
Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Engineering
Çırağan Cd. Osmanpaşa Mektebi Sk. No:4
34353 Beşiktaş/İstanbul/TURKEY
Phone: +90 (212) 3810887
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Academic Positions
Bahçeşehir University, İstanbul, Turkey
Department of Industrial Engineering
Associate Professor, September 2013 to Present
Associate Director of the School of ISE, February 2015 to Present
Coordinator for the PhD Program, February 2015 to Present
Vice Chair, April 2013 to February 2015
Assistant Professor, September 2009 to August 2013
Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, August 2009
M.S. in Industrial Engineering, Koç University, İstanbul, Turkey, July 2005
B.S. in Industrial Engineering, İstanbul Technical University, İstanbul, Turkey, June 2003
Refereed Journal Articles
Ağralı, S., Z.C. Taşkın, A.T. Ünal, “Employee Scheduling in Service Industries with Flexible
Employee Availability and Demand,” Omega, In Press, March 2016.
Taşkın, Z.C., S. Ağralı, A.T. Ünal, V. Belada, F.G. Yılmaz, “Mathematical Programming-Based Sales
and Operations Planning at Vestel Electronics,” Interfaces, 45(4), 325-340, 2015.
Üçtuğ, F.G., S. Ağralı, Y. Arıkan, E. Avcıoğlu, “Deciding between carbon trading and carbon
capture and sequestration: An optimisation-based case study for methanol synthesis from
syngas,” Journal of Environmental Management, 132, 1-8, 2014.
Selçuk, B., S. Ağralı, “Joint Spare Parts Inventory and Reliability Decisions under a Service
Constraint,” Journal of Operational Research Society, 64, 446-458, 2013.
Ağralı, S., J. Geunes, Z.C. Taşkın, “A Facility Location Model with Safety Stock Costs: Analysis of
the Cost of Single-Sourcing Requirements,” Journal of Global Optimization, 54(3), 551-581, 2012.
Ağralı, S., “A Dynamic Economic Lot-Sizing Problem with Co-Production,” Optimization Letters,
6(6), 1051-1061, 2012.
Ağralı, S., J. Geunes, “A Single-Resource Allocation Problem with Poisson Resource
Requirements,” Optimization Letters, 3(4), 559-571, 2009.
Ağralı, S., J. Geunes, “Solving Knapsack Problems with S-Curve Return Functions,” European
Journal of Operational Research, 193, 605-615, 2009.
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Ağralı, S., B. Tan, F. Karaesmen, “Modeling and Analysis of an Auction-Based Logistics Market,”
European Journal of Operational Research, 191(1), 272-294, 2008.
Under Review Articles
Üçtuğ, F.G., S. Ağralı, D. Artar, M. Acar, “Nonlinear Benefit-Cost Optimization-Based Selection of
Insulation Material and Window Type in Three Different Climatic Regions of Turkey,” revision
submitted, January 2016.
Ağralı, S., E. Çanakoğlu, F. Terzi, Y. Arıkan, N. Yılmaz, “Energy Investment Planning at a Private
Company: A Mathematical Programming-Based Model and Its Application in Turkey,” revision
submitted, May 2016.
Üçtuğ, F.G., S. Ağralı, “Nonlinear Benefit-Cost Optimization-Based Selection of Insulation Material
and Window Type: Effect of Heating and Cooling Base Temperatures,” under review, May 2016.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Ağralı, S., J. Geunes, C. Rainwater, “Component Procurement Planning and Product Portfolio
Design Problem,” Proceedings of the Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Cancun,
Mexico, 2010.
Tan, B., F. Karaesmen, S. Ağralı, “Modeling and Analysis of a Logistics Auction Market,”
Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Analysis of Manufacturing SystemsProduction Management, Zakynthos, Greece, 2005.
Honors and Awards
EURO Excellence in Practice Award (EEPA) finalist, Glasgow, July 2015
Principal Investigator, “Optimization models for energy investment planning in a carbon-constrained
environment and the analysis of these models from the economic and strategic planning point of
view, ” TUBITAK 1001 project, (Budget: 199,700TL) October 2014 – October 2016
Graduate Researcher, “Distribution planning of sample bottles to doctors’ offices,” industry project
funded by Merck & Co., Inc., Upper Gwynedd, PA, USA, May 2007 – December 2007
Graduate Researcher, “Solving Multi-Channel Resource Allocation Problems under Uncertainty,”
industry project funded by Merck & Co., Inc., Upper Gwynedd, PA, USA, September 2006 – May
Graduate Research and Teaching Assistantship (during Ph.D. study), August 2005 – August 2009
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Graduate Scholarship (during M.S. study), September 2003 – June 2005
Koç University, İstanbul, Turkey
Vehbi Koç Foundation Scholarship (during B.S. study), September 1998 – June 2003
Optimization Models for Energy Generation Expansion Planning in a Carbon Constrained
Environment, EURO Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, July 2015
Deciding Between Carbon Trading and CCS: An Optimisation-Based Case Study for Methanol
Synthesis from Syngas, IFORS Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, July 2014.
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Mathematical Programming-Based Sales and Operations Planning for Television Manufacturing,
EURO Meeting, Rome, Italy, July 2013.
Joint Spare Parts Inventory and Reliability Decisions Under a Service Constraint, IERC Annual
Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, May 2012.
Employee Scheduling in Service Industries with Flexible Employee Availability and Demand, IERC
Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, USA,May 2011.
Staff Scheduling in Service Industries, ORCIBS Seminar Series, Koç University , May 2011.
Staff Scheduling in Service Industries, Departmental Seminar, METU , April 2011.
Component Procurement Planning and Product Portfolio Design Problem, IERC Annual Meeting,
Cancun, Mexico, June 2010.
Production Planning and Product Portfolio Design with Product Substitutions in an Assemble-toOrder System, IERC Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, USA, June 2009.
A Facility Location Model with Safety Stock Costs: Analysis of the Cost of Single-Sourcing
Requirements, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, October 2008.
Single-sourcing Tradeoffs in a Joint-location Inventory Model, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle,
WA, USA, November 2007.
A mixed-integer programming approach for hybrid flow shop scheduling problem, YAEM
Conference, İstanbul, Turkey, June 2013.
Koordineli Öbek Büyüklüğü Belirleme Problemi ve Bir Çözüm Algoritması, YAEM National
Conference, İstanbul, Turkey, July 2012.
Birlikte Üretimli Kapasite Kısıtı Olmayan Dinamik Bir Obek Büyüklügü Belirleme Problemi, YAEM
National Conference, Sakarya, July 2011.
Ürün Yelpazesi Tasarımı ve Tedarik Planlaması Problemi, YAEM National Conference, İstanbul,
Turkey, June 2010.
Production Planning and Product Portfolio Design with Product Substitutions in an Assemble-toOrder System, POMS Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, May 2009.
Single-sourcing Tradeoffs in a Joint-location Inventory Model, IERC Annual Meeting, Vancouver,
BC, Canada, May 2008.
Solving Knapsack Problems with S-Curve Return Functions, IERC, Nashville, TN, USA, May 2007.
Modeling and Analysis of an Auction-Based Logistics Market, INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Fransisco, CA, USA, November 2005.
Açık Eksiltmeli Bir Lojistik Pazarının Modellenmesi ve Analizi, YAEM National Conference, İstanbul,
Turkey, 2005.
Graduate Students
Advisor, Zeynep Sezer (M.S. 2013) , Thesis title: An Exact Solution Algorithm for the Coordinated
Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem
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Teaching Experience
Courses Taught at Bahçeşehir University
INE6101 Linear Optimization (Fall 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015)
INE6350 Selected Topics in Energy Management (Spring 2015)
INE6204 Network Optimization (Spring 2013)
INE5144 Advanced Optimization Techniques (Spring 2010)
INE5111 Mathematical Programming and Modeling (Fall 2010)
SEN5418 Operations Research for IT and Service Management (Spring 2011)
INE4301 Scheduling and Sequencing (Spring 2012)
INE2008 (IE3001) Operations Research I (Fall 2009, 2010, 2012; Spring 2015)
INE3009 (IE3002) Operations Research II (Spring 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013; Fall 2014, 2015)
Courses Taught at University of Florida
EIN4365 Facilities Planning and Materials Handling (Fall 2008 and Spring 2009)
Teaching Assistant, August 2005 – August 2008
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Courses: EIN 4365 – Facilities Planning and Materials Handling (4 semesters)
ESI6321 – Applied Probability Methods for Engineers
ESI6323 – Models for Supply Chain Management (2 semesters)
Teaching Assistant, September 2003 – June 2005
Koç University, İstanbul, Turkey
Courses: SCI100 – Introduction to Science
ENG100 – Introduction to Engineering (2 semesters)
INDR483 – Supply Chain Modeling and Analysis
INDR430 – Decision Analysis
Professional Activities
Refereed papers for
European Journal of Operational Research
OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science
Production and Operations Management
IIE Transactions
Computers & Industrial Engineering
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
Health Systems
Journal of Global Optimization
Member of INFORMS
Member of IIE
Member of INFORMS Optimization Society
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