Issue 1 May 2016


Issue 1 May 2016
Issue 1
May 2016
an online graduate journal of literatures in English
Issue 1, May 2016
Baysar Taniyan
Reyhan Özer Taniyan
English Language and Literature Dept.
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Pamukkale University
Denizli, Turkey
English Language and Literature Dept.
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Niğde University
Niğde, Turkey
Inquis is an online, biannual, blind peer-reviewed journal which offers graduate students
in the field of literatures in English a chance to make their research known
internationally. The journal is published online and can be accessed via The whole content of the journal is free for public
use and the authors possess the rights of their articles and they are responsible for the
content. The texts in this journal can’t be reproduced, stored, transmitted or quoted in
any form or by any means without the prior permission of its author(s). To submit
articles and reviews for future issues, please see the guidelines at the end of the journal.
For further information and enquiries, please contact the editors.
Typesetting : Reyhan Özer Taniyan, Baysar Taniyan
Cover Design : Murat Göç
Chief Editors 
Reyhan Özer Taniyan
Baysar Taniyan
Editorial Board 
Reyhan Özer Taniyan
(Niğde University)
Murat Göç
(Pamukkale University)
Baysar Taniyan
(Pamukkale University)
Mehmet Ali Çelikel
Himmet Umunç
(Başkent University)
Alan Munton
(University of Exeter)
Zbigniew Bialas
(University of Silesia)
Claus Schatz-Jakobsen
(University of Southern Denmark)
Jeanne Dubino
(Appalachian State University)
Murat Göç
(Pamukkale University)
Barry Tharaud
(Fatih University)
Victor Kennedy
(University of Maribor)
Elisabetta Marino
(University of Rome)
Barış Gümüşbaş
(Hacettepe University)
Zekiye Antakyalıoğlu
(Gaziantep University)
Fatma Kalpaklı
(Selçuk University)
Mehmet Ali Çelikel
(Pamukkale University)
Ayşem Seval
(İstanbul Kültür University)
John A. Stotesbury
(University of Eastern Finland)
Aylin Alkaç
(Boğaziçi University)
Alev Karaduman
(Hacettepe University)
(National Uni. of Singapore Press)
Pallavi Narayan
Maria Paraschiv
(Petroleum-Gas Uni. of Ploiesti)
Articles / Makaleler
Curing the (Other) Self: Medical Discourse in Edmund
Spenser’s A View of the State of Ireland /(Öteki) Benliği Tedavi
Etmek: Edmund Spenser’ın A View of the State of Ireland adlı
Eserinde Tıbbi Söylem
Gianluca G. Agostinelli
Intertextuality and Allusion in Rap Lyrics / Rap Şarkı
Sözlerinde Metinlerarasılık ve Gönderme
Jožef Kolarič
The Earth Burning Away and Society Falling Apart: The
Drought as Ecological Dystopia / Bir Ekolojik Distopya
Olarak Kuraklık Romanında Kavrulan Dünya ve Parçalanan
Ayşe Çiftçibaşı
Ideology As a Weapon: The Use of Cold War Ideology in John
le Carré’s The Spy Who Came in From the Cold / Bir Silah
Olarak İdeoloji: John le Carré’nin Soğuktan Gelen Casus
Romanında Soğuk Savaş İdeolojisi
Mustafa Büyükgebiz
Existential Anxieties of Homosexuals in Heterosexual
Hegemony in Christopher Isherwood’s A Single Man /
Christophe Isherwood’un Tek Başına Bir Adam Adlı
Romanında Heteroseksüel Hegemonyada Eşcinsellerin
Varoluşsal Endişeleri
Gülden Yüksel
Contributors to this Issue