ufuk arslan anadolu li̇sesi̇


ufuk arslan anadolu li̇sesi̇
Hello I am sorry because I didnt have any free time write you and happy new year !!! Hope that the new year becomes very well for
How are you ? I am very well anyway,in Ankara . We are in winter now and almost it is raining everyday here . It is not too cold but
My school is UFUK ARSLAN high school , this is a great chance for me because this makes a big easiness to lern english well . I thing
I have already learn it anyway . Tell me your life what do you do now ? I cant find anything to write you . I hope you will write back to me
I'd love to hear from you.Take care yourself,
see you soon...
Dear Neslihan
I hope you’re well.How was your week? My week was great.I went to Mallorca.It’s lovely there and the weather is fantastic.The campsite in
a small village.I went swimming every morning.There are lots of islands everywhere.I went walking on the island every day.I met someone
: 0 312 279 12 47
Tunahan Mh. Üç Şehitler Cd.
Belgeç : 0 312 279 12 46
Nu:24 Eryaman / Etimesgut / Ankara
e-posta : 972479@meb.k12.tr
there.Her name is Eliza.She’s a pretty girl.She has got brown eyes and long curly hair.She’s very friendly.You must visit this place.It’s a
wonderful village.
Say hi to Hikmet
Best Wishes
Ezio, my dearest brother.
I have been in Florence a week now and in a wait for you to come. I hope the business you have ends soon because i won't be here for too
So before all these... As we had so nice memories nearly 5 years ago, i would like to spend these last days of mine in Italy.
I will be leaving in a couple of days... Even though it would be safer if we were face to face but... In case we can't see each other again
i'm writing this to you...
When I first set out from Roma 5 years ago, I did so with a single purpose. To discover what our father did not. In a letter written the
year before your birth he makes mention of a legacy hidden beneath the Cappadocia. Un santuario pieno di saggezza inestimabile. (A sanctum
full of invaluable wisdom)
alla fine (Eventually)... I have found what our father should have...
I know you have so many questions and i know you want answers... I do know that you want to hear about what have i found...
But it's not safe to write what it is to here, this is not the right way.
If you're reading this, and you have heard nothing from me for a long while...
Find the man called Hassan Emir in Cappadocia and tell nothing but ' Un corvo è ancora vivo. ' (A raven is still alive) .
A presto Ezio. (See you later)
Sevgili Şeyma,
: 0 312 279 12 47
Tunahan Mh. Üç Şehitler Cd.
Belgeç : 0 312 279 12 46
Nu:24 Eryaman / Etimesgut / Ankara
e-posta : 972479@meb.k12.tr
Biliyorsun ki sen benim en yakın arkadaşımsın. Okulda sevdiğim birine bir mektup yazmam gerektiği söylendiğinde aklıma ilk sen geldin. Ne
yazacağımı bayağı düşündüm. En sonunda sana olan sevgimi, içimden gelenleri yazmam gerektiğine karar verdim.
Senin gibi bir arkadaşa sahip olduğum için çok şanslı olduğumu biliyorum.Sevgilerin, dostlukların çıkar ilişkisine bağlı olduğu bu dönemde, karşılık
beklemeksizin böylesine içten, böylesine samimi bir dostluk.. Gerçekten çok şanslıyım. Moralim bozuk olduğunda, sahte dostluklara sitem
ettiğimde, birlikte kurduğumuz hayalleri düşünüyorum. Aynı üniversiteyi kazandığımızı; şirin, küçük bir öğrenci evine taşındığımızı hayal
ediyorum. Bu hayaller hayata daha sıkı sarılmamı, daha çok çalışmamı sağlıyor. Biliyorum ki beni koşulsuz seven, hata yaptığımda elimden
tutacak, yardım edecek birisi var. Her zaman iyiki o var diyorum. İyiki varsın ! Umarım dostluğumuz sonsuza dek sürer.
Hayatın sana tüm mutlulukları sunması ve güzel yüzünün hep gülmesi dileğiyle..
Dear Büşra;
Hello! I am sorry because I didn't have any free time to write you. How are you? I am very well. How was your weekend? My
weekend was great. I finished all my homework on saturday morning. Then I played basketball. My mum and I went shopping on sunday
morning. I bought two new T-shirts. I heard you coming. I am so glad. Let's meet one week. I love you my dear friend
Best wishes...
Dear Enes,
I’m missing holiday. Holiday was very enjoyable. We must do it again this at the earliest .How are My Uncle,aunt and sister? I hope they ‘re
fine.Fulya was going to Eskişehir.Did she ?I guess your exam is approaching.I hope you go to the university you want to.You should come to
us in summer.I have got new games and we must complete theses games.Maybe we’ll go to the village.I think we must.Nature! I love nature.
We climb the mountain.Maybe we drive car but I think my dad will say : “no, you won’t “.Say hello to your family.
I look foward to seeing you again.
Best wishes.
: 0 312 279 12 47
Tunahan Mh. Üç Şehitler Cd.
Belgeç : 0 312 279 12 46
Nu:24 Eryaman / Etimesgut / Ankara
e-posta : 972479@meb.k12.tr
I reached my uncle's home today. Travelling took much time but bus was very comfortable and it wasn't a boring travelling. My uncle is fine
and sends you his greetings. My uncle prepared my room and it's very beautiful. Aydin is very big city. There are a lot of foreign people.
Also, there are many beaches. The beaches are very clean. People go to the beaches and they swim everyday because the weather is very
hot. I will write you everyday, mum. Also, my cousins are fine. I hope I will have fun at this holiday.
My Dear Cousin Akın ;
Hi ,
It’s now 3 o’clock in the afternoon and I’m sitting in the living room writing this letter. It’s a lovely day outside. The weather is amazing.
The sun’s shining and the birds are singing. First, thanks for your present. It is very sweet. Sorry it's taken me so long to write. Before
starting to write letter, I want to express my longing to you. Although many years pass, we are together as if we didn’t diverge. I am sure
that you also think like that. How is my aunt? How is your school? Good to see you again last summer. Look forward to seeing you soon!
Because I miss you too. You are very important in my life. If you ask me, I go side flute lesson once a week .It is too hard but The sound
of flute is very good .If you want, I can play for you. While finishing my letter, I want state that takes care yourself. I hope you are well
and happy and that your family is also well. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
: 0 312 279 12 47
Tunahan Mh. Üç Şehitler Cd.
Belgeç : 0 312 279 12 46
Nu:24 Eryaman / Etimesgut / Ankara
e-posta : 972479@meb.k12.tr
Dear Berkin,
Hi, it is very nice to know about you!It's now 15:30 o'clock in the afternoon and ı am writing this letter for you.It's a lovely day
outside.The weather is sunny and the sun is shining now.What is the weather in Antalya?My mum and dad are very good and they are saying
hello to you.How are your parents?What are they doing?What is your chess tournament's score?I think you are very talented at chess.When
are you coming to Ankara?I hope you are well and happy and your family is also well. Please write me soon. See you than...
Bye for now...
My Dear Grandma,
How are you? I have missed you.Now,I want to be with you and hug you.You are at my uncle and my aunt’s house.I am happy because
they are taking good care of you.
My grandma,You are a strong woman.Be sure,You are going to overcome your illness.But You must want it!!People say fighting against
this illness is very important.I want to pick up tomatoes,cucumbers with you in our small garden one day again...
I’m studying too much for the lessons and my lessons are good.I’m going to come and visit you in İstanbul soon.In fact,I wanted you to
stay with us but unfortunately you couldn’t. But don’t worry!I’m going to come to you soon.
I’m sending my love to my uncle,his wife,my cousins and my grandpa.Take care of yourself!
Grandma,Love You!
: 0 312 279 12 47
Tunahan Mh. Üç Şehitler Cd.
Belgeç : 0 312 279 12 46
Nu:24 Eryaman / Etimesgut / Ankara
e-posta : 972479@meb.k12.tr
Dear Kaan,
I write this letter because we don't meet for a long time. If you don't move out of Ankara we can play basketball , play the guitar and ride
a bike. But now I'm alone so my life is boring. Did you remember we rang all the bells in our apartment then all neighbours chased you and
me. Another action was that me, you and Oğuzhan danced in street . Everybody looked at us . Fortunately we wore mask. And we ran at 2
a.m. I think it was terrible because everywhere was dark. You know I am afraid of dark. I read this paragraph and I decide ,we are some
crazy :) I hope you write a letter for me :)
Hi dad...
How are you ? I hope you are fine. I have missed you since you left us with only your body. Because you aren't in it. I know. Your soul
died. I miss you dad. I miss your smile , your speech .....I miss waiting on the door you.Your body isn't enough for me I want to old father
I want to remember me I am continuing my life , to my family but you aren't with us .Just your body is with us and it isn't really enough.
There is a lacking in everything . but I am laughing despite everything dad . I am not giving up dad and I will never give up . I will
don't worry! We are not bad. I am achieving I am achieving to my goal . I am successfull . My lessons are very good. I am clinging to life
but I am fearing dad because I don't want to change . People are brutal, selfish. There is only ambition in their eyes. It is very terrible .
I don't want to bad person and to be like them . please dad ! help me ! protect me from them.
when There was not you I learned to be strong. Anything isn't impossible. jast I must want and trust . I must be good person. such as I
promised , such as you taught me
I thing Love is the most important thing in the world but it isn't .
: 0 312 279 12 47
Tunahan Mh. Üç Şehitler Cd.
Belgeç : 0 312 279 12 46
Nu:24 Eryaman / Etimesgut / Ankara
e-posta : 972479@meb.k12.tr
Still there is hope for be happy .I blieve. I love you dad and I wil always love you...
Dear stefhan
I loved you so much even we met only last summer.do you remember we swim,wander,having fun.
Will you come this year,yoo ?please come.I miss you so much.I’m sorry I forget to ask.How are you?Are you good? How is your sister,
Mary.did she grow up.I am sure.she became very pretty girl
How are your lessons?How is italy? Tell me something about them. I want to visit you someday.Would you like to be a counselor?I am still
hiding picturing. :)
I look forward to your letter
Take care yourself.See you later
Dear Mom,
I love you mom. You are the best mother in the World. You always stayed with me, when I had problems. You helped me and and gave me
advices. When I got sicked, you cared and loved me. Thank you for caring me, providing me a shelter, warm clothes, hugs and love. Also,
you taught me wrong and right. I grew up with you and it effected all my life positive. You shaped me like dough. You taught me everything
that I should know about the life. Thank you for everything. I can’t imagine a life without you. You can’t imagine how much I love you.
From your boy who loves you so much to you
: 0 312 279 12 47
Tunahan Mh. Üç Şehitler Cd.
Belgeç : 0 312 279 12 46
Nu:24 Eryaman / Etimesgut / Ankara
e-posta : 972479@meb.k12.tr
Hi my cousin,
How are you?I’m very good.Because I had a very enjoyable
holiday with my family.We went to the seaside in Antalya.It was hot and sunny.We swam , had a sunbath.I like music, you
know.We went to concerts in the evenings.We stayed there
only five days.I didn’t want to leave there.But my father promised me that we would go there again.How about your
school, lessons, exams?I hope it is perfect.My grades are good.I think I will go to language school on holiday.My parents want so.I agree
with them.I want to improve my
english.How is your english cousin?If you want, we can go to
the language school together in our holiday.I miss you so much.I wish you were here, but next year we will move to Balıkesir
due to my father’s works.I would like to write to you so long,
but I have got a lot of homework to do.My dear cousin,see you soon I hope.You are in my mind everytime.
Hi Everyone!
It has been long time to see you. I hope all’s well in your life.
These days I’ve been very busy with my exams. I've been studying continuously. It’s very boring.
As you know, I’m a very social person; I like shopping, dancing but I haven’t got enough time.
The weather is too cold , snowy nowadays. Everywhere is covered with snow. I hope I don't not the fall.
That’s all for now .I must start my homework. Say hallo to all your family.
: 0 312 279 12 47
Tunahan Mh. Üç Şehitler Cd.
Belgeç : 0 312 279 12 46
Nu:24 Eryaman / Etimesgut / Ankara
e-posta : 972479@meb.k12.tr
Dear My Mom
I love you so much.you are the most beatiuful woman in the world.Throughout my life I will not forget you.You love me every time. You have
a special place in my heart. You are the most trustful person.
When you feel bad I feel bad. I call you when I'm feeling sad. and you find a solution. You are clever.You are the best mother in the world.
You are my best friend and sometimes you're my only friend. I have a special place for you in my heart.
I love you with all my heart,
Dear My brother;
It' s now 18:30 p.m. and I am writting letter for you. The weather is cloudy now. What is the weather like in Zonguldak?
My mum and dad are very good and they are saying hello to you. How are your friends? What are they doing?
When you come to Ankara? I hope you are well and happy and your friends are also well. Please write me soon.
See you then... Bye Bye :)
: 0 312 279 12 47
Tunahan Mh. Üç Şehitler Cd.
Belgeç : 0 312 279 12 46
Nu:24 Eryaman / Etimesgut / Ankara
e-posta : 972479@meb.k12.tr
Hello Dilara
I miss you . What's happenig in Antalya? My grandfather says: "The weather is rainy". You should wear thick clothes . How was your
school ? You should study very hard . Because This year is very important . I miss walking with you. This summer, we will vist the sights.
Nowaday I am vey bussy . Because I started course . But I love course. Oh one more thing , I want to start painting course so I am
Anyway I have just watch movies . Movies name is "My name is Khan" The subject of thefilm ; An Indian muslim man has got Asperger's
sydrome . He doesn't like new people . He hate yellow colour and he hate crowd . He has mother and a brother . When her mother died ,
Khan were going to America . Khan fell in love in the America . But girl is Hindu . Khan is Müslim . Then , The twin towers is bomb . It is
beatiful film. You should watch.
See you soon!
Dear my best friend ;
I looked at your photos two days ago and I felt sad so much. We had good times together. We watched films with our pijamas , ate
popcorns , when everyone slept we didn't sleep. We gossiped. We had good memories. Do you remember ? We drew pictures together and
everywhere was painted. Then , on the way from school ; we had water fights. This was so much fun. I wish you were here end we could
have fun again but don't worry I will come on holiday. I am very good. Everything is OK here . I hope you are good and everything is OK
there :) I love you so much my best friend . I will write again. XXX :)
Your friend ,
: 0 312 279 12 47
Tunahan Mh. Üç Şehitler Cd.
Belgeç : 0 312 279 12 46
Nu:24 Eryaman / Etimesgut / Ankara
e-posta : 972479@meb.k12.tr
It is a perfect day. The sun is bright, birds are singing, people are smiling. Maybe everyone is in love today.
Last night I was in the city center and saw you everywhere. One girl had your eyes, another your hair. It startled me. I brought home a
magazine to read, but it was full of the pictures of you.
Have I told you recently how beautiful you are? I must remember to tell you about them.
It’s lonely without you, and I am a little glad that you miss me. I have counted the days and now I am counting the hours until we meet. I
will meet you after hours.
I miss you and I love you so much…
With all my love,
: 0 312 279 12 47
Tunahan Mh. Üç Şehitler Cd.
Belgeç : 0 312 279 12 46
Nu:24 Eryaman / Etimesgut / Ankara
e-posta : 972479@meb.k12.tr

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ŞUBAT 2014 DUYURU için tıklayınız

ŞUBAT 2014 DUYURU için tıklayınız Because I miss you too. You are very important in my life. If you ask me, I go side flute lesson once a week .It is too hard but The sound of flute is very good .If you want, I can play for you. Wh...
