Kids Sept 2014 FINAL - Free House Dance Plus


Kids Sept 2014 FINAL - Free House Dance Plus
helping you stay!
“On Your Toes”
The Newsletter for Parents of Students of Free House Dance Plus
FALL 2014
!WELCOME to the 28th season of Free House Dance Plus! To those of you who have been with us before we
appreciate your ongoing support. Those of you who are new here, we’re thrilled you chose to dance with us.
We hope you had a fabulous summer and are ready to get back to a more scheduled life including an exciting
year of dance!
Whenever possible, please use the parking lots behind either the studio or the buildings
immediately beside the studio when attending class. Note time restrictions on signage. You can also park all
around the park. The 15 minute zone in front of the studio is for QUICK drop-off/pick ups. DO NOT park in
front or beside residential homes. Thank you for helping us be a good neighbour!
NB: You can enter via the back door by using the security buzzer as long as someone is in the office. Smile for
the camera! You can also leave by the back door anytime. If your shoes are at the front please carry them
through to the back.
DROP-OFF AND PICKUP We do not provide supervised care outside of class time. If you are early
please supervise your children in one of the waiting areas.
!STREET SHOES AND BOOTS Thanks for taking off your shoes when you enter the building. PLEASE -
put them on the shelves provided so they don't get tripped on as people move through the entrance. Try to be
mindful of which coat and shoes or boots you grab - people have been known to take the wrong ones! Please
pay attention to what you take when you leave.
WASHROOMS We have 4: one on each of the 2nd and main floors, two on the lower level: one to the left of
stairs & one in the ladies change room.
!DRINKING WATER Students are permitted to bring a water bottle into class. Don't forget to put your name
on it! There is also plenty of Calgary’s fine, environmentally friendly drinking water flowing from our taps in the
washrooms (paper cups supplied).
!IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Please acquaint yourself with the exits - front door, rear door & alarmed
emergency exit at bottom of stairs at front of building.
!LOST & FOUND Items are put in the green rubbermaid bin, located downstairs outside the ladies’ change
room. REMEMBER to put your name in your dance shoes.
NEW A big “welcome” to new teachers: Danielle Wensley (Jazz), Alan Sabir (Hiphop) & Meredith Johnson
(Boys Only, Hiphop).
FACULTY TIDBITS Baby DJ (Desmond James) was born to Jaime & hubby Edward on June 12.
Warning! Dress regulations are enforced in all classes.
Dress requirements provide a measure of uniformity and professionalism, and aid to avoid distraction. All
students are told at registration of dress and hair requirements. If you are still unclear about the specifics
check our website or ask your teacher. Students who ignore warnings may be sent out of class to the office.
During the first month, students are assessed to ensure that each individual is working at the level best suited
for them. Some may be asked to try a different classes if we feel there is a more appropriate level for them.
Likewise, if a student would like to be considered for a different level, please approach your teacher.
Ballet &/or Modern are a huge advantage to students, regardless of age,
whether they have future career objectives in dance or are in it purely for
personal interest. The rate of advancement in technique and strength
increases tremendously with each extra class. All students above an intro.
level of any style of dance should seriously consider it - we have a teen
ballet class for the older ones. Ask for a complimentary trial class!
TRY A NEW CLASS/BRING A FRIEND: September 22-27 Students are invited to try out other styles
or bring a friend to class. If the class is full you can still watch. A great opportunity to share!
HOLIDAYS: There are no kids classes: Thanksgiving
October 11-13
October 31
PARENT VIEWING: The blinds will be open for viewing the following weeks: Oct 20-25, Dec 13-19 &
February 23-28. Viewing is for parents' information only and is not intended to be a show. Due to federal and
provincial privacy laws, cameras will only be permitted during the December viewing.
Main production: Friday, June 5 & Saturday, June 6
Youth Show: Sunday June 7
PD/Adult Show: TBA
This is the nonprofit aspect of FHDP that helps fund special educational, performance & travel opportunities for
our students and includes:
For students passionate about performance! This program is designed for serious dancers who are
looking for more choreographic exposure and special performance opportunities in addition to their
regular classes at Free House Dance Plus. Performance Division rehearses on Friday evening and the
occasional Sunday. Placement is by audition. There are 2 semesters:
1) CHRISTMAS SHOW: September to
December. For dancers ages 8+ who are currently
registered in a minimum of 1 class at FHDP (Ballet,
Jazz,Tap or Modern preferred). Auditions will be
held on Friday September 12 from 6:00-7:30 pm.
SHOW: January to June. For Intermediate &
Advanced students age 13+ who are registered in a
minimum of three classes at FHDP including Ballet.
Auditions are held in early January, date TBA.
Cost is $350 per semester. Parental involvement is required. For more info contact the office.
This past July, 22 students and parents headed for the Big Apple for a true New York experience. We
attended classes at Ailey Studios, Broadway Dance Centre and Peridance Studios and saw 4
awesome Broadway shows plus a performance by tap giant Savion Glover. As with any trip to the Big
Apple, time was set aside for shopping & sight-seeing too. It was an amazing opportunity for all dancers & non-dancers alike. If you are interested in a travel adventure next summer let us know!
• SCHOLARSHIPS are available for students in full year programs who need financial assistance to
add more classes to their program. Pick up a form at the office. Deadline for submission: September 30.