Açılış Konuşması - Globalturk Capital


Açılış Konuşması - Globalturk Capital
Tony Hayward, Barış Öney, Mehmet Sepil
Finans ve Yatırım Dünyasının Saygıdeğer Konukları, Genel Enerji’nin saygıdeğer CEO’su Tony Hayward,
saygıdeğer Başkanı Mehmet Sepil ve değerli yöneticileri...
Hepiniz Hoşgeldiniz, bizleri bu eşsiz Istanbul mekanında onurlandırdınız. Bugün Türkiye’de ilklere imza
atmış Genel Enerji’nin tanıtımını yapmak üzere huzurlarınızda bulunuyoruz. Tanıtımımız İngilizce
olacağından ve yabancı konuklarımız da olduğundan dolayı bundan sonraki bölümü İngilizce olarak
devam ediyor olacağız. Ancak hem ekrana yansıyacak olan Türkçe sunumdan, hem de değerli simultane
tercümanlarımız kanalıyla kulaklıklarınızdan yapılacak olan tanıtımı Türkçe olarak takip edebilirsiniz.
Once Again, I’d like to welcome all of our distinguished guests for joining us in this very exciting
moment for Genel Energy. By looking at such a high level crowd who came to meet the Company
Management tonite, it is not hard to guess that the same excitement level is also present in the room.
We hope that Genel Energy presentation will be informative not only from just the Company point of
view, but also from the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production industry point of view. Turkish
investment community from now on, will have the chance to follow this very industry’s dynamics in a
global perspective from the eyes of Genel Energy.
As I said in Turkish, we shall be presenting a unique Company who has achieved many firsts in various
respects. I’ll highlight one of the firsts by stating that Genel Energy is the only Turkish joint venture
who is trading on the London Stock Exchange and further it is trading on a foreign exchange without
being listed in the Istanbul Stock Exchange.
As Globalturk Capital, our philosophy is to promote, assist, invest and manage investments coming into
and going out of Turkey, where we bring Turkish and foreign investors alternative and unique
investment opportunities in Turkey and abroad. And we are very honored to represent Genel Energy in
Turkey for investor relations for that matter. We’ll continue our investor activities going forward and
will let you know as we do.
Being a petroleum engineer as a background and having swithched careers 18 years ago into
investment banking, my two careers coincided in Genel Energy some 9 years ago. In those early days of
Genel, I had the chance and honor to work with Mehmet Sepil and our collaboration continued on and
off till todate. And today I am very happy to see the incredible growth of the Company to its new
beginning with Tony Hayward.
Please allow me now to introduce Mr. Tony Hayward the renown CEO of Genel Energy and Mr.
Mehmet Sepil, renown President of Genel Energy and I shall let the stage to them.
Thank you...