Mustafa Suphi ERDEN


Mustafa Suphi ERDEN
Delft University of Technology,
Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and
Materials Engineering (3mE),
BioMechanical Engineering,
Intelligent Mechanical Systems.
Post-Doc Researcher
Mekelweg 2
2628 Cd Delft
The Netherlands
Tel. (office): +31 (0) 15 27 86794
(cell) : +31 (0) 61 44 34832
Six-Legged Robot-EA308
Previous web-site:
Mustafa Suphi ERDEN
Date of Birth
21.10.1977, Ankara, Turkey.
1988 – 1992
1992 – 1995
1995 – 1999
1999 – 2001
2001– 2006
Interests and
Human-robot interaction, robotics, control, machine intelligence, reinforcement learning,
multi-legged walking, optimization, optimal control, fuzzy control, aircraft dynamics,
aircraft control.
Eskisehir Anadolu Lisesi (Eskisehir Anatolian High School)
Izmir Fen Lisesi (Izmir Scientific High School)
Metu Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Bs., High honour, 3.68)
Metu Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Master, 3.50)
Metu Electrical and Electronics Engineering (PhD, Robotics-Control, 3.75)
Social sciences: Sociology, ideology, citizenship, Ottoman-Turkish Republic history.
Music: Classical guitar, baglama (Turkish folk instrument), polyphonic chorus.
Turkish (mother tongue), English (fluent), Dutch (beginner), German (beginner).
Computer Skills
Matlab, Simulink, C++, Visual C++, C++ Builder, Java Builder,
Work experience
Post-Doc Researcher
BioMechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mech. Eng., TU Delft, The Netherlands
Research Assistant
1999 - 2006 Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara
Computer Programming (Development of an Emulative Simulator)
2003 May-November ETA (Electronic Design Industry & Trade Inc.)
METU Techno-polis, Ankara
Summer Practice
1997 June
Arcelik Refrigerator Plant, Eskisehir
Summer Practice
1998 July
Fethiye Telekom, Fethiye/Mugla
Social sciences, classical guitar, baglama (Turkish folk instrument), chorus, reading
(classics, sociology, psychology, philosophy), singing, fishing, travelling (inter-rail),
EMO (Electrical Engineers Association, Turkey)
Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Thesis Award, 2007 (Given to ten theses of the Graduate School in 2007).
How to Formulate and Design a Good Project Proposal. A three days introductory
course on “Logical Framework Approach as a Tool for Quality Control in Project Cycle
Management”, by Process Consultants and Moderators Group (Brussels, Belgium), in
TuDelft, March 10-12, 2008
Courses Given at Delft University of Technology (around 65% of each)
Machine Intelligence 2007, 2008, 2009 (Master Course, TU Delft)
Engineering Informatics 2007, 2008, 2009 (Master Course, TU Delft)
Supervision at Delft University of Technology (Master and PhD students are
still being supervised) (2007-2009)
2 PhDs
4 Master
4 BSc (for a project)
Supervised Laboratories at Middle East Technical University (1999-2006)
Process Control Laboratory
Induction Machines Laboratory
Electrical Circuits Laboratory
Seminars given in Nesin Mathematics Village, Sirince, Selcuk, Izmir, Turkey
Multi Valued and Fuzzy Logic (6 hours), April 23-26, 2009, Kuantum
Mekaniği ve Bulanık Mantık Çalıştayı (Quantum Physics and Fuzzy
Logic Workshop).
Intelligent Machines and Artificial Intelligence from Past till Today (2
hours), October 29-November 1, 2009, Beyin, Bilinç, Kuantum Çalıştayı
(Workshop on Brain, Cognition and Quantum).
PhD Thesis
Erden, Mustafa Suphi, PhD Thesis – Six-Legged Walking Machine: The Robot-EA308,
METU, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, July 2006.
Master Thesis
Erden, Mustafa Suphi, MS Thesis – Conflict Resolution in Air Traffic Management,
METU, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, September 2001.
Journal Papers
1) Erden, M.S. and Tomiyama, T., 2009. “Identifying welding skills for training and
assistance with robot”. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 14 (6): 523532. DOI 10.1179/136217109X437150.
2) Erden, M.S. and Leblebicioğlu, K., 2008. “Free gait generation with reinforcement
learning for a six-legged robot.” Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 56: 199-212,
3) Erden, M.S. and Leblebicioğlu, K., 2007. “Analysis of wave gaits for energy
efficiency.” Autonomous Robots, 23 (3): 213-230, DOI: 10.1007/s10514-007-9041-z.
4) Erden, M.S. and Leblebicioğlu, K., 2007. “Torque distribution in a six-legged robot.”
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 23 (1): 179-186.
5) Erden, M.S., Leblebicioğlu, K., Halıcı, U., 2004. “Multi-agent system based fuzzy
controller design with genetic tuning for a service mobile manipulator robot in the
hand-over task.” Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 38: 287-306.
Function Modelling and Design
6) Erden, M.S, Komoto, H., van Beek, T.J., D'Amelio, V., Echavarria, E. and
Tomiyama, T., 2008. “A review of function modeling: Approaches and applications”.
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 22: 147–
169. DOI: 10.1017/S0890060408000103.
Social Science
7) Erden, M.S., 2004. “The exchange of Greek and Turkish populations in the 1920s
and its socio-economic impacts on life in Anatolia.” Crime, Law & Social Change 41:
261–282, 2004. (Outcome of my sociological studies)
Book Chapter
Erden, M.S., Leblebicioğlu, K., 2006. “Multi legged walking in robotics and dynamic gait
pattern generation for a six-legged robot with reinforcement learning.” Book chapter in
Mobile Robots: New Research, Nova Publishers, New York, (ISBN: 1-59454-359-3).
Özgen, C., Leblebicioğlu, K. and Erden, M.S., 2002. Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı –
TOK Bildiriler Kitabı (Proceedings of the National Conference of Automatic Control), 911 September, Ankara.
Under Review
Submitted to
Erden, M.S. and Tomiyama, T., 2009. “Human intent detection and physically-interactive
control of a robot without force sensors”. Conditionally accepted to IEEE Transactions on
Erden, M.S., Maric, B. and Tomiyama, T., 2009. “Assisting manual welders with robot”.
Under review.
Van Beek, T., Erden, M.S., and Tomiyama, T., 2009. “Modular Design of Mechatronic
Systems with Function Modeling”. Under review.
1) Van Essen, J., van der Jagt, M., Troll, N., Wanders, M., Erden, M.S., van Beek, T.,
and Tomiyama, T. (2008), “Identifying the welding skills”. Proc. of the IEEE/ASME
International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications,
October 12-15, Beijing, pp. 437-442.
2) Erden, M.S. and Leblebicioğlu, K., 2008. “Optimal Protraction of a Three-Joint Robot
Leg”, IFAC 2008, South Korea.
3) Erden, M.S. and Leblebicioğlu, K., 2006. “Free gait generation with reinforcement
learning for a six-legged robot.” In Proceedings of the 9 International Conference
on Climbing and Walking Robots – CLAWAR 2006, 12-14 September, Brussels,
Belgium, pp. 413-424.
4) Erden, M.S., Leblebicioğlu, K, 2005. “Dynamic gait pattern generation with
reinforcement learning.” Presented in the congress of IFAC 2005, July 4-8, Prague.
5) Erden, M.S., Leblebicioğlu, K, 2004. “Fuzzy controller design for a three joint robot
leg in protraction phase - an optimal behavior inspired fuzzy controller design.” In
Proceedings of the First International Conference On Informatics In Control,
Automation And Robotics, Setúbal, Portugal, Vol. 2: 302-306.
6) Erden, M.S., K. Leblebicioğlu, U. Halıcı, 2002. “Multi-agent system based fuzzy
controller design with genetic tuning for a service mobile manipulator robot in the
hand-over task.” In Proceedings of the 15 IFAC World Congress, Barcelona,
Spain, 21-26 July 2002, Vol. K: 503-508.
Function Modelling and Design
7) Cabrera A.A.A., Erden, M.S., Foeken M.J., Tomiyama, T., 2008. “High Level Model
Integration for Design of Mechatronic Systems”, Proc. of 2008 IEEE/ASME Int.
Conf. on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, October 12-15,
Beijing, pp. 387-392.
8) Chmarra M.K., Cabrera A.A.A., Van Beek T., D'Amelio V (D'Amelio, Valentina) ,
Erden, M.S., and Tomiyama T., 2008. “Revisiting the Divide and Conquer Strategy
to Deal with Complexity in Product Design”. In Proc. of 2008 IEEE/ASME Int. Conf.
on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, October 12-15, Beijing,
pp. 393-398.
Air Traffic Management
9) Erden, M.S., Leblebicioğlu, K, 2004. “Conflict resolution for free flight considering
degree of danger and concession.” In Proceedings of the First International
Conference On Informatics In Control, Automation And Robotics, Setúbal, Portugal,
Vol. 1: 185:192.
10) Erden, M.S., Leblebicioğlu, K, 2004. “A lateral director autopilot design for conflict
resolution algorithms.” In Proceedings of the First International Conference On
Informatics In Control, Automation And Robotics, Setúbal, Portugal, Vol. 2: 330-334.
11) Erden, M.S., K. Leblebicioğlu, U. Halıcı, 2002. “Conflict resolution by negotiation.” In
Proceedings of the 15 IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 21-26 July 2002,
Vol. L: 471-476.
Engineering Education
12) Erden, M.S., 2003. “Positivistic tendencies due to engineering education.”, In
Proceedins of ACE2003- 6th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education,
Oulu, Finland, 389-394.
1) Erden, M.S., Leblebicioğlu, K, 2006. “Altı-bacaklı robotta burgu kuvvetlerinin dağıtımı
(Turque distribution for a six-legged robot).” 14. IEEE Sinyal Đşleme ve Uygulamaları
Kurultayı CD’si, Antalya.
2) Erden, M.S., Leblebicioğlu, K, 2006. “Dalgalı yürüyüşlerin enerji verimliliği analizi
(Analysis of wave gaits for energy efficiency).” 14. IEEE Sinyal Đşleme ve
Uygulamaları Kurultayı CD’si, Antalya.
3) Erden, M.S., Leblebicioğlu, K, 2005. “Üç eklemli robot bacağı için gezinge
eniyilemesi (Trajectory optimization for a three-joint robot leg).” TOK2005, Ulusal
Otomatik Kontrol Konferansı Bildiriler Kitabı, Đstanbul, 243-246.
4) Erden, M.S., Leblebicioğlu, K, 2004. “Üç eklemli bir robot bacağının ileri adım atması
için optimal davranış esinli bulanık kontrolcu tasarımı (Optimal behaviour inspired
fuzzy controller design for a three-joint robot leg in protraction phase).” 12. IEEE
Sinyal Đşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı CD’si, Kuşadası.
5) Erden, M.S., Leblebicioğlu, K., Halıcı, U., 2003. “Pekiştirmeli eğitim kullanarak
yürüme planı öğrenimi (Gait-pattern generation with reinforcement learning).” 11.
IEEE Sinyal Đşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı Bildiriler Kitabı, Đstanbul, 671-674.
6) Erden, M.S., Önder, M., Leblebicioğlu, K., Halıcı, U., 2003. “Görüntülerde uzam ve
zaman bilgilerini kullanarak hareket bölütlemesi (Motion segmentation with using
spatial and temporal information).” 11. IEEE Sinyal Đşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı
Bildiriler Kitabı, Đstanbul, 331-334.
7) Erden, M.S., Leblebicioğlu, K., Halıcı, U., 2001. “Çok ajanlı sistem yaklaşımıyla hava
trafiği kontrolü (Air-traffic control with multi-agent system perspective).” 9. IEEE
Sinyal Đşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı Bildiriler Kitabı, Gazimagosa, Vol II: 427432.
8) Erden, M.S., Leblebicioğlu, K., Halıcı, U., 2001. “Çok Ajanlı Sistem Yaklaşımıyla
Genetik Ayarlamalı Bulanık Kontrol Kullanarak Đki Boyutta Nesne Teslimi Sistemi için
Robot Kontrolü (Multi-agent system based fuzzy controller design with genetic tuning
for a service mobile manipulator robot in the hand-over task).” 9. IEEE Sinyal Đşleme
ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı Bildiriler Kitabı, Gazimagosa,Vol II: 717-722.
9) Erden, M.S., Leblebicioğlu, K., Halıcı, U., 2001. “Hava trafik kontrolünde pazarlık
kullanarak çelişki çözme uygulaması (Application of negatiation for conflict resolution
in air-traffic control).” TOK2001 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı Bildiriler Kitabı,
Uludağ-Bursa, 215-218.
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
IEEE Transaction on Robotics
International Journal of Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part-A
International Journal of Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part-B
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Prof. Dr. Tetsuo TOMIYAMA (, Delft University of Technology, the
Prof. Dr. Kemal LEBLEBĐCĐOĞLU (, Middle East Technical university,
Prof. Dr. Uğur HALICI (, Middle East Technical university, Turkey)
Prof. Dr.
Kemal ÖZGÖREN (, Middle East Technical university,

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