12, No.
3, pp: 274-275, 2010.
7. Review of Land of Diverse Migrations: Challenges of Emigration and
Immigration in Turkey by Ahmet İçduygu and Kemal Kirişçi, eds., (Istanbul:
Bilgi University Publications, 2009). Book review appeared at New Perspectives
on Turkey, No. 41, pp: 273-276, 2009. (SSCI)
8. Review of Problems of Gays and Lesbians and the Quest for Social Peace
(Ankara: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2004). Book review appeared at Feminist Europa
Review of Books, Vol. 3/4, No. 1, pp: 39-40, 2004.
As of August 2016, 189 WOS citations (h-index 8); 650 Google Scholar citations (h-index
1. “Social Perceptions of Gender Roles and the Status of Women in Turkey,”
research project funded by Kadir Has University SRP, 2016.
2. “Border Politics and Border Crossings: A Case Study on Turkey-Georgia Land
Border at Sarp Gate,” research project funded by Kadir Has University Scientific
Research Project Grant Office (SRP), 2015-2017.
3. “Social Perceptions of Gender Roles and the Status of Women in Turkey,”
research project funded by Kadir Has University SRP, 2015.
4. “Wage Gap at Universities: Gender as a Wage Differential in Turkish Academia,”
research project funded by Kadir Has University SRP, 2012-2014.
5. “Inheritance, Property and Women: The Gender Dimension of Inheritance
Distribution,” no. 111K143 research project funded by the Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Group (SOBAG), 2011-2013.
6. “Research Project Writing in Social Sciences,” teaching and training project by the
consortium of Bahçeşehir University and Koç University funded by TÜBİTAK
Programme for the Support of Scientists (BİDEB), Istanbul, November 3-5 and
November 24-25, 2012.
7. “The Anatomy of Women’s Movement in Turkey since 2000: From Political
Feminism to Project Feminism,” research project funded by Kadir Has University
SRP, 2009-2011.
8. “Women’s Shelters at the Nexus of National Policy, Local Government and Civil
Society: The Turkish Experience,” research project funded by Kadir Has
University SRP, 2008-2010.
9. “The Role and Influence of Think-Tanks in the Making of Turkish National
Security Culture: A Study on the Think- Tanks and International Relations
Specialists in Turkey,” no. 107K100 research project funded by Işık University
SRP and TÜBİTAK SOBAG, 2007-2010.
10. “Dilemmas of Security: Security-Democracy and Security-Stability Dilemmas in
the Cases of Syria and Afghanistan,” no. 106K239 research project funded by Işık
University SRP and TÜBİTAK SOBAG, 2005-2007.
11. “Immigration to Turkey: Problems of Data Collection and Evaluation Systems,”
research project funded by Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) and United
Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 2002-2003.
12. “The Jewish Community in Turkey and Migration to Israel,” research project
funded by Ben Gurion University of the Negev Chaim Herzog Center for Middle
East Studies and the American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT), 2002-2003.
Honorary Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Research on Gender
and Women, 2012.
Jean Monnet Post-Doctoral Fellowship, European University Institute and European
Union, 2004-2005.
Research Assistant Scholarship, Bilkent University, 2000-2004.
Full Tuition Waiver, Scholarship and Accommodation Award, Undergraduate Study,
Bilkent University, 1990-1994.
Key Note Speech
“Democratization, Multicultural Citizenship and Minorities: An Assessment of
Europeanization in Turkey.” The International Academic Conference on Social Sciences IACSS 2013,, Istanbul, July 28, 2013.
Organization of Conferences
‘Forced Migration: Structures, Actors and Processes,’ 2nd Turkish-German Frontiers of
Social Sciences (TUGFOSS) Symposium, Alexender von Humboldt Foundation,
Gelsenkirchen - Germany, November 24-27, 2016 (forthcoming).
‘E/Im/Migration and Culture,’ Işık University and CSA, Şile – Istanbul, September 1517, 2007.
‘National Conference of Women’s Organizations in Turkey for the CEDAW National
Report,’ Uçan Süpürge (Flying Broom), Ankara, April 18-20, 2003.
Conference Scientific/Advisory Committee Memberships
‘International Conference on Disasters, Conflicts, Social Crises and Mass Emergency
Population Movements with Special Reference to the Middle East Refugees,’ European
Sociological Association (ESA), Ankara, September 26-28, 2016.
‘The 14th Public Administration Forum (KAYFOR),’ 100. Yıl University, Van - Turkey,
September 22-24, 2016.
‘International Conference on Knowledge and Politics in Gender and Women’s Studies,’
Middle East Technical University (METU), Gender and Women’s Studies Programme,
Ankara, October 9-11, 2015.
‘The 10th Annual Conference of Mirekoç on Borders, Mobility and Diversity: Old
Questions, New Challenges Conference,’ Migration Research Center at Koç University
(Mirekoç), Istanbul, November 20-21, 2014. ‘The 2nd International Academic Conference on Social Sciences (IACSS)’, the
International Institute for Academic Development, Istanbul, July 26-27, 2014.
‘The 1st Interdisciplinary Child and Woman Symposium,’ Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim
University, Istanbul, June 16-18, 2014.
‘International Academic Conference on Law and Politics (IACLP)’, the International
Institute for Academic Development, Istanbul, April 26-27, 2014.
‘Human Security Conferences,’ organized annually, Coventry University Centre for
Peace and Reconciliation Studies (CPRS) and Kadir Has University, Istanbul, 2011-2013.
‘Woman, Crisis and Critique Conference,’ Sakarya University, Sakarya - Turkey,
November 28-29, 2012.
‘Intellectual Forum at the 4th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed
Countries,’ Istanbul, May 9-13, 2011.
‘The 8th National Bureau Administration and Secretariat Congress,’ Ankara University
Elmadağ Vocational School, Ankara, October 14-16, 2009.
Invited Talks
1. “Irregular Migration in Turkey.” Marmara Region Workshop, General Directorate
of Migration Administration Migration Research Center, Istanbul, December 4-5,
2. “Research Methods and Methodology in Jewish Studies.” Presentation at the
workshop on ‘Jewish Studies in Turkey,’ organized by Bilgi University Jewish
Studies Center, Istanbul, October 24, 2015.
3. “Women’s Shelters in Turkey.” Leadership Training for Turkish Women’s NGOs
Fighting Against Gender-based Violence, Hasna Community Project, Washington
D. C., September 1, 2015.
4. “Shelters for Survivors of Domestic Violence.” Turkish Police Academy, Raoul
Wallenberg Institute, Ankara, May 20, 2015.
5. A Series of Lectures in Political Theory under Erasmus Faculty Exchange
Program, Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest – Romania, May 21-24, 2014.
6. A Series of Lectures in Turkish Politics under Erasmus Faculty Exchange
Program, Bremen University, Bremen – Germany, May 26-30, 2013.
7. “Turkish Foreign Policy: Towards a New Paradigm. ” ‘South Korea-Turkey
Cooperation Dialogue II: Significance of Establishing Strategic Partnership
between Korea and Turkey and Future Direction,’ Center for Strategic Research of
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Ankara, November 30, 2012.
8. “Minority Rights in EU-Turkey Relations.” ‘Turkey – EU Relations at the
Crossroads: Implications for Post Crisis Governance,’ Center for Strategic
Research of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, International Policy and
Leadership Institute (IPLI) and Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, Lisbon –
Portugal, November 23 - 24, 2012.
9. “The Gendered Practice of Inheritance in Turkey.” ‘Gender Matters: Papers
Progress Series,’ Gender and Women’s Studies Research Center at Kadir Has
University, October 22, 2012.
10. “Turkish Foreign Policy.” 'South Korea-Turkey Cooperation Dialogue I,' Republic
of Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Seoul - South Korea, December
12, 2011.
11. “Women's Shelters in Turkey.” The Foundation for Social Research, Istanbul,
November 24, 2011, (with Çağla Diner).
12. A Series of Lectures in Political Science under Erasmus Faculty Exchange
Program, University of Silesia, Katowice – Poland, May 23-29, 2011.
13. “Population Movements of the Minorities in the 1950s Istanbul: Migration of the
Jews.” Ottoman Bank Museum, Istanbul, April 10-12, 2009.
14. “Migration and Population Homogenization in the Formation of the Turkish
Nation-State.” Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Jerusalem – Israel, May 26-27,
15. “International Migration and Non-Muslims in EU-Turkey Relations” and
“Citizenship in Israel and Turkey.” Two paper presentations under Erasmus
Faculty Exchange Program, Department of Social and Political Sciences, Milan
University, Milan - Italy, April 23-24, 2008.
16. “Elections, Political Parties and Democracy: A Reflection on the Political History
of Turkey.” Middle East and Persian Gulf Research Group of the Center for
Strategic Research, Tehran – Iran, December 17, 2007.
17. “Non-Muslim Minorities and Turkey-EU Relations.” Center for Strategic and
Policy Studies of the Hebrew University (DGAP), the German Council on Foreign
Relations and Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV), Berlin Germany, May 13-15, 2006.
18. “Cultural Identity among Minorities and Immigrants.” MESEA - The Society
for Multi-Ethnic Studies: Europe and the Americas, Istanbul, September 29-30,
19. “Methodological Issues in Comparing Ethnic Minorities and Immigrants.”
Department of Social and Political Sciences, European University Institute,
Florence, April 11-12, 2005.
20.“The Politics of Population in a Nation-Building Process: Emigration of NonMuslims from Turkey.” RSCAS, EUI, Florence, October 27, 2004.
Conference Presentations
1. “Research Project Submissions in International Relations.” ‘The 7th International
Relations Studies and Education Congress,’ International Relations Council of
Turkey (UIK) and Yaşar University, Çeşme – Izmir, April 28-May 1, 2016.
2. “Border Control and Irregular Migration at Sarp Border Gate.” ‘The 18th Eurasia
Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference,’ American University of
Sharja and EBES, Sharja - UAE, January 8-10, 2016.
3. “Border Administration and International Migration: A Case Study On The
Georgian-Turkish Border At Sarp Gate.” ‘The 1st Kadir Has University Conference
International Relations,’ Kadir Has University Department of International
Relations, İstanbul, October 22-24, 2015.
4. “Project Feminism vs. Grassroots Feminism: Challenges of Women’s Movement
in Turkey within the Medium of Europeanization and Globalization.”
‘International Conference on Knowledge and Politics in Gender and Women’s
Studies,’ METU Gender and Women’s Studies Programme, Ankara, October 9-11,
5. “Making of Transnational Spaces: A Comparison of Minorities and Immigrants.”
‘The 45th Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association (UAA),’ Miami –
U.S.A., April 8-11, 2015.
6. “Modernization, Nationalism and Gender: Women Officers in the Military.”
‘Women’s Representation in Bureaucratic and Hierarchical Institutions,’ Turkish
Police Academy, Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Ankara, November 19, 2014.
7. “Research Project and Article Writing Techniques in International Relations.”
‘The Past, Present and Furture of International Relations in Turkey: International
Relations Council of Turkey (UIK) 10th Annual Congress,’ Yaşar University, Çeşme
– Izmir, April 17-20, 2014.
8. “Intrafamily Violence in Turkey: A Study on the Social Workers at Women’s
Shelters.” ‘Global Social Sciences Conference 2014: Social Development
Confronting Global Challenges – Action, Policy, Planning and Social Work
Interventions,’ Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong – China, April 10-12,
9. “Gender and Wages in Turkish Academia.” ‘10th EBES Conference,’ EBES,
Istanbul, May 23-25, 2013.
10. “Protected and Provided For: Women, Property Ownership and Inheritance in
Turkey.” International Institute for Social and Economic Sciences, Venice –
İtalya, May 12-15, 2013.
11. “Gender and Violence in the Middle East: Lessons from Turkey.” ‘2013 Conable
Conference in International Studies: Gender, Violence and Justice in the Age of
Globalization,’ Rochester University Institute of Technology, New York – USA,
April 4-6, 2013.
12. “Women, Law and Property in Turkey: Marital and Inheritance Regimes.” ‘The 4th
International Conference on Women's Studies: Gender Equality and the Law,’
Eastern Mediterranean University Center for Women's Studies, Famagusta –
Cyprus, October 3-5, 2012, (with Mary Lou O’Neil).
13. “Women's Shelters in Turkey through the Perspectives of Shelter Administrators
and Workers.” ‘Women, Violence and Security Workshop,’ Istanbul Şehir
University, May 25, 2012, (with Çağla Diner).
14. “Gender and Inheritance.” International Institute of Social and
Economic Sciences, Palermo – Italy, April 15-18, 2012, (with Mary Lou O’Neil).
15. “Gender Inequality in Turkey: A Perspective on the Economic Gap.” ‘The 73rd
International Atlantic Economy Society (IAES) Annual Conference,’ Bahçeşehir
University, Istanbul, March 28-31, 2012, (with Mary Lou O’Neil).
16. “Women, Property and Law in Turkey: Gender Neutral Inheritance Law vs.
Gendered Social Practice of Inheritance Distribution.” ‘Feminism and the Law:
Revisiting the Past, Rethinking the Present and Thinking the Way Forward,’ ILS
Law College, Pune – India, February 10-12, 2012.
17. “Domestic Violence in Turkey and Mechanisms to Protect Women.” ‘Human
Security: New Challenges, New Perspectives,’ Centre for Peace and Reconciliation
Studies (CPRS) at Coventry University, Istanbul, October 27-28, 2011, (with Çağla
18. “Women’s Rights in the Context of Turkey-EU Relations: The Gains and
Paradoxes of the Women’s Movement in Turkey.” ‘Women’s World Congress 2011
– Connect, Converse’, Ottawa – Canada, July 3-7, 2011.
19. “Women's Safety.” ‘International Conference on Women's Safety: Building
Inclusive Cities’, New Delhi - India, November 23-24, 2010, (with Çağla Diner).
20. “An Oral History of the Rise of Feminism in the 1980's in Turkey.” ‘The 44th
Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting,’ San Diego – U.S.A.,
November 18-21, 2010, (with Çağla Diner).
21. “Identity Politics in Turkey: The Justice and Development Party and the Alevi
Rapprochement.” ‘The 3rd World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies,’ European
Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), Barcelona - Spain, July 19 - 24, 2010,
(with Ali Bayram Soner).
22. “Turkey's Non-Muslim Minorities and the EU Reform Process.” ‘The 5th PanEuropean Conference on EU Politics,’ European Consortium for Political
Research (ECPR), Porto - Portugal, June 24-26, 2010.
23. “Citizenship and State Formation in the Middle East: A Comparison of Israeli
and Turkish Models.” ‘The 68th Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)
Annual Conference,’ Chicago – U.S.A., April 19-26, 2010.
24. “The State, Non-governmental Organizations and Feminist Activists: The Case of
the Struggle against Violence against Women in Turkey.” ‘The 11th Mediterranean
Social and Political Research Meeting,’ Mediterranean Programme, RSCAS, EUI,
Montecatini Terme - Italy, March 24-27, 2010, (with Çağla Diner).
25. “Civilian Specialists of National Security and Foreign Policy: A Genealogical
Study on the Think-tanks and Research Centers in Turkey,” and “Women’s
Shelters at the Nexus of National Policy, Local Government, and Civil Society: The
Turkish Case.” ‘The 21st World Congress of Political Science, International
Political Science Association (IPSA),’ Santiago – Chile, July 12 – 16, 2009, (with
Bülent Aras and Çağla Diner).
26. “The Role and Influence of Think-Tanks in the Making of National Security
Culture: A Case Study on the Think-Tanks and International Relations Specialists
in Turkey,” and “Dilemmas of Security: Security-Democracy and SecurityStability Dilemmas in the Cases of Syria and Afghanistan.” ‘The 49th International
Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention,’ San Francisco – U.S.A., March 25
– March 30, 2008, (with Bülent Aras).
27. “Gayri-Müslim Azınlıklar, Dış Göç ve Kültür: Türkiye’den İsrail’e Yahudilerin
Göçü ve Sosyo-Kültürel Açılımları (Non-Muslim Minorities, International
Migration and Culture: Immigration from Turkey to Israel and Socio-Cultural
Implications).” ‘The 4th Cultural Studies Symposium on ‘E/Im/Migration and
Culture,’ Cultural Studies Association and Işık University, Şile - Istanbul,
September 15-17, 2007.
28. “Will to European Union vs. Will to Secularism: The Implications of Turkey’s EU
Reforms on Religious Freedom.” ‘The 48th International Studies Association (ISA)
Annual Convention,’ Chicago – U.S.A., February 27 – March 3, 2007.
29. “Citizenship in Comparative Perspective: The Cases of Turkey and Israel.” ‘The
40th Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting,’ Boston –
U.S.A., November 18-21, 2006.
30. “Universal Citizenship vs. Differentiated Citizenship: Turkey’s Non-Muslim
Minorities and the EU Accession Process.” ‘The 3rd Pan-European Conference on
EU Politics,’ organized by the ECPR, Istanbul, September 21-23, 2006.
31. “Non-Muslim Minorities and Minority Rights in Turkish-EU Relations.” ‘The 20th
World Congress of Political Science,’ IPSA, Fukuoka - Japan, July 9-13, 2006.
32. “İsrail’deki Türk Kökenli Yahudi Göçmenlerin Kimlik İnşası (The Construction of
Identity among Turco-Jewish Immigrants in Israel).” ‘The 3rd Cultural Studies
Symposium on ‘Identity and Culture,’ Cultural Studies Association and Koç
University, Istanbul, June 14-17, 2005.
33. “Questions of Cultural Identity among Minorities and Immigrants: A
Comparative Study on Turkey's Jewish Minority and Turkish-Jewish Immigrants
in Israel.” ‘The 6th Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting,’
Mediterranean Programme, RSCAS, EUI, Montecatini Terme, March 16-20,
34. “Türkiye Vatandaşlık Tarihi ve ‘Türk’ Tahayyülünün Kırılma Noktaları (Breaking
Points in Imagining the ‘Turk’: Deconstructing Turkish Citizenship.” ‘The 8th
National Congress of Social Sciences,’ Turkish Social Sciences Association, Middle
East Technical University, Ankara, December 3-5, 2003, (with Ahmet İçduygu).
35. “Türk Yahudilerinin İsrail’e Göçü: İtim ve Çekim Etkenleri (Jewish Emigration
from Turkey: Push and Pull Factors).” ‘The 1st Turkish Political Science
Association Graduate Conference,’ Bilgi University, Istanbul, October 11-12, 2003.
36. “Türk Vatandaşlığının Gayri-Müslim Yorumları: Yahudi Azınlık ve Vatandaşlık
Kurgusu (Non-Muslim Interpretations of Turkish Citizenship: Jewish Minority
and Construction of Citizenship in Turkey).” ‘The 2nd Cultural Studies Symposium
on ‘Culture(s) in Turkey,’ Cultural Studies Association and Yüzüncü Yıl
University, Van - Turkey, September 3-5, 2003.
37. “Yeni Sosyal Hareketler Çercevesinde Türkiye Gey-Lezbiyen Hareketi ve Siyasalın
Dönüşümü (New Social Movements and the Transformation of the Political).”
‘The National Symposium on Problems of Gays and Lesbians and Search for
Social Peace,’ KAOS Gay-Lesbian Culture Center and Journal, Ankara, May 2324, 2003, (with Gülbanu Altunok).
38. “Citizenship Questioned by Immigration and Minority Issues.” ‘International
Session of Doctoral Studies on Balkan and Intra-Balkan Migrations,’ organized by
the French School of Athens, Volos - Greece, October 6-13, 2002.
39. “Nationalism, Modernization and the Military in Turkey: Women Officers in the
Turkish Armed Forces.” ‘The 3rd Mediterranean Social and Political Research
Meeting,’ Mediterranean Programme, RSCAS, EUI, Montecatini Terme, March
20-24, 2002.
40. “Suicides and Honor Crimes in Southeastern Anatolia.” Council of Europe,
European Youth Center Budapest (EYCB) and International Sociological
Association (ISA), Budapest - Hungary, September 5-8, 2001.
41. “Thinking towards the Gender Dimension of Human Genome: New
Biotechnology and Human Reproduction in the Age of Genetics.” ‘The 5th
International Conference,’ European Sociological Association (ESA), Helsinki Finland, August 28 - September 1, 2001, (with Dilek Cindoğlu).
42. “Uzlaşma ve Çatışma: Kadınların Direnme ve Güçlenme Stratejileri (Conflict and
Consensus: Women’s Empowerment and Resistance Strategies).” ‘Women and
Future at the End of the 20th Century,’ Turkish Institute of Public Administration
(TODAIE), Ankara, November 19-21, 1997.
Participation at Seminars, Workshops, Congresses and Summits
1. Participation at the 1st United Nations Humanitarian Summit, Turkish
Cooperation and Coordination Agency, Istanbul, May 23, 2016.
2. Participation at the 1st Turkish-German Frontiers of Social Sciences (TUGFOSS)
Symposium, Alexender von Humboldt Foundation, Istanbul, November 26-29,
3. Participation at the 6th Symposium on International Terrorism and Transnational
Organized Crime, organized by the Police Academy International Terrorism and
Transnational Organized Crime Research Center (UTSAM), Antalya - Turkey,
December 5-7, 2014.
4. Participation at the 7th InAsea Congress on “Cultures in Crisis”, International
Association for Southeast European Anthropology, Istanbul, September 18-20,
5. Participation at the 1st National Congress of the Research Centers on Women’s
Studies, organized by Dokuz Eylül University Women’s Studies Research Center,
Izmir, April 24-25, 2014.
6. Participation at the 5th Sympusium on International Terrorism and Transnational
Organized Crime, organized by the Police Academy UTSAM, Antalya - Turkey,
December 6-8, 2013.
7. Participation at the 9th Turkish-Italian Forum of Dialogue, organized by the
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome - Italy, November 12-13,
8. Participation at the 8th Turkish-Italian Forum of Dialogue, organized by the
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Istanbul, November 24-25, 2011.
9. Participation at the 7th Turkish-Italian Forum of Dialogue, organized by the
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome, November 8-9, 2010.
10. Participation at the Workshop on ‘Turkish Diplomacy and Regional/Global Order
in the Early 21st Century,’ organized by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Istanbul, May 15-16, 2010.
11. Participation at the CARIM Meeting between experts and policy makers on
‘Irregular Migration into and through Southern and Eastern Mediterranean
Countries,’ European University Institute, RSCAS, Florence, January 25-27,
12. Participation at the Graduate Summer School on ‘Women and Gender Relations
in Europe: The Southern and Eastern Boundaries,’ organized by the Gender
Studies Programme, RSCAS, European University Institute, Florence, June 18-22,
13. Participation at the Graduate Summer Institute on ‘Democracy and Diversity,’
organized by the Transregional Center for Democratic Studies (TCDS), New
School University, Cape Town - South Africa, January 7-21, 2001.
14. Participation at NOISE European/Erasmus Summer School on ‘Women’s Studies
from Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives,’ University of Bielefeld and
University of Dortmund, Dortmund - Germany, August 18 - September 6, 1997.
 Graduate Courses
Theories of International Relations
Gender and Society in the Middle East
Advanced Readings in Globalization
 Undergraduate Courses
Introduction to Political Science
Political Ideologies
Turkey and European Union Relations
Political Theory I: Ancient to Classical Political Theory
Political Theory II: Modern Political Theory
History of Political Thought
Turkish Politics
Current Issues in Global Politics
Research Methods
Research Methods in International Relations
Comparative Politics
International Migration
Graduate Student Supervision
İbrahim Okur, Turkey-EU Relations after Customs Union and the Importance of
Germany: An Political Economic Analysis (1996-2005), Master’s thesis, Kadir Has
University, Institute of Social Sciences, International Relations and Globalization Master
Programme, Istanbul, 2013.
Hande Selimoğlu, Transnational Organized Crime: How EU and Turkey Combat with
It?, Master’s thesis, Kadir Has University, Institute of Social Sciences, International
Relations and Globalization Master Programme, Istanbul, 2010.
Vedat Akman, The Impact of Immigrant Remittances on Turkey’s Development: An
Analysis on Some Economic Variables, Ph.D. dissertation, Kadir Has University,
Institute of Social Sciences, Finance and Banking Doctorate Programme, Istanbul, 2010.
Thesis Defense Committee Memberships
Master’s Thesis Defense Committee Member, Ahmet Faruk Demircioğlu, Sabancı
University, Conflict Resolution Master Programme, 2016.
Doctorate Dissertation Defense Committee Member, Nihat Çelik, Kadir Has University,
International Relations Ph.D. Programme, 2015.
Doctorate Dissertation Defense Committee Member, Neslihan Sabuncu, Kadir Has
University, American Culture and Literature Ph.D. Programme, 2014.
Master’s Thesis Defense Committee Member, Şule Karataş, Kadir Has University,
Communication Studies Master Programme, 2014.
Master’s Thesis Defense Committee Member, Uğur Kaplan, Kadir Has University,
Management Master Programme, 2012.
Master’s Thesis Defense Committee Member, Birtan İdris Altay, Kadir Has University,
International Relations and Globalization Master Programme, 2012.
Master’s Thesis Defense Committee Member, Semiha Arı, Kadir Has University,
International Relations and Globalization Master Programme, 2011.
Master’s Thesis Defense Committee Member, Filiz Öner, Istanbul University,
International Relations Master Programme, 2010.
Master’s Thesis Defense Committee Member, Cemil Bekiroğlu, Kadir Has University,
Finance and Banking Master Programme, 2010.
Master’s Thesis Defense Committee Member, Muhammet Ali Başaran, Kadir Has
University, International Relations and Globalization Master Programme, 2009.
Master’s Thesis Defense Committee Member, Hüseyin Alptekin, Koç University,
International Relations Master Programme, 2006.
Project Funding Institutions Advisory Board Memberships
TÜBİTAK SOBAG Advisory Board, since 2015.
TÜBİTAK SOBAG “Special Project Call on Combatting Domestic Violence” Advisory
Board, since 2016.
TÜBİTAK SOBAG “Special Project Call on Settlement Transformation” Advisory Board,
since 2016.
Editor for Book Reviews, Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, SAM Center for
Strategic Research, 2011-2014.
Guest Editor, Special Issue on 50 Years of Migration from Turkey to Germany: Current
Perspectives and Historical Backgrounds, Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs,
Vol. 17, No. 2, 2012.
Guest Editor, Special Issue on Turkey’s New Dynamics in Domestic and Foreign Policy,
Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2010.
Editorial Board Memberships
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, since 2007.
Editorial Board Member, International Review of Social Science Studies, since 2015.
Editorial Board Member, Academic Social Sciences Journal (Akademik Bilim Sosyal
Bilimler Dergisi – ABSOD), since 2016.
Academic Journal Scientific Advisory Board Memberships
Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, 2006-2013.
Journal of Strategic Foresight (Stratejik Öngörü), 2009-2012.
Public Law Journal (Anayasa ve İdare Hukuku Dergisi), since 2014.
Studies on Economy and Law (Ekonomik ve Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi), since 2014.
Turkish Journal of Security Studies, since 2014.
Academic Journal Referee Board Memberships
Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies, since 2012.
Academic Approach (Akademik Yaklaşımlar), since 2016.
Research Center Scientific Advisory Board Memberships
Migration Research Center at Koç University (Mirekoç), since 2005.
Journal Article Referee Services
Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of International Social Research, Journal of
Balkan and Near Eastern Studies (JBNES), Journal of Comparative Politics, American
Anthropologist, Political and Legal Anthropology Review (POLAR), Kadın/Woman
2000, Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, Citizenship Studies, International
Journal of Conflict Management, Women’s Studies International Forum, International
Journal of Turkish Studies, Journal of Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of Muslim Life,
Koç University Press, Identities, Journal of South East European and Black Sea Studies,
Asian Journal of Women's Studies, Social Politics, Turkish Studies, Online Journal of
Social Sciences Research, International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice (IJLCJ),
International History Review, Asian Journal of Public Affairs, Journal of Women,
Politics & Policy, Social Science & Medicine, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Geopolitics,
International Journal of Human Rights, Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies
(Digest), British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, International Review of Social
Science Studies, Journal of Gender Studies, European Journal of Women’s Studies,
Issues in Legal Scholarship, Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies
Project Expert, Referee and Audit Services
Expert for Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), ERASMUS+
Programme for Prospective Initiatives, Policy Networks, Programme and Linguistic
Support, Key Action 3 – Support for Policy Reform, Expert Panel, Brussels – Belgium,
June 6 – 15, 2016.
Referee for the research proposals submitted at Istanbul University SRP, 2016.
Expert for the research proposals submitted at Erciyes University SRP, 2016.
Expert for the research proposal submitted to Research Councils UK (RCUK), 2016.
Expert for the research proposals at Vehbi Koç Ankara Research Center (VEKAM), 2015.
Independent Expert for the research proposals submitted for Istanbul Development
Agency (İSTKA), 2015.
Expert and External Referee for various applications (doctoral and post-doctoral
fellowships, visiting scholarships, and national and international conference
organizations) at TÜBİTAK BİDEB, since 2010.
Expert, External Referee, Auditor and Rapporteur for research projects at TÜBİTAK
SOBAG, since 2008.
Referee for the research proposals on migration submitted for Mirekoç funding, 2005 2010.
Award Committee Memberships
Short Movie Awards, ‘The 4th Crossroads Short Movie International Short Film Festival:
Intercultural Dialogue and Immigration,’ Junior Chamber International (JCI)
Worldwide Federation of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs, Istanbul Branch, 2009.
Academic Promotion and Appointment Committee Membership
Examining Committee Member, Applications for associate professorship at Turkish
Higher Education Council, since 2013.
Examining Committee Member, Applications for various academic ranks at Turkish
Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)
International Studies Association (ISA)
International Political Science Association (IPSA)
Turkish Political Science Association (SİTD)
Turkish Social Science Association (TSBD)
University Academics’ Association (UNIVDER)
International Relations Council of Turkey (UIK)
Urban Affairs Association (UAA)
Turkish and English

Benzer belgeler

dilek cindoglu

dilek cindoglu Travel Award, American Sociological Association, 1992 ME Awards-Population Council - Project Development Award for " Gender and Medicine: A Close-Up Look to the Power Relations in Turkish Medicine"...
