SSgt. Ergin V. Osman Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser


SSgt. Ergin V. Osman Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser
Butzel Long :: Events :: SSgt. Ergin V. Osman Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser
SSgt. Ergin V. Osman Memorial Scholarship
Event Registration
Fern Hill Country Club
17600 Clinton River Rd.
Clinton Twp., MI 42038
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Where: F e r n H i l l C o u n t r y C l u b 1 7 6 0 0 C l i n t o n R i v e r R d C l i n t o n
Township, MI 48038
When: T h u r s d a y , F e b . 1 4 , 2 0 1 3
T i m e : Luncheon & special guest speakers 11:30a-2 : 3 0 p m
To include a special address from Sara Osman (Ergin’s m o m )
Why: Help support fallen soldier SSgt. Ergin V. Osman
Scholarship Fund through the University of Michigan to
distribute scholarships annually to students from
Michigan of disabled veterans and fallen soldiers.
50/50 drawings every half hour
A silent auction of sports memorabilia
Guest speakers (local politicians and military)
Sara Osman (SSgt. Ergin Osman's mother)
Tickets $50.00 (Students $25)
Tables of 10 available
Be a corporate sponsor! Three options gold, silver and bronze.
Gold donation of $2500 or more includes 12 tickets
Silver donation of $1500 or more includes 8 tickets
Bronze donation of $500 or more includes 2 tickets
To register, please click the event registration button in
the upper left corner of the screen or click here.