Res. Assist. Gülşah Göçmen E-Mail:


Res. Assist. Gülşah Göçmen E-Mail:
Göçmen 1
Res. Assist. Gülşah Göçmen
Academic Titles
Research Assistant: 2011-…, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Research Assistant: 2010-2011, English Language and Literature, Aksaray University
Research Assistant: 2008- 2010, American Culture and Literature, Başkent University
Academic Degrees
: 2010-… English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Dissertation title
: “Ecological Interactions: The Sense of Place in E. M. Forster’s
Howards End, D. H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow, and Ford Madox Ford’s
The Good Soldier”
Master of Arts
: 2007-2010, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Thesis Title
: “An Analysis of the Collapse of Metanarratives in Jeanette
Winterson’s The Passion, Gut Symmetries, and Weight: A Lyotardian
Bachelor of Arts
: 2007, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
The Council of Higher Education (Turkey) Scholarship. Visiting Scholar at English
Department, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island/USA. 15 Aug. 2013 – 15 Aug.
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Research Interests
The Novel, Literary Criticism and Theory, Ecocriticism, Place Studies,
Postmodern Fiction, Modernist Fiction, Contemporary Philosophy
Foreign Languages
English (Excellent), German (Average)
Book Chapters
1. Dindar, Gülşah. “The Garip (Strange) Movement: A Poetic Return to ‘Naturality’ or a
Deep Ecological Reappraisal of ‘Nature’?” The Future of Ecocriticism: New Horizons.
Ed. Serpil Oppermann, Ufuk Özdağ, Nevin Özkan, and Scott Slovic. Newcastle:
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. 159-171. Print.
2. Dindar, Gülşah. “Derin Ekoloji Hareketi ve Ekoeleştiri: Bir Garip Şair Orhan Veli.”
Ekoeleştiri: Çevre ve Edebiyat. Ed. Serpil Oppermann. Phoenix: Ankara, 2012. 59-92.
1. Dindar, Gülşah. “Nostalgia Redefined in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day.” Kazuo
Ishiguro and His Work: Proceedings of the Nineteenth METU British Novelists
Conference. Ed. Hülya Yıldız-Bağçe, Özlem Türe Abacı, Şule Akdoğan, et. al.
METU: Ankara, 2012. 57-64. Print.
1. Dindar, Gülşah, trans. “Havva’nın Savunması.” By Aemelia Lanyer. Ortaçağdan
Onyedinci Yüzyıla İngiliz Kadın Yazarlar. Ed. A. Deniz Bozer. Hacettepe: Ankara,
2014. 147-150. Print.
2. Dindar, Gülşah. Abstract translations: Encyclopedias about Muslim Civilisations. Ed. Aptin
Khanbaghi. Muslim Civilisations Abstracts Series. Edinburgh University Press in
Association with The Aga Khan University, Institute for the Study of Muslim
Civilisations, 2009. Print.
Göçmen, Gülşah. “Ağıt.” Koridor Kültür, Sanat ve Edebiyat Dergisi Arts. 1.1 (2006).
Conference Papers
1. Dindar, Gülşah. “Erotic Nature: D. H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow and Lady Chatterley’s
Lover.” 9th Global Conference on the Erotic, Prague/Czech Republic, 4-6 Nov. 2014.
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2. Dindar, Gülşah. “Ted Hughes’s Dark Ecopoetics where ‘Camaraderie does not Hold’.”
The Tenth Biennial ASLE Conference, Lawrence, Kansas City/USA, 28 May-1 June
3. Dindar, Gülşah. “Questioning Environmental Ethics in the Absurdist World of Edward
Albee’s The Zoo Story.” Four-Footed Actors: Animals on Stage Conference, The
University of Valencia, Valencia/Spain, 12-14 Dec. 2012.
4. Dindar, Gülşah. “Douglas Dunn’s Elegies: Recreating the Sonnet through Lamentation.”
11th ESSE (The European Society for the Study of English) Conference, Boğaziçi
University, İstanbul/Turkey, 4-8 Sep. 2012.
5. Dindar, Gülşah. “Jude the Liminal: a Man of Reason or Passion?” 11th ESSE (The
European Society for the Study of English) Conference, Boğaziçi University,
İstanbul/Turkey, 4-8 Sep. 2012.
6. Dindar, Gülşah. “Nostalgia Redefined in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day.”
British Novelists: Kazuo Ishiguro and His Work, METU, Ankara/Turkey, 12-13 Dec.
7. Dindar, Gülşah. “From Hemingway to Current Climate Change: The versatile symbolism
of Mount Kilimanjaro.” Environmental Change, Cultural Change, University of Bath,
Bath/England, 1-4 Sep. 2010.
8. Dindar, Gülşah. “The Garip (Strange) Movement: A Poetic Return to ‘Naturality’ or
‘Nature’ itself?” International Conference on the Future of Ecocriticism: New Horizons,
Kemer-Antalya/Turkey, 4-6 Nov. 2009.
9. Dindar, Gülşah. “An Ecoconscious Reconstruction of the Atlas Myth in Jeanette
Winterson’s Weight.” “Redefining Modernism and Postmodernism” 12th Cultural Studies
Symposium, Ege University, İzmir/Turkey, 29 Apr.-1 May 2009.
10. Dindar, Gülşah. “Winterson’s Gut Symmetries: Exploring Infinite Probabilities: Is it Love
or Quantum Physics?” “Studies in English”, Third International IDEA Conference, Ege
University, İzmir/Turkey, 16-18 Apr. 2008.
Conferences Attended without Presentation
1. “One Day, Oscar Wilde...” 26Nov., 2014, Hacettepe University, Ankara/TURKEY.
2. “Cognition, Neuroscience and the Arts.” 1 Mar., 2014, Brown University, Providence,
3. “The 129th Annual MLA Convention in Chicago.” 9-12 Jan. 2014 Chicago, IL/USA.
4. “One Day, James Joyce...” 5 Dec. 2011, Hacettepe University, Ankara/TURKEY.
5. “Native American Voices: Languages of Survival.” 16-17 Nov. 2009, Hacettepe
University, Ankara, TURKEY.
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Professional Memberships
ASLE: Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, Member, 2010-...
MLA: Modern Language Association, Member, 2013-...
2004 : Third-Place Winner, Brain Child Poetry Contest, Hacettepe University, Ankara.

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