Ulubey Merkez Kız Y - ders


Ulubey Merkez Kız Y - ders
………………………. İlköğretim Okulu
2009 - 2010 Öğretim Yılı 7 . S ı n ı f
İ n g i l i z c e Dersi 1. Dönem 3.Yazılı Soruları
Name: ………………
Surname: …………..
Number: ……………
A) Aşağıdaki soruları cevaplayın . ( 4 x 2 = 8 puan )
 What’s your sun sing ?
 Do you have the evil eye bead on you ?
 When is your birthday ?
Yes , ……… / No , ………
 Does your sister believe in bad luck ?
Yes , ………
/ No , ………
B ) Boşluklara aşağıdaki kelimeleri yerleştirin . ( 6 x 1 = 6 puan )
 There is anything / something in my schoolbag.
 Jill and John prefer / want pizza to hamburger .
 Shall / Let’s we go to the cinema tonight ?
 I have a few / little money so I can’t buy it .
 We must / mustn’t protect our environment .
 You are 13 but I’m 15 so we are same / different .
C ) Resimlerin altındaki sıfatları kullanarak ‘’Com. yada Sup.’’ yapın . ( 4 x 3 = 12 puan )
( beautiful )
( hot )
 Bugsbunny is ……….…………..…… of all.  Summer is …………………….….. winter
( expensive )
( fast )
 Computer is …………………….…telephone.  The plane is ..………………….…….of all .
D ) Kutudaki verilen sıfatların herbirini kullanarak cümleler kurun . ( 4 x 3 = 12 puan )
handsome - big - dangerous - fast
Superman is……………………….…. Batman .
Spiderman is ……………………….… of all .
Batman is ………………………….…. Spiderman.
Superman is………………………..…. of all .
E ) Aşağıdaki tabloda boş bırakılan yerleri uygun yapıda doldurun. ( 9 x 2 = 18 puan )
F ) Resimlerle tv programlarını eşleştirin . ( 6 x 2 = 12 puan )
series - documentary - news - weather forecast - talk show - cartoon
………………-………………-……………-……………-……………- ………………
G ) Sorulara cevap verin . ( 6 x 2 = 12 puan )
When were you born ? Where were you born ?
How old were you in 2000 ?
When was Atatürk born? Where was Atatürk born ? What was Atatürk’s job ?
H ) Boşlukları ‘’ Simple Past Tense’’ yapısına göre doldurun . ( 6 x 2 = 12 puan )
 I …………………….. ( go ) to Antalya with my friends .
 They ………………... ( not visit ) Topkapı Palace in groups .
 She …………………. ( watch ) the match on TV last night .
 Jenny ….……………. ( not do ) her English homework yesterday .
 Did you see my cat at the street ?
 Did your teacher sing a song for you ?
Yes , …………..
Yes , …………..
 Did your mother make a delicious cake?  Did you paint the big room’s wall ?
No , ……………
No , ……………
I ) Verilen fiillerin doğru hallerini yazın . ( 8 x 1 = 8 puan )
Present Past
Present Past
Present Past
Present Past
…...… / study …....…
…….…. drank / …….… lived
…...… / write
..……… played / ………. had