currıculum vı tae - Maltepe Üniversitesi


currıculum vı tae - Maltepe Üniversitesi
Özgeçmiş ve Yayınlar
Prof. Dr. Müslim BOZYİĞİT
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü,
Maltepe Üniversitesi,
34857 Maltepe, İstanbul
Tel: 0216 6261050 extç 2360, Fax: 0216 6261070
Üyelikler: ACM, TBD
1. Ph.D., on the performance of reconfigurable dense multi computer systems,
University of Westminster, UK, 1979.
2. PG. D., on modeling heterogeneous multiple server queuing systems, UNESC0/ICC
Program, Department of Computer Science, UNILAG, 1973.
3. MS., on computer modeling and simulation of oil reservoir models (Pet.
Engineering), METU, Ankara, Turkey, 1972.
4. B.S. in Pet. Engineering, METU, Ankara, Turkey, 1969.
Dağitik bilgi işlem-Distributed Computing
Bilgisayar Ağları-Computer Networking
İşletim sistemleri-Operating Systems
Bölüm Başkanı, Yazılım Mühendisliği Bölümü, Maltepe Üniversitesi, İstanbul
Chairman, Computer Engineering Dept. METU.
Program Coordinator, Computer Engineering Program, METU Northern Cyprus
Director, Modeling Simulation Center (MODSİMER: TSK-ODTÜ Modelleme
Simülasyon Merkezi), METU.
Invited Scholar, Computing Laboratory (CS), Cambridge University, UK.
Professor, Information and Computer Science Department, KFUPM, Dhahran,
Saudi Arabia.
Director, METU MERNİS Project, METU.
Research assistant and later Post Doc. researcher, University of Westminster, UK.
Researcher or Principle Researcher in a number of R&D projects.
Has organized an international regional seminar, a national conference, taking part
in designing undergraduate and graduate programs, prepared and conducted regular
short courses.
Has been advisor to a number MS and PHD thesis.
Has been chairman or member to a number of promotion committees, session
chairman in conferences.
Evaluators or consultant in TUBİTAK and other sponsored projects.
Currently MÜDEK evaluator for Computer Engineering Programs.
Muslim Bozyigit
1. BOZYIGIT, M., PAKER,Y.,"A fixed routing problem in large and high
connectivity networks", The Computer Journal, Vol.22, No.1, pp.246250, 1979.
2. ----------, PAKER,Y.,"A Topology reconfiguration
mechanism for
distributed computer systems", The Computer Journal, Vol.25,No.1,
pp.87-92, 1982.
3. ----------, M., ABDULGHANI, A. A., “A parallel scheduling algorithm for
parallel applications, “ Parallel Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 6,
pp.303-316, 1996.
4. ----------, ADEM, M. S., AL-TAYYEB, M., “A parallel join algorithm for
IBGF based relational databases,” Concurrency Practice and Experience,
Vol.9, No.8, pp821-836, August 1997.
5. ----------, MELHI, M., “A load balancing framework for distributed
systems,” International Journal of Computer Systems Science &
Engineering, Vol.12, No.5, pp237-293, September 1997.
6. ----------, AL-Ghamdi, J., Ghouse, M.,”A load balanced distributed
computing system,” Journal of Concurrency: Practice and Experience,
Vol.11(12), pp753-771, 1999.
7. ----------,
“History driven dynamic load balancing on networks of
workstations,” The Journal of Systems & Software, , 51(1), pp.61-72, 2000.
8. ----------, AL-TAWEEL, K., NASEER, S. K., “A kernel integrated task
migration infrastructure for clusters of workstations,” An International
Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering, 26(3-4), pp.279-295, 2000.
9. ----------, Wasiq, M., “User-level process checkpoint and restore for
migration,”ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 35(2), pp.86-96,
10. Rufai, R., Bozygit, M., Alghamdi, J., and Ahmed, M., Multithreaded
Parallelism with OpenMP, Parallel Processing Letters (Special Edition),
11. Shah, G. A., Bozyiğit, M., Hussain, F.B., “Cluster based coordination and
routing framework for wireless sensor and actor networks,” Wireless
Communication and Mobile Computing, John wiley & Sons, DOI:10.1002,
17p, 2009.
12. Shah, G. A., Bozyigit, M., Aksoy, D, . “Adaptive Pull–Push Based Event
Tracking in Wireless Sensor Actor Networks”, International Journal of
Wireless Information Networks, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp 24-38, 2011
1. BOZYIGIT, M., ENGLISH, H., et al, "MICROSS: Graphics aided
simulation of distributed computer systems," in Distributed Computing
Systems, Academic Press, by Y. Paker, pp.286-302, London, 1983.
2. PAKER, Y., ENGLISH, H., BOZYIGIT, M., "NPL Multicomputer Ring
modeling and simulation", Ring Technology Local Area Network,
(editors: Dallas and Spratt), Elsevier Science Publishers, pp. 205-217, 1984.
3. BOZYIGIT, M., "Distributed Computing system architectures: Hardware",
in Distributed Operating Systems Theory and Practice, (editors: P.Paker,
J-P Banatre, M. Bozyigit), Springer-Verlag, pp. 201-217, 1987.
4. R. Rufai, M. Bozygit, J. Alghamdi, and M. Ahmed. Multithreaded
Paralellism with OpenMP, a chapter in Hardware/Software Support for
Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing, Ed.
Laurence T. Yang, KLUWER Academıc Publıshers, Boston, p.328, Nov.
2003, ISBN: 1-4020-7580-4.
PAKER, Y., BANATRE, J-P., BOZYIGIT, M., Distributed Operating Systems: Theory and
Practice, published by Springer-Verlag, 1987.
1. BOZYIGIT, M., Proc. of 1st International Regional Seminar on Computer
Networks, 296p, METU 1980.
2. ----------, Proceedings of 2nd International Regional Seminar on
Microprocessors/ Microcomputers and Distributed Computer Systems,
352p, METU 1982.
3. ----------,, M., AL-GHAMDI J., Proceedings of Workshop on Information and
Computer Science (WICS98), 120p, KFUPM, 1998.
USMOS- Birinci Ulusal Savunma Uygulamaları Modelleme ve Simülasyon
Kongresi: USMOS 2005,
1. PAKER, Y., BOZYIGIT, M., "A Variable Topology Multicomputer", Proc
of Euromicro 76, pp.141-151, 1976.
2. BOZYIGIT,M., PAKER,Y.,"A routing and topology reconfiguration
mechanism", Proc of Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing, p.53, Michigan
3. BOZYIGIT, M., KALAYCIOGLU, U., MELIH, M. “Load balancing in dense
distributed systems,” Proceedings of 4th ISCIS, pp.345-360, Cesme, 1989.
4. KALAYCIOGLU, BOZYIGIT, M.,. “Message routing in dense distributed
systems,” Proceedings of 4th ISCIS, pp.329-344, Cesme, 1989.
5. AL-HAMED, A. H., BOZYIGIT, M., AL-SUWAIYEL, M.I., "An integrated
data protection scheme in a distributed computing environment," Int. Conf.
on New Trends in Communication, Control, and Signal Processing, pp1619175, 1990.
6. ADEM, M., BOZYIGIT, M., AL-TAYYEB, M., "Parallel Join Algorithms
for Multicomputer Systems,"7th International Symposium on Computers and
Information Sciences, pp. 145- 154, Antalya, Turkey, 1992.
BOZYIGIT, M., “A parallel scheduling algorithm on hypercube,” Proc of
1994 Intel European Supercomputer Users Group (ESUG), Daresbury,
England, pp217-230, 1994.
SHUM, K. H., BOZYIGIT, M., “A load distribution through competition for
workstation clusters,” Proceedings of 9th ISCIS, pp.810-817, Antalya, Turkey,
S. Mohammed, B. Srinivasan, M. Bozyigit, Phu Dung Le, “ Novel Parallel
Join Algorithms for Grid Files,” Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on High-Performance Computing (HiPC '96).
AL-TAWEEL, BOZYIGIT, M., K., NASEER, S. K., “A process migration
for workstation-based distributed system,” Proceedings of Fifth IEEE Int.
Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, pp511-520, NY
State, 1996.
BOZYIGIT, M., AL-TAWEEL, K., NASEER, S. K., “A task migration
facility for parallel and distributed applications,” Proceedings of Int. Conf on
Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, pp16991704, Las Vegas, USA, 1997.
BOZYIGIT, M., TOKER, O. “Agglomerative clustering and mapping of
parallel applications”, Proceedings of PDPTA, pp. 1614-1620, Las Vegas,
TOKER, O., BOZYIGIT, M., “Load balancing based on multiple queue … ”,
Proceeedings of Int. Conf. on PDPTA, Las Vegas, 1999.
G. A. SHAH, M. BOZYIGIT, Ö. B. AKAN, B. BAYKAL, “Real-time
Coordination and Routing in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks”, in Proc.
6th International Conference on Next Generation Teletraffic and
Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking (NEW2AN), LNCS 4003, pp. 365383 May 2006.
G. A. SHAH, Ö. B. AKAN, M. BOZYIGIT, “Multi-Event Adaptive
Clustering (MEAC) Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks”,
in Proc. Fifth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop
(MedHoc-Net), June 2006.
A. OKUTANOGLU, M. BOZYIGIT ," Time Management in Dynamically
Clustered Federation Communities" 2006 Fall Simulation Interoperability
Workshop, Fall 2006.
A. OKUTANOGLU, M. BOZYIGIT ,”Proximity-Aware Synchronization
within Federation Communities,” 10th ACM/IEEE DS-RT, October 2, 2006.
G. A. SHAH, M. BOZYIGIT, , “RAT: Routing by Adaptive Targeting in
Wireless Sensor/Actor Networks”, in Proc. Second IEEE/ACM International
Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and middlewaRE
(COMSWARE), January 2007
G. A. SHAH, M. BOZYIGIT, DEMET AKSOY, “RAT: Routing by Adaptive
Targeting in Wireless Sensor/Actor Networks”, in Proc. Second IEEE/ACM
International Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and
middlewaRE (COMSWARE), January 2007.
G. A. SHAH AND M. BOZYIGIT, “Exploiting Energy-aware Spatial
Correlation in Wireless Sensor Networks”, 2nd International Workshop on
Software for Sensor Networks (SensorWare 2007), January 2007.
21. A. BOKAR, M. BOZYIGIT, C. SENER, “Scalable energy-aware Dynamic Task
Allocation”, WiSAN 2008:The First International Workshop on Wireless Sensor and
Ad-hoc Networks, September 10-12, 2008, Portland, OR, USA.
22. A. BOKAR, M. BOZYIGIT, C. SENER, “Energy-aware dynamic server selection
and task allocation”, 23rd IEEE Int. Symposium on Computer and Information
Sciences, pp207-212, Istanbul, 2008.
23. A. BOKAR, M. BOZYIGIT, C. SENER, “Scalable Energy-Aware Dynamic Task
Allocation”, AINA 2009: The IEEE 23rd International Conference on Advanced
Information Networking and Applications, Bradford, UK, May 26-29, 2009.
1. BOZYIGIT, M., DUMAN, O., "An Ethernet Implementation on Burroughs
6930 Mainframe Computer", Int. 2nd Regional Seminar, pp.252-262, METU,
2. BOZYIGIT, M., ERMAN, B., "Ethernet implementation on microcomputers
for distributed processing", Int. 2nd Regional Seminar, pp.263-289, METU,
3. BOZYIGIT, M., “Spacial and technological aspects of computer networks:
examples”, TÜBİTAK National Information System, 1st National Semposium,
(in Turkish: “Bilgisayar ağlarında konum ve teknolojik özellikler: örnekler”,
TÜBİTAK TÜRDOK Ulusal Enformasyon Sistemi, 1. Ulusal Simpozyumu),
24p, December 1983.
4. DUMAN, O., BOZYIGIT, M., "SOFTNET: Implementation of a
mainframe based local area network environment", (Turkish) 4th
National Informatics Conf., pp.35-43., 1984.
5. ERMAN, B., BOZYIGIT, M., "SOFTNET: INTEL based implementation
of a LAN", (Turkish), Proc. of 4th Nat. Informatics Conf., pp.44-53, 1984.
M., “Local Area networks: Main characterization”, 1st
Technology Kongress, (in Turkish: “Yerel Bilgisayar Ağları: belirgin
özellikleri”, 1. Teknoloji Kongresi), 18p, 1984.
7. BOZYIGIT, M., "Computers of tomorrow: 5th generation". Proc of National
Computer Conf., (in Turkish: “Yarının Bilgisayarları: 5. Kuşak”, Türkiye
Bilgisayar Kongresi), pp.6-9, 1985.
8. BOZYIGIT, M., Al-HAMED, A.A., 'Protection issues
in distributed
computing environment", 9th National Computer Conference, pp.I-2-1--I-219, Riyadh, 1986.
9. BOZYIGIT, M., KALAYCIOGLU, U. V., "A dense distributed system",
10th National Computer Conference, Jeddah, February 1988.
10. Al-HAMED, A., BOZYIGIT, M., AL_SUWAIYEL, M., 'Protection issues in
distributed computing environment", 12th National Computer Conference,
pp.345-359, Riyadh, 1990.
11. BOZYIGIT, M., Dağıtık benzetim ve savunma uygulamalari, p.251-260,
SAVTEK, 2004.
12. OKUTANOĞLU, A., BOZYİĞİT, M., Federasyon içerisinde dinamik federe
kümeleri ve zaman yönetimi, Birinci Ulusal Savunma Uygulamaları
Modelleme ve Simülasyon Kongresi: USMOS, pp.261-270, 2005.
1. Modeling and analysis of reconfigurable dense multi computer systems,
supported by USA European Research Center and UK National Physical
Laboratory, PCL (now University of Westminster -UW), 1979,
2. Graphics aided performance evaluation system for distributed systems,
supported by SERC- Science and Engineering Research Council of UK,
UW, 1981, (investigator).
a. Graphics aided computer interactive modeling for distributed
computer systems", Cambridge Ring Special Interest Group by D.
Duce (SERC), Cambridge Universıty(CU), 105p, 1981. (Bozyigit)
3. Development of a ring type local area network, supported by British
Councel, 1983-1984, METU, Turkey. (principle investigator)
4. “MERNIS-Automation of Population Record Keeping system for Turkish
Interior Ministry”, METU, 1983-1985, (project director).
R&D Reports on MERNİS project:
a. Icisleri Bakanligi MERNIS Projesi Yazılım Geliştirme Ara Raporu,
METU, Kasım 1983 (Bozyiğit)
b. Icisleri Bakanligi MERNIS Projesi, NİSBİS (Nüfus İşleri Bilişim
Sistemi, Rapor II (Genel Tasarim), METU, Aralik 1983 (Bozyigit,
Sagay, Oguztuzun, Dundar)
c. Icisleri Bakanligi MERNIS Projesi, Rapor III, Nufus Isleri Bilisim
Sistemi (NISBIS), Gecis Donemi, METU, Eylul 1984 (Bozyigit,
Dundar, Oguztuzun)
d. Icisleri Bakanligi MERNIS Projesi, Rapor IV, NISBIS, Veri Tabain
Yaratim ve Gunleme, METU, Eylul 1984 (Bozyigit, Dundar)
e. Icisleri Bakanligi MERNIS Projesi, Rapor V, NISBIS,
Genellestirilmis Sorgu Dili, METU, Eylul 1984 (Bozyigit,
5. Kıska Stok Denetimi (Kıska Stock Management), METU, 1983
6. BAYOS- Basin Yayin ve Otomasyon Genel Müdürlüğü Otomasyon Sistemi
Olurluluk Raporu (Media Broadcasting Automation System Feasibility
Report), METU, 1985, (principle investigator, with S. Bilgen, Ş. Güler, Y.
7. AAOS- Anadolu Ajansi Otomasyon Sistemi Olurluk Raporu (Anodolian
News Agency Automation System Feasibility Report), METU, 1984, (coinvestigator, with M. Baray).
8. Makina Kimya Endustrisi Kirikkale Muhimmat Fabirkalari Otomasyonu
Projesi (Machine and Chemistry Industry Kirikkale Ammunition Factory
Otomation Report), METU, 1985, (with P. Genç, F. Can).
9. Implementation of a Distributed Computing System for Real Time
Environment, Final Report, KFUPM, 1992, (with Ü. Kalaycıoğlu).
10. BAP Project: Management of Wireless Sensor Networks, within scope of a
PHD work, 2005-2006.
11. Consultant (Proje izleyicisi) for TÜBİTAK TTGV (Türkiye Teknoloji
Geliştirme Vakfı) supported project on House Automation and Intelligent
Devices (Ev Otomasyonu ve Akıllı Cihazlar), August 2001.
12. Evaluator for a number of TUBİTAK TTGV, TEYDEB and other R&D
projects, 2000-2011.
13. Chairman of the organizing committee and proceedings editor: Birinci
Ulusal Savunma Uygulamaları Modelleme ve Simülasyon Kongresi:
USMOS, ODTÜ, 2005.

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