studıo v


studıo v
(Asst. Prof. Dr.)
Timuçin HARPUTLUGIL (Asst. Prof.
Mustafa ÖNGE (Asst. Prof. Dr.)
Main Theme: Barınma /Housing
Themes by Groups
ARCH 201 – Designing ‘house’ unit for the listed fictitious characters. (The
site is going to be in Ankara and the exact location will be chosen by the
Raskolnikov – Suç ve Ceza, Dostoyevski
Howard Roark- Pınar, Ayn Rand
Gregor Samsa- Dönüşüm, Franz Kafka
Behzat Ç. – Her Temas İ z Bırakır, Emrah Serbes
Meursalt – Yabancı, Albert Camus
Tyler Durden – Dövüş Kulubü, Chuck Palahniuk
Lisbeth Salander – Ejderha Dövmeli Kız, Stieg Larsson
Garcin – Kapalı Oturum, J.P. Sartre
Sherlock Holmes- Baskervillerin Köpeği-Arthur Conan Doyle
ARCH 202 – Scenarios for “the day after”. Designing post disaster (nuclear or
flood or earthquake) houses for the survivors (The sites will be chosen any
places in Black sea or Mediterranean regions)
ARCH 301 - Designing ‘accommodation facilities for students or academics’
(lojman veya yurt)’ for Çankaya University. ( The site is in ANKARA empty
lot on the west of Çankaya University’s Balgat settlement)
ARCH 302 - Designing permanent/temporary ‘Housing Units” for the
refugees. ( The site will be chosen any place in Mediterranean region )
Reading List:
Suç ve Ceza, Dostoyevski
Pınar, Ayn Rand
Dönüşüm, Franz Kafka
Her Temas İz Bırakır, Emrah Serbes
Yabancı, Albert Camus
Dövüş Kulubü, Chuck Palahniuk
Ejderha Dövmeli Kız, Stieg Larsson
Kapalı Oturum, J.P. Sartre
Baskervillerin Köpeği, A.C. Doyle
Further reading list will be announced
during classes.
Other Resources
Will be announced during classes.
Schedule and Evaluation
1st week
2nd week
3rd week
4th week
5th week
6th week
7th week
8th week
9th week
10th week
11th week
12th week
13th week
14th week
Final Jury
08/02 -11/02
15/02 -18/02
22/02 -25/02
29/02 -03/03
07/03 -10/02
14/03 -17/03
21/03 -24/02
28/03 -31/02
04/04 -07/04
11/04 -14/04
18/04 -21/04
25/04 -28/04
02/05 -05/05
09/05 -12/05
Date will be announced
Design Research (10%)
Preliminary Jury I (20%)
Critics + Semih Kelleci
Critics + Zafer Kınacı
Critics +Gökhan Ünlü
Preliminary Jury II (30%)
Panel Critics
Panel Critics
Panel Critics
Making Ready Presentation Poster
All students are obliged to fully attend the studio hours.
All students should bring drawings, visual media and physical models
concerning his/her project.
At the initial stages, every student will be given table critics by the instructors
of the studio, on a rotation basis. The process will comprise two pre juries and
followed by panel critics. The projects will also be evaluated by the
professionals, who would attend the process as the guests.
Following the program and the deadlines is a major requirement for this
Studio V supports the usage of computer software for design development.
The students are encouraged to use such devices not only for producing
drawings but also as the instruments that support design process.
The students have to collect all their studio works in a file and submit them at
the end of the term.
Late submissions by the students with medical certificates will be evaluated
in a closed jury.
It should not be forgotten that; “Imitation is always insult--not flattery.” F. L.
Considering jointly education and learning process of the lecture, proper
academic behaviors should be achieved as listed below:
- be respectful to others’ benefiting from education opportunities at its
maximum level
- not use/show anyone’s work as yourself
- not use/show anyone’s work without referencing
- be responsible to group members while working together
- participate studies on time and in full
- appreciate others contribution and success
- the most important one is to be honest and openhearted
Opposite behavior may cause failure and disciplinary executions.
(*) adopted from Prof.Dr. Selahattin Önür ‘s work on academic ethics.