Res. Assist. Gülşah GÖÇMEN E-Mail:


Res. Assist. Gülşah GÖÇMEN E-Mail:
Göçmen 1
Res. Assist. Gülşah GÖÇMEN
Academic Titles
Research Assistant: 2011- …, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Research Assistant: 2010-2011, English Language and Literature, Western Languages and
Literatures, Aksaray University
Research Assistant: 2008-2010, American Culture and Literature, Başkent University
Academic Degrees
: 2010-…, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Dissertation title
: “Ecological Interactions: The Sense of Place in E. M. Forster’s
Howards End, D. H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow, and Ford Madox Ford’s
The Good Soldier”
Master of Arts
: 2007-2010, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Thesis Title
: An Analysis of the Collapse of Metanarratives in Winterson’s The
Passion, Gut Symmetries, and Weight: A Lyotardian Approach
Bachelor of Arts
: 2007, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
The Council of Higher Education (Turkey) Scholarship. Visiting Scholar at English
Department, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA. 15
August 2013 – 15 August 2014.
Göçmen 2
Research Interests
The Novel, Literary Criticism and Theory, Ecocriticism, Place Studies,
Postmodern Fiction, Modernist Fiction, Contemporary Philosophy
Foreign Languages
English (Excellent), German (Average)
Book Chapters
 Dindar, Gülşah. “Derin Ekoloji Hareketi ve Ekoeleştiri: Bir Garip Şair Orhan Veli.”
Ekoeleştiri: Çevre ve Edebiyat. Ed. Serpil Oppermann. Ankara: Phoenix, 2012. 59-92.
 Dindar, Gülşah. “The Garip (Strange) Movement: A Poetic Return to “Naturality” or a
Deep Ecological Reappraisal of “Nature”?” The Future of Ecocriticism: New
Horizons. Eds. Serpil Opperman, Ufuk Özdağ, Nevin Özkan, and Scot Slovic.
Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. 159-171. Print.
 Dindar, Gülşah. “Nostalgia Redefined in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day.”
Kazuo Ishiguro and His Work: Proceedings of the Nineteenth METU British Novelists
Conference. Eds. Hülya Yıldız-Bağçe, Özlem Türe Abacı, Şule Akdoğan, et. al.
METU: Ankara, 2012. 57-64. Print.
 Dindar, Gülşah. “Havva’nın Savunması.” By Aemelia Lanyer. Ortaçağdan Onyedinci
Yüzyıla İngiliz Kadın Yazarlar. Ed. A. Deniz Bozer. Hacettepe: Ankara, 2014. 147150. Print.
 Dindar, Gülşah. Abstract translations: Encyclopedias about Muslim Civilisations. Ed.
Aptin Khanbaghi. Muslim Civilisations Abstracts Series. Edinburgh University Press
in Association with The Aga Khan University, Institute for the Study of Muslim
Civilisations, 2009. Print.
 Göçmen, Gülşah. “Ağıt.” Koridor Kültür, Sanat ve Edebiyat Dergisi Arts. 1.1 (2006).
Göçmen 3
Conference Papers
1. Dindar, Gülşah. “Ted Hughes’s Dark Ecopoetics where ‘Camaraderie does not Hold’.”
The Tenth Biennial ASLE Conference, Lawrence, Kansas City/USA, 28 May-1 June
2. Dindar, Gülşah. “Questioning Environmental Ethics in the Absurdist World of Edward
Albee’s The Zoo Story.” Four-Footed Actors: Animals on Stage Conference, The
University of Valencia, Valencia/Spain, 12-14 Dec. 2012.
3. Dindar, Gülşah. “Douglas Dunn’s Elegies: Recreating the Sonnet through
Lamentation.” 11th ESSE (The European Society for the Study of English) Conference,
Boğaziçi University, İstanbul/Turkey, 4-8 Sep. 2012.
4. Dindar, Gülşah. “Jude the Liminal: a Man of Reason or Passion?” 11th ESSE (The
European Society for the Study of English) Conference, Boğaziçi University,
İstanbul/Turkey, 4-8 Sep. 2012.
5. Dindar, Gülşah. “Nostalgia Redefined in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day.”
British Novelists: Kazuo Ishiguro and His Work, METU, Ankara/Turkey, 12-13 Dec.
6. Dindar, Gülşah. “From Hemingway to Current Climate Change: The versatile
symbolism of Mount Kilimanjaro.” Environmental Change, Cultural Change,
University of Bath, Bath/England, 1-4 Sep. 2010.
7. Dindar, Gülşah. “The Garip (Strange) Movement: A Poetic Return to ‘Naturality’ or
‘Nature’ itself?” International Conference on the Future of Ecocriticism: New
Horizons, Kemer-Antalya/Turkey, 4-6 Nov. 2009.
8. Dindar, Gülşah. “An Ecoconscious Reconstruction of the Atlas Myth in Jeanette
Winterson’s Weight.” “Redefining Modernism and Postmodernism” 12th Cultural
Studies Symposium, Ege University, İzmir/Turkey, 29 Apr.-1 May 2009.
9. Dindar, Gülşah. “Winterson’s Gut Symmetries: Exploring Infinite Probabilities: Is it
Love or Quantum Physics?” “Studies in English”, Third International IDEA
Conference, Ege University, İzmir/Turkey, 16-18 Apr. 2008.
Conferences Attended without Presentation
1. “Cognition, Neuroscience and the Arts.” March 1, 2014, Brown University, Providence, RI,
2. “The 129th Annual MLA Convention in Chicago.” 9-12 January 2014. Marriot Hotel,
Chicago, IL, USA.
3. “One Day, James Joyce...” 5 December 2011, Hacettepe University, Ankara, TURKEY.
4. “Native American Voices: Languages of Survival.” 16-17 November 2009, Hacettepe
University, Ankara, TURKEY.
Göçmen 4
Professional Memberships
ASLE: Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (2010-...)
Third Place Winner, Brain Child Poetry Contest, Hacettepe University, Ankara, 2004.

Benzer belgeler

Res. Assist. Gülşah Göçmen E-Mail:

Res. Assist. Gülşah Göçmen E-Mail: : “An Analysis of the Collapse of Metanarratives in Jeanette Winterson’s The Passion, Gut Symmetries, and Weight: A Lyotardian Approach”


Yılmaz 1 Res. Assist. Hakan YILMAZ E

Yılmaz 1 Res. Assist. Hakan YILMAZ E E-mail: Academic Titles Research Assistant: 2011-…, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University


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