useful words and phrases module 1


useful words and phrases module 1
act (v.) to perform.
Who is acting Oidipus? (Oidipus’u kim oynuyor?)
age (n.) the length of period, time.
I don’t know your age. (Ya ını bilmiyorum.)
evening (n.) the last part of the day.
I play computer games in the evening. (Ak amları bilgisayar oyunları oynarım.)
fill (v.) to make something full.
Please fill the glass with orange juice! (Barda ı su ile portakal suyu ile doldurabilir
misin, lütfen?)
greet (v.) to speak to somebody in a friendly way, to welcome.
When we arrive home, my mother greets us with happiness.(Eve her geli imizde
annem bizi mutluluk içinde kar ılar.)
identity card (n.) an official document to offer as proof of who you are.
Don’t forget to take your identity card with you when you go on a vacation!
(Tatile giderken kimlik kartını yanına almayı unutma!)
meet (v.) to come face to face.
I usually meet my neighbour at the butcher. (Kom umla genellikle kasapta
kar ıla ıyoruz.)
nice (adj.) pleasant.
The biscuits look very nice. (Bisküviler çok ho görünüyor.)
See you! (phr.) saying goodbye.
See you on Thursday! ( Per embe görü mek üzere!)
spell (v.) to form words with the letters in the correct order.
Can you spell your surname, please? (Soyadınızın harflerini tek tek söyleyebilir
misiniz, lütfen?)
stranger (n.) somebody that one doesn’t know.
Don’t talk to strangers! (Yabancılarla konu ma!)
capital (n.) the main political city of a country.
Moscow is the capital of Russia. (Moskova Rusya’nın ba kentidir.)
contestant (n.) sb. who participates in a competition.
She is the oldest contestant in swimming competition. (O yüzmede en ya lı
yarı macıydı.)
interesting (adj.) inviting, attractive.
My son is an interesting person. (O lum ilginç bir insandır.)
nationality (n.) the fact of belonging to a nation.
What’s your nationality? (Uyru unuz nedir?)
pen pal (n.) Exchange letters with sb. as a hobby.
I have a pen pal from Spain. ( spanya’dan bir mektup arkada ım var.)
same (adj.) identical.
I’m at the same age as my cousin. (Kuzenimle aynı ya tayım.)
gift (n.) present. (Ex; ’’birthday gift’’)
I have to buy a birhday gift for my girlfriend. (Kız arkada ım için do um günü
hediyesi almam gerekiyor.)
kind (adj) polite, friendly.
Our teacher is always kind to all her students. (Ö retmenimiz her zaman
ö rencilerine kar ı kibardır.)
season (n.) four parts of a year. ’’spring, summer, autumn, winter’’
Spring is my favourite season. ( lkbahar benim en sevdi im mevsimdir.)
twins (n.) one of two children born of the same mother at the same time.
My twin sister is a nurse. (Benim ikiz karde im hem ire.)
band (n.) a group of musicians who play music.
My favourite band is Athena. (En sevdi im grup Athena’dır.)
department (n.) a separate part.
There are five teachers in the English department. ( ngilizce bölümünde be
ö retmen var.)