new horizons in public relations


new horizons in public relations
Ferruh UZTUĞ
Associate Professor
Anadolu University,TURKEY
Atılım ONAY
Research Assistan
Anadolu University, TURKEY
Research Assistant
Anadolu University, TURKEY
Ferruh Uztuğ was born in İzmir on 31.10.1968. He graduated from Anadolu
University Communication Sciences Faculty Department of Communication Arts. He
took his master and doctorate degrees from Anadolu University Graduate School of
Social Sciences . He has been working as associate professor at the Communication
Sciences Faculty He is also vice dean of the faculty since 2004
Atılım Onay was born in Antakya on 20.06.1978. He graduated from high school
(Ankara Anadolu Lisesi) in 1996 and then joined at the Anadolu University
Communication Sciences Faculty Department of Communication Arts. He took his
master degree from Anadolu University Graduate School of Social Sciences in 2004.
He is still in doctorate programme at Advertising and Public Relations Depeartment.
He has been working at the Communication Sciences Faculty as research assistant
since 2001.
Ömer Kutlu was born in Linnich- Germany on 08.08.1979. He graduated from high
school (İstanbul Erkek Lisesi) in 1998 and then joined at the Anadolu University
Communication Sciences Faculty Department of Advertising and Public Relations.
After he graduated from Communication Sciences Faculty in 2003, he joined at the
Anadolu University Graduate School of Social Sciences. He continues master
program in Advertising and Public Relations Department. He has been working at the
communication sciences faculty as research assistant since 2004
In the new century, the expectations of many companies from public relation agencies
have become various since these companies are aware of the changes in the field of
socio-culture and technology. It is possible to mention about an identity depression in
the field of public relations with the help of the pressure on public relation studies for
reform, created by changing communication environment beginning from 1990.
Public relations in Turkey is perceived as notification, relation with media and event
organizations, and the above mentioned changes and developments have directly
affected the field of public relations. This change can be observed both in the field and
in the academic literature. Rather than using the concept of public relations, some
concepts like corporate communication, image management have started to be used,
and also some public relations agencies can be said to have changed their names as
perception management. Distinguishing and diversifying communication
environments and means have caused doubt in the field about the integrity. With
these concepts, the services that agencies present to their customers have become
In this study, it is aimed to create a frame which determine what the service areas are
which are presented by the public agencies in Turkey and to create a general
description of these service areas. We look for answers for the questions stated below:
- What names are used by the public relations agencies in Turkey?
- What headings can be used to sum the services that agencies present to
their customers?
- What are the subheadings and descriptions of agencies?
The content analysis method is used in the study. The web sites for which content
analysis method will be used are determined as those that the association of public
relation agencies is tied to.
Public relations have been exposed to certain identity depressions and difficulties in
its definition till now. Public relations have established our agenda in many contexts,
from treatment to organization and from fashion favored by models to the
manipulation by the media. The type and content of the services that public relations
provide for institutions are influenced by any change that occurs in the field of
marketing and communication.
In the new century, the expectations of many companies from public relation agencies
have become various since these companies are aware of the changes in the field of
socio-culture and technology. It is possible to mention about an identity depression in
the field of public relations with the help of the pressure on public relation studies for
reform, created by changing communication environment beginning from 1990.
The change in the balance of power, the competition issue which is very commonly
experienced the changes in consumers’ tendencies, globalling world and changes in
the field of economy, the changes and the developments in the field of technology
have directly affected advertising communication. In this process, the decreasing
effect of traditional advertising environment, the changing expectations of agencies
advertised, the increasing cost of traditional advertising environments, the easiness
for establishing data base and cheapening costs have increased the attempts to give a
meaning to their existence, to describe their own position of public relations which
intensively put the understanding of integrated advertising communication on the
Public relations in Turkey is perceived as notification, relation with media and event
organizations, and the above mentioned changes and developments have directly
affected the field of public relations. This change can be observed both in the field and
in the academic literature. Rather than using the concept of public relations, some
concepts like corporate communication, image management have started to be used,
and also some public relations agencies can be said to have changed their names as
perception management. With the changing perception of public relations, many new
concepts which we can handle as public relation studies have started to be used both
in the field and in the related literature: perception management, institutional esteem,
marketing oriented public relations (MPR), customer relations management (CRM),
event marketing. Distinguishing and diversifying communication environments and
means have caused doubt in the field about the integrity. With these concepts, the
services that agencies present to their customers have become various. It can be
observed very easily that many agencies stating that they present many new services
integratedly have appeared
What Is Public Relations?
ʺPublic Relations practice is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting
their consequences, counseling organization leaders, and implementing planned
programs of action which serve both the organizationʹs and publicʹs interestʺ (Jefkins,
1992). This was the definition that public relations associations agreed on at Mexico
City in 1978.
The March 1984 edition of Public Relations Review highlighted problems associated
with definitions of pubIic relations. Newsom lamented that any discipline that cannot
agree on its definition will be confused about student career preparation. She cites an
inability to look at generic quaIities of public relation as a major contributor to the
problem. J. A. Files described some of the generic qualities: The public relation
practitioner is ʺan applied behavioral scientist who calls upon social sciences and
related tools for knowledge. This concert does not deny the importance of
communication as a public relation function or as a component of the public relations
process.ʺ (Long, and Hazelton, 1987 )
An another definition is “Public relations is a management function that helps
achieve organizational objectives, define philosophy, and facilitale organizational
change. Public relations practitioners communicate with all relevant internal and
external publics to develop positive relationships and to create consistency between
organizational goals and societal expectations. Public relations practitioners develop,
execute, and evaluate organizational programs that promote the exchange of influence
and understanding among an organizationʹs constituent parts and publics.”(Baskin et
al, 1997)
Seitel difened public relations as(Seitel, 2004) “Public relations is a planned process to
influence public opinion, through sound chararter and proper performalice, based on
mutually satisfactory two-way communication.” Public relations defined as a
management effort to combine public needs and the organizationsʹ actions. On the
other hand, public relations consists of two-way communication to construct public
support and confidence. At the end, it is pointed out that; the theme of the public
relations is ʺusing communication to construct goodwillʺ (Harlow,1976,).
Definitional criticism by noted public relation scholars suggests that any definition of
public relations should meet four criteria:
• The definition should provide a basic vocabulary that is germane to past,
present, and future applications.
• It should provide direction for scientific investigations and theorizing.
• It should be comprehensive enough to include all aspects of theory and
• A definition should have practical utility.
This great diversity in the duties of public relation practitioners is illustrated by the
list of public relations functions published by PRSA in a booklet entitled, Careers in
Public Relations.(Baskin et al, 1997)
1. Programming. This involves analyzing problems and opportunities, defining goals
and the publics (or gmlips of people whose support or understanding is needed), and
recommending and planning activities. It may include budgeting and assignment of
responsibilities to the appropriate people, including non-public relations personnel.
2. Relationships. Successful public relatiolis people develop skill in gathering
information from management, from colleagues in their organizations, and from
external sources. Continually evaIuating what they learn, they formulate
recommendations and gain approval for them from their managements. Many public
relations activities require working with, and
sometimes through, other
organizational units such as personnel, legal, and marketing staffs. The practitioner
who learns to be persuasive with others will be most effective.
3. Writing and Editing. Since the public relatiolis worker is often trying to reach large
groups of people, an important tool is the printed word. Examples of its use are found
in reports, news releases, booklets, speeches, film scripts, trade magazine articles,
product information, and technical material, employee publications, newsletters,
shareholder reports, and other management communications directed to both
organization personnel and external groups
4. Information. Establishing systems for the dissemination of material to appropriate
newspaper, broadcast, general and trade publication editors, and communicating with
them to enlist their interest in publishing an organizationʹ s news and features are
normal public relations activities. This requires knowledge of how newspapers and
other media operate, the areas of specialization of publications, and the interests of
individual editors. (Competition is keen for the attention of editors and broadcasters
who have a limited amount of space and time at their disposal.)
5. Production. Various publications, special reports, films, and multimedia programs
are important ways of communicating. The public relations practitioner need not be
an expert in art, layout, typography, and photography, but background knowledge of
the techniques of preparation is needed for intelligent planning and supervision of
their use.
6. Special Events. News conferences, convention exhibits and special showings, new
facility and anniversary cele;brations contests and award programs, tours and special
meetings are only a few of the special events used to gain attention and acceptance of
groups of people. They involve careful planning and coordination, attention to detail,
preparation of special booklets, publicity, and reports.
7. Speaking. Public relation work often requires skill in face-to-face communicationfinding appropriate platforms, the preparation of speeches for others, and the
delivery of speeches. The person who can effectively address individuals and groups
will enjoy an advantage over those whose facility of expression is limited to writing.
8. Research and Evaluatian. As previously indicated, this can be highly personal,
through interviews, review of library materials, and informal conversations. It can
also involve the use of survey techniques and firms specializing in designing and
conducting opinion research. After a program is completed, the public relations
practitioner studies its results and evaluates the programʹs planning, implementation,
and effectiveness.
Compared with other more established professions such as law or medicine, public
relations is an emerging practice. Unlike more established ones, public relations does
not require a prescribed educational preparation, qualifying exams issued by
govemments or any other kind of peer evaluation to assure competence and ethic
code. Also public relations practitioners do not work under clearly defined roles
(Cutlip, Center and Broom, 2000).
Issues of the Millennium
Undeniably, the people who practice public relations today must be better at it than
those who came before them. Institutions operate in a pressure-cooker environment
and must keep sever al steps ahead of the rapid pace of social, economic, and political
change. The environment is being shaped by many factors: (Seitel,2004)
• Economicglobalization. This is affecting all organizations,even nonmultinational
companies. The world is getting smaller. Communismis dead or dying. Democracy
and free enterprise are dominant. Competition will intensify, and so will
communications, making it easier to communicate around the world but much more
difficult to be heard.
• Shifting public opinion. Sudden shifts in public opinion are being ignited by
instantaneolis communications, challenging the ability of communicators to respond
to fast-moving events. Interest groups of every stripe are jockeying for pasition on the
public stage.
• Global jealousies. One such shift in public apiiiion is disdain among many in the
world of the lifestyle enjoyed by people in the West, particularly the United States.
Global jealousies, fueling terrorism and anti- Western feelings, are important and
disturbing trends.
• Aging of society. Baby boomers are nearing 60 and dominate society. Households
headed by people over 55 are the fastest-growing segment of the consumer market in
America, and this group controls an increasing ercentage of all persanal income.
Meanwhile, Generation Xers are getting older, and those right behind are becoming
more prominent and powerfuI.
• Leanness and meanness. The new reality of employment is that ʺnothing lasts
forever.ʺ Lifetime employment is no longer possible in most organizations. With
downsizing, companies are continliing to pare overhead and trim staff to become
more competitive. Incoming employees understand that job hopping is much more a
reality today than in years past. The effect on business and employee morale is
profound, and the need for good internal communications is critical.
• Corporate responsibility. This buzzword of the 1960s and 1970s has become critical
in the 2000s. The corporate scandals of 2002 have had a profound impact on how
people assess corporations, their leaders, and their securities. Companies today must
give bad. to society to begin to regain public trust.
• Technology. Knowledge of the Internet is imperative, not only in the practice of
public relatiolis but also in virtually every field of endeavor.
• Bigness is back. The trend toward linkages and mergers among huge industrial
corporations, hospitals, banks, telecommunications firms, media companies, and
others is unstoppable. In many cases, the only way to survive is to merge with others.
• Accountability. Again, with companies and CEOs suspect and with larger and
larger companies delivering
products, consilmefs, investors, regulators, and
legislators are all demanding more accountability from all institutions, as well as
higher standards of ethical conduct.
In the face of all these changes, it is understandable that management today is giving
greater attention than ever before to the publicʹ s opinions of its organization and to
public relatiolis professionals who can help deal with these opinions.
21st Century Public Relations Challenges
William A.Durbin, former chairman o fHilI &Knowlton Public Relations,said:(Baskin
et al, 1997)
“The PR function is about to cross the threshold from a primarily communications
function to a management function participating systematically in the formation of
policy and the decision-making process itself.”
Durbin sees the profession at the same threshold seen by Michaelis, Lee, and Bernaysthe threshold that was crossed more than half a century ago by Arthur W. Page. His
perception illustrates how things change and remain the same.
The future is always difficult to gauge, but by identifying and describing historical
trends, one can make good guesses. We will summarize public relations history and
try to fathom its future by identifying and describing 10 trends that appear to
influence the direction of the practice today.
Public relatiofis is moving (Baskin et al, 1997)
External counselor
U.S. profession
Internal team member
Fire preventer
Global profession
It wouldn’t be fair to expect the public relation agencies to provide services in such
various areas as technical support for their clients and as international public relation
studies by using all the combined components of communication. The agencies,
considering their financial states and the areas their own workers are specialized in,
can increase their services by choosing some of the tasks among many that we can
consider under the heading of public relation studies. Certainly, there might be public
relation agencies claiming that they can meet all the needs of their clients who play
big. The question to be answered here is the degree of the quality of these services.
Likewise, in Turkey, there are agencies which focus on certain service areas rather
than on the basic areas of public relation studies as well as those which indicate that
they provide their clients with a rich public relation service and which, in this respect,
present themselves to their clients through the varification of their services.
Developments in mass-media and in communication technologies and the economical
and social transformation experienced in Turkey following 1980s put the necessities of
an economy on the agenda whose communication sector, in general sense, is
developed. This process, developing quickly, has made international co-operations
and new business models and their definitions in almost all the areas a current issue.
Public relations that do not date back much in Turkey got rid of the difficulties faced
in the beginning with the help of a new appereance following the transformation of
post-1980. This situation happened among international relationships and
partnerships as it does in all areas. Despite all these developments, the fact that the
expenditure on advertisement in Turkey remains stil around 2 billion dollars shows
that the marketing communication sector has not been able to grow up enough
compared to the largeness and potentials of the country. Among the reasons for this is
the economy without doubt. However, it should also be seen as an important factor
that the culture of trade and marketing communication has not been absorbed enough
by all the actors, yet. Both the companies and the agencies have significant
responsibilities for this situation. This study, to some extend, presenting the views of
the public relation agencies about the companies, aims at making this issue open to
discussion with these respects. It is an important issue that, in Turkey, what strategies
the agencies follow in understanding the marketing and communication needs of the
enterprises and in creating solutions to these needs. The service types of the public
relation agencies and the definitions of the these services, in a sense, have an
educational meaning in terms of spreading of marketing and communication culture
and of having this culture meet the contemporary norms.
In this study, it is aimed to create a frame which determine what the service areas are
which are presented by the public agencies in Turkey and to create a general
description of these service areas. We look for answers for the questions stated below:
• What names are used by the public relations agencies in Turkey?
• What headings can be used to sum the services that agencies present
to their customers?
• What are the subheadings and descriptions of agencies?
The content analysis method is used in the study. The web sites for which content
analysis method will be used are determined as those that the association of public
relation agencies is tied to. In addition, all the agencies registered on the web site,
“ “, are taken as the population. Those of these agencies
that do not have any web sites are included among the subjects of the study. The web
sites of the remaining agencies are searched by the researchers. The agencies whose
web sites are currently under construction or which do not present any information
about the services they provide in their web sites are excluded from the subjects.
Content-analysis is run on the remaining 19 agencies regarding their names, their
services and their way of defining these services. In the study, the servces that the
agencies present in their web sites as well as their way of defining these services are
studied. The service definitions available are examined, and the key words are found.
Moreover, the names of the agencies are examined and classified with respect to the
concepts they use.
In the study, the agencies that are members of the Association of Public Relations or
that are registered to the web site,, are taken as the
population. The biggest limitation of the study is that the content-analysis is run on
the web sites of the agencies. The fact that some of the agencies do not have any web
sites or that they do not have the necessary information in their web sites caused a loss
in data.
Table 1: Agency Names
Consepts in Agency Names
Public Relations
Communication and Public Relations
When the table that shows the percentage rates of the concepts implied by the names
of the agencies is examined, an interesting result is obtained. Even though the subjects
are chosen from the Association of Public Relations, it is seen that the term public
relations is not found in the names of 63,5% of the public relation agencies. The
agencies (53%) mostly use the term communication. Despite this large number, it
could not be said that the concept of public relations is completely ignored by the
agencies (26%). It is also observed that both of the terms, public relations and
communication, are used together (10,5%). This tendency is also true for the
advertisement agencies. In a similar process, we witnessed that the advertisement
agencies also use the comcepts of advertisement and communication together in their
agency names. This situation reveals the result that the concepts of pubic relations and
communication are assigned different meanings and that the concepts lose their
traditional meanings.
This situation seen in the agency names is important in two respects. First of all, it
could be stated that the combined cummunication discussions having been
experienced since 1990s in Turkey have forced the agencies to revise their service
areas and service definitions. The advertisement and public relation agencies have
tried to achieve widening of their own service areas with the help of the concept of
“communication” once the combined communication has been put on the agenda.
Second, it could be said that the developing and improving sector has made
renovations so as to make good use of new business opportunities.
Table 2: Agency Service Types
Media Relations- Publicity
Internal Communications
Number of Agency
Overall Agency Percentage
Event Management
Crisis Management
Marketing Communication(Strategic
Cooperate Communication
Cooperate Social Responsibility
Brand Management
Issues and Agenda Managmenet
Relationship Management
Digital Media Communication
Reputation Management
Leadership Management
Media Education
Financel Communication
Consumer Related Marketing
Technical Support
International Public Relations
Change Management
The 21 service types in total provided by the agencies can be grouped under three
main headings. These are;
• Tradtional services: media relations, publicity issue and agenda management,
crisis management and event organization,
• Market related services: MPR, event marketting, sponsorship, marketing
communication, brand management, consumer related marketing
Institutional Communication and esteem: Social responsibility, leadership
communication, reputation management
It is seen that the service types of agencies fall into 21 main headings. When the
services that the agencies provide are examined, the most common service is seen to
be related to the media services (95%). This service is followed by the crisis
management, internal institutional communication and event management with a
percentage of 74%. The historical service area of public relations focus on media
relations and publicity. All these services show that classical understanding of public
relations maintains its acceptability as a dominant factor.
Since the understanding of combined marketing communication shows its effect on all
the communicative functions, the services of sponsorship and marketing
communication (strategical communication) have a percentage of 63% among the
services provided by the agencies. The institutional communication service shows that
it has gained importance in a short time as one of the functions of public relations of
the agencies with a percentage of 53%. This result proves that the public relation
agencies and the service-receiver institutions have even gradually started to
understand the importance of institutional communication.
It is seen that public relations with the marketing management has apperantly its
place among the types of agency services. In a period that we often discuss the
effectiveness of advertisement due to the depressions experienced in the traditional
media, the public relation agencies seem to have intended to fill this gap. The fact that
advertisement loses its prestige in the combined marketing communication has also
been discussed in many contexts in Turkey. Public relations is in a state of
restructuring in order to add new opportunities to its own business areas as a result of
these discussions.
In literature, institutional esteem has a great importance as a basic point for the
marketing goals and for the communication with the stakeholder. This concept, also
fundamental in traditional public relations, includes an integrated communication
management problem area together with especially the institutional communication
and social responsibility. It is seen that another important issue among the agency
service types is just related to this point. Also another issue, as important as the
distribution of service types, is the frame of definitions related to the service areas. In
the tables below are the key words found through the examination of the definitions
made by the public relation agencies related to the services they provide:
Definitions of Service Types
Table 3: Media Relations- Publicity
A&B İletişim
Following The News, Press Bulletin, İnterview, Crisis
Management, Measurement, Opponent Analysis, Special
News, Press Meetings, Perception Management
İletişim Two-Way Symmetrical Relation, Sharing Relations With
The Press
Departman Medya
Press Bulletins, Press Files, Special News And
İnterviews, Press Meetings And Media Participation İn
Activities, Following The Media And Reporting
Press Bulletins, Special News Studies, Press Meetings,
News Notice
Orsa Stratejik İletişim
Access To The Readers, Successful Media Relations,
Relation And İnformation Management Program
Stily’m Stratejik İletişim
Appropriate Message, Appropriate Time, Appropriate
Transfering Messages, Film Organization And Photo
Drawing Public Attention
Ay Ajans
Press Announcements, İnterviews With The Media,
Meetings With The Columnists
Etica İletişim Danışmanlığı Media Councelling, Media Planning, Organizational
Services, Media Data-Base, Following The Media,
Arya Sponsorluk ve İletişim Danışmanlığı, Misyonmcm Communications, N’PR
Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim, Pr Aktif İletişim Hizmetleri, Global Tanıtım Halkla
İlişkiler, BG İletişim Mühendisliği, Asist İletişim Danışmanlığı A.Ş. Agencies have no
Table 4: Internal Communications
A&B İletişim
Internal Communication Program, Application,
Being Open To Communication, The Mission And
Goals Of The İnstitution, Projects To Promote
Asist İletişim Danışmanlığı A.Ş. Development Of İntellectual Sides, Training And
Bersay İletişim Danışmanlığı
Mission Of The İnstitution, Vision, Values And
Strategies, İnstitutional Culture, Business Goals,
Departman Medya
MPR Halkla İlişkiler
İletişim Human Resources, Official Communication,
İntranet, İnstitutional Vertical And Horizental
İletişim Social Activities, Private Meetings, Periodicals,
internal Communication
Recent Management Techniques, Human Priority,
Unification With The İnstitution
Team Sprit, Company Culture, Intranet
Etica İletişim Danışmanlığı
Planning, Periodical Publications
Arya Sponsorluk ve İletişim Danışmanlığı, Misyonmcm Communications, N’pr
Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim, Pr Aktif İletişim Hizmetleri Ajanslarının Tanımı Yok
Table 5: Event Management
Bersay İletişim
Institutional Messages, Social Sharers, Activity Planning, Client
Communication, Achieving Goals, Planning, Organization, CoOrdination
Departman Medya Marketing Activities, İnstitutional Activities, Social Activities
Halkla Integrated Communication, Message To Clients
Short Time, Experience, Sources, Lansman, Opening,
Anniversary Celebration, Concert, Conference, Seminar,
Exhibition, Animation
Ay Ajans
Environmental Social Content Projects
Pr Aktif İletişim
Activity Planning And Management, Culture-Art Organizations
And Management
Stilym Satratejik
Activity Planning, Business Partnership And Co-Ordination
İletişim Yönetimi
Stage İletişim Danışmanlığı, Orsa Stratejik İletişim Danışmanlığı, Global Tanıtım, BG
İletişim Mühendisliği, Arya Sponsorluk ve İletişim Danışmanlığı, Asist İletişim
Danışmanlığı, Misyon CMC Communications, N’PR Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim
Agencies have no definitions
Table 6: Crisis Management
A&B İletişim
Strategical Councelling, İnternal-External Communication
Net, Proactive Measures
Bersay İletişim
Institutional Esteem, Financial Wealth, Target Population,
Social Sharers
Effect Public Relations Risk Evaluation, Media And Web Management, İnstitutional
İnner Crisis Education
Mpr Halkla İlişkiler
Orsa Stratejik İletişim Institutional Esteem, Target Population, Social Sharers
Workers, Environment, Public, Old İmage, Main Problem,
Public Relation Activities, Direct Research
Etica İletişim
Crisis Areas, Crisis Management, Crisis Reflection,
Stilym Stratejik
Esteem, Financial State, Target Population, Sharers
İletişim Yönetimi
Asist İletişim Danışmanlığı, Misyon MCM Communications, BG İletişim
Mühendisliği, N’PR Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim, PR Aktif İletişim Hizmetleri, Stage
İletişim Danışmanlığı Agencies have no definitions
Table 7: Marketing Communication(Strategic Communication)
A&B İletişim
Bersay İletişim
Etica İletişim
MPR Halkla İlişkiler
Institutional Posture, Marketing Goals, CommunicationCentered Brand Creation, Brand Location
The Qualities Of Preferable Products And Services, Rival
Lansman, Campaigns, Special Activities, Sponsorships,
İnstitutional Films
Marketing PR, New Product, New Benefit, İntroduction To
The Product, Attracting Attention, Maintanance Of İnterest,
Sales Promotion, İntroduction, Risk, Sales Power
Preference, Marketing Strategy, İntroduction Activities
Stilym Stratejik
İletişim Yönetimi
Effect Public Relations Marketing Goals, İmage Unity, Media Relations, Client
Profile, Product İntroduction, Research, Target Population,
Tools, Media Plan, Direct Mailing, Reports,
Greenactive Public
Brand Development, Brand İntroduction, Long-Term,
Strategical, Measurable
Orsa Stratejik İletişim Social Partners, Goals, Strategical Communication
Arya Sponsorluk ve İletişim Danışmanlığı, Bg İletişim, Global Tanıtım, Stage İletişim
Danışmanlığı Agencies have no definitions
Table 8: Sponsorship
Arya Sponsorluk ve İletişim
Effect Public Relations
MPR Halkla İlişkiler
Stage İletişim Danışmanlığı
Stily’m Stratejik İletişim
Sports, Culture And Art, Social Responsibilities,
Professional And Systematic Application
Image, Marketing Goals, Opinion Generation And
The Organization Of Activities
Integrated Communication Plans, Creative,
Strategical Approach
Special Projects Of Social Contribution And
Introduction And Social Contribution
Responsibility For The Society, Sposts, Art And
Charity Associations
Communications, N’pr Halkla İlişkiler Ve İletişim, Pr Aktif İletişim Hizmetleri, Asist
İletişim Danışmanlığı A.Ş. Agencies have no definitions
Table 9: Cooperate Communication
A&B İletişim
Social Responsibility Projects, Sponsorship Planning
Development, Client Relations Management
Effect Public Relations
Brand And İnstitutional İmage, Periodic Marketing,
İnstitutional Strategy, İmage
Greenactive Public Relatıons
Total Communication Management, Lobby Acts,
Activity Organization, İnstitutional İdentity And
Esteem, Brand Loyalty, İnstitutional Awareness And
Halka Long-Term İmage
Toksü&Chase Halkla İlişkiler Image Councelling, İnstitutional İmage
Bg İletişim Mühendisliği, Stage İletişim Danışmanlığı, Arya Sponsorluk ve İletişim,
Danışmanlığı, Misyonmcm Communications Agencies have no definitions
Table 10: Cooperate Social Responsibility
Ay Ajans
İletişim Sensitivity To Social Problems, Civil Society
Organizations, Institutional Citizen, Social Sharing
Projects That Provide Brand Recognition And
İnstitutional İdentity And That Cover Cultural,
Environmental And Social İssues
Orsa Stratejik İletişim
Esteem, Social Responsibility Projects, Civil Society
Greenactive PR
Responsibility For Society, İssues Valued By The Society
Arya Sponsorluk ve İletişim Danışmanlığı, N’PR Halkla İlişkiler Ve Yönetim, Pr Aktif
İletişim, Stily’M Stratejik İletişim Yönetimi Agencies have no definitions
Tablo 11: Brand Management
Bersay İletişim Danışmanlığı
Brand Esteem, Gaining İdentity, Differentiating The
Product/İnstitution From The Rivals, Maintaining The
Power Of The Brand And The Loyalty Of The Clients
Stily’m Stratejik İletişim
Brand Esteem, Communication Activities To Be
Carried Out For A Unique Trademark
Asist İletişim Danışmalığı, N’PR Halkla İlişkiler ve Yönetim, Pr Aktif İletişim, Orsa
Stratejik İletişim Danışmanlığı, Stage İletişim Danışmanlığı Agencies have no
Table 12: Issues and Agenda Managmenet
Bersay İletişim
Prevention Of Crisis, Opportunity, Prediction, Lobby Acts,
Following The Agenda, Point Of View, Communication
Strategies, Messages, Control
Orsa Stratejik İletişim Plannning, Communication Agenda, Actuality, Social
Partners, Change
Toksü & Chase
Targert Population, Economic And Social Agenda, Following
The Agenda
Etica İletişim
Issues Based On İnstitutional Or Product/Brand, Specific
Events, Publicity, İnstitutional Unity, Purchasing
N’PR Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim ,PR Aktif İletişim Hizmetleri, BG İletişim Agencies
have no definitions
Table 13: Relationship Management
Toksü & Chase
Ay Ajans
Civil Society Organization
Lobby Acts, National And Local Administrative İnstitutions
Official İnstitutions, Municipalities And Civil Society
Local Society Relations Management
Orsa Stratejik İletişim
BG İletişim Mühendisliği, Etica İletişim Danışmanlığı Agencies have no definitions
Table 14: Digital Media Communication
Departman Medya
Digital Media Communication, Web Site Content
Management, Portal Projects
Internet Communication, On-Line Questionnaires,
Authorized E-Mail Campaigns, Web Pages Of
Special İssues, E-Groups
Interactive Communication Analyses
Orsa Stratejik İletişim
Internet, Extranet, E-Group, Online Communication
Etica İletişim Danışmanlığı, Misyonmcm Communications Agencies have no
Table 15: Reputation Management
Bersay İletişim Danışmanlığı
Planning, Managing And Measuring The Social
Orsa Stratejik İletişim
Making The Esteem Management Become An
İnstitutional Reflex
N’PR Halkla İlişkiler Ve Yönetim, Pr Aktif İletişim, Stage İletişim Danışmanlığı
Agencies have no definitions
Table 16: Leadership Management
A&B İletişim
Institutional İmage, Brand Value, Upper-Level Management,
Public, Shareholder, İnvestor, Worker, Client, Press, Provider
Bersay İletişim
Institutional Esteem Model, Value Of Communication, Social
Sharers, Moral Values, Clarity, Transparancy, Strategical Media
Relations, İssue Management, Crisis Communication
N’PR Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim, PR Aktif İletişim Hizmetleri Agencies have no
Table 17: Media Education
BG İletişim Mühendisliği, Arya Sponsorluk Ve İletişim Danışmalığı, Misyon CMC
Communications, Orsa Stratejik İletişim Danışmanlığı Agencies have no definitions
Table 18: Financel Communication
Relations With The Financial, Administrative And
Commercial Press, İnvestment And Finance Councelling,
Communication And Planning
Bersay İletişim Danışmanlığı, BG İletişim Mühendisliği Agencies have no definitions
Table 19: Research
Orsa Stratejik İletişim
Control, Measuring The Success Of The Outcomes,
Plans And Reports
Measurement, Evaluation
Table 20: Consumer Related Marketing
Effect Public
Client Satisfaction, Analytical And Operational Marketing
Strategies, Sales Optimization, Data, İnformation, Client
Personalization, Client Services
Table 21: Technical Support
Effect Public
Multimedia Presentations, İnteractive Training Systems, Press,
Annual Reports, Product Catalogues, Cd-Rom Production
Table 22: International Public Relations
Organizations of İnternational Seminars and
Organizations of İnternational Expositions and
İnternational Media Trips
Table 23: Change Management
N’PR Halkla İlişkiler ve Yönetim Agencies have no definitions
In a general look at the study, it is seen that the public relation agencies in Turkey
maintain the understanding of classical public relations and that they immediately
direct the new tendencies and concepts in the area of marketing and management
communication to the the areas of business-service.
However, they are not conceptually unified among themselves. Considering the
definitions in literature, it is not seen that the concepts are clearly understood.
Moreover, it is striking that there are not even definitions of many service types. The
agencies did not present any frame of the contents of the concepts and business areas
found under the heading of service. This shows that the business areas are put on
their web sites only for the sale-purposes.
Public relations makes its evolution common to a very large area as a pursuasive
communication tool that undertakes the duty of turning the effects of masscommunication into an advantage on behalf of the associations and institutions.
İnstitutional communication seems to replace public relations as a new
communication means. We can clearly see the natural reflection of this situation in the
service-area definitions of the agencies. Institutional communication, as a concept that
gather all the business areas and cover marketing communication, management
communication and organizational communication, will be the center of an integrity
communication management.
An important change is observed between the strategy development and application
among the service types when compared to the past. Public relation agencies, rather
than being institutions that merely carry out certain communication conceptions and
applications, have just turned out to be institutions that develop communication
strategies for the brands and institutions and that promise to put these strategies into
practice most effectively. It is necessary to say that this situation is extremely
important since the profession of public relations mostly reminds the management of
applications in Turkey. Public relations, since 1990s, has considerably developed its
own business areas and its own esteem. However, in order to maintain this
development, they have to set and present their service areas appropriate to the needs
and culture of their clients. This situation, therefore, reveals that there is a need for a
fundamental change in Turkish marketing and communication culture. We should
state here that public relation agencies have some significant problems in transfering
this change into the related areas and in widening their own market.
Despite the variety in the service areas of the agencies, we see that they are not stated
in depth. The existence of fashionable concepts and tendencies and the shallowness of
the definition frames constitute the basic indicator of that situation. It is also a
question to be answered in another study whether the present agency structuring has
been able to employ the human source that can carry out the services. However, many
indicators put forward that the human source of the agencies can not overcome this
work load both qualitatively and quantitatively. In this situation, the present agencies,
in a certain specialization area, continue their lives with a work load not much
different from the traditional public relations.
One of the important limitations of the study is the expansion and development of the
in-house public relation units in the present business definitions. We know that
especially the institutional communication has been on the agenda of companies long
before on that of the agencies. Human sources and marketing units, under the roof of
institutional communication, produce and execute many projects related to the work
areas of traditional public relations. The managers of some brands who are in the
position of an institutional communication manager have become the boss of
significant changes.
The biggest problem encountered during the research was that the agencies
participating in the study did not have any web sites, that their web sites are still
under construction or that the available web sites included neither the services they
provide nor clear information about these services. Today that web sites have gained
great importance for institutions, it is obvious that public relation agencies in Turkey
do not have enough knowledge about this issue and that they still have not
understood the importance of this. Considering the fact that 32% of the agencies are
willing to provide Digital Media Communication services, a more tragic situation
occurs. How convincing will the public relation agencies that could not structure their
own web sites appropriately be about the preparation of the web sites of institutions
that they provide service with.
While public relations try themselves to provide an answer to any change area in
technology or in social and ecomomic life, they come up with a very complicated
frame of rich definitions. Their solutions provided for the identity problem in Turkey
as well as in the world increasingly cause us to come across a structure that goes
beyond the public relation definition.
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