

T.e. MiLL! EGiTiM BAKANLIGI Avrupa Birligi ve D.~ ili~kiler Genel Miidiirliigii Say. : 43145072/310.04/2849404
Konu: Nasser Bin Hamad Uluslararasl
Genylik YaratIclhgl Odiilleri
: Dl~i~leri Bakanhgl Yurtdl~l TamtIm ve KiiltUrel ili~kiler Genel MiidUrliigiiniin
26/06/2014 tarihli ve 46373548-863.00-2014/666458 saYlh yazlSl.
Bakanhgmdan alman ilgide kaYlth yazlda; Bahreyn Kralhgl Genylik ve
Spor Kurumu Genel Sekreterligi (General Organization for Youth and Sports) tarafmdan
diizenlenecek bir yan~mada, bilim, mimarhk, grafik, dizayn, fotograf, sanat ve film yaplml
dallannda ayn ayn "Nasser Bin Hamad Uluslararasl Genylik Yaratlclhgl Odiilleri" verilecegi
belirtilerek, tiim iilkelerden 14-30 y~lan arasmdaki genylerin katlhmma aylk olanyan~maYl
kazananlarm her dalda 11.000 ABD Dolanna varan para odiilleriyIe taltif edilecekleri, odiil
tOrenine katlhm masraflannm kar~tlanacagl ve odiillerin bizzat ~eyh Nasser Bin Hamad Al
Khalifa (Bahreyn Kralmm oglu) tarafmdan verilecegi bildirilmektedir.
Yazlda devamla; antlan yan~maya katllmak isteyen genylerin ..www.nbhawards.bh..
web sayfasl iizerinden veya +97336609090 numarah telefonu arayarak daha aynntIh bilgi
almalannm ve kaYlt yaptlrmalarmm miimkiin oldugu vurgulanarak soz konusu yarl~manm
iilkemiz genylerine en geni~ ~ekilde duyurulmasl talep edilmektedir.
Geregini rica ederim.
Hatice Kiibra AK<;AM Bakan a. Genel MiidUr V. EK- Yazl ve bro~Ur (3 sayfa)
B Planl
Bu beige, 5070 saYlh Elektronik Imza Kanununun 5 inci maddesi geregince gUvenli elektronik imza ile imzalanml~tlr
M.E.B. Be~evlerKampUsil C Blok Be~evler 1 ANKARA
Elektronik Ag: www.abdigm.meb.gov.tr
e-posta: oeroglu@meb.gov.tr
AyrmtJh bilgi i.,:in: O. EROGLU
Tel :(0312)2123870/1101
Faks: (0 312) 2129304
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~w;ff~ Cir,p~l!;tt ~t;i' '(~',i'!Jirt ~ -~7.A1>
P.(J{)YS 2014!170
Mrs. Hatun Demirer
Ambassador of Republic of Turkey
~\!~~~r ~In t:liID'li!d Il'\tel'nahl9oal VOUlDj:rea!lyijy,Award (,Ql~j
Dear Mrs, Hatun,
It is my pleasure to extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation for your efforts towards
our Kingdom,
I am pleased to inform you th(\t
the General Organization for Youth and
S~ in the
Kingdom of Bahtaln has recently launched the Na$ser Sin Hamad International Youth Creativity
Award, an initiative by His HiglmeGS Sheikh NaaMr Bin Hamad AI Khalifa, President of SUprElme
CounCIl for Youth and Sports and President of Bahrain Olympic Committee. covering six areas:
SCience, architecture, graPhiC destgn, photography. aftS, and film making,
The objective oi the award lEI to attract and develop youth talent and promote jnnovation,
by redUGif'lg the obstacte$ faced by many of the world's youth and providing them with a better
opportunify to express themselYe$ and their lalents and appreciating their creativity,
The award provides the opportunity for youth between the ages of 14·30 years old from
all over the world, regardless of flRMit,es. t& participate with awardfl reaching up to $11,000
in each area, PfO~ submission slid more details about the award around through our official
web$ite W\IIIW;obhawerd.oh or by ctdling +97336609000,
We believe that you play an important supportive role In proViding the opportunity for the
targeted audience, and would like to know the possibility of
, , Providing point of contacts with relevant entities and Institutes such as universities,
institutions. NGOs, and etc, to eooroinate and encourage participation In the award,
2, OlsMminating an invitation to participate in the award to those interested from your
embassy Of comMunity living in Bahrain
Allow us to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation.
Hisham Bin Mohammed A' Jowder
President of Gen~ri!l OrgMlzation for Youth 8< Sports
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