Challenging Neoliberalism at Turkey`s Gezi Park


Challenging Neoliberalism at Turkey`s Gezi Park
Abant Platform, 24, 28
abortion, 15, 78–80, 83, 102, 119,
128, 148
Abdullah Gül University, 69
Ağaoğlu, Ali, 150
Ağca, Osman, 150
AKP (Justice and Development
alcohol and, 73–4
authoritarianism, 74–5
GPPs and, 6–7, 9–12, 29, 91,
96, 98, 107, 110, 117–24, 127,
130–2, 136–7, 146–7
hegemony, 42, 49
inter-movement alliances, 133–4
judicial oppression, 75–6, 87
LGBT community and, 96, 102–3
liberal Left and, 19–20, 23–4, 29
May Day and, 71
media and, 76–7
middle class and, 34–5, 49–52,
neoliberalism and, 9–10, 18, 37–8,
42, 51–2, 57–8, 84, 100, 130
Ottoman Empire and, 129
path dependencies, 148–55
phone tapping, 76
rent-seeking urban development,
secularism and, 72–4
social interventionist policies,
15, 60, 74–81
social media and, 93
Syria and, 81–3
TDP and, 101–2
trade unions and, 53–4
Uludere Massacre and, 77–8
urban space and, 60–74
voting and, 155–8
women and, 78–80, 101–2
working class and, 51–7
Alevi community, 69
al-Nusra Front, 154
Al-Qaeda, 81–2
Altan, Mehmet, 24, 28
Althusser, Louis, 22, 24
Amanpour, Christiane, 121
Anadolu Agency, 34
Ankara, 8, 36, 67, 69, 78–80, 94,
98, 100, 107–8, 148, 163n3
Ankara University, 19, 43
Anonymous movement, 73, 130–1
Anti-Capitalist Muslims, 93, 96,
100, 134
Arab Spring, 4, 88, 105–6, 131
Arınç, Bülent, 79, 132
Arslan, Ayşenur, 77
Assad, Bashar al, 81–3
Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal, 119,
134, 137
Atatürk Cultural Center (AKM),
72–3, 120
Atatürk Thought Association
(ADD), 96
Atatürkism, 90
atheism, 79–81
Avcı, Nabi, 133
Aydınlık, 99, 136
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ayran, 79, 128
Ayvalıtaş, Mehmet, 131
Babuşçu, Aziz, 20
Bağış, Egemen, 152–3, 157, 161n1
Bakhtin, Mikhail, 5, 116–17, 130
Bakırköy Forum, 110
Bayraktar, Erdoğan, 150
Bebek Parkı Forum, 110
Belge, Murat, 20, 22–4
Berberoğlu, Berch, 1, 3
Beyazıt, Yıldırım, 69
BeyazTV, 122
Bilgi University, 23, 89–91
Birgün (newspaper), 99
Boğaziçi Jazz Choir, 124
Boğaziçi University, 35
Bonzon, Ariane, 20
Boratav, Korkut, 43, 48, 61, 143
bourgeois, 9–10, 35, 38–41, 43,
49, 51–2
Çalışlar, Oral, 24, 29–30
çapulcu, 8, 123–4
see also chapullers/chapulling
carnivalesque, 5, 116–17, 138, 145
Çarşı of Beşiktaş FC, 87, 93, 95–7,
107, 138
Castells, Manuel, 13, 16–18, 126
Çelebi, Katip, 69
Chamber of Architects of Turkey
Forum, 110
chapullers/chapulling, 123, 129,
132, 136, 138–9, 145
see also çapulcu
Chomsky, Noam, 124
Ciner Media Group, 77, 153
class-structural foundations of GPPs
beyond “middle classes” thesis,
Marxist theories and, 28–42
overview, 33–8
political-ideological disposition of
working classes in Turkey, 49–57
reprise and review, 57–8
CNN, 77, 80, 121, 129
cognitive diversion, 5, 11, 115–18,
123–33, 136–7, 139, 145,
155, 157
cognitive liberation, 5, 113–15, 117
collective action, 3–6, 11, 16–17, 43,
59, 85, 87–9, 92, 94, 103, 105,
107, 112–14, 142, 146, 159
Cömert, Abdullah, 131
Communist Party of Turkey
(TKP), 92, 95, 98–9, 136–7
Confederation of Public Workers’
Unions (KESK), 53, 93, 95, 98
Confederation of Revolutionary
Trade Unions of Turkey
(DISK), 67, 93, 95, 98
construction projects, 62–5, 68–9,
72, 110, 134, 150, 152
corruption, 54, 97, 149–52,
155–6, 158
see also scandals
Coşkun, Mustafa Kemal, 43–4
Dağtaş, Seçil, 123, 127
Debord, Guy, 5, 115, 117
DE İK (Foreign Economic Relations
Board of Turkey), 54
“despotic modernism,” 21–2
détournement, 5, 115
disproportionate intelligence, 5, 11,
112, 117–19, 130, 132, 139, 145
disproportionate violence, 71, 91,
Diyanet, 80
Diyarbakır, 78, 134
Doğan, Pınar, 76
Doğuş Media Group, 153
Eksi Sözlük, 87, 93, 132
Eliaçık, İhsan, 69
Elvan, Berkin, 131, 156–7
Emek Movie Theater, 72, 83
emulation, 86–8, 105–6, 109–10
EngelliWeb, 77
Erbakan, Necmettin, 69
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196 Index
Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip
airport speech, 122
al-Nusra Front and, 154
authoritarianism, 74, 79, 148–9
çapulcu and, 124
conservatism, 23
corruption and, 150–2, 154–5
elections and, 156–8
on families, 128
Gezi Park protests and, 7–8,
29, 91–3, 106, 118–22, 124,
127–8, 130, 132, 134–5, 164n2
Gülen Movement and, 150–1
handling of protestors, 8, 34,
83, 108–9, 124, 165n3
Islam and, 56, 60, 68–9, 119, 122
Kalyoncu Group and, 66, 162n2
Kurds and, 78, 134
media and, 153
religious symbolism and, 68–9
Salafists and, 81
Taksim Square and, 72, 83,
TDP and, 101–2
TEKEL and, 163n3
Turkish flag and, 137
violence and, 164n2, 165n3
women and, 79, 102, 163n8
Ergenç, Halit, 96
Ergenekon, 56, 75–6, 150
Ersoy, Mehmet Akif, 69
Facebook, 17, 77, 87–8, 92–5,
104, 110, 124, 131, 162n4
First Gasman Festival, 136
flags, 30, 72, 122, 134, 137
football fans
see soccer fans
Freedom and Solidarity Party
(ÖDP), 96, 99
Galatasaray soccer club, 93, 97, 127
GENAR, 44, 89–91
GLAAD, 135
see also LGBT movement
globalization, 3, 5, 9, 17, 19, 51,
83, 141, 160
Gökcek, Melih, 79
Göle, Nilüfer, 20–2, 29–30
Google, 105, 153
Göztepe Özgürlük Parkı Forum,
Gramsci, Antonio, 24, 69, 85, 115
Group of Communities in
Kurdistan (KCK), 56, 75–6,
Gül, Abdullah, 156
Gülen, Fethullah, 53, 122
Gülen movement, 24, 28, 52–4,
149–51, 156
Gündüz, Erdem, 109
Gürcan, Efe Can, 108
Guy Fawkes masks, 73, 130–1
see also Anonymous
Habertürk News Network, 153
hackers, 93, 95, 97–8, 105, 131
Hak-İş, 53–4
Halk TV (People TV), 98, 100,
136, 150
Halkbank, 154
Harvey, David, 3, 5, 36–7, 50, 62,
66, 70, 84, 141, 143, 164n1
Hatay, 36, 81–2, 100
hegemony, 9, 19–20, 24, 28, 31,
35–6, 42, 49, 55–6, 69, 61,
66–70, 84, 111, 115, 118,
139, 144
Hersh, Seymour, 154
Hikmet, Nazim, 130
housing, 46–7, 63–5, 70, 150
iftars, 135
IMF (International Monetary
Fund), 61
İnönü, İsmet, 119
İnsel, Ahmet, 20, 23, 29
inter-movement alliances/
intra-movement conflicts,
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Index 197
AKP and, 10, 38, 51–2, 55, 57–8,
66, 100, 119, 143, 152–3
authoritarianism and, 56–7, 143
capitalism and, 54–6, 70, 100
charities, 152
class and, 39, 53–4
controversies regarding, 80
GPPs and, 34
labor and, 42, 53–4
neoliberalism and, 10, 20–1, 23,
26, 29, 33, 37–8, 51–2, 59–60,
74, 84, 100, 115, 117–18, 141,
145, 147, 149, 158–9
political, 51–2, 61
social interventionism, 74–81
society and, 37
symbolism, 67–9, 122
see also Islamism; Sunnis
AKP and, 19–20, 24, 60, 72,
84, 96, 117, 124
authoritarian, 51, 119
capitalist, 54, 56
class and, 39, 54
GPPs and, 117–19, 121
liberal Left and, 20–4
neoliberalism and, 60, 67, 118
political power of, 20
rebel groups, 154
social interventionism, 77, 80
urban space and, 67, 72–3
women and, 155
Israel, 150, 165n3
Jacobinism, 22
Johanson, Jay-Jay, 155
Kalyoncu, Orhan Cemal, 66, 152,
Kalyoncu Group, 66
kandil simidi, 135
KAOS GL, 93, 96, 103
Karaman, Ozan, 10, 55, 59, 61,
64, 67, 70
Karde ş Türküler, 125
Kentel, Ferhat, 20–1, 24–5,
Keser, Mustafa, 137
Keykavus, İzzettin, 69
Keykubat, Aleaddin, 69
Khayyám, Omar, 80
Kışanak, Gültan, 133
KONDA, 44, 88–91, 93, 163n2
Korel, Bergüzal, 96
Korkmaz, Ali İsmail, 131
külliye tradition, 69, 162n3
Külünk, Metin, 152
Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK),
24, 76, 92
AKP and, 76–8, 80
GPPs and, 133–4
nationalism, 95–6, 133
Kurum, Murat, 150
Kuvvet, Döne, 131
leadership formation of GPPs
cultivating resistance
repertoires, 103–11
leading organizations of GPPs,
member integration and
involvement, 89–95
overview, 85–9
reprise and review, 111–12
Leninism, 1, 93
LGBT movement, 93, 96, 100,
102–3, 110, 128, 133, 135,
137–8, 145
class and, 22, 31, 33, 38–43
collective action and, 4
GPPs and, 8–9, 93, 130
(neo-)liberal Left and, 19
NSM theories and, 9, 13–14, 31,
141–2, 160
political consciousness and,
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198 Index
Index 199
National Intelligence Organization
(MIT), 151
Nationalist Action Party (MHP),
92, 95
Nazemroaya, Mahdi Darius, 83
AKP and, 9–10, 18, 37–8, 42,
51–2, 57–8, 84, 100, 130
Islam and, 10, 20–1, 23, 26, 29,
33, 37–8, 51–2, 59–60, 74,
84, 100, 115, 117–18, 141,
145, 147, 149, 158–9
Islamism and, 60, 67, 118
Marxism and, 19
secularism and, 50–2, 56–8
New Left, 9, 18, 20–3, 27–8,
30–1, 35, 142
new social movement (NSM)
ABCs of, 14–18
misreading GPPs and, 25–30
(neo)liberal Left in Turkey,
overview, 13–14
reprise and review, 30–1
NGOs (nongovernmental
organizations), 77
Nişanyan, Sevan, 80
NTV, 129, 153
Öcalan, Abdullah, 134
Occupy Movement, 4, 88, 94,
105–7, 110, 116, 131
Önder, Sırrı Süreyya, 92, 133
Öngen, Tülin, 19
Oran, Baskın, 20, 23–4, 27–30
Orantısız Zeka (Disproportionate
Intelligence), 5, 11
Ottoman Empire, 8, 68–9, 72,
129, 161n2, 162n3
Ottomanism, 23, 60, 66–9, 71, 73,
83–4, 129–30, 137, 144, 158
Özal, 23
Peace and Democracy Party
(BDP), 92, 95, 133–4
Peck, Jamie, 5, 37, 59, 141
People’s Houses (Halkevleri), 93, 96
Petras, James, 1, 3–4, 9, 31, 59,
92, 142, 144
plagiarism, 123, 126–7, 130, 132,
Plaza Eylem Platformu, 50
police violence, 8, 29, 71, 91–2,
98, 102–5, 107, 117, 122–3,
126, 131, 146–7, 158
political consciousness
AKP’s interpretation of GPPs,
cognitive diversion, 123–33
inter-movement alliances and
intra-movement conflicts,
overview, 113–19
reprise and review, 138–9
“political-cultural fix” (PCF), 60,
66–7, 69, 72
“postindustrial information
society,” 16
po şus (traditional scarves), 134
Poulantzas, Nicos, 9, 31, 33,
38–40, 50, 57, 142
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May Day demonstrations, 71, 87,
105, 107–8, 164n2
McAdam, Doug, 5, 113–15
McDonald’s, 126
Mehmet the Conqueror, 69, 129
Melucci, Alberto, 13–14, 16–18, 26
memory, 65–8, 71, 73, 79, 84, 89,
Memur-Sen, 53–4
Middle East Technical University,
148, 164n2
Miraç Kandili, 135
MÜSIAD (Association of
Independent Industrialists
and Businessmen), 52
Muslim bourgeoisies, 52, 54–6,
64, 70
poverty, 34, 36, 63, 70, 101–2, 116
Pride Marches, 103, 135
see also LGBT movement
Ramadan, 135
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, 69
redeployment, 86–7, 105, 107–9
RedHack, 93, 95, 97–8, 105
refugees, 81–2
cultivation, 10, 86–7, 96,
103–11, 145
emulative transfer, 106–7
expansion, 103
generation, 103
GPPs and, 107–9
new strategies, 107–9
redeployed transfer, 107
refinement, 103–6
transfer, 103, 105–6
Republican People’s Party (CHP),
92, 95, 100, 120
Republican Rallies of 2007, 87,
105, 108, 137
Reyhanli Bombings, 60, 82–3, 97,
110, 131
Rodrik, Dani, 76
rule of law, 76, 151
Şahenk, Ferit, 153
Şahin, Fatma, 78–9, 163n8
Salafists, 81
Saraç, Fatih, 153
Saraçoğlu, Cenk, 36
Sarısülük, Ethem, 131
Say, Fazıl, 80
scandals, 108, 149, 152, 155–6, 158
see also corruption
AKP and, 72–3, 75, 79, 143–4
Anti-Capitalist Muslims and,
authoritarian, 21–2
class and, 51–2, 56, 60
Ergenekon case and, 75
GPPs and, 15, 33–5, 38–9, 50,
96, 100, 108
inter-movement alliances and,
Islamic neoliberalism and,
50–2, 56–8
liberal Left and, 19–20
Ottoman legacy and, 67–8, 71
Republic Demonstrations of
2007 and, 108
symbols of, 71–2
Sheik Edebali, 69
AKP and, 24, 65, 73, 129
alliances and, 133–4
çapulcu and, 123–4
Çarşı and, 97
Debord and, 115
Elvan and, 157
Erdoğan and, 122, 124
GPPs and, 6, 11, 75, 83, 115–17,
122–6, 129–31, 133–7,
145–6, 157, 160
Internet bans and, 156
Kemalist, 137
LGBT movement and, 135–7
Occupy Movement and, 116
police violence and, 126–7
Reyhanlı Bombings and, 131
social space and, 125
TKP and, 99
Uludere Massacre and, 131
soccer fans, 83, 87, 93, 95–7, 105,
107, 111, 127, 133, 138, 155
social interventionism, 10, 15, 38,
56, 58, 60–1, 74–81, 84, 91,
102, 131, 144, 148
social media, 5, 17–18, 44, 77,
79, 87, 89–90, 93–4, 98–9,
101, 105–6, 109–11, 131,
134, 156
see also Facebook; Twitter
Socialbakers, 94, 98
Socialist Democracy Party (SDP),
92, 96
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200 Index
Socialist Feminist Collective
(SFK), 93, 96, 102
Socialist International, 101
soL (newspaper), 99
songs, 124–6, 130–1, 155,
spatial fix, 60, 62–4, 66, 143, 150
Suleiman the Magnificent, 69
Sultan Alparslan, 69
Sultan Selim I, 69
Sunnis, 60, 68–9, 80–1, 119,
see also Islam
Supreme Board of Judges and
Prosecutors (HSYK), 151
Susurluk Scandal, 108
AKP and, 66–8, 127
Anonymous and, 130
anthropology and, 27
“cognitive liberation” and, 113
destruction of public structures
and, 57, 68, 72–3
GPPs and, 6–7, 106–7, 124, 131,
133–4, 136–7, 146
Islamic, 68–9, 119, 122, 162n4
“lady in red,” 7
LGBT movement and, 133
light bulb, 127
media blackout and, 129
nationalism and, 136–7
Ottomanist, 68–9, 144, 162n4
penguins, 129
PCF and, 67
Reyhanlı Bombings and, 131
shoeboxes, 156
social movements and, 16
urban spaces and, 57, 68, 70–3,
women and, 102
Syria, 60, 81–3, 106, 144, 154,
Taksim Solidarity Platform (TDP),
27–8, 93, 100–1, 110, 134
TEKEL Resistance of 2010, 87,
105, 108, 163n3
“Tencere Tava Havası,” 125
Theodore, Nik, 5, 37, 59, 141
Third Bridge, 8, 62, 66, 69, 120, 149
TOKI, 63–4, 66, 69–70, 149–50,
TOMAs (police panzers), 97, 126,
132, 136
Tomb of Suleiman Shah, 154
Touraine, Alain, 13–18, 20–2, 25–7
triggers to GPPs
overview, 59–60
political-cultural restructuring
of urban space, 66–74
political-economic restructuring
of urban space, 61–6
reprise and review, 83–4
state repression and Islamic
social interventionism, 74–81
Turkey’s aggression to Syria,
Tunçay, Mete, 20, 23–4
Turanlı, Emrullah, 150
Türk-İş, 53–4
Turkish Airlines (THY), 73
Turkish Medical Association
(TTB), 93, 98
TUSKON (Turkish Confederation
of Businessmen and
Industrialists), 52, 54
Twitter, 17, 77, 87–8, 92–6, 98,
104–6, 120, 124, 127, 131,
152–3, 155–6
Uludere Massacre, 77–8, 110, 131
Ulusal Kanal, 99, 136
Union of Chambers of Turkish
Engineers and Architects
(TMMOB), 64–5, 67, 93, 98
Üsküdar Doğancılar Forum, 110
Üstün, Ayhan Sefer, 79
Utku, Deniz, 105
Uyanma Saati, 50
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Index 201
202 Index
Wacquant, Loïc, 35–6
Weber, Max, 113
Weltanschauung, 14, 61, 84, 144,
Wise People Commission, 24, 28
Wolf, Eric, 27
woman in black, 102
woman/lady in red, 7, 102
AKP and, 35, 78–80, 101–2
Erdoğan and, 79, 102, 163n8
GPPs and, 89, 93, 102, 109,
128, 138
Islamism and, 119, 155
neoliberal globalization and, 3
pregnancy, 155
symbolism and, 102
Women’s Coalition, 93, 96, 102
Workers’ Party (IP), 92, 95
Wright, Erik Olin, 9, 31, 33,
38–42, 44, 57, 142
Yoğurtcu Forum, 110
Young Civilians (Genç Siviller), 24
Youth Union of Turkey (TGB), 93,
96, 99
“youth movement,” 28–30
Zaytung, 93–5, 132
zekat, 152
Žižek, Slavoj, 51
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Veltmeyer, Henry, 1, 3–4, 31, 59,
92, 142
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