i̇ngi̇li̇zce di̇l testi̇


i̇ngi̇li̇zce di̇l testi̇
İNGİLİZCE DİL TESTİ Instruction: Choose the best alternative for the missing part in each sentence. (questions 1 – 10) 1.
My husband is very selfish and cruel. So, I can’t ________ him anymore. I want a divorce! A) go out B) get on with C) catch up with D) keep in touch E) put up with 2.
“Unfortunately, when my sister _____ an accident, we _____. Therefore, we found out what happened late in the morning.” A) had/slept B) has had /have been sleeping C) has had/slept D) has had/ were sleeping E) had/were sleeping 9.
If I _____ to bed so late last night, I _____ on time this morning. A) haven’t gone/would wake up B) hadn’t gone/will wake up C) haven’t gone/will wake up D) hadn’t gone/would have woken up E) hadn’t gone/would wake up 10.
Burak: “Let’s stop. We ________ for three hours.” Leyla: “I know but we ________ the project yet.” A) have worked/didn’t finish B) have been working/didn’t finish C) have been working/ haven’t finished D) have worked/hadn’t finished E) hadn’t worked/didn’t finish The ________ of this article is to inform you about global warming. A) benefit B) selection C) purpose D) qualification E) produce 3.
Aynur was ________ in the accident and had to be taken to hospital. A) injured B) treated C) reserved D) destroyed E) discouraged 4.
The parade was really ________. Everybody was wearing colourful costumes. A) traditional B) impressive C) sensitive D) creative E) challenging 5.
Cem: “Shall we go swimming tomorrow?” Ayça: “It ________ on the weather. If it rains, we probably won’t be able to go.” A) causes B) allows C) results D) depends E) keeps 6.
Mehmet is going _____ holiday next week, _____ 20 November. He never goes anywhere _____ the summer because it’s hot! A) for/on/in B) on/on/in C) for/in/on D) on/in/on E) for/in/in DAÜ ÖSYS – 2007
“Where do you do your homework, Selen?” Selen’s teacher wanted to know _________. A) where Selen did her homework B) if Selen did her homework C) where Selen does her homework D) where Selen has done her homework E) if Selen does her homework Sayfa 17 Sayfa 18 İNGİLİZCE DİL TESTİ Instruction: Find the most suitable Turkish translations of the English sentences given in questions 11 and 12. 11.Last fall, Tony Blair announced that he would serve a full five‐year term if the Labor Party won. A) Geçen Sonbaharda, Tony Blair, İşçi Partisi kazandığı takdirde, beş yıl tam dönem hizmet edeceğini ilan etti. B) Tony Blair, eğer İşçi Partisi kazanırsa, beş yıl daha hizmet edeceğini geçen Sonbaharda açıklamıştı. C) Geçen Sonbaharda İşçi Partisi’nin kazanması üzerine, Tony Blair görevini beş yıl daha sürdüreceğini ifade etti. D) Tony Blair, İşçi Partisi’nin kazanmasının kendisine beş yıl tam dönem hizmet olanağı sağlayacağı yolundaki açıklamasını geçen Sonbaharda yaptı. E) Geçen Sonbaharda Tony Blair, eğer İşçi Partisi kazanırsa, bir beş yıl daha hizmet etmek istediğini söyledi. 12.The Pentagon has estimated that about 25 percent of the military facilities in the country are unnecessary. A) Pentagon’a göre, ülke içinde bulunan askeri tesislerin yüzde 25’i gereksizdir. B) Pentagon, ülke içindeki askeri tesislerin hemen hemen yüzde 25’ine gereksinim duymadığını belirtmiştir. C) Pentagon’un hesaplarına göre, ülkedeki askeri tesislerin yüzde 25’ine hiç gereksinim yoktur. D) Pentagon, ülkedeki askeri tesislerin yaklaşık yüzde 25’inin gereksiz olduğunu hesaplamıştır. E) Ülkedeki askeri tesislerin aşağı yukarı yüzde 25’ine gereksinim olmadığı konusunda Pentagon kararlıdır. DAÜ ÖSYS – 2007 Instruction: Find the most suitable English translations of the Turkish sentences given in questions 13 and 14. 13.Az gelişmiş ülkeler içinde karayolu yapımında en faal olanı Brezilya’dır, çünkü karayolu taşımacılığı, bu ülkenin ekonomisinin belkemiğini oluşturur. A) Since road transportation in Brazil is basic to the country’s economy, road construction here is more active than in less developed countries. B) Among less developed countries the most active one in road construction is Brazil, for road transportation constitutes the backbone of the country’s economy. C) Road construction in Brazil is far ahead of that in other less developed countries as the country’s economy is largely dependent on road transportation. D) When compared with other less developed countries, Brazil is particularly active in road construction since its economy depends so completely on road transportation. E) Since road transportation is vital to Brazil’s economy, road construction in this country receives more priority than in other less developed countries. 14.Çocuklar daha fazla bağımsızlık kazandıkça, onların genleri kendilerine uyan çevreler yaratmak için daha aktif bir tarzda işleyebilir. A) Once children start to grow more independent, their genes operate in a more positive manner to create environments that suit them better. B) As children get more independence, their genes start to operate more forcefully to create what is for them a more congenial environment. C) As children gain more independence, their genes can operate in a more active manner to produce environments that suit them. D) When they attain more independence, children start to desire a more congenial environment and their genes work with them to attain it. E) Once children have attained a greater degree of independence, their genes prompt them to desire a more congenial environment. İNGİLİZCE DİL TESTİ DAÜ ÖSYS – 2007 İNGİLİZCE DİL TESTİ Sayfa 19 Instructions: Read the following text and answer Internet. With hundreds of websites, students questions 15‐20 according to the information in don’t have to worry because they can find lots of the text. material which they can copy and use in projects. There are even tips on the art of cheating in It’s five minutes before the exam and you are in a exams. state of panic. You just have to pass it, but how? Obviously, if you get caught cheating, you fail the You didn’t even open the book the night before exam or the subject. But it doesn’t really matter and you hear a voice in your head saying “cheat, whether you get caught or not. What’s important cheat …” So what are you going to do, ignore it is that it’s wrong. You mustn’t cheat because and fail or go for it? It’s a tough decision many cheating is a lie. It deceives people into thinking students must make. you know more than you actually do. How can Most young people believe that cheating is you be proud of something you have achieved wrong. However, they have cheated at least once through cheating? In the end, it’s not about in their high school years. So, why do they do it? deceiving your teachers and your parents, but Are they too lazy to study? Perhaps, it’s not as about fooling yourself that you can do something simple as that. According to some experts, one you really can’t. main reason why students cheat is because they see their friends get away with it. It’s an easy way 15.The tough decision that many students have out. They avoid embarrassment and their parents’ to make before an exam is _______________. anger for not doing well in an exam. Research, A) how to cheat which was recently carried out in the USA also B) what to do if they fail shows that students think it’s OK to cheat if the C) how to use the Internet subject isn’t important for their future career or if D) to listen to the voice in their heads they just don’t understand it. What’s more, most E) whether to cheat or not students have to put up with the pressure of getting into university. They need to get good 16. According to research, the students’ opinion marks to carry on with their studies. This means about cheating is that ___________. that there will always be students who will do A) cheating isn’t wrong in some cases anything for a better mark. B) cheating is easy but a little embarrassing It has never been easier to cheat than it is today. C) cheating is always the right thing to do With all the technology available, students D) cheating is always risky needn’t cheat by looking over their shoulders any more. They use mobile phones to send answers to E) cheating is an art each other during a test. There is also the İNGİLİZCE DİL TESTİ İNGİLİZCE DİL TESTİ Sayfa 20 DAÜ ÖSYS – 2007 Alttaki boş kısmı karalama için kullanabilirsiniz 17.Students who want to cheat can find ___________ on the Internet. A) suggested answers to tests B) other students’ projects about cheating C) photos of any subjects D) useful information which can help them E) materials for their mobile phones 18.The worst thing about cheating is that _____. A) you can get caught and fail B) you cheat others and yourself C) your teacher will inform your parents D) you cheat your teachers and family E) you cheat your friends 19.The sentence best summarizes the whole text is that _______. A) students cheat to get into university B) cheating can be explained but not excused C) technology has made cheating easier D) research on cheating is increasing E) cheating is a social and psychological problem 20.‘carry on’ in paragraph 2 refers to ________. A) avoid B) restart C) finalize D) finish E) continue End of English Test