
Limak Limra Hotel Convention Center
Kemer, Antalya – Turkey
12-14 May 2016
Gazi University, Turkey
Middlesex University, UK
Anadolu University, Turkey
Islamic Azad University, Iran
Gaziosmanpasa University, TR
Near East University, North Cyprus
University of Kyrenia, North Cyprus
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Bucharest University (Academy) of Economic Studies, RO
Global Journal of Business, Economics & Managements
Association for Human, Science, Nature, Education and Technology
Academic World Education and Research Center - A non-profit international organization
Honorary Chair
Prof. Dr. Steven M. Ross, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fahriye Altinay Aksal, Near East University, Cyprus
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zehra Altinay Gazi, Near East University, Cyprus
Assist. Prof. Dr. Erinç Erçağ, Near East University, Cyprus
Conference Committee Members
Prof. Dr. Ferhan Odabaşı, Anadolu University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Hafize Keser, Ankara University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Huseyin Uzunboylu, Near East University, North Cyprus
Prof. Dr. Jacobus G. Maree, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Prof. Dr. Janet Parker, Open University, UK
Prof. Dr. Jean Underwood, Nottingham Trent University, UK
Prof. Dr. Kinshuk, Athabasca University, Canada
Prof. Dr. Servet Bayram, Marmara University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Ülkü Koymen, Near East University, North Cyprus
Prof. Dr. Yavuz Akpınar, Bogazici University, Turkey
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sarka Hoskova-Mayerova, University of Defence, Czech Republic
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selma Koc, Cleveland State University, USA
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Erdem, University of Las Vegas, USA
Nazliyet Uzunboylu
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
International Scientific Committee
Abdullah Kuzu, Anadolu University, Turkey
Adem Karahoca, Bahcesehir University, Turkey
Ahmet Mahiroğlu, Gazi University, Turkey
Akbar Salehi, Kharazmi University, Iran
Ali Ekrem Özkul , Anadolu University, Turkey
Ana Loureiro, Polytechnics Institute of Santarem, Portugal
Antonella Carbonaro, University of Bologna, Italy
Arif Altun, Hacettepe University, Turkey
Aytekin İşman, Sakarya University, Turkey
Begoña Montero, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Buket Akkoyunlu, Hacettepe University, Turkey
Carmen Pérez-Sabater, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Christine Harmes, James Madison University, USA
Colin Latchem, Open Learning Consultant, Australia
Eralp Altun, Ege University, Turkey
Fatos Adiloglu, Bahcesehir University, Turkey
Ferhan Odabaşı, Anadolu University, Turkey
George S. Mouzakitis, Greece
Gulsun Kurubacak, Anadolu University, Turkey
Hafize Keser, Ankara University, Turkey
Hakan Aydın, Anadolu University, Turkey
Halil İbrahim Yalın, Gazi University, Turkey
Hüseyin Uzunboylu, Near East University, North Cyprus
Janet Parker, Open University, UK
Jean Underwood, Nottingham Trent University, UK
Jongho Shin, Seoul National University, South Korea
Kamisah Osman, University of Kebangsaan, Malaysia
Kinshuk, Athabasca University, Canada
Kiyoshi Nakabayashi, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan
Mansour Abdi, Arak University, Iran
Marina S. Mcisaac, Arizona State University, USA
Mazzola Luca, Italy
Mehmet Erdem, University of Las Vegas, USA
Mehmet Gürol, Fırat University, Turkey
Mehmet Kesim, Anadolu University, Turkey
Michael Spector, University of Georgia, USA
Mohammad H Yarmohammadian, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Murat Ataizi, Anadolu University, Turkey
Nick Rusby, British Journal of Educational Technology, UK
Peter Goodyear, The University of Sydney, Australia
Rauf Yıldız, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey
Ray Webster, Murdoch University, Australia
Rozhan M. Idrus, University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Sadi Seferoğlu, Hacettepe University, Turkey
Sarka Hoskova-Mayerova, University of Defence, Czech Republic
Selma Koc, Cleveland State University, USA
Servet Bayram, Yeditepe University, Turkey
Sonia Maria Suaez-Garaboa, University of A Coruña, Spain
Stephen W. Harmon, Georgia State University, USA
Steven M. Ross, John Hopkins University, USA
Thirusellvan Vandeyar, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Tom Baranowski, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Tse-Kian Neo, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Uğur Demiray, Anadolu University, Turkey
Yavuz Akpınar, Bogazici University, Turkey
Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Columbia University, USA
Yu-chu Yeh, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Yu-Mei Wang, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Zehra Özçınar, Ataturk Teacher Training Academy, North Cyprus
Didactic potential of computer educational technologies in
scope of dissertations and theses: representation in on-line
Olga Dmitrievna Fedotova, Southern Federal University, Russian
Vladimir Latun, Southern Federal University, Russian
Problem Statement.
The problem consists in the need of determination of didactic potential of educational computer technologies
by actualizing of lifelong learning strategy. Purpose of Study. Based on the content analysis of online database
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, which covers 2,4 million records from 1637 to the present, to establish
actualization of scientific directions of pedagogical issues dealing with educational computer technologies and
current trends in the change of the activities of researchers. Methods: analysis, content analysis (limiting of
tally in 1000 dissertations and theses by using the option "start listing with the most recent year of
publication"), interpretation, comparison. Findings and Results. It is established, that the number of
pedagogical dissertations, devoted to the using of educational computer technologies, include only 0.9% from
100%. All 100% of the studies are written in the US, 72% in 2015. Dissertations and theses include all kind of
persons who studies: preschool children (14%), school students and students (29%), graduate students (14%),
teachers improving skills (14%). Without any fixed level of education are found 29% of dissertations. Didactic
computer environment is studied in 86% of dissertations, preservation of cultural environment via computer
technologies in 14%. Conclusions and Recommendations The percent of pedagogical dissertations which are
covered in online database ProQuest Dissertations & Theses are not adequate to the importance of the impact
of computer technologies in the modern education. The works characterizing initiative self-training and the
organization of independent work on the computer aren't presented.
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Olga Dmitrievna Fedotova, Southern Federal University, Russian
E-Mail Address: fod1953@yandex.ru
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Exploring the effect of mentors and collaborative reflection
on professional role identities
Somayeh Sharifi, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Maryam Rokhideh, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Identity “represents the process by which the person seeks to integrate his (sic) various statuses and roles, as
well as his diverse experiences, into a coherent image of self”. (Epstein, 1978, p. 101). While teaching teachers
are gaining experience and are building their image of self and their professional role identity. This article
presents a qualitative study which examined the effect of mentors and collaborative reflection on the
professional role identity of eight inexperienced ESL teachers teaching elementary level in a cohort of first year
of their career. Eight teachers were allocated into two groups experimental and control group. Both groups had
passes teacher training classes and had an observer who had more than ten year teaching experience to check
their performance once a week. However, an observer in experimental group besides observing acted as a
mentor and conducted regular reflective meeting once a week in order to guide the teacher to overcome
negative points. Findings from observation and interview pointed to the potential utility of applying mentor
and reflective meeting by which teachers develop a professional teaching identity.
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Somayeh Sharifi, Islamic Azad University, Iran
E-Mail Address: sharifi_samin@yahoo.com
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'e-School' : An open-educational-social-networking
project based on flipped classroom
Shubham Arora, Educational Technology Researcher, India
This project is entirely based on both the main themes. The purpose of this research is to concatinate all the
best available techniques, applications and features of soft computing for making a wonderful e-platform to
cumulate students, teachers, schools, administrators with their different needs, standpoints and technicalities
at a single point. The foundation aim of this project is connecting people - connecting knowledge - connecting
resources - connecting experiences. In the present age of ICT in Education, keeping the concept of Smart
Classrooms, Interactive e-learning and flipped classroom in the mind, a practical approach has been proposed
in the presentproject. Using the experiences of Software Engineering and educational technoogy, an interactive
e-portal, named 'e-School' has been developed. 'e-School' is an Open-Educational-Social-Networking platform
for connecting human resources such as students, teachers, researchers, administrators, outsourcers to
technically enhance the teaching and learning pedagogies. It is an application of flipped classroom, where
students keep learning by doing at their own pace, interests and without the boundation of classroom. Every
student, teacher, school, and other outsourcers have their personal page and blogsite. Students can perform
different activities, assignments at home and can share it worldwide. Teachers can examine the overall
performance of students. There is a wide range of other applications such as groups, fourms, map, e-test, ecourses, an open educational repository of resources like audios, videos, intereactives, documents, images are
availabe for the people to connect with other ones and share the culture, experience and knowledge for
making education more qualitative.
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Shubham Arora, Educational Technology Researcher, India
E-Mail Address: lksk10@gmail.com
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Yılmaz Kılavuz, Muş Alparslan University, Turkey
M.Fatih SAYIR, Muş Alparslan University, Turkey
Today many countries increase the level of using technology in their education systems as technology plays an
important role on the quality of education. In this sense, Ministry of National Education has initiated Fatih
Project which aims to deliver technological equipments to state schools across Turkey. This study aims to
explore students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards interactive whiteboards (IWBs) used in English courses via
Fatih Project. The study also investigates the effects of the use of IWBs on teaching and learning English
speaking skill.
The study conducted in eight state schools in Muş and 183 students and 19 teachers participated in the study.
Data about students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards use of IWBs were collected through questionnaires. The
questionnaires also contained open-ended questions for gathering information about teachers’ and students’
ideas on the effects of the use of IWBs on English speaking skill.
Key Words: Interactive Whiteboard (IWB), Attitude, Fatih Project.
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Yılmaz Kılavuz, Muş Alparslan University, Turkey
E-Mail Address: y.kilavuz@alparslan.edu.tr
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A data mining approach for predicting and
analyzing secondary school students’ performance in
Musa PEKER, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Turkey
Educational data mining is among the popular topics in recent years. In particular, factors affecting the
performance of student achievement are one of the subjects of interest. In this study, the estimation and
analysis of student achievement in secondary education has been carried out using data mining techniques.
The main aim of this study is identification of factors which significantly affect student achievement. In this
context, identification of factors which affect student performance more is aimed with the feature selection
methods. Different data mining classification algorithms have been used during the classification stage. The
dataset consists of data collected from two public schools in the Alentejo region of Portugal. This dataset
contains student grades, demographic, social and school-related features. This information has been obtained
using questionnaires and school reports. In this study, achievements of the students in mathematics classes
have been evaluated.
Educational data mining is among the popular topics in recent years. In particular, factors affecting the
performance of student achievement are one of the subjects of interest. In this study, the estimation and
analysis of student achievement in secondary education has been carried out using data mining techniques.
The main aim of this study is identification of factors which significantly affect student achievement. In this
context, identification of factors which affect student performance more is aimed with the feature selection
methods. Different data mining classification algorithms have been used during the classification stage. Dataset
consists of data collected from two public schools in the Alentejo region of Portugal. This dataset contains
student grades, demographic, social and school related features. This information has been obtained using
questionnaires and school reports. In this study, achievements of the students in mathematics classes have
been evaluated.
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Musa PEKER, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Turkey
E-Mail Address: pekermusa@gmail.com
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New challenges in the development process of oral testing
on-line for second language assessment
Jesus Garcia Laborda, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Teresa Magal-Royo, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Language learning as well as tests for recognition
educational level and professional need to be up to the
technological changes offered by wireless devices like
they can be PC tablets and / or smartphones. This represents a change
paradigm in the way the user communicates with the device
because it should be more in line with input methods, management
and search for information through the navigation data.
Due to the small size of the screens and the integration of
all kinds of applications on a single device, the user is
I used to be handled within it mendiante using different
navigation methods such as touch screen, keyboard
virtual or voice recognition for navigation, it is
is this aspect that currently being investigated
in educational mobile applications as in the case of
oral language learning tests allow one hand
speed up the natural process of navigation and record the voice for
the user can hear himself. Also can be made
pronunciation corrections or register a test or examination
to assess the oral ability of the user to a situation
Today the tress development methods oral evidence
on-line language focus, in having a sound document or
audiovisual that can be heard by the student and which
Questions or comments made in class time to be
assessed by the teacher. In having an audiovisual document
siirve base for conducting on-line concrete evidence on
I heard that generally focuses on writing commentary
text, answer essay questions, answer questions such as
test…. The third method is based on the completely virtual creation
an oral test based on an audiovisual document on which
a series of questions whose answers are oral are made and are
recorded in the application to be processed and evaluated by the
Professor deferred basis and not necessarily at the time.
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Jesus Garcia Laborda, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
E-Mail Address: jesus.garcialaborda@uah.es
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Melike Yalçın, Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Turkey
Başak Mendi, Istanbul Bilim University, Turkey
Self-directed learning (SDL) emerged as one of the most important factors in information SDL helps students to
actively take part in the educational process. SDL skill means that students can take the responsibility of their
own learning process. These skills include deciding resources, learning and assessment methods in line with the
learning objectives. Another important concept information literacy is the perception, discovery, acquisition,
assessment and effective use of the information required. This study was conducted with the purpose of
assessing self-learning skills and information literacy levels of nursing students and affecting factors, and
examining the relationship between self-learning skills, information literacy levels, and academic success. Data
was collected from 419 nursing students using survey method. Student Information Form, Form for
Determining Information Access Methods, Self-Directed Learning Instrument and Information Literacy Scale
were used in the collection of data. While the highest score (4.09 ± 0.991) obtained from the Self-Directed
Learning Insturment was received by the item, “I strongly hope to constantly improve and excel in my
learning”, the lowest score (3.66 ± 0.961) was received by the item, “I am good at arranging and controlling my
learning time.” While the highest score obtained from the Information Literacy scale (4.24 ± 0.829) was
received by the item, “using web search engines”, the lowest score (3.31 ± 1.100) was received by the item, “In
case I have to determine study/research subject.” This study also revealed that students connect the Internet
mostly for social media use (%43.7). This study showed that there is a significant and positive relationship
between self-learning and information literacy and both factors postively impact the academic success of
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE Melike Yalçın, Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Turkey
E-Mail Address: melikeyalcin90@gmail.com
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Application of knowledge about social networks in creation
of study groups
Juraj Dubovec, Unıversıty of Zılına, Slovak Rebuplic
Jana Makysova, Unıversıty of Zılına, Slovak Rebuplic
This contribution describes how friendships and student groups in certain courses affect their academic
progress. The understanding of the social network between students and its impact on their academic progress
is important by forming study courses. The goal of this work was the qualification of the 1st grade FRI (Faculty
of management science and informatics) student social network parameters in the study program –
Informatics. On the base of information from the actual students correlations in the social network were
formed. To each tops the coefficients of academic progress were added, representing the number of success
exams in the winter semester. Then study averages were compared to the students friends study averages and
according to these results were these information evaluated.
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Juraj Dubovec, Unıversıty of Zılına, Slovak Rebuplic
E-Mail Address: juraj.dubovec@fri.uniza.sk
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Reforms and Policies in Higher Education and the use of IT in
Jonuz Abdullai, The Former Yugoslav Republic of, Macedonia
As a country in transition Macedonia has to go through the necessary reforms in order to comply with the EU
standards regarding the higher education. Throughout this process the country faces many problems and
difficulties which have a great impact in the life of the new generation of students, graduates and future
professionals and experts that will have to lead the country in EU. The new technologies and the use of internet
can be a strong asset in reaching the necessary goals and demands.
SEEU has been very innovative in introducing Learning Management System in Macedonia, by constantly
upgrading them based on the annual reports from the international evaluators. This adds a value in advancing
the teaching and learning processes in the country and automatically challenges the competitiveness among
other institutions in the area of the higher education.
The processes should have an impact and benefits on the students and lecturers regarding the mutual
communication, transparency, on time information, accountability and effectiveness in time management. The
gained experience on this field will be the main focus of our research, by comparing and analyzing the annual
reports of the Quality Assurance and Management Office. The used methodology will contain content analysis,
comparative and analytical methods.
Keywords: education, transition, research, technology, quality
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Jonuz Abdullai, The Former Yugoslav Republic of, Macedonia
E-Mail Address: j.abdullai@seeu.edu.mk
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Ali Pajaziti, The Former Yugoslav Republic of, Macedonia
As an universal definition points out, knowledge is information supplied with meaning (Liessmann, 2012). In the
era of globalized and information society, when meaning is deconstructed, one of the great issues of the
academia or university is how to guard the real teaching and learning in the context of digital ocean, how to
keep this institution from the relativization and superficialization of the knowledge-building process. The topic
of this paper is the technoid culture and half-education (Adorno), i.e. dilemma of using or not of the Power
Point Presentation in the universities, SWOT analysis of this tool in the teaching process. The PPT as exciting
innovation gets overused and abused, and teacher who abuse PPT, create students who abuse the same tool.
Digital slideshows are the scourge of the higher education (Schumann, 2014). The focus of this paper will be on
the case of South-East European University and the practice of the use of PPT. From Angel, to Libri and Google
Classroom, SEEU is one of the leaders of using tools of e-learning in the Macedonia. The methodology used in
this study includes observation, quantitative analysis (Annual Reports of the Quality Assurance Office) and the
interviews with the university teachers and students on this disputable topic, with many pros and contras.
Keywords: Power Point, university, teaching, disinformation society
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Ali Pajaziti, The Former Yugoslav Republic of, Macedonia
E-Mail Address: a.pajaziti@seeu.edu.mk
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Digitized and Visualized Knowledge Structures in
Recommending Associated Web Links
Athitaya Nitchot, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
E-learning and web-based learning are intended to support learners. It is still difficult, however, for learners to
identify and choose study materials that match their current and desired abilities. Some e-learning systems do
not provide the information needed to assist learners and avoid these difficulties.This research proposes
pedagogically-informed knowledge structures, methods to construct them and design the associated
application, a tool for recommending appropriate materials. Experimental studies are conducted to validate
the design of the knowledge structures and the effectiveness of the tools. Learners will be expected to gain
significantly higher levels of achievement by using the knowledge structures and associated tools proposed in
this research.
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Athitaya Nitchot, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
E-Mail Address: athitaya.nitchot@gmail.com
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Demographic Zoning of Kazakhstan (1999-2015)
Zhanna Aubakirova, State University, Kazakhstan
Fauzia Razhepayeva, State University, Kazakhstan
Ainur Kazbekova, State University, Kazakhstan
Rausnan Nurbekova, State University, Kazakhstan
Alya Oskembay, State University, Kazakhstan
Saule Kucherova, State University, Kazakhstan
Ayauly Bulgynbaeva, State University, Kazakhstan
Saule Ualiyeva, State University, Kazakhstan
Regional peculiarities of the modern demographic processes in Kazakhstan are so essential, that it’s not always
appropriate to talk about the demographic situation in the whole Republic. To implement unbiased and more
efficient demographic policy of the state, the study of demographic processes from the point of view of their
regional ranking is seen as a priority and scientifically sound..
The goal of demographic of zoning is to highlight the regions with relatively homogeneous demographic
situation and different mode of reproduction.
Zoning is implemented by the method of multidimensional classification – cluster analysis (Fuzzy class
Demographic zoning identified 5 clusters. The concept of “ethno-demographic areas” can be used. The
concept was introduced by Ukrainian demographers to denote a territory with relatively homogeneous
demography. We consider it necessary to enlarge the concept, name the clusters as “ethnic and demographic
areas” and stress the importance of ethnic component forming regional peculiarities. That is the ethnic
differentiation that promotes the specific republic population development.
Analysis of the situation in those areas made it possible to reveal their specific demographic development. The
level of their regional differences turned out to be substantial. The character of demographic processes in two
areas (cluster 1 and 3) can be referred to favorably. Cluster 2 and 4 have a complicated demographic situation,
characterized by unfavorable trends and crucial moment. The state of those possesses in cluster 5 can be
characterized as a transitional period coming to accumulating positive characteristics of population which
means that the demographic situation considerably improved for last fifteen years.
We encourage state agencies to develop regional demographic development programmers aimed at improving
(adjusting) of the demographic situation in the regions of Kazakhstan.
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Zhanna Aubakirova, State University, Kazakhstan
E-Mail Address: aubakir_ganna@mail.ru
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Kezban Ozansoy, Near East University, Cyprus
Zehra Altınay, Near East University, Cyprus
Bu çalışmanın amacı orta öğretim kademelerinde siber zorbalığın önlenmesine yönelik stratejilerin
geliştirilmesidir. Bu amaca ulaşabilmek için Google Akademi ve Yüksek öğretim Kurulu bünyesinde bulunan
Ulusal Tez Arşivinde ve TUBİTAK’ın ULAKBİM (Ulusal Akademik Ağ ve Bilgi Merkezi) veri tabanında 2010-2015
yılları arasında yayınlanmış bilimsel çalışmalara bakılarak içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmalar sonucunda
öğrencilerin siber zorba davranışlara maruz kaldıkları gibi kendilerinin de aynı zamanda siber zorba davranışlar
gösterdikleri sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Siber zorbalık konusundaki araştırmada elde edilen bulgular eğitimcilere,
öğrencilere, öğrenci velilerine ve gelecekte bu konuda yapılacak araştırmalara yönelik önerilerde
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Kezban Ozansoy, Near East University, Cyprus
E-Mail Address: kezbanozansoy@hotmail.com
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Özge Beyatlı, Near East University, Cyprus
Fahriye Altınay, Near East University, Cyprus
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Yüksek Öğretimde “Edmodo” Öğretim Yönetim Sisteminin değrelendirilmesinive sistemle
ilgili etkenlerin neler olduğunu ortaya çıkarmaktır. Çalışma içerik analizi çerçevesinde Ulusal Tez Arşivi’nde ve
TUBİTAK’ın ULAKBİM (Ulusal Akademik Ağ ve Bilgi Merkezi) veri tabanında ve Google Akademi veri tabanında
2010-2016 yılları arasında yayınlanmış bilimsel çalışmalar incelenerek temalar ortaya koyulmuştur. Bu
çalışmaların sonucunda, Edmodo’nun eğitsel özelliklerinin yanında tamamen ücretsiz olması ve birçok dil
desteği sunması bakımından kullanımının her geçen gün yaygınlaştığı görülmektedir. Ayrıca öğretmen ve
öğrenciler için; işbirliği, geribildirim, kişiselleştirilmiş öğrenme ve bunun gibi birçok açıdan güvenli bir ortam
oluşturduğu belirlenmiştir
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Özge Beyatlı, Near East University, Cyprus
E-Mail Address: ozge_beyatli@hotmail.com
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Engelli Farkındalığı Eğitiminde Görsel Medya ve
Teknolojinin Önemi
Başak Eser, Near East University, Cyprus
Fahriye Altınay, Near East University, Cyprus
Zehra Altınay, Near East University, Cyprus
Okul öncesi dönemdeki özel gereksinimli öğrencilerin çok azının bu tür bir eğitimden geçtiği ülkemizde, normal
gelişim gösteren çocuklara engelli farkındalığı ile ilgili verilen eğitimin oldukça yetersiz olduğu gözlemlenmiştir.
Hem özel gereksinimli hem de normal gelişim gösteren öğrencilerin bu eğitimden yarar sağlayabilmeleri başta
bu çocukların akranlarına karşı tutumu olmak üzere pek çok faktöre bağlıdır. Dolayısıyla, bu arastırmanın amacı,
normal gelişim gösteren okul öncesi dönemdeki öğrencilerin engelli farkındalığı ve bedensel engelli akranlarına
yönelik görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesidir. Bu araştırmanın çalışma grubunu bağımsız anaokullarında öğrenim
gören ve normal gelisim gösteren öğrencilerden gönüllü katılma temeline uygun olarak seçilen 30 öğrenci
oluşturmaktadır. Öğrencilere ‘’engelli farkındalığı’’ ile ilgili videolar izletilerek ön test ve son test uygulaması
yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmada nitel arastırma desenine bağlı yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği ile veriler
toplanmıştır. Araştırmada normal gelişim gösteren öğrencilerin çoğunun engelli farkındalığının olumlu yönde
gelişim gösterdiği ve bedensel engelli akranlarıyla birlikte eğitim almaları konusunda olumlu görüş bildirdikleri
ortaya çıkarılmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Bedensel Engelli, Filmler, Okul Öncesi Eğitim, Engelli Farkındalığı
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Başak Eser, Near East University, Cyprus
E-Mail Address: zehaltinay@gmail.com
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Özge Özberk, Near East University, Cyprus
Zehra Altınay, Near East University, Cyprus
Fahriye Altınay, Near East University, Cyprus
Gökmen Dağlı, Near East University, Cyprus
Kenan Özberk, Near East University, Cyprus
Bu araştırmanın amacı, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti’ndeki orta öğretim okullarında çalışan öğretmenlerin
görüşlerine göre orta öğretim okullarındaki örgüt kültürünün sınıf içi teknoloji kullanımına nasıl yansıdığını
ortaya koymaktır.
Çalışmada orta öğretim okullarındaki örgüt kültürünün sınıf içi teknoloji kullanımına yansıması konusunda
öğretmen görüşleri araştırıldığından nitel araştırma desenlerinden durum çalışması deseni kullanılmıştır.
Veriler, yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2015-2016 öğretim
yılında Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı Genel Orta Öğretim ve Mesleki Teknik
Öğretim Dairesine bağlı okullarda görev yapan ve kartopu örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 10 öğretmen
Açık uçlu ve yarı yapılandırılmış sorularla yüz yüze görüşme tekniği uygulanan araştırmada katılımcıların
sorulara verdiği cevaplar not alma tekniğiyle toplanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler nitel veri analizi yöntemiyle analiz
edilecektir. İçerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak çözümlenen bulgular tablolarla yorumlanacaktır. Çalışma kısa bir
süre zarfında tamamlanacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Örgüt kültürü, sınıf içi teknoloji, mesleki eğitim, durum çalışması
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Özge Özberk, Near East University, Cyprus
E-Mail Address: zehaltinay@gmail.com
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Teknoloji Kullanımının Çocuğun Psikolojik ve Sosyal
Gelişimine Etkisi
Hakan Bakır, Near East University, Cyprus
Sevil Bakır, Near East University, Cyprus
Fahriye Altınay, Near East University, Cyprus
Zehra Altınay, Near East University, Cyprus
Teknolojinin ilerlemesi, bilgi birikiminin artması ve bunlarla birlikte öğrencilerin ilgi alanlarının ve öğrenme
biçimlerinin değişmesi; her alanda olduğu gibi eğitim alanında da bilgisayar, akıllı tahta, tablet gibi bilişim
teknolojisi araçlarının etkin bir şekilde kullanımını beraberinde getirmiştir. Bilişim teknolojisi araçlarının eğitim
sisteminde kullanılması, öğrencilerin derslere daha ilgili olmalarını sağlamakla birlikte, klasik öğrenme
yöntemlerine ek olarak, farklı zeka türlerine yönelik geliştirilmiş programlarla öğrencilerin başarılarını
arttırmaya destek olmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı tabletlerin ortaokul öğrencilerinin psikolojik gelişimine olan
etkilerini araştırmaktır. Araştırma, nitel araştırma desenini yansıtmakla durum çalışması niteliğini taşımaktadır.
Yansıtıcı raporlar veri toplama aracı olarak kullanılarak nitel verilerin analizi için içerik analizi kullanılacaktır.
Pilot çalışma niteliği taşıyan bu araştırma, öğrencilerin tabletleri yalnızca eğlence araçları olarak kullandıkları
veya zaman kontrolü yapamadıkları durumlarda, tablet kullanımının öğrencileri psikolojik ve sosyal yönden
olumsuz etkileyebileceğini, çocuklara rehberlik yapmanın ebeveyn ve öğretmenlere düştüğünü
Anahtar kelimeler: mobil öğrenme, sosyal gelişim, rehberlik, teknoloji
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Zehra Altınay, Near East University, Cyprus
E-Mail Address: zehaltinay@gmail.com
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FASTIP Intranet: Improvement, Training and User Rights
Erjon Duka, Epoka University, Albania
While much importance is given for protecting one’s data and confidential information from outside one’s
boundaries little is talked about the risks involved inside the organization. Users inside an organization had
direct physical access to confidential information and are well aware of the resource access controls. Hence
securing the intranet from its trusted users becomes critical. Statistics show that 80% of all computer frauds is
committed by internal end users. This paper briefly explains the definition and the architecture of the intranet
and discusses the physical security of the intranet components and also security of the organizations data both
from the internal users and also from the outside world (Internet).
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Erjon Duka, Epoka University, Albania
E-Mail Address: erjon_duka@live.com
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Nurse Scheduling Problem A Case Study in a Hospital
Erjon Duka, Epoka University, Albania
In this paper, what i have been discussed, is analyzing penalties and cost shifts based on several elements for
nurse scheduling problem (NSP). NSP’s issue is to assign nurses to different tasks based on constraints. The
problem is known to be NP-hard, in other words it does not have a solution or needs years to be solved. In this
work we try to solve the problem by satisfying the constraints set, and we also include the nurse’s preference
and try to balance the difficulty level of all the involved nurses. We also analyze the complexity of the problem
as a function of parameters such as number of nurses, number of shifts, and optimality of the function.
According to the importance in practice, many scientists have developed NSP problems in a satisfactory time
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Erjon Duka, Epoka University, Albania
E-Mail Address: erjon_duka@live.com
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Fahriye Durak Kanioğlu, Near East University, Cyprus
Zehra Altınay, Near East University, Cyprus
Fahriye Altınay, Near East University, Cyprus
Bir ülkenin bilgili ve eğitimli düzeyde gelişebilmesi için bilimin ve bilişim teknolojilerinin eğitim kurumlarında söz
konusu değişimi takip ederek okullarda derslerle ilişkilendirilerek aktif düzeyde kullanılması gerekmektedir.
Bilişim teknolojisinin eğitimde kullanırlılığı açısından önemi, örgün eğitim kadar yaygın eğitim kurumu olan
Sanat eğitimi veren okullarda da kullanılmasının azımsanamaz ölçüde önemi büyüktür. Bu çalışma sanat
eğitiminde bilişim teknolojisinin önemini vurgulamaktadır.
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Zehra Altınay, Near East University, Cyprus
E-Mail Address: fahriye.altinay@neu.edu.tr
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Creative Leadership and Motivation of University Employees
Okul Yöneticilerinin Teknoloji Liderliğine Yönelik
Görüşlerinin Değerlendirilmesi
Aytaç Tokel, Near East University, Cyprus
Timuçin Özkan, Near East University, Cyprus
Mahmut Çelik, Near East University, Cyprus
Eğitimin hedeflerine ulaşmasında teknoloji giderek önem kazanmaktadır. Okulda yönetici görevi üstlenen kişi,
liderlik özelliklerini de taşımalı ve sergilemelidir. Bu çalışma ile, meslek okul yöneticilerinin teknoloji liderliğine
yönelik görüşlerinin neler olduğunun değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın güvenilirliğini arttırmak için
yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme soruları kullanılmıştır.Bu maksatla, bu çalişma amaçlı olarak seçilmiş beş adet
meslek okulunun yöneticileri ile yüz yüze görüşme tekniği kullanılarak nitel olarak yapılmıştır.Çalışmanın
tekrarına olanak verebilmek amacıyla,önceden belirlenmiş sorular oluşturmaya ağırlık verilerek içerik analizi
yoluyla çözümlenmiştir.Çalışmada, okul yöneticilerinin kendi kurumlarında teknoloji liderliğine bakış açıları,ne
derece faydalı bulup kullandıkları konularının anlaşılabilmesi için nitel-yönetici durum çalışmasından
yararlanılmıştır. Çeşitlenen bulgular, katılan okul yöneticilerinin eğitim-öğretim süreçlerinde öğrencilerin
öğretim süreçlerinin ve becerilerinin gelişiminde teknoloji liderliğinin etkili olduğunu hatta öğrencilerin yanısıra
kendi bireysel ve mesleki gelişimlerininde olumlu yönde geliştiğini ortaya koymuştur.
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Mahmut Çelik, Near East University, Cyprus
E-Mail Address: mahmut.celik@neu.edu.tr
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Fatma Köprülü, Near East University, Cyprus
Yeşim Üstün Aksoy, Near East University, Cyprus
Ebru Şahan, Near East University, Cyprus
Günümüzde teknoloji araçlarını kullanarak ilim ve bilime gün geçtikçe ulaşmak kolaylaşmıştır. Insanlar mobil
cihazlarını bilgi alış verişi, eğlence ve eğitim amaçlı kullanmaktadır. Mobil cihazlar insanların yaşamlarında
vazgeçilmez bir unsur haline gelmiştir ve insanlar birçok ihtiyaçlarını mobil cihazlar sayesinde sağlamaktadırlar.
Mobil cihazlar kolay taşınabilir olması açısından okul öncesi öğrencilerinin yabancı dil öğreniminde yer ve
zamandan bağımsız olarak dili daha etkili bir şekilde öğrenmelerini
sağlamaktadır. Öğretmenler ise mobil cihazlarını kullanarak eğitim ve öğretimi öğrencilere aktarmaktadır.
Özetlemek gerekirse mobil öğrenme eğitimin önemli parçalarından biridir. Bu araştırma, mobil öğrenmenin
yabancı dil öğrenimine verimliliği ve etkisini belirlemeyi hedeflemektedir. Bu çalışma bir nitel araştırma
desenine dayandırılmış, durum çalışmasını
kapsamaktadır. Öğrenci velilerinin katılımcı olarak yer aldığı bu çalışmada, mobil öğrenme sürecinin okulöncesi
dönemde çocuğun yabancı dil gelişimine katkısı ele alınacaktır. Yüz yüze görüşme
tekniğinin kullanıldığı çalışmada, mobil öğrenme sürecinin dil gelişimi, özellikle de yabancı dil eğitimindeki rolü
ve etkisi vurgulanacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: mobil öğrenme, mobil öğrenme algı düzeyleri, yabancı dil öğrenimi, mobil teknolojileri
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Fatma Köprülü, Near East University, Cyprus
E-Mail Address: fatohamidan@yahoo.com
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Fatma Köprülü, Near East University, Cyprus
Yeşim Üstün Aksoy, Near East University, Cyprus
Behcet Oznacar, Near East University, Cyprus
Gökmen Dağlı, Near East University, Cyprus
Değişimi yönetme, yüksek öğrenim kurumları için önemli bir olgudur.Dış çevredeki şartların sürekli değişmesi,
teknolojideki gelişmeler, ekonomik etkenler ve rekabetin artması yüksek öğrenim kurumlarında mevcut eğitim
sistemlerini gözden geçirmeleri ve geleceğe yönelik planlar yapmalarını gerekli kılmaktadır. Bu durum, yüksek
öğrenim kurumlarında değişimi yönetme stratejilerinin yaygınlaşmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu çalışmada değişim,
değişim yönetimi, lider, yönetici ve değişimi yönetme stratejileri açıklanmıştır. Bu araştırmanın amacı Yakın
Doğu Üniversitesi 2015-2016 eğitim öğretim hazırlık okulunda çalışan yöneticilerin değişimi yönetme
stratejilerini değerlendirmektir. Bu çalışma nitel ve betimsel bir araştırmaya dayalı olup altı hazırlık okulu
yöneticilerine ve hazırlık okulunda görev yapan okutmanlardan yirmi katılımcı ile görüşme ve gözlemler
yapılmıştır. Araştırmada Hazırlık okulu yöneticilerine “Değişimi yönetme yeterlilikleri” ile ilgili sorular
sorulmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda “Okulda değişim ihtiyacını saptamak”, “Öğretmenleri ve öğrencileri” ve
“Okulda değişimi uygulama” boyutlarında hazırlık okulu yöneticileri ve öğretmen görüşlerine “çok yeterli”
oldukları bulunmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Değişim, değişim yönetimi, lider, yönetici, değişimi yönetme stratejileri
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Fatma Köprülü, Near East University, Cyprus
E-Mail Address: fatohamidan@yahoo.com
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Learning Programming Algorithm with Robots at EUL
Nilcan Çiftçi Özüorçun, European University of Lefke, Cyprus
To develop engineering classroom with robots, it makes classrooms as an engineer. At the engineering
education applied teaching and learning is an important aspect. To design classroom appropriate to do
application about subject, it makes permanent learning. The programming algorithm course is the compulsory
and basic of the computer engineering department. The educational robot can be used to teach students how
programming algorithm and flowchart work in real life with real robot. Aim of this study to research how Lego
robot can be used in computer basic course and how does course materials convenient with Lego Mindstorms
sets. In this study there are three main parts of course: problem solving steps, flowchart design, algorithm and
demonstration of robots. According to this study prepared lecture notes which are appropriate with the Lego
Mindstorms set will be used in programming algorithm course to measure students’ achievement as further
Keywords: Engineering education, Lego Mindstorms, Programming, Algorithm
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Nilcan Çiftçi Özüorçun, European University of Lefke, Cyprus
E-Mail Address: nilcanozuorcun@gmail.com
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Computer-assisted Approaches to Teach Multi-word
Velislava Stoykova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
The multi-word expressions were studied using different approaches analysing that language units both
according to their form and meaning. Different types of multi-word expresssions were classified mostly with
respect to their linguistic structure. Recently, a collocation approach using electronic text corpora search
procedures was used to evaluate multi-word expressions according to the part-of-speech they include. We
present a teaching approach to study multi-word expressions based on both collocation generation evaluation
and semantic analysis. The approach is also suitable for automatic generation of language test items.
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Velislava Stoykova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
E-Mail Address: vstoykova@yahoo.com
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Sevda Koç, Siirt University, Turkey
Koray Akran, Giresun-Mithatpaşa Secondary School, Turkey
The basic aim of this study is to determine the influence of Flipped learning on attitudes of students towards
technology in the 8th grade math lesson. The workgroup of this study is consisted of the 8th grade students of
Mithatpaşa Secondary School that is in the centre of Giresun. Two of the 5 eighth grade classes were included
in the study. One of the classes that has 32 students is determined as the experimental group and the other
class that has 30 students is determined as the control group. In the study, in the forming of the both
experimental and control groups, ‘rendom sampling method’ that is one of the probability based sampling
methods was used. The findings were collected by using both qualitative and quantitative data collection tools.
Before-after application in the quantitative size, to determine the attitudes of students towards technology
‘The Turkey version of students’ attitudes scale towards technology (ÖTYT-TR)’ that has 24 items and that was
developed by Yurdagül and Aşkar (2008) was applied to the experimental and control groups. During the
application, videos that are appropriate for the lesson content were prepared for the experimental group
which was determined as flipped classroom and these videos were uploded to ‘Education information Network’
by the teacher. Afterwards, the students were divided into groups of 5-6 according to the subjects the teacher
taught in the class. In the groups, the students solved tests individually or in groups, they asked questions and
they formed discussion groups. In the control group, the teacher taught the lesson in line with the current
programme, completed the learning process with homework and tests. Finally, at the end of the qualitative
practice, qualitative data were collected by using semi-structured interview form and using document analysis
developed by Koç (2016). In the analysis, t-test, content and descriptive analysing methods were used. In line
with the data that were obtained from the analysis, recommendations were presented.
Key words: Learning, Flipped Classroom, Flipped Learning, Technology
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Sevda Koç, Siirt University, Turkey
E-Mail Address: sevdakc@gmail.com
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