Özgeçmiş Dosyası - KTO Karatay Üniversitesi


Özgeçmiş Dosyası - KTO Karatay Üniversitesi
Curriculum Vitae
1.1. Name, surname
1.2. Place and date of birth
1.3. Languages
1.4. Education
: Novruz Allahverdi
: Agdam, Azerbaijan, 1948
: Turkish, Russian, English, French
Computer Engineering
(5- Year Education)
Computer Engineering
Azerbaijan Technical University,
Moscow Energy Institute
(Moscow Power Engineering
Institute – Technical University)
1966-1972 (Turkey Inter Universities
Council of Accreditation (ÜAK)- 1998)
1976-1979 (Turkey Inter Universities
Council of Accreditation (ÜAK)- 1998)
Academic Titles:
Assistant Prof., Ph.D.
Associate Prof., Ph.D.
Associate Prof., Ph.D.
Professor, Ph.D.
Professor, Ph.D.
Professor, Ph.D.
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
Electronics and Computer
Systems Education
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku
Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku
Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku
Selçuk University (Konya/Turkey)
Selçuk University (Konya)
Selçuk University (Konya)
KTO Karatay University (Konya)
1.5. Work Experience
Laboratory head worker,
Ph.D. Student
Assistant, Ph.D., Assistant
Prof., Ph.D.
Associate Prof. Ph.D.
Associate Prof. Ph.D.
Associate Prof. Ph.D., Head
of Dep.
Professor Ph.D., Deputy
Head of Department
Prof. Ph.D., Head of Dep.
Azerbaijan Technical University, Computers and Systems Dep.
Azerbaijan Technical University, Computers and Systems Dep.
Moscow Energy Institute, Computer Engineering Dep.
Azerbaijan Technical University, Computers and Systems Dep.
Azerbaijan Technical University, Computers and Systems Dep.
Konya, Selçuk University, Vocational School of Technical Sciences
Konya, Selçuk University, Technical Education Faculty, Electronics
and Computer Education Dep.
Konya, Selçuk University, Technical Education Faculty, Electronics
and Computer Education Dep.
Konya, Selçuk University, Technology Faculty, Comp.Eng. Dep.
KTO Karatay University, Comp.Eng. Dep.
1.6. Bachelor degree and Graduate courses
Computer Arithmetic
Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence
Computer Organization and Architecture
Lecture notes
Uzman Sistemler (Book)
Artificial Neural Networks Technologies
Expert System Technologies
Fuzzy Logic and Control Technologies
Soft Computing Methods
Uzman Sistemler (Book)
1.7. Administrative duties:
1. Faculty representative on the University Senate (2005 – 2015);
2. Technical Education Faculty Member of the Board (1998 - 2015);
3. Technology Faculty Member of the Board (2012 –2015);
4. Applied Mathematics Research Center Board Member (2004 – 2009);
5. Head of Department (TEF, Electronics and Computer Education Dep.) (1998 - 2012);
6. Deputy Head of Department: (Technology Fac. Comp.Eng. Dep.) (2010 - 2012);
7. Head of Department (Technology Fac. Comp.Eng. Dep.) (2010 – 2015)
8. Deputy Head of Department: (T.E.F., Electronics and Computer Education Dep) (2012-2015).
Organizing Scientific Meetings:
(1) 3. International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications, Chair of the Conference, Selcuk
University, 4–6 September2002, Konya/Turkey.
(2) 4th International Symposium on Advanced Technologies, 28–30 September2005, Selcuk University, Konya,/Turkey.
(3) International Conference Advanced Modeling and Simulation, Chair of the Conference, Selçuk University, 28–30
August 2006, Konya/Turkey.
Scientific duties:
1. Editor of the “Selcuk Journal of Applied Mathematics” (2004 - 2009).
2. Editorial Board Membership “Mathematical and Computational Applications” (1996 – currently).
3. Editorial Board Membership “TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics” (2011 – currently).
1.8. His doctoral discipline
Computer Engineering Department
Dissertation Topic:
Development and Research of Microprocessors Computer System’s Structure for Problems of some Digital Signal
6. Managed and Completed Doctoral and Master's Thesis:
6A. Ph.D. Thesis (Total 7)
1. Salih GÜNEŞ, Analysis and Simulation of Fault Tolerant Data Transmission Methods in the Hypercube Parallel
Processing System, 2000, 119 p.
2. Adem Alpaslan ALTUN Automatic Fingerprint Recognition by Using Soft Computing Techniques,2007, 247 p.
3. Rıdvan SARAÇOĞLU Searching for Similar Documents Using Fuzzy Clustering, 2007, 128 p.
4. Hasan Erdinç KOÇER Recognition of Iris Texture by Using Artificial Intelligence Methods, 2007, 149 p.
5. Humar KAHRAMANLI Developing a Classification and Rule Extraction Systems Using Hybrid Fuzzy Neural Network,
2008, 189 p.
6. Kemal TÜTÜNCÜ Modeling of Diesel Engine Performance and Fuel Optimization, 2009, 211 p.
7. Murat KÖKLÜ Development and Applications of a New Method for Rule Extraction in Classification Problems, 2014,
121 p. (Co-supervisor: Assistant Prof., Dr. Humar Kahramanlı).
6B. Master Thesis (Total 28)
1. Ali Osman ÖZKAN Control of Temperature and Humidity by Fuzzy Logic, 1997, 109 p.
2. Adem GÜNEŞ Design of a Library on Elementary Number Theory and Adding the Web Intarface, 2001, 73 p.
3. Aslıhan SABAN Methods of Computer’s Learning, 2001, 96 p.
4. Adem Alpaslan ALTUN Providing of Reliable Data Communication on Faulty Hypercube, 2001, 102 p.
5. H. Erdinç KOÇER Web Based Distance Education, 2001, 152 p.
6. Kemal TÜTÜNCÜ Design of an Expert System in the Financial Field, 2002, 154 p.
7. Süleyman Alpaslan SULAK Computer Aided Instruction in Math Student Achievement and Its Impact on Attitudes,
2002, 77 p.
8.İsmail SARITAŞ Fuzzy Control in Medicine,2003, 77 p.
9. Mustafa ALTIN Analyze of Computer-aided construction costs according to the State Procurement Law, 2003, 46 p.
10. Rıdvan SARAÇOGLU An expert system design to detect problems occurring in the local area network,2002, 86 p.
11. Şakir TAŞDEMİR Fuzzy expert system design to determine the gasoline engine performance and emission
characteristics,2004, 95 p.
12. Yüksel ÇELİK Determine the smoothness of the electronic system of pneumatic seeder distribution and evaluation
with fuzzy Logic, 2004, 103 p.
13. Tarık YILMAZ Solving security problems in the smart card, 2004, 130 p.
14. Hakkı SOY Implementation of home automation with fuzzy control over embedded systems, 2006, 94 p.
15. Nazmi ETIK Fuzzy Expert System Design for Operating Room Climate Control Systems ,2007, 62 p.
16. Serhat TORUN Coronary Heart Disease Risk Hierarchical Fuzzy Expert System Design for Diagnosis and
Treatment2007, 98 p.
17. Agah Tuğrul KORUCU Design a Visual Interface for the Fuzzy Logic Problems, 2007.
18. Reşat MIKAIL Design of Fuzzy Expert System for Reclamation of Saline Soils, 2007, 85 p.
19. Murat ALBAYRAK Determination of Route by Means of Genetic Algorithms for Printed Cırcuit Board Driller
Machines, 2008, 180 p.
20. Ufuk Şafak TAŞKIRAN Using Artificial Neural Networks at Prostate Cancer Risk Casting, 2008, 88 p.
21. Kürşat ZUHTUOĞULLARI Fuzzy Expert System Design for the Microprocessor and Motherboard Refrigeration
Control Systems 2009.
22. Mehmet Nuri ÖDÜK Green House Automation by Fuzzy Control Method, 2009, 119p.
23. Zehra SAYIN An Investigation and a Sample Application on Mobil Learning with Mobile Telephones, 2010 • 87 p.
24. Hasan TUTUMLU Hand Vein Pattern Recognition with Artificial Intelligence Methods, 2011,70 p.
25. Tevfik AKCAN Fuzzy Expert System Design for Diagnosis and Treatment of Periodontal Dental Disease, 2011. 64 p.
26. Gökhan ALTAN A Fuzzy Logic System Design to Decide to Patient Health Status During Heart Surgery, 2011, 58 p.
27. Bahar BULUT Developing an Approach to Real Estate Valuation Methods with ANN and SVM, 2011.
28. Ahmet YILMAZ Design of Fuzzy Expert System for Identification of Iron Deficiency Anemia, 2012, 60 p.
7. Publications (Publication list is given in the last section. See: Attachments 1).
8. Participating in the Projects:
1 "A Fault Tolerant Routing Algorithm Based on Cube Algebra for Hypercube Systems", Project with International
Computer Institute Ege University (Izmir/Turkey) and Selcuk University (Konya/Turkey), 1998.
2 "Design and Implementation of Fault Tolerant Protocols for Distributed Real-Time Systems", International Project
with CNRS INRIA (France), TUBITAK (Turkey), Ege University (Izmir/Turkey) and Selcuk University (Konya/Turkey),
3 "E-Learning in Selcuk University", Selcuk University (Konya/Turkey), 2000-2002.
4. "Security Control System Using Iris Recognition", Selcuk University, Konya/Turkey, 2003 (E.H.Koçer).
5 "Security Control System Using Fingerprint Recognition", Selcuk University, Konya/Turkey, 2003 (A.A.Altun).
6 "Recognition of Iris Texture Using Artificial Intelligence Methods", Selcuk University, Konya/Turkey, 2004-2005
7 "Automatic Fingerprint Recognition Using Soft Computing Methods", Selcuk University, Konya/Turkey,2004-2005
8 "Industrial Automation Staffs Training", Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu "Development of Vocational and Technical Education"
(METEM) Projesi, 2005-2006, Konya/Türkiye.
9 “European Thematic Network for Doctoral Education in Computing (ETN DEC)”, Socrates/Erasmus Programme
European Commission (Bulgaria and with other European Universities), 2004–2007.
10 “Design of fuzzy expert system for operating room’s air-condition control systems”, Selcuk University,
Konya/Turkey, 2006 – 2007 (İsmail SARITAŞ ve Nazmi ETİK).
11 “Baskı Devre Kartı Delikdelme Makinaları için Genetik Algoritmalar Yardımıyla Güzergâh Belirleme”, Selçuk
Üniversitesi, Konya/Türkiye, 2008 (Murat ALBAYRAK).
12. “European Thematic Network for Teaching, Research and Innovations in Computing Education (ETN TRICE)”,
Project Number - 142399-LLP-1-2008-1-BG-Erasmus ENW Agreement Number– 2008 – 3258 / 001 – 001; 2008-2011,
(Bulgaria and with other European Universities).
13. “Hand Vein Pattern Recognition with Artificial Intelligence Techniques”, Selçuk University, BAP, 2011 (Hasan
14. European Thematic Network Future Education and Training in Computing: How to Support Learning at Anytime
Anywhere - ETN FETCH, (Bulgaria and with other European Universities), 2013-2016 (Continued).
15. VET Qualication Practice for E-inclusion, European Union Education and Youth Programs Center, Lifelong Learning
and Youth Programs(Spain, Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey), 2013-2015 (Continued).
Attachment 1: Prof. Ph.D. Novruz Allahverdi Publication Information
A. Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals
Allahverdi N., About a discussion ‘‘Development a new mutation operator to solve the Traveling Salesman
Problem by aid of genetic algorithms’’, by Murat Albayrak and Novruz Allahverdi, 2011. Expert System with
Applications, 38; 3, pp. 1313–1320; Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering (IJISAE – Online Journal),
Brief Report, 2015, 3(2), pp. 52–53.
2. Koklu, M., Kahramanli, H., Allahverdi, N. A New Accurate and Efficient Approach to Extract Classification Rules,
Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Vol 29, No 3, 477-486, 2014.
3. Allahverdi N. Design of Fuzzy Expert Systems and Its Applications in Some Medicine Areas, Intern. Journal of
Applied Mathematics, Electronics and Computers (IJAMEC – Online Journal), 2 (4), pp. 60-67, 2014.
4. K. Zuhtuogullari, N. Allahverdi and N. Arikan, A Soft Computing Based Approach Using Modified Selection
Strategy for Feature Reduction of Medical Systems, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine,
Volume 2013, Article ID 587564, 13 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/587564, 2013.
5. I. Saritas, N. Allahverdi, I. U. Sert, A fuzzy approach for determination of prostate cancer, Intelligent Systems and
Applications in Engineering (IJISAE – Online Journal), Vol 1, No 1 (2013).
6. H. Kahramanlı, N. Allahverdi, Particle Swarm Optimization with Flexible Swarm for Unconstrained Optimization,
Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering (IJISAE – Online Journal), Vol. 1, No 1 (2013).
7. Koklu, M., Kahramanli, H., Allahverdi, N. A new approach to classification rule extraction problem by the real
value coding, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 8 (9), pp. 6303-6315, 2012.
8. I. Saritas, I. A. Ozkan, S. Sulak, N. Allahverdi (2011) The Role of the Internet in Computer-Aided Education,
Communication & Cognition, Vol.44. Nr. 2, pp.1-11. 2011.
9. S. Tasdemir, I. Saritas, M. Ciniviz, N. Allahverdi Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Expert System Comparison for
Prediction of Performance and Emission Parameters on a Gasoline Engine, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.
38, Issue 11, 2011, pp. 13912-13923.
10. B. Bulut, N. Allahverdi, H. Kahramanli, S. Yalpır A Residential Real-Estate Valuation Model with Reduced
Attributes, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, pp. 586-593, 2011.
11. N. Allahverdi, A. Tunali, H. Işık, H. Kahramanli A Takagi-Sugeno Type Neuro-Fuzzy Network for Determining Child
Anemia, Expert Systems with Applications, V. 38, Issue 6, pp. 7415-7418, 2011.
12. M.Albayrak, N.Allahverdi Development a New Mutation Operator to Solve the Travelling Salesman Problem by
Aid of Genetic Algorithms, Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 3, pp. 1313-1320, 2011.
13. H.Soy, E.Yilmaz, N.Allahverdi Design od an Embedded Fuzzy PD Controller for Thermal Comfort Applications, Int.
J. Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, Vol.2, No: 3/4, pp. 293-299, 2010.
14. H. Kahramanli, N. Allahverdi Extracting rules for classification problems: AIS based approach, Expert Systems
with Applications, V. 39, Issue 7, pp.1049-1052, September 2009.
15. M.N.Oduk, N.Allahverdi A Study on Developing Greenhouse Automation by Fuzzy Control Method, World
Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Amsterdam, Vol. 57, pp. 599-603, September 2009.
16. N. Etik, N. Allahverdi, İ.U. Sert, İ. Sarıtaş Fuzzy Expert System Design for Operating Room air-condition control
Systems, Expert Systems with Applications, V. 39, Issue 6, pp. 9753-9758, August 2009.
17. Kahramanli H. & Allahverdi, N. Mining Classification Rules for Liver Disorders, International Journal of
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 9-19, 2009.
18. I. Saritas, I. A. Ozkan, N.Allahverdi, M. Argindogan Determination of the Drug Dose by Fuzzy Expert System in
Treatment of Chronic Intestine Inflammation, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, V. 20, Issue 2, pp. 169-176,
19. H. Kahramanli and N. Allahverdi Rule extraction from trained adaptive neural networks using artificial immune
Systems; Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 36, Issue 2, pp.1513-1522, 2009.
20. R. Saraçoğlu, K.Tütüncü and N. Allahverdi (2008) A new approach on search for similar documents with multiple
categories using fuzzy clustering Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 34, Issue 4, May, pp.2554-2554, 2008.
21. H. Kahramanli and N. Allahverdi (2008) Design a Hybrid System for the Diseases Diabetes and Heart, Expert
Systems with Applications, Vol. 35, Issue 1-2, pp. 82-89, 2008.
22. A.A.Altun, E.H.Koçer, N.Allahverdi Genetic Algorithm Based Feature Selection Level Fusion Using Fingerprint and
Iris Biometrics; International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, V. 22, No. 3, pp. pp. 1-16,
23. R. Saraçoğlu, K. Tütüncü and N. Allahverdi (2007) A fuzzy clustering approach for finding similar documents using
a novel similarity measure, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 33, Issue 3, pp. 600-605, October 2007.
24. A.A.Altun, N. Allahverdi Neural network based recognition by using genetic algorithm for feature selection of
enhanced fingerprints (2007); Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol: 4432, No: 2, pp: 467-476, 2007.
25. Vagin.V.N., Allahverdi N.., Tutuncu K., Saracoglu R., Sulak S.A. (2004) Parallel Inference in Dynamic Decision
Support Systems of a Semiotic Type, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Volume 15, Number 4, August 2004,
26. Allahverdi N., Gunes S. The Implementation of Recursive Filtering in Hypercube Parallel Processing Systems,
AMSE Journal: Advances D, Computer Tools. Statistic and Combinatory Sciences, Vol.: 8, No: 1, 2003, pp.35-47.
27. Gunes S., Yilmaz N., Allahverdi N.A Fault Tolerant Multicast Routing Algorithm Based on Cube Algebra for
Hypercube Multicomputer, “The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering” (AJSE), Vol.28, No:1B, 2003, pp.95103.
28. Akhmedov M.A. Allahverdi N. On Graphs and Matrices in the Theory of Inferences. Proceeding of Institute of
Mathematics and Mechanics, Baku, 2003, v. XVIII, pp. 187-198.
29. Gunes S., Yilmaz N., Allahverdi N., A Fault-Tolerant Broadcast Routing Algorithm Based on Cube Algebra for
Hypercube Multicomputer (2002), AMSE Journal: Advances D, Computer Tools. Statistic and Combinatory
Sciences, Vol.: 7, No: 3, 2002, pp.53-62.
30. Allahverdi N., Kahramanli S., Erciyes K. A Fault Tolerant Routing Algorithm Based on Cube Algebra for Hypercube
Systems (2000); Journal of System Architecture (JSA), Vol.46, Iss.2 (January), 2000, pp.201-205.
31. Allahverdi N., Kahramanli S., Danaci E., Tercan H. Neurocube System (1996); "Advances in Modeling and
Analysis", B: Signals, Information, Patterns, Data Acquisition, Transmission, Processing, Classification, A.M.S.E.
France, Vol.36, No:1,2; 1996, pp.57-64.
32. Allahverdiyev N., Safaraliyeva S. Choice of Multimicroprocessor System Configuration for Digital Signal Processing
(In Russ.), J-l Upravlyayushiye Sistemi i Mashini (Control Systems and Computers), (Russian) Kiev, 1983. No: 1,
33. Allahverdiyev N.M., Potyomkin I.S. Structural-large-block Parallelization Algorithms for Solving Problems of
Digital Signal Processing, (In Russ.), J-l Upravlyayushiye Sistemi i Mashini (Control Systems and Computers),
(Russian) Kiev, 1983. No: 1, pp.14-16.
34. Allahverdiyev N., Method of Selection the Structure of Oriented Computer System (In Bulgarian), J-l Avtomatika i
Izchislitelna Teknika (Control and Computer Science), Sofia, 1981. No:4; pp.22-26.
35. Potyomkin I.S., Allahverdiyev N., Vasilyev N. Choice of Structure of Computing System for Solving Problems Type
Fast Fourier Transform (In Bulgarian), J-l Avtomatika i Izchislitelna Teknika (Control and Computer Science). Sofia,
1978, No:2; pp.43-50.
M.Koklu, H.Kahramanli, N.Allahverdi Applications of Rule Based Classification Techniques for Thoracic Surgery;
International Conference MakeLearn&TIIM 2015: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable
and Inclusive Society; Accepted, 27-30 May 2015, Bari, Italia.
A.Yilmaz, M.Dagli, N.Allahverdi A Fuzzy Expert System Design for Iron Deficiency Anemia, Accepted by 7 Intern.
Conf. on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT2013), Organized by IEEE, 23-25
October 2013, Azerbaijan, Baku.
R. Saraçoğlu, N. Allahverdi A Study on Finding Similar Document with Multiple Categories, In the Proc. of Conf.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 80, pp. 959-963, Paris, August, 2013.
M.Koklu, H.Kahramanli, N.Allahverdi Classification Rule Extraction Using Artificial Immune System: Clonalg and its
Application, (In English); In Proc. of the 4. Intern. Symposium Mathematical and Computational Applications, 1113 June 2013, Manisa, Turkey, pp.283-292.
N. Allahverdi, A. A. Altun, A. Nooraliei, A Combination of Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization and
Neural Network for Fingerprint Recognition, in Proceeding of the first International Conference on
Computational, Vision and Robotics, 02/2013.
N. Allahverdi, Tevfik Akcan (2011) A Fuzzy Expert System Design for Diagnosis of Periodontal Dental Disease,
Proceedings on the 5rd International Conference on Application of Information and Communication
Technologies (AICT2011), Published by IEEE, 12-14 October 2011, Azerbaijan, Baku, pp.175-179.
Z.Sayın, N.Allahverdi (2011) Mobil Training Components and a Model Application, Proc. of the Intern. Conf. On ELearning and the Knowledge Society, 25-26 August 2011, Bucharest, Romania, pp.197-202
N. Allahverdi, G. Altan (2011) A Fuzzy Expert System Design to Monitor Patient’s Condition During Hearth
Surgery, Computer Systems and Technologies 12th International Conference, CompSysTech’11 Vienna, Austria,
June 16-17, 2011, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Vol. 578, pp. 335-341.
K. Zuhtuogullari, N.Allahverdi An Improved Itemset Generation Approach for Mining Medical Databases, Int.
Symp. On Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA 2011), 15-18 June 2011, İstanbul.
M.N. Ödük, N.Allahverdi The Advantages of Fussy Control over Traditional Control System in Greenhouse
Automation, The Intern. Congress for Global Science and Technology (ICGST AIML-11), Dubai, UAE, 12-14 April
B.Bulut, N.Allahverdi, Ş.Yalpir, H.Kahramanli Effects of Attribute Reducing on Real-Estate Valuation, in the Proc.
of the Intern. Conference “Mathematical Models for Engineering Science, Spain, Terefire, 30.11.201002.12.2010, pp.228-231.
K. Zuhtuogullari, Novruz Allahverdi Fuzzy Expert System Approach for Determining the Cardiological Risk Factor,
The 3. Intern. Conf. "Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics" (PCI'2010), September 6-8, 2010 Baku, Azerbaijan,
pp.267-270, 2010.
K.Tutuncu, N.Allahverdi Performance and Emission Optimization of Diesel Engine by Single and Multi-Objective
Genetic Algorithms, 11th Intern. Conf. on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech'10, June 17-18,
2010, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp.197-204, 2010 (best paper).
K.Tutuncu, N.Allahverdi Comparison of Numerical Technique and Artificial Intelligence Techniques for
Performance Modeling of a Diesel Engine 11th Intern. Conf. on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysTech'10, June 17-18, 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp.191-196, 2010.
M.N.Oduk, N.Allahverdi Application of Fuzzy Control Approach in Greenhouse Automation, 11th Intern. Conf. on
Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech'10, June 17-18, 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp.186-190, 2010.
N. Allahverdi Some Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Medical Area, Proceedings on the 3rd International Conference
on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT2009), Published by IEEE, 14-16 October
2009, Azerbaijan, Baku.
Ş. Taşdemir, N. Allahverdi Determination of Perform Parameters of a Gasoline Engine with Fuzzy Expert System,
International Scientific Conference UNITECH’09, 20-21 November 2009, Gabrovo, Bulgaria.
K. Zuhtuogulları, I. Saritas, N. Allahverdi The Application of Fuzzy Expert Cooling System for Multi Core
Microprocessors and Mainboards, 10th International Conference on Computer Systems and
Technology,CompSysTech’09, 14-16 June, Rousse, Bulgaria, 2009,Article No. 57, ACM New York, NY, USA, 2009.
K. Tütüncü, N. Allahverdi Modeling the performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine and petroldriven engine by ANN, 10th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’09,
14-16 June, Rousse, Bulgaria, 2009.
H.Kahramanli, N.Allahverdi, A System for Detection of Liver Disorders Based on Adaptive Neural Networks and
Artificial Immune System, The 8nd WSEAS Intern. Conf. on Applied Computer Science (ACS'08), 19-21 November
2008, Venuce, Italy, pp.25-29.
N.Allahverdi, H. Kahramanli, Extracting Rules from Neural Networks Using Artificial Immune Systems, The 2nd
Intern. Conf. "Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics" (PCI'2008), September 10-12, 2008, Baku, Azerbaijan,
Vol. 1, pp.236-239.
H. E. Kocer, N. Allahverdi; An Efficient Iris Recognition System Based on Modular Neural Networks, 2008 WSEAS
International Conferences Advanced Topics on Neural Networks, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 2-4, 2008., pp. 42-47,
N. Allahverdi, S. Torun, Is. Saritas; Design of a fuzzy expert system for determination of coronary heart disease
risk; In Proc. of International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, 13-16 June, 2007, Russe,
Bulgaria, pp. IIIA.14-1 – IIIA.14-8.
H.Isık, I. U. S., N. Yavru, N. Allahverdi; Microcontroller based hypothermia system; In Proc. of International
Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, 13-16 June, 2007, Russe, Bulgaria, pp.IIIA-4.1 – IIIA.4-6.
I. Saritas, N. Etik, N. Allahverdi, I. U.Sert; Fuzzy expert system design for operating room air-condition control
systems; In Proc. of International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, 13-16 June, 2007, Russe,
Bulgaria, pp.IIIA.1-2 – IIIA.1-8.
K. Tütüncü, N.Allahverdi Reverse modeling of a diesel engine performance by FCM and ANFIS; In Proc. of
International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, 13-16 June, 2007, Russe, Bulgaria, pp. IIIA-4-1
– IIIA-4-7.
H.E.Koçer, N. Allahverdi, Artificial Neural Network Based Approach for Classification of Human Iris Images, Proc.
on Ninth International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Information Processing (PRIP 2007), 21-24 May
2007, Part I, pp. 198-202, Minsk, Belarus, 2007.
N. Allahverdi, I. Sarıtaş, I. A. Özkan, Mustafa Argindogan, An Example of Determination of Medicine Dose in the
Treatment by Fuzzy Method, International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysTech'06,
pp IIIA.1.1 – 10, 2006.
I. Sarıtaş, I. A. Özkan, S. Sulak, N. Allahverdi, The Role of the Internet in Computer-Aided Education, International
Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysyTech'06, pp IV.18.1 – 5, 2006.
M.Albayrak, S.Tasdemir, N. Allahverdi, Expert System Approach to Determine the Computer Hardware Failure,
Proceedings of the Intern. AMSE Conference, 28-30 August 2006, Konya, pp.559-563.
31. Altun, A.A.; Allahverdi, N. Recognition of fingerprints enhanced by contourlet transform with artificial neural
networks;, 28th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, Cavtat, Croatia, 19-22 June
2006, pp. 167 – 172, 2006.
32. N. Allahverdi, E.H.Kocer A Distance Learning Application Intended For Master Education (In English); Intern.
Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech'2005, Varna, Bulgaria, 15-17 June 2005., pp.
IV.5-1 – IV.5-5.
33. Altun A.A., Allahverdi N., Kocer H.E., Yilmaz T., Alan S. Fingerprint image enhancement using filtering techniques;
Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, 2005. Proceedings of the IEEE 13th, 16-18 May
2005, pp.229 – 232.
34. Akhmedov M.A., N. Allahverdi Dynamical Approach to Fuzzy Inferences (In English);2nd Intern. Conference on
Soft Computing and Computing with Words in System Analysis, Decision and Control - ICSCCW 2003 (Dedicated
to Prof.Lotfi Zadeh), Antalya, Turkey, September 9-11, 2003, pp.83-90.
35. I.Saritas, N. Allahverdi I.U.Sert A Fuzzy Expert System Design for Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer (In English); Intern.
Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech'2003, Sofia, Bulgaria, 18-20 June 2003.
36. Allahverdi N., Gunes S., Ozturk A. Implementation of Recursive Filtering in Hypercube Parallel Processing System,
(In English), In Proc. Intern. Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (SCS 2001), 10-11 July, 2001, Iasi,
Romania, pp.241-244.
37. Gunes S., Yilmaz N., Ozturk A., Allahverdi N. Fault Tolerant Routing Algorithm Based on Parallel Branching
Method for Faulty Hypercube(In English), In Proc. Intern. Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (SCS 2001),
10-11 July, 2001, Iasi, Romania, pp.245-247.
38. Gunes S., Yilmaz N., Allahverdi N. A Multicast Routing Algorithm Based on Parallel Branching Method for Faulty
hypercube(In English), In Proc. Intern. Conference on Trends in Communications (EUROCON’2001), Vol.1, 4-7
July, 2001, Bratislava, Slovakia; pp.66-69.
39. Ogut H., Allahverdi N., Kocer E. Distance Learning Applications in Selcuk University (Selçuk Üniversitesinde
Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulamaları) (in Turkish), In Proc. Intern. Symposium on Electrics, Electronics and Computer
Engineering Applications (NEUCEE 2001), Near East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus, 23-25 May, 2001, pp.
40. Allahverdi N., Guseynov Kh.G., Soltanov K.N., Basciftci F. An Approach to Describe Fuzzy Discrete Dynamical
Systems, In Proc. 4. Intern. Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, Siegen, Germany,
26-29 June, 2000, pp. 242-249.
41. Soltanov K.N., Allahverdi N., Guseynov Kh.G. Dynamical Model to Investigate of Fuzzy-Neuro Networks, 4.
International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, Siegen, Germany, 26-29 June,
2000, pp.225-231.
42. Gunes.S., Yilmaz N., Allahverdi N., Kahramanli S. Simulation of New Fast Algorithm Based on Cube Algebra for
Subcube Allocation in Faulty Hypercube (In English); In Proc. of the 2nd Intern. Symposium Mathematical and
Computational Applications, 1-3 Sept. 1999, Baku, Azerbaijan, pp.169-175.
43. Gunes.S., Yilmaz N., Allahverdi N. Algorithm for Definition All Subcubes Based on Cube Algebra in Faulty
Hypercube Parallel System (In Turkish); In Proc. of the 7th Congress on Signal Processing and Applications, 17-19
June 1999, Bilkent University, Ankara, pp.17-19.
44. Allahverdi N., Erciyes K. Extension of Non-faulty Set in Faulty Hypercube Multiprocessor (In English); 4th
International Symposium of High Performance Computing and Interconnection Networks, In Proc. of the 4th
Joint Conferences on Computer Science and Informatics (JCIS'98), Vol.4, 23-28 Oct.1998, Durham, USA, pp.115118.
45. Allahverdi N., Yaldiz S. Expert System Applications in Medicine and Example of Design of a Pre-Diagnosis Expert
System (In English); In Proc. of the 2nd Turkish-German Joint Computer Application Days, 15-16 Oct.1998, Konya,
46. Guseinov Kh.G., Allahverdi N. Applications of Fuzzy logic to Discrete Dynamical Systems,(In English); In Proc. of
the 2nd Turkish-German Joint Computer Application Days, 15-16 Oct.1998, Konya, pp.111-122.
47. Allahverdi N., Shobair A.I.A., Yavuz N. Expert System for Electric Motor Trounle Diagnosis, Proc. 2 Inrern. Symp.
On Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Sakarya Univ. 6-7 August 1998.
48. Unsacar F. Allahverdi N. Halkaci S. (1998) Expert System Design for Fault Diagnosing in CNC Machine Tools (In
English); In Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS'98), Vol. 2, 6-7
August 1998, Adapazari, pp.751-758.
49. Allahverdi N. What Do We Know About Soviet Computer History? (In English); In Proc. of the 4th Conference on
History of Comp. Science, France, 1995, pp.362-372.
50. Allahverdiyev N. Unsaçar F. Kahramanov Ş., The Logical Solve of the Distribution Problem of Control Signal on
Microcommand Fields. In Proc. International Congress ITS'93 "Information, Communication. Networks, Systems
and Technology", Moscow. 26-28 Oct. 1993, pp.254-255.
International books or book chapters
1 Part in the Book: Machine Learning Research Progress, Editors: Hannah Peters and Mia Vogel, NOVA Publishers,
2008, ISBN: 978-1-60456-646-8 Chapter 7, Evolving Rules From Neural Networks Trained on Binary and
Continuous Data, pp. 211-231 (Humar Kahramanli, Novruz Allahverdi, Electronic and Computer Education
Department, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey).
D. Articles published in national journals
E Koçer, H Tutumlu, N Allahverdi An Efficient Hand Dorsal Vein Recognition Based on Neural Networks, Journal of
Selcuk University Natural and Applied Science, V.1, No:3,pp. 1-12, 2012.
K. Zühtüoğullari, N. Allahverdi, I. Saritaş, Implementation of Fuzzy Expert Cooling System for Core2duo
Microprocessors and Mainboards, Selçuk University Journal of Technical-OnlineTeknik Bilimler Meslek
Yüksekokulu, Volume 9, Number31-2010.
A.A.Altun, N. Allahverdi A New Approach To Recognition of Fingerprints Enhanced by Filtering Techniques with
Artificial Neural Networks (Filtreleme teknikleri ile iyileştirilmiş parmak izlerini yapay sinir ağları ile tanımada yeni
bir yaklaşım); Gazi Üniversitesi, Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi2007, 22, No 2 (Haziran), pp. 227-236,
Vagin V.N., Allahverdi N. Intelligent Case for Semiotic Systems, Selçuk Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.5, No:
2, 2004, pp.57-71.
Allahverdi N.., A.A.Altun, E.H.Kocer Investigation of Fingerprint in Criminology and Automated Fingerprint
Identification System (Kriminalistikte Parmak İzi İncelenmesi ve Otomatik Parmakizi Teşhis Sistemi (AFIS)), "Polis
Dergisi", Ankara, Yıl 10, Sayı 41, 2004, ss.121-125.
M. Altin; N. Allahverdi; Bilgisayar Destekli İnşaat Maliyet Analizleri (Computer Aıded Buıldıng Cost Analysıs) (In
Turkish)Selçuk Üniversitesi Journal of Technical-OnlineTeknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Volume 3, Number:12004Teknik-Online Dergi Cilt 3, Sayı:1-2004.
Saban A., N. Allahverdi Methods of Machine Learning, (In Turkish) Selçuk Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 13,
2002, pp. 319 - 332.
Gunes S., Yilmaz N., Allahverdi N., A Multicast Routing Algorithm Based on Parallel Branching Method for Faulty
Hypercube (In English); Istanbul University Engineering Faculty Journal of Electrical & Electronics, Vol.2; No. 2;
2002, pp. 477- 481.
Allahverdi N. A Method to Increase the Size of Healthy Subcubes Set in a Hypercube System with Node or Link
Failures, (In English); J-l “Mathematical and Computational Applications”, V.7, No:3, 2002, pp.189-203..
Allahverdi N., Procedure for Definition Neighborhoods in a Faulty Hypercube Multiprocessor (In English); J-l
“Mathematical and Computational Applications”, V4, No:1-3, 1999, pp.17-30.
Kahramanli S., Allahverdi N. Algebraic Approach to Transformations on Hypercube System(In English); J-l
"Mathematical and Computational Applications", Vol.1, No:1, 1996, pp.50-59.
Askerov T.M., Allahverdiyev N.M., Aliyev F.A. Design of a Personnel Computer (In Russ.), Journal of Faculty
Control and Computer Science, Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, 1990. pp.6-8.
Allahverdiyev N., Kahramanov S., Mahmudov G. Compression and Decompression Algorithm for AlphabeticalNumerical Data (In Russ.); Journal of Faculty Control and Computer Science, Azerbaijan Technical University,
Baku, 1988; 4p.
Allahverdiyev N. Analysis of Choice of Transformation's Coefficients in Compression of One-Dimensional Data (In
Russ.), Journal of Faculty Control and Computer Science, Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku. 1987; 4p.
Allahverdiyev N., Mamedov D. Compression of Information by Aid of Orthogonal Transformations on Base
Microprocessor Elements (In Russ.), Journal of Faculty Control and Computer Science, Azerbaijan Technical
University, Baku, 1986; 4 p.
Allahverdiyev N., Abidov Ç., Information Directory System with Application of Microcomputer (In Russ.). In
Collection: Handling of Flow Data and Information and Optimization Control of Technologic Processes, Azerbaijan
Technical University, Baku, 1984,4 p.
Allahverdiyev N., Krotkov Y.J., Leus I.A. Microcomputer for Preliminary Processing in Information Systems (In
Russ.), In Collection: Information Processing Methods and Control Algorithms in Control Process System
Automation. Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, 1984, 3 p.
Allahverdiyev N., Bayramov H., et al. Multimicroprocessor System for Digital Signal Processing (In Russ.), In
Collection: Electric Circuits and Electromagnetic Fields. Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, 1982. 6 p.
Potyomkin I.S., Allahverdiyev N. Providing of Parallel Interchanges of Information in Homogeneous
Microprocessor System for Fast Fourier Transform (In Russ.), J-l of Faculty "Computer Science and Control",
Moscow, 1981. No: 528; pp.21-24.
Allahverdiyev N:, Potyomkin I.S. Fast Fourier Transform on Base Multimicroprocessor Systems (In Russ.), J-l of
Faculty "Computer Science and Control", Moscow, 1981, No: 535; pp.3-7.
Allahverdiyev N., Kasumov F., Abidov Ç., Application of Microprocessors for Organization of Dialogue System at
Regional Interfiled Information System (In Russ.), J-l Classifications and Documents, Moscow, 1981; 4 p.
Allahverdiyev N. A Data Exchange Device in Multimicroprocessor System (In Azerb.), J-l For Technical Progress.
Baku. 1980, No:12, pp. 10-13.
Allahverdiyev N.M., Potyomkin I.S. Hızlı Fourier Dönüşümü için Çok Mikroişlemcili Hesaplama Sisteminin Yapısı
(Rusça), Üniversitelerarası Bilimsel Toplu Yayın (Çok İşlemcili Hesaplama Yapıları), Sayı: 2 (11), TRTE Yayını,
Taganrog, Rusya, 1980, s. 33-37.
Potyomkin I.S., Allahverdiyev N. About of problem choice of configuration special computing system (In Russ.), J-l
of Faculty "Computer Science and Control", Moscow, 1979. No:430; pp. 56-63.
Allahverdiyev N. Design of Microprocessor System for Realization Fast Fourier Transform (In Russ.), J-l of Faculty
"Computer Science and Control", Moscow, 1978, No:380, pp.27-30.
Babaev M, Kahramanov S., Allahverdiyev N. Synthesis of Mikroprogram Automatons for Control Unit of ALU with
Unibus Structure (In Russ.). J-l For Technical Progress. Baku, 1975, No: 3; 5 p.
Babaev M., Kahramanov S., Allahverdiyev N. Digital Device of Direct Transformation for Execution of Frequency
(In Russ.), Information List AzNIINTI. Baku. 1974. No: 43; 3 p.
Allahverdi Novruz A Method to Increase the Size of Healthy Subcubes Set in a Hypercube System with Node or
Link Failures Systems (2002); J-l “Mathematical and Computational Applications”, V. 8, No:3, 2002, pp.189-203.
Özkan A.O., Allahverdi N. Bulanık Mantıkla Sıcaklık ve Nemin Kontrolü ve Sistemin Gerçekleştirilmesi, Selçuk
Üniversitesi Journal of Technical-OnlineTeknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Volume 3, Number:1-2004TeknikOnline Dergi Cilt 9, Sayı:1-2010.
Papers presented and published in national scientific meetings
1. H.Kahramanli, N.Allahverdi, A New Method for Composıng Classıfıcatıon Rules: 5. Uluslararası İleri Teknolojiler
Sempozyumu (IATS’09), 13-15 Mayıs 2009, Karabük, Türkiye
2. Ş. Taşdemir, N. Allahverdi, Bulanık Uzman Sistem Tasarımıyla Benzinli Bir Motorun Performans ve Emisyon
Karakteristiklerinin Belirlenmesi (Defınıtıon of Gasolıne Engıne Performance and Emıssıon Characterıstıcs by
Fuzzy Expert System), 5. Uluslararası İleri Teknolojiler Sempozyumu (IATS’09), 13-15 Mayıs 2009, Karabük,
3. H.Soy; N. Allahverdi, Gömülü Kontroller Kullanılarak İklimlendirme Sisteminin Bulanık Kontolü, Akıllı Sistemlerde
Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları Sempozyumu, ASYU 2008, 19-21 Haziran 2008/Isparta, pp.321-325.
4. Kahramanlı, H. & Allahverdi, N. Definition of Classification Rules for Heart Disease (Kalp Hastalıkları Veri Tabanı için
Sınıflandırma Kurallarının Bulunması), IEEE 16. Sinyal İşleme, İletişim ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2008.
5. N.Allahverdi, K.Zühtüoğulları, İ. Sarıtaş, Bir Mikroişlemci için Bulanık Mantık Yöntemiyle Fan Devri Kontrolü, Akıllı
Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları Sempozyumu, ASYU 2008, 19- 21 Haziran 2008/Isparta, pp.330-334.
6. K. Tütüncü, N. Allahverdi, Ali Kahraman, İçten Yanmalı Motorların Kontrol ve Modellenmesi için Yapay Zeka
Uygulamaları, III. Ege Enerji Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 24-26 Mayıs 2006, Muğla, s.569-580.
7. Altun A. A.,Allahverdi N., H. Erdinç Koçer (2005) Fingerprint Analysis with Artificial Neural Network Using 2
Dimensions Gabor Filter (2 Boyutlu Gabor Filtre Kullanarak Yapay Sinir Ağları ile Parmak izi Analizi), (In Turkish),
4.Uluslararası İleri Teknolojiler Sempozyumu (4th International Advanced Technology Symposium), Selçuk
University, Konya, 28-30 Eylül 2005, ss.10-14.
8. Koçer H. E., Altun A.A., Allahverdi N., T.Yılmaz (2005) Analysis of Iris Pattern Using Structural Linear Filter (İris
Deseninin Yapısal Lineer Filtreler Kullanılarak Analizi), (In Turkish), 4.Uluslararası İleri Teknolojiler Sempozyumu
(4th International Advanced Technology Symposium), Selçuk University Konya, 28-30 Eylül 2005, ss.81-84.
9. Kahramanlı H., Allahverdi N., Tütüncü K., Saraçoğlu R. (2005) A Priory Application in Medical Recordings (Tıbbi
Kayıtlar için Bir Apriori Uygulaması), (In Turkish), 4.Uluslararası İleri Teknolojiler Sempozyumu (4th International
Advanced Technology Symposium), Selçuk University, Konya, 28-30 Eylül 2005, ss.102-105.
10. Saraçoğlu R., Allahverdi N., Tütüncü K. (2005) A Data Mining Application in Medical Data Using of Genetic
Algorithm (Genetik Algoritma Kullanarak Tıbbi Verilerde Bir Veri Madenciliği Uygulaması), (In Turkish),
4.Uluslararası İleri Teknolojiler Sempozyumu (4th International Advanced Technology Symposium), Selçuk
University, Konya, 28-30 Eylül 2005, ss.196-199.
11. Çelik Y., Allahverdi N. (2005) A Model of Seminal Dispensation with Aid of Fuzzy Expert System (Bulanık Uzman
Sistem Yardımıyla Bir Tohum Dağıtma Modeli), (In Turkish), 4.Uluslararası İleri Teknolojiler Sempozyumu (4th
International Advanced Technology Symposium), Selçuk University, Konya, 28-30 Eylül 2005, ss.258-263.
12. Taşdemir Ş., Sarıtaş İ., Ciniviz, M.Çinar C., Allahverdi Novruz (2005) An Application of Artificial Neural Networks in
Determination of Fuel Engine Performance (Benzinli Bir Motor Performansının Belirlenmesinde Yapay Sinir Ağı
Uygulaması), (In Turkish), 4.Uluslararası İleri Teknolojiler Sempozyumu (4th International Advanced Technology
Symposium), Selçuk University, Konya, 28-30 Eylül 2005, ss.1030-1034.
13. M.Ciniviz, I.Saritaş, N.S.Salman, N. Allahverdi (2003) Design of an Fuzzy Expert System For Engine Emission
Parameters (Motor Emisyon Parametreleri için bir Bulanık Uzman Sistem Tasarımı), in Proc. of the 3rd Intern.
Advanced Technologies Symposium, August 18-20 Gazi University, Ankara, Vol. 2, pp.480-489.
14. S.Tasdemir, I.Saritaş, M.Ciniviz, A.A.Altun, Novruz ALLAHVERDI (2003) Design of an Expert System Design For
Automobile Fault Determination (Otomobil Arıza Tespiti için bir Uzman Sistem Tasarımı), in Proc. of the 3rd
Intern. Advanced Technologies Symposium, August 18-20 Gazi University, Ankara, Vol. 2, pp.490-498.
15. H.Oguz, I.Saritaş, H.Ogut, N. Allahverdi (2003) The Determination of Engine Test Data by Using of Fuzzy Expert
System and Comparision with Experimental Values (Motor Denemeleriyle Bulunan Karakteristik Değerlerin
Bulanık Uzman Sistem Kullanılarak Belirlenmesi ve Deneysel Verilerle Karşılaştırılması), in Proc. of the 3rd Intern.
Advanced Technologies Symposium, August 18-20 Gazi University, Ankara, Vol. 2, pp.499-509.
16. Allahverdi Novruz, A.A.Altun (2002) Providing of Reliable Data Transfer in the Faulty Hypercube Parallel Processing
System (Arızalı Hiperküp Paralel İşlem Sisteminde Güvenilirlikli Veri İletişiminin Sağlanması), 1. Ulusal Yüksek
Performanslı Bilişim (YPBS 2002) Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Gebze, Kocaeli,
24-25 Ekim 2002, ss.67-73.
17. Allahverdi N., Tutuncu K. (2002) Design of en Expert System in Financial Field(In English); in Proceedings of the 3
International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications, September 4-6 2002, Selcuk
University, Konya/Turkey, pp.218-227.
18. Allahverdi N., Saracoglu R. (2002) An Expert System for Troubleshooting of LAN (In English); in Proceedings of the
3 International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications, September 4-6 2002, Selcuk
University, Konya/Turkey, pp.228-235.
19. Gunes A., Allahverdi Novruz (2002) Web-BC: A Library on Elementary Number Theory and ItsWeb Interface (In
English); in Proceedings of the 3 International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications,
September 4-6 2002, Selcuk University, Konya/Turkey, pp.292-297.
20. Allahverdiyev A.M., Akhmedov M.A. and Allahverdi Novruz (2002) Use of the Graphs and Matrices in the Inference;
in Proceedings of the 3 International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications, September
4-6 2002, Selcuk University, Konya/Turkey, pp.409-414.
21. Allahverdi N., Altun A.A. (2002) Providing of Reliable Data Communication on Faulty Hypercube; in Proceedings of
the 3 International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications, September 4-6 2002, Selcuk
University, Konya/Turkey, pp.423-432.
22. Allahverdi N., Tutuncu K., Saracoglu R. (2002) Expert System Shells and Tools(In English), in Proceedings of 2
International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing, 26-28 June 2002, Gaziantep/Turkey, pp.502-507.
23. Gunes S., Yilmaz N., Canan S., Allahverdi N. (1999) Realization of Nonminimal Routing Algorithm in Faulty
Hypercube Parallel Process with Using of Cube Algebra(In English), In Proc. of The International Conference on
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1-5 December 1999, Bursa, Turkey, Vol. Electronics, pp.290-293.
24. M.Ciniviz, I.Saritaş, N.S.Salman, N. Allahverdi (2003) Design of an Fuzzy Expert System for Engine Emission
Parameters (Motor Emisyon Parametreleri için bir Bulanık Uzman Sistem Tasarımı), in Proc. of the 3rd Intern.
Advanced Technologies Symposium, August 18-20 Gazi University, Ankara, Vol. 2, pp.480-489.
25. S.Tasdemir, I.Saritaş, M.Ciniviz, A.A.Altun, N. Allahverdi (2003) Design of an Expert System Design For Automobile
Fault Determination, in Proc. of the 3rd Intern. Advanced Technologies Symposium, August 18-20 Gazi University,
Ankara, Vol. 2, pp.490-498.
26. H.Oguz, I.Saritaş, H.Ogut, N. Allahverdi (2003) The Determination of Engine Test Data by Using of Fuzzy Expert
System and Comparison with Experimental Values (Motor Denemeleriyle Bulunan Karakteristik Değerlerin
Bulanık Uzman Sistem Kullanılarak Belirlenmesi ve Deneysel Verilerle Karşılaştırılması), in Proc. of the 3rd Intern.
Advanced Technologies Symposium, August 18-20 Gazi University, Ankara, Vol. 2, pp.499-509.
27. Allahverdi N., A.A.Altun (2002) Providing of Reliable Data Transfer in the Faulty Hypercube Parallel Processing
System (Arızalı Hiperküp Paralel İşlem Sisteminde Güvenilirlikli Veri İletişiminin Sağlanması), 1. Ulusal Yüksek
Performanslı Bilişim (YPBS 2002) Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Gebze, Kocaeli,
24-25 Ekim 2002, ss.67-73.
28. Allahverdi N., Tutuncu K. (2002) Design of en Expert System in Financial Field(In English); in Proceedings of the 3
International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications, September 4-6 2002, Selcuk
University, Konya/Turkey, pp.218-227.
29. Allahverdi N., Saracoglu R. (2002) An Expert System for Troubleshooting of LAN (In English); in Proceedings of the
3 International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications, September 4-6 2002, Selcuk
University, Konya/Turkey, pp.228-235.
30. Gunes A., Allahverdi N. (2002) Web-BC: A Library on Elementary Number Theory and Its Web Interface (In English);
in Proceedings of the 3 International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications, September
4-6 2002, Selcuk University, Konya/Turkey, pp.292-297.
31. Allahverdiyev A.M., Akhmedov M.A. and Allahverdi Novruz (2002) Use of the Graphs and Matrices in the Inference;
in Proceedings of the 3 International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications, September
4-6 2002, Selcuk University, Konya/Turkey, pp.409-414.
32. Allahverdi N., Altun A.A. (2002) Providing of Reliable Data Communication on Faulty Hypercube; in Proceedings of
the 3 International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications, September 4-6 2002, Selcuk
University, Konya/Turkey, pp.423-432.
33. Guseinov Kh.G., Allahverdi N. (1998) Applications of Fuzzy Logic to Discrete Dynamical Systems (In English); In Proc.
of the 2nd Turkish-German Joint Computer Application Days, 15-16 Oct.1998, Konya, pp.111-121.
34. Allahverdi N. (1998) Methods of Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications in Agriculture (In Turkish); In Proc. of the
2nd Symposium on Computer Applications in Agriculture, 28-30 Sept.1998, Konya, pp.123-131.
35. Unsacar F. Allahverdi N. Halkaci S. (1998) Expert System Design for Fault Diagnosing in CNC Machine Tools (In
English); In Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS'98), Vol. 2, 6-7
August 1998, Adapazari, pp.751-758.
36. Yaldiz S., Allahverdi N., Ogut H. Computerized Education and Application Fields in Professional and Technical
Educating, (In Turkish); In Proc. of the METES'98 Symp. Karabuk, 1998, pp. 208-218.
37. Shobair A.I.A. Unsacar F. Yavuz N., Allahverdi N. Knowledge Base of Expert System for Electric Motor Trouble
Diagnosis (In Turkish); In Proc. of the 4th Symp. on Computers-Communication, 11-15 December 1996, Bursa,
38. Allahverdi N.M. Bozuk Hiperküpte Sağlam Altküpler Kümesinin Genişletilmesi, In Proc. of the 4th Symp. on
Computers-Communication, 1995,Bursa, pp.36-39.
39. Huseynov B., Mustafayev R., Hasanov R., Askerov T., Allahverdi N. (1996) Expert System for Fire Brigade-ESLS, (In
Turkish); In Proc. of the Otomasyon'96, Istanbul, pp.289-296.
40. Allahverdi N., Yaldiz S., Unuvar A. (1995) Applications of Expert Systems in Industry, (In Turkish); In Proc. of the 2.
Endüstriel Otomasyon'95 Semp. Istanbul, pp.75-86
41. Allahverdi N., Ergun S., Danaci E. (1995) Realization,(In Turkish); In Proc. of the 3.Congress on Signal Processing
and Applications, Book B: Signal Processing, Gokova, Turkey, pp.254-261.
42. Allahverdi N., Tutuncu K., Saracoglu R. (2002) Expert System Shells and Tools(In English), in Proceedings of 2
International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing, 26-28 June 2002, Gaziantep/Turkey, pp.502-507.
43. Allahverdi N., Tutuncu K., Saracoglu R. (2002) Expert System Shells and Tools(In English), in Proceedings of 2
International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing, 26-28 June 2002, Gaziantep/Turkey, pp.502-507.
44. Allahverdi N., Vagin V.N., Yeremeyev A.P. (2002) The Prototype of a Real Time Decision Support System for
Monitoring and Management of a Nuclear Power Block(In English), in Proceedings of 2 International
Conference on Responsive Manufacturing, 26-28 June 2002, Gaziantep/Turkey, pp.602-608.
45. Gunes S., Yilmaz N., Allahverdi N. (1999) An Algorithm for Definition Local Source in Message Routing in
Multiprocessor Systems (In Turkish); In Proc. of the 8th Congress on Electric, Electronic and Computer
Engineering, 6-13 Sept.1999, Gaziantep, Turkey, Vol.2, pp.17-19.
46. Allahverdi N.M., Yaldız S., Ünüvar A. Endüstride Uzman Sistem Uygulamaları, 2. Endüstriel OTOMASYON’95
Sempozyumu, 30-31 Mart 1995, İstanbul, s.75-86.
47. Kahramanlı Ş., Allahverdi N. Çok Değişkenli Boole Fonksiyonlarının Minimumlaştırılmasının Sıkışık Usulü,
Uluslararası Bilgisayar Uygulamaları Sempozyumu Tebliğleri, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar Bilimleri Uygulama ve
Araştırma Merkezi), 10 Haziran 1993, Konya, s.432-440.
48. N.Allahverdi, Ünsaçar F., Kahramanlı Ş. Mikroprogramlamada Mikrokomut İşlem Kısmının Tertiplenmesi,
Uluslararası Bilgisayar Uygulamaları Sempozyumu Tebliğleri, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar Bilimleri Uygulama ve
Araştırma Merkezi), 10 Haziran 1993, Konya, s.429-431.
49. Aliyev F.A., Allahverdiyev N. M. Personnel Microcomputer (In Russ.), Abstracts of the Conference of Electronically
Facilities in Industry, Baku, 1987. p.42.
50. Allahverdiyev N., Djabrailova Z. Methods of Realization of Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms and Its Comparison
(In Russ.), Abstracts of the 31st Scientific and Technical Conference of All-Union Students. Kishinev. Moldavia.
1982. 2p.
51. Allahverdiyev N. Fast Fourier Transform and Methods of Its Realization, (In Russ.), Abstracts of the 4nd Conference
of Azerbaijan Republic Young Energetic Scientists. Baku, 1980, 2 p.
52. Allahverdiyev N., Safaraliyeva S. Software of Microcomputers (In Russ.). Abstracts of the 4nd Conference of
Azerbaijan Republic Young Energetic Scientists, Baku. 1980, 1 P
53. Allahverdiyev N., Impact of Microprocessors to Design of Multicomputer Systems (In Russ.), Abstracts of the 2nd
Conference of Azerbaijan Republic Young Scientists, Baku. 1979, 1 p.
54. Allahverdiyev N., Damadayev M. Peculiarities of Microprocessors Using in Systems for Collection and Processing of
Data (In Russ.), Abstracts of the 2nd Conference of Azerbaijan Republic Young Scientists, Baku, 1979, 1 p.
55. Allahverdiyev N. Multimicroprocessor System for Realization of Problems Digital Signal Processing (In Russ.),
Proceedings of the All-Union Conference CAD and Perspectives of Microprocessor's Applications, Minsk. 1978, 2
F. Other Publications (Books):
Allahverdi N. (2002) Expert Systems. An Artificial Intelligence Application (Uzman Sistemler. Bir Yapay Zeka
Uygulamasi (Türkçe), Atlas Yayinevi, Istanbul, 248 p.
Allahverdi N., Tercan H. (1997) Microprocessors and Interfaces (Mikroişlemciler ve Arabirimler (Türkçe); Saray
Kitabevi, Konya, 216 p.
Allahverdi N., Kahramanli S., Danaci E. (1995) Synthesis of Digital Control Units (Sayısal Yönetim Birimlerinin
Sentezi) (Türkçe); Saray Kitabevi, Konya, 182 p.
Askerov T., Mahmudov Y., Bayramov H., Allahverdiyev N. Theory and Design of Computers and Systems (Textbook
for Students "Comp.Engineering"), (In Azerb.), Maarif. Baku. 1990, 480 p.
Askerov T., Allahverdiyev N., Huseynov B. Computers and Programming in BASIC (Textbook), (In Azerb ). Maarif,
Baku, 1989, 136 p.
Askerov T., Allahverdiyev N. Cybernetics and Modern Life (In Azerb.), Maarif, Baku, 1983, 118 p.
Askerov T., Ginzburg M. Ya., Gahramanov Ş.Ş. Allahverdiyev N. Methodical guidance for the students of 0608
specialization on Digital Control Otomotas, Publishing of the Azerb. Technical University, 1988, 76 p.
Askerov T., Allahverdiyev N. Construction and Production of Computers (Textbook for Students
"Comp.Engineering"), (In Azerb.), Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, 1983, 120 p.
A Study for the Cybernetics Encyclopedic Dictionary (A-Ş), Azerb. Sovyet Ansiklopedisi Baş Editörlüğü, Editör:
Prof.Dr. Askerov T.A., 1982, 82 p.
Other Publications(Papers):
Allahverdi N. (1994) Do You Know Soviet Computers? (Sovyet Bilgisayarlarını Tanıyor musunuz?) (In Turkish);
Bilgisayar, No:9, pp.40-43.
Allahverdi N. (1996) Can Computer Count Information? (Bilgisayar Bilgiyi Sayar mı?) (In Turkish); BYTE, May,
Allahverdi N. (1996) How Speed of Computer can be Measured? (Bilgisayarın Hızı Nasıl Ölçülür?) (In Turkish);
BYTE, August, pp.146-148.
Allahverdi N. (1996) Denetim mi, Yönetim mi? (Control or Control?) (In Turkish) OTOMASYON, May, pp.136-137.
Allahverdi N., Huseynov B., Mustafayev R. (1996) Expert Systems in Ex-Soviet (Eksi Sovyetlerde Uzman Sistemler)
(In Turkish); OTOMASYON, No:1, pp.128-181.
Allahverdi N. (1997) Parallel Processing Systems (Paralel İşlem Sistemleri) (In Turkish); BYTE, February, pp. 98, 100102, 104.
Allahverdi N. (1997) Classification of Parallel Processing Systems (I and II Parts) (Paralel İşlem Sistemlerinin
Sınıflandırılması (I ve II Bölümler), (In Turkish); BYTE, March, pp.92. 94-96; May, pp. 94-96, 97.
Allahverdi N. (1997) Real Parallel Computers (Gerçek Paralel Sistemler) (In Turkish); BYTE, June, pp.86-89.
Number of references: (27.07.2015): SCI Web of Science (Sum of Times Cited without self-citations) – 167; Scopus 275; Scholar Google –721.
Web page:
E-mail address: novruz.allahverdi@karatay.edu.tr

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