Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Murat AYDIN


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Murat AYDIN
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Murat AYDIN
BSc & MSc, Chemical Engineering
PhD, Bioengineering
Hacettepe University,
Department of Environmental Engineering &
Bioengineering Division and Center for Bioengineering
Beytepe, 06800, Ankara, TURKEY
90 312 2977800/131
90 533 5515830
90 312 2992053
September 23, 1975
English (fluent), Italian (beginner)
Project Title:
BIOENGINEERING. 2002-2008 Hacettepe University, Ankara,
Preparation of Biodegradable Polymeric Materials and/or
Calcium Phosphate Composites and Their Use in Hard Tissue
Repair (funded by Turkish Ministry of Industry and Trade,
SANTEZ: 00020.STV.2006-1.)
This cross-disciplinary study includes polymer synthesis and
characterization, preparation of scaffolds containing ceramics,
tailoring surface and bulk properties, cell culture studies with
stem cells and other cell lines for cranial defects and
endodontics applications, and in vivo animal experiments (e.g.
Sprague Dawley rats). Characterization techniques such as
FTIR, GPC, NMR, DSC, mechanical tests, µ-CT, SEM, confocal
microscopy, cell staining techniques applied for evaluation.
Other Projects:
“TissueBiomed 105T509” (funded by Turkish Academy of
Sciences) and “NoE Expertissues” (funded by EU)
“Tissue Engineering in Biomedical Technology” 01.03.200601.12.2008 (funded by Turkish Academy of Sciences).
Integrated Ph.D.
Project Title:
Expertissues (European Network of Excellence, NMP 3-CT2004-500283) 2005-2011.
Biodegradable Cranium Repair Materials from Poly(L-lactide),
Poly(e-caprolactone) and Calcium Phosphate Blends
This EU-funded project integrated into my PhD programme in
order to enhance knowledge transfer within the Expertissues
network. During this project, I have been working in collaboration
with Keele University (UK) and University of Trento (Italy) for cell
culture & matrix development studies.
Visiting Scholar
Project title:
Staffordshire, UK
Investigating cell response to synthetic bone substitutes
prepared by using dual porogen
A new technique has been developed for enhancing the
interconnectivity of the synthetic tissue constructs for gas and
nutrient delivery. The research foundings were published in
Journal of Biomaterials Applications and CRC Biomaterials
Fabrication and Processing Handbook, and presented at 20th
European Conference on Biomaterials, France.
Project title
2000-2002 Hacettepe University, Ankara,
Turkey, Date: 06/09/2002
From biodegradable polymers and biocompatible ceramics,
composite structures for tissue engineering were developed
during my MSc project. I have acquired experience in plastic
processing techniques such as injection, compression moulding
and solvent casting. I also worked on super critical fluid systems
for pore generation.
CHEMıCAL ENG. 1992-1999
Ankara University, Ankara,
Turkey, Date: 25/06/1999
Fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, reaction engineering, heat
transfer, chemical engineering design, transport phenomena.
Associate Professor at Faculty of
Environmental Engineering Department
Bioengineering (2014-)
Vice Chairman of Bioengineering Division, Hacettepe
University Institute of Science (2014-2015)
Member of Animal Studies Board, Hacettepe University
Institute of Science (2015-)
Chief Scientific Officer
Technologies Co. (2013-)
Duty and responsibility: BMT Calsis is the first Class-III
Orthobiologics manufacturer in Turkey. I have been working
in BMT Calsis’s R&D Facility Located in Hacettepe
Teknokent as Design Director and as Advisor at the project
named Production of Composite Screws for the Repair of
Osteochondral Defects.
I work as a PI for TÜBİTAK 1507 and 1511 R&D Projects. I
am responsible of all design, scale up and registration
duties regarding to products, i.e. from benchtop testing to
clinical practice. In my supervision, BMT Calsis Co has
commercialized several medical devices for ortopeadics. I
am holding one Turkish Patent, one WO patent and two
Turkish Patent Application and one Eurpoean Patent
Application in the field of hard tissue repair.
Finalized products and ongoing projects include:
- Suprabone Granules & Powder Ceramic Bone
- Suprabone Putty Polymer/Ceramic Composite Paste
- Suprachon Cartilage Repair Plug
- Supramatrix Polymeric Cranium Repair Matrix
- Supraflex Collagen-Ceramic Composite
- Medical Device Expert at KIWA-Meyer Certification
Services Inc.
- Duty and responsibility: Product Expert for audits.
Orthopedics and biomaterials (lenses, stents, grafts,
- Founder of Supra Engineering & Consultancy Ltd.
Duty and responsibility: Supra Engineering & Consultancy has
been established within Hacettepe University Tekmer
Incubation Center by support from Tubitak TEKNOGIRISIM.
Bioengineering Division
Assistant PI: I served as a researcher in Erhan Pişkin’s group in
two of the group’s projects entitled: Developments of Portable,
Real-Time and Non-Labelled
Biosensors for Biomolecular
Diagnostics (00367.STZ.2006-1) (Founded by Turkish Ministry
of Industry and Trade). Cranirare, An integrated clinical and
scientific approach for craniofacial malformations” (funded by
Marie Curie Post Doctoral Fellow (IEF: Intra European
Fellowship), Keele University ISTM, UK
Duty and responsibility: This Highly Prestigious Marie Curie
fellowship for carier development within the scheme called FP7IEF. Project name is “Development of New Strategies for
Outcomes: Several peer rewieved papers and conference
presentations; British Patent Application.
Research Assistant: Chemical Engineering Department &
Bioengineering Division, Hacettepe University
Duty and responsibility: I served as a Laboratory Instructor for
the Instrumental Analysis Laboratory and the Basic Chemistry
Laboratory and as a teaching assistant to Professor Erhan
Pişkin in Polymer Science and Technology subject.
Engineer: TUBITAK – BIYOMEDTEK: Center for Biomedical
Duty and responsibility: My major duties were to research on
several projects mainly based on biomaterials and to run the
test and analysis services.
Patent translator: Dilta Translation Office, Istanbul, Turkey,
Duty and responsibility: My main duties were to translate
from English to Turkish, especially in the fields of
pharmaceutics, engineering, materials, and chemistry for
Turkey’s biggest patent office, Deriş Patent Ofisi.To date, I have
translated over 300 patents into Turkish.
Trade Manager: CIM Engineering, Ankara, Turkey, 19992000
Duty and responsibility: I was responsible for sales and
customer relations for the leading vulcanization press
manufacturer in the Middle East, CIM Engineering.
Technical Skills
- Clean room design, Medical Device Directives, Design and Production
- Polymer synthesis and modification
- Plastics testing and characterisation
- Material characterization: GPC, UV-VIS, FTIR, DSC, SEM, contact angle, mechanical
testing (i.e. tensile, compression tests)
- Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction & reaction systems (Tharr Instruments)
- Cell culture and characterization techniques
- Authorized Radiation Worker, registered at Keele University (Micro Computerized
Tomography, µCT)
- Animal experiments
- Design and fabrication of control release of drugs/macromolecules
- Fabrication and charaterisation of scaffolds for tissue engineering
-Decellularization of aorta, tendon and cornea
Research Experience
- Biomaterials: Synthesis, modification and characterization of polymeric & ceramic
biomaterials, tailoring tissue engineering scaffolds from synthesis step (including
caprolactone and ceramics, mainly hydroxyapatites and tricalcium phosphate),
biodegradable polymeric plates and screws, membranes, stents, xenografts etc.
Involvement in the production of Turkey’s first orthobiological products (Suprabone
TCP granules, Suprabone Injectable Putty, SupraChon cartilage repair material etc).
- Tissue engineering applications: Production of tissue engineering scaffolds from
natural and/or synthetic materials for in vitro cell differentiation or in vivo tissue repair.
Reconstitution of such constructs with stem cells and development of controlled
delivery systems for hard tissue regeneration.
- Supercritical CO2 applications: Porosity generation and residue removal in polymeric
matrices. Production of porous bone and cartilage repair composites consisted of
polymeric, ceramic and animal origin materials. Production and sterilization thereof.
- Optical Coherence Tomography: This new microscopy technique allows thicker
observation in tissue engineering constructs.
-µCT: Registred user for micro computerized tomography imaging and analysis (Keele
University, UK).
-Cell culture: Cell culture applications including static and dynamic bioreactors, related
skills such as confocal microscopy, staining, histological evaluations, FTIR/TGA/XRD
ossification analyses etc.
-Medical Device Regulations: Thanks to the work has beend done with BMT Calsis
Co, I have gained enourmous experience in Medical Device directives, regulations and
verification including Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC, Tissues of Animal Origin
Directive (2003/32/EC), MEDDEV, etc.
Grants & Other Projects
1. Tissue Engineering in Biomedical Technology (TUBITAK-National): Researcher.
2. “TissueBiomed 105T509” (TUBITAK and NoE Expertissues/EU-International:
3. "CRANIRARE": Clinical and Scientific Approaches to Craniofacial Malformations
(EU-International): Researcher.
4. Expertissues (European Network of Excellence, NMP 3-CT 2004-500283-EUInternational): Researcher.
5. SanTez: 00367.STZ.2006-1 Development and Characterization of Portable, Real
Time and Lable-Free Biosensors for Biomolecular Recognition Systems (Ministry of
Industry-National): Researcher.
6. SanTez: 00020.STV.2006-1. Preparation of Biodegradable Polymeric Materials and
Their Composites with Calcium Phosphates and the Use Thereof in Hard Tissue
Repair (Ministry of Industry-National): Fellow.
7. AB Marie Curie IEF Fellowship, Development of New Strategies for Osteochondral
Regeneration, (PIEF-GA-2009-237762-Keele University-International): Post Doctoral
8. TUBITAK Teknogirişim (Project No. 8070098- National), Development of Drug
Releasing Biodegradable Polymeric Ventilation Tubes: PI.
9. KOSGEB, Hacettepe University Technology Incubation Center R&D Project
No:2009-04-National): PI.
10. Hacettepe University Technopolis R&D Project: Production of Composite Screws
for the Repair of Osteochondral Joint Defects (National): Advisor.
11. SME R&D Fund of TEYDEB 1507 Programme, Composite Matrix for Cartilage
Repair, No: 7110730 (TUBITAK-National): PI.
12. SME R&D Fund of TEYDEB 1507 Programme, Development of Collagen/Beta-TCP
Synthetic Bone Grafts, No: 7120905 (TUBITAK-National): PI.
13. SME R&D Fund of TEYDEB 1507 Programme, Development of Polyurethane
Based Bone Grafts, No: 7131048 (TUBITAK-National): PI.
Elastomer/Ceramic Composite Materials and Investigation of Their Potential Use as an
ATMP (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Produc) for Bone Tissue Engineering, Project No:
213M184, (International): PI.
15. TUBITAK TEYDEB 1511 Research and Technology Development and Innovation
Programme with Priority Fields, Production of Arthroscopic Hard Tissue Regeneration
Implants, No:1130005 (TUBITAK-National): PI.
16. Hacettepe University Research Project No: 1860, Preparation of Decellulerized
Cornea via Supercritical Carbon Dioxide for Corneal Tissue Engineering (National): PI.
17. Hacettepe University Research Project No: 6021, Production of Oriented Cell
Sheets by Using Patterned Surfaces (National): PI.
18. Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology Teknoyatirim Grant Project No:
0153.TYD.2014.01, SupraChon (National): Advisor.
19. COST-EU BM1302 Action, Preparation of Novel and Decellularized Matrices for
Cornea Tissue Engineering , Project No: 215M071, (International): PI.
Patents and Patent Applications
1A. Turkish Patent No:TR 2009/04029 B. “Bir Biyomalzeme”, Aydin HM, Ozgurbuz LM.
1B. World Patent No: WO/2010/144065, “A Biomaterial”, HM Aydin HM, Ozgurbuz LM.
1C. European Patent EP2512377, “A Biomaterial”, HM Aydin HM, Ozgurbuz LM.
2.Turkish Patent No: TR 2010/11221. ”Osteokondral Defektlerin Onarımı İçin Bir Doku
İskelesi” (31.12.2010). Aydin HM, Ozgurbuz LM.
3. Turkish Patent No: TR 2012/10367. “Biyobozunur Elastomer ve Üretim Yöntemi”
(21.03.2014). Aydin HM, Ozgurbuz LM.
Book Chapter
1. Yang Y, Cunha-Reis C, Bagnaninchi PO, Aydin HM, Control and Monitoring of
Scaffold Architecture for Tissue Engineering. In Biomaterials Fabrication and
Processing Handbook, Chapter 3, 2008, CRC Press, USA.
2. Ozgurbuz LM, Kutlu HN, Aydin HM, Biomaterials in Musculoskeletal Conditions:
Classification, Design, and Regulatory Aspects. Sports Injuries Handbook, Springer,
Germany, pp 1-11, 2014.
3. Yang Y, Aydin HM, Wimpenny I, Liu C, Chapter 2: Biocompatibility, Bioactivity and
Bioresorbability. In Inorganic Biomaterials Handbook, submitted, 2014.
1. FP7 EU Framework Program Marie Curie IEF Fellowsip – 2009.
2. 61st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting Dedicated to Physiology/Medicine, Lindau,
Germany, Selected Young Scientist Participant Award, 2011.
3. ‘Damak Yarıklarının in situ Doku Mühendisliği ile Onarımı: Alveolar Hayvan Modeli
Oluşturulması ve Farklı Rejimlerde Biyobozunur Doku İskeleleri ile Onarımı’ titled
abstract for the 2nd Presentation Award in Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Congress, 2014.
4. National Patent Registraton Award with a Turkish Patent: ‘Osteokondral
Defektlerin Onarımı’, 2015.
5. International Patent Registraton Award with a European Patent: ‘A Biomaterial’,
6. International Association of Advanced Materials Young Scientist Award, 2015.
7. METU Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Foundation Technology Award, 2015.
1. Aydin HM, Calimli A, Pişkin E, Microporous scaffolds from poly(lactide-co-εcaprolactone) composites with hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate using
CO2 for bone tissue engineering, J. Bioactive and Compatible Polymers,
2004; 19: 383-394.
2. Aydin HM, Turk M, Calimli A, Pişkin E, Attachment and growth of fibroblasts on
poly(L-lactide/epsilon-caprolactone) scaffolds prepared in supercritical CO2 and
modified by polyethylene imine grafting with ethylene diamine-plasma in a glowdischarge apparatus, The Journal Of Artificial Organs, 2006; 29: 873-880.
3. Yang Y, Bagnaninchi PO, Cunha-Reis C, Aydin HM, Pişkin E, El Haj AJ,
Characterisation of scaffold architecture by optical coherence tomography. Optics in
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Progress in Biomedical Optics and
Imaging, 2007; 8 (16): 64390G.1-9.
4. Aydin HM, Pişkin E, Cathepsin K/TRAP: Can they be used to induce osteogenesis,
Medical Hypotheses, 2009; 72(4):464-465.
5. Yang Y, Aydin HM, Pişkin E, El Haj AJ, Assesment of a new biomimetic scaffold and
its effects on bone formation by OCT, Proceedings of SPIE (Society of Photo-optical
Instrumentation Engineers), 2009; Vol. 7166: 71660L-71660L-6.
6. Aydin HM, El Haj AJ, Pişkin E, Yang Y, Improving pore interconnectivity in polymeric
scaffolds for tissue engineering, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative
Medicine, 2009; 3(6):470-476.
7. Aydin HM, Yang Y, Kohler T, El Haj A, Müller R, Pişkin E, Interaction of osteoblasts
with macroporous scaffolds made of PLLA/PCL blends modified with collagen and
hydroxyapatite, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2009; 11(8): B83-B88.
8. Aydin HM, HU B, Sule-Suso J, El Haj A, Yang Y, Study of Tissue Engineered Bone
Nodules by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Analyst, 2011; 136: 775-780.
9. Aydin HM and Yang Y, Rapid production of highly interconnedted porous scaffolds
by spheroidized sugar particles for tissue engineering. Journal of Hacettepe Biology
and Chemistry, 2011; 39(1):23-28.
10. Aydin HM, Korkusuz P, Vargel I, Uckan D, Guzel E, Cavusoglu T, Kilic E, Pişkin E,
Investigation of polymer/mesenchymal stem cell constructs for cranial defects: 6
months in vivo study, J. Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 2011; 26(2): 207-221.
11. Aydin HM, A three-layered osteochondral plug: structural, mechanical, and in vitro
compatibility analysis, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2011; 13(12): B511-B517.
12. Aydin HM, Kourush S, Rzayev Z, Piskin E, Microwave-assisted Rapid Synthesis of
Poly(glycerol-sebacate) Elastomers, Biomat. Sci., 2013;1:503-509.
13. Aydin HM, Kourush S, Yilmaz M, Turk M, Rzayev Z, Piskin E, The Catalyst
Elastomers As Potential Tissue Engineering Materials, Journal of Tissue Engineering
and Regenerative Medicine, 2012, DOI: 10.1002/term.1759.
14. Ozdil D & Aydin HM, Polymers for Tissue Engineering Applications, Review, 2014,
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2014; 89(12):1793-1810.
15. Deegan A, Aydin HM, Bin H, Konduru S, Kuiper JH, Yang Y, Dictation of
Mineralization Rate by a Bone Tissue Engineering Approach, 2014, Biomedical
Engineering Online – DOI:10.1186/1475-925X-13-136.
16. Namli H et al., Vertical Bone Augmentation Using Bone Marrow Stem Cells: An in
17. Sarikaya B & Aydin HM, Development of collagen/ beta-tricalcium phosphate based
synthetic bone grafts via Dehydrothermal Processing, BioMed Research International,
2015, DOI:10.1155/2015/576532.
18. Salimi K, Topuzogullari M, Dincer S, Aydin HM, Piskin E, Microwave Assisted
Green Approach for Graft Copolymerization of L-Lactic Acid onto Starch, 2015, Journal
of Applied Polymer Science, DOI: 10.1002/app.42937.
19. Ekin O, et al., Poly(L-Lactide)/Poly(ε-Caprolactone) and Collagen/β-Tricalcium
Phosphate Scaffolds for the Treatment of Critical-Sized Rat Alveolar Defects: A
Microtomographic, Molecular-Biological, and Histological Study, 2015, The Cleft Palate
Craniofacial Journal, DOI: 10.1597/14-309.
20. Garipcan A et al., Alveolar Defect Treatment in Rat Model with TGF-B3 and BMP-2
Releaseing Scaffolds, 2014, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine –
21. Sahan S et al., Polyurethane/Tricalcium Phosphate Bone Adhesives and
Substitutes for Load Bearing Applications, 2015, BioMed Research International –
22. Sahan S et al., Polyurethane-Ceramic Matrices as Orbital Implants, 2015,
Biomaterials Science – submitted.
Articles in Edited Collections
1. Aydin HM and Pişkin E, Microcellular Plastics, Plastics Journal, PAGEV, June 2002.
2. Aydin HM, Porous Structure Preparation from P(LLA/CL)-HA/TCP Composites in
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Proceedings of POLSEM, p. 232-237, 2004.
3. Pişkin, E., N. Bölgen ve H.M. Aydın, “Novel Methods for Preparation of
Biodegradable Scaffolds,” XXIII SICOT/SIROT Triennial World Congress, 31, İstanbul,
4. Aydin HM, Yang Y, Pişkin E, El Haj A, Optimizing Degradable Scaffolds for Cranium
Tissue Repair, Eur. Cell. Mater., 2006; 11 (Supl. 3), 69.
5. Aydin HM, Egri S, Bolgen N, Pişkin E, Biodegradable Biomaterials for Soft and Hard
Tissue Repair, 4967, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering,
August 27- September 1, 2006, COEX Seoul, Korea.
6. Aydin HM, Yang Y, Pişkin E, El Haj AJ, A New Scaffold Preparation Technique,
Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering
Symposium, Samsun, 2007.
7. Pişkin, E., N. Bölgen, S. Eğri, H.M., Aydın and İ.A. İşoğlu, “Novel Scaffolds for
Tissue Engineering,” Trento Innovation Conferences in Materials Engineering: 1st
Meeting Advances in Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials, 35, Trento, 2007.
8. Pişkin, E., N. Bölgen, İ. Vargel, P. Korkusuz, H.M. Aydın, S. Eğri, K. Tuzlakoğlu, A.
İşoğlu, X. Kaitian, K. Kesenci, G. Köktürk, A. Kozluca, E. Ural, D. Uzunok, C. Babaç, T.
Şirin, S. Dinçer, M. Türk, G. Güven, S. Odabaş, F. Sayar, M. Türkoğlu, H. YavuzErsan, A. Şenköylü, Z.M.O. Rzaev and T. Kutsal, “Biodegradable Polymers and Novel
Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering: Experience of Hacettepe University Group,” Plastic
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering Symposium,
Samsun, 2007.
9. Aydin HM, Vargel I, Cavusoglu T, Korkusuz P, Guzel E, Pişkin E, Filling Cranial
Defects in Rats: 6 Months Animal Study, Tissue Engineering Part A, P177, 2008; 14(5):
10. Aydin HM, Yang Y, Kohler T, Pişkin E, Novel Technique for HA Particle Coating
within 3D Polymeric Structures, Tissue Engineering Part A, P291, 2008; 14(5): 890.
11. D.A. Korpe et al., TERMIS EU 2013 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative
Medicine İstanbul congress: "Optimization Process of Alginate Coated Chitosan
Nanoparticles" at TERMIS EU 2013 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Abstract Book, 637 pp., Istanbul, 2013.
12. H.M. Aydın et al., Regeneration of Osteochondral Defects Using a Multilayered
Scaffold: A Novel Design, in vitro Performance, and in vivo Healing in Ovine Model at
25th European Conference on Biomaterials Abstract Book, P209, Madrid, 2013.
13. C. Öğütçü & H.M. Aydın, R&D Strategies in Biomaterial Production at 19th
International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium Abstract Book, 58 pp.,
Kuşadası, 2013.
14. S. Guler, et al., Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (scCO2) Assisted Decellularization of
Aorta at 27th European Conference on Biomaterials Abstract Book" pp 3402, Liverpool,
UK, 2014.
Conference Chairing
1. Session 6: Cell Network at 8th International Conference on Cell Engineering (ICCE),
June 11-12, 2010, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
2. 18th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, September 1013, 2012, Tokat, Turkey.
Invited Lectures and Seminars
1. Aydin HM, A morphological Study of Cell Aggregations on Mineralisation, 8th
International Conference on Cell Engineering (ICCE), June 11-12, 2010, Trinity
College, Dublin, Ireland (Keynote).
2. Aydin HM, Strategic Perspectives in Regenerative Medicine R&D, 18th International
Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, September 10-13, 2012, Tokat,
3. Aydin HM, Patent Nedir? Bilimesl Araştırmalarda Patent, TMMOB Chamber of
Chemical Engineers, Ankara Branch, December 2012, Ankara, Turkey.
4. Aydin HM, Benchtop to Patient: Synthetic Grafts. Boğaziçi University 1st
Biomaterials Day, February 2013, İstanbul, Turkey.
5. Aydin HM, Hard Tissue Repair Materials. Bioengineering Student Congress, 29
April-1 May, 2013, Tokat, Turkey.
6. Aydin HM, Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering, Hacettepe University 2nd
Biomaterials Day, April 2014, Ankara, Turkey.
7. Aydin HM, University-Industry Collaboration Projects, Project Proposal Preparation
Workshop, June 4-5, 2014, Sinop, Turkey.
8. Aydin HM, BEC 2015 VII. Bioengineering Congress, ‘CE Approval Process and
Design Dossiers for Hard Tissue Repair Materials’19-21 November 2015, İzmir,
Oral Presentations
1. Aydin HM, Calimli A, Pişkin E, Preparation of Microporous Scaffolds From
poly(LLA/CL) and Their HA and TCP Blends in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Media,
30th Annual Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs, September 3-6,
2003, Aachen, Germany.
2. Aydin HM, Porous Structure Preparation from P(LLA/CL)-HA/TCP Composites in
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, POLSEM 2004, April 28-30, 2004, Mersin, Turkey
3. Aydin HM, Turk M, Calimli A, Pişkin E, Engineering with Membranes: Medical and
Biological Applications, May 15-18, 2005, Camogli, Italy.
4. Aydin HM, Optimizing Degradable Scaffolds for Cranium Repair, 20th European
Conference on Biomaterials, September 27 - October 1, 2006, Nantes, France.
5. Sayin TC, Aydin HM, Murray PE, Namerow K, An Ultrastructural Investigation of
Tissue-Engineered Pulp Constructs, AAE Annual Meeting, April 29 – May 2, 2009,
Orlando, USA.
6. Aydin HM, El Haj AJ, Yang Y, Investigation of Tissue Formation Within 3-Phasic
Scaffolds in vitro, TERMIS 2010, June 13-17, Galway, Ireland.
7. Aydin HM, Investigation of Composite Matrices for Bone and Cartilage Repair,
Kanghui Medical EuroSummit 2011, April 25-29, 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
8. H.M. Aydın et al., Regeneration of Osteochondral Defects Using a Multilayered
Scaffold: A Novel Design, in vitro Performance, and in vivo Healing in Ovine Model,
25th European Conference on Biomaterials, Madrid, 2013.
9. S. Guler, P. Hosseinian, E. Akbay, M.A. Onur, H.M. Aydin, Supercritical Carbon
dioxide (sc-CO2) Asssted Decellularisation of Aorta, 26th European Conference on
Biomaterials, Liverpool, 2014.
10. Aydin HM, Clinical Translation of Biodegradable Composites for Hard Tissue
Repair, TERMIS AP 2014, September 24-27, Daegu, Korea.
11. Sahan S, et al., ‘PU/TCP Bone Adhesives and Substitutes for Load Bearing
Applications’, Advanced Materials World Congress 2015, August 23-26, Stockholm,
12. Aydin HM, ‘Polyurethane-Ceramic Matrices as Orbital Implants, 27th European
Congress on Biomaterials, August 30- September 3, Krakow, Poland.
13. Sarikaya B, et al., Effects of Dehydrothermal Treatment of Collagen/b-TCP Scaffold
on Bone Regeneration in Critical Size Bone Defects, IV. TERMIS World Congress,
September 8-11, Boston, USA.
14. Sarikaya B, et al., Collagen/Beta-tricalcium Phosphate Based Synthetic Bone
Grafts via Dehydrothermal (DHT) Processing, 21st International Biomedical Science
and Technology Symposium, October 22-24, Antalya, Turkey.
Poster Presentations
1. Uzunok D, Ozgoz D, Tuzlakoglu K, Ural E, Kesenci K, Kokturk G, Aydin HM, Ayhan
H, Pişkin E, Applications of Biodegradable Biomaterials, BIOMED IXth International
Symposium on Biomedical Science and Technology, September 19-22, 2002, KemerAntalya, Turkey.
2. Uzunok D, Ozgoz D, Tuzlakoglu K, Babac C, Garipcan B, Gurpinar A, Ural E,
Kesenci K, Kokturk G, Aydin HM, Ayhan A, Kazimoglu C, Bolukbasi S, Senkoylu A,
Vargel I, Erdem A, Erk Y, Tuysuz M, Yamurlu M, Akpinar H, Saber R, Kocum C, Mutlu
S, Ozguven A, Duman M, Applications of Biodegradable Polymers, EMCC-3, May 1315, 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece.
3. Aydin HM, Calimli A, Pişkin E, Microporous Scaffolds, 11th International Science and
Technology Days, Biomed 2004, September 6-10, 2004, Ankara, Turkey.
4. Aydin HM, Salgin U, Yang Y, Pişkin E, El Haj AJ, Optimizing Degradable Scaffolds
for Cranium Repair, Tissue and Cell Engineering Society (TCES) Meeting, July 3-4,
2006, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
5. Aydin HM, Yang Y, Pişkin E, El Haj AJ, A new scaffold preparation technique,
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering
Symposium, May 10-12, 2007, Samsun Turkey.
6. Aydin HM, Yang Y, Kohler T, Pişkin E, A triphasic scaffold: Preparation and in vitro
evaluation, Biomed 2008, 14th Biomedical Science & Technology Symposium &
International Workshop on Networking/Platforming in Biomedical Technologies Focus
on Nanomedicine, May 4-7, 2008, Marmaris, Turkey.
7. Aydin HM, Yang Y, Kohler T, Müller R, Pişkin E, Novel Technique for HA Particle
Coating within 3D Polymeric Structures, TERMIS EU 2008, June 22-26, Porto,
8. Aydin HM, Vargel I, Cavusoglu T, Korkusuz P, Guzel E, Pişkin E, Scaffolds + MSCs
for Cranial Defect Repair: 6 months in vivo study, 6th Marie Curie Cutting-Edge
Conference, October 27-31, 2008, Algarve, Portugal.
9. Aydin HM, Korkusuz P, Güzel E, Uçkan D, Kılıç, Vargel I, Çavuşoğlu T, Pişkin E,
Polimer-Mezenkimal Kök Hücre Kompozitlerinin Kraniyal Defektlerde Uygulanması: Altı
Aylık İn Vivo İzlem Uluslararası Katılımlı 19. Ulusal Elektron Mikroskopi Kongresi, June
22-25, 2009, Trabzon, Turkey.
10. Aydin HM, Vargel I, Cavusoglu T, Korkusuz P, Guzel E, Pişkin E, Stem cells
seeded scaffolds for cranium repair, Porous Hydrogels for biomedical applications –
from cytapheresis to tissue engineering, Summer School September 29-October 2,
2009, Antalya, Turkey.
11. Aydin HM, Pişkin E, Investigation of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds/Stem Cells in
Cranial Defects, TERMIS 2010, June 13-17, Galway, Ireland.
12. Aydin HM, First Orthobiologic Product In Turkey: Suprabone, Marie Curie
Conference, July 1-2, 2010, Turin, Italy.
13. Aydin HM, Sule-Suso J, Hu B, El Haj AJ, Yang Y, FTIR Study of Tissue Engineered
Bone Nodules, SPEC 2010 – 6th International Spec Conference, June 26th – July 1st,
2010, Manchester, UK.
14. Aydin HM, Korkusuz P, Vargel I, Kilic E, Güzel E, Cavusoglu T, Ucgan D, Pişkin E,
Investigation of polymer/ mesenchymal stem cell constructs for cranial defects, 16th
International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, September 28 –
October 2, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
15. Aydin HM, Hu B, El Haj AJ, Yang Y, Mimicking Intramembranous Ossification, 16th
International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, September 28 –
October 2, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
16. Aydin HM, Hu, B, El Haj AJ, Yang Y, Enhancement of Calcium Nodule Production,
by Osteoblasts, ESB 2010 – 23rd European Conference on Biomaterials, September
11-15, 2010, Tampere, Finland.
17. Aydin HM, Yang Y, An Ultrastructural and in vitro Analyses of a Three-Layered
Osteochondral Plug, ESB 2011 - 24th European Conference on Biomaterials,
September 4-8, 2011, Dublin, Ireland.
18. Arslan O, Sener G, Aydin HM et al., Biodegradable Nanofibers for Neural Tissue
Applications, 18th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium,
September 10-13, 2012, Tokat, Turkey.
19. B. Sarikaya & H.M. Aydın, Development of Collagen/b-TCP Based Synthetic Bone
Grafts at TERMIS EU, Genova, 2014.
20. Guler S, et al., Improvement of Decellularization Efficiency of Porcine Aorta by
using Dimethyl Sulfoxide as Penetration Enhancer, IV. TERMIS World Congress,
September 8-11, Boston, USA.
21. Aslan B, Guler S & Aydin HM, Corneal Collagen Matrix Coated with Poly(pxylylene) (PPX) for Keratocyte Orientation, IV. TERMIS World Congress, September 811, Boston, USA.
1. ISO 13485:2003 and 93/42/EEC Medical Devices Directive Basic Training
Certificate, MEYER, Certificate No. GKA-1446, November 14, 2008.
2. Computer Literacy Certificate, Hacettepe University Training Centre, Document No:
BOSB04, Certificate No: 0754, February 13, 2009.
3. 2007/47/EC Medical Devices Directive Basic Training Certificate,MEYER, Certificate
No. MYR-256, March 22, 2009.
4. ISO 9001:2008, ISO 13485:2003, and 93/42 EEC Internal Auditing certificates,
MEYER, Certificate No. GKA-2085, March 28, 2009.
5. Cleanroom Automation Training Certificate, Nasyonel Teknoloji, June 17, 2009.
6. 93/42/AT Denetçi Belgesi (Sertifika No: 2219, Kiwa-Meyer, 10.03.2015).
7. ISO 13485:2003 Denetçi Belgesi (Sertifika No: 2219, Kiwa-Meyer, 10.03.2015).
Organizing and Management Skills
1. The Design and Building of Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) Biosensors,
Advance Practical Course, June 20-27, 2004, Ankara, Turkey – Group leader
2. Biomed 2004, 11th International Biomedical Science and Technology Days,
September 6-10, 2004, Ankara, Turkey – Organizing team member
3. ExperTissues Annual Progress Meeting and AleaJacta Est/Expertissues Tutorial
Course, 15-17 October, 2005, Antalya, Turkey – Organizing team member
4. StemCell 2007: Plastic, Reconstuctive and Aesthetic Surgery Stem Cell and Tissue
Engineering Symposium, 10-12 May, 2007, Samsun, Turkey
5. BIOMED 2008: 14th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium,
Marmaris, Turkey
6. FEBS Advance Practical Course: QCM, SPR/Elipsometer & AFM as novel
Biosensors & Imaging Systems, June 22-29, 2008, Ankara, Turkey – Group leader
7. COST Action B28, Array Technologies for BSL3 and BSL4 Pathogens, Workshop on
Array Technologies, May 3-6, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey – Organizing commity member
8. Expertissues Trainig Course on Cranio-Maxillofacial Animal Models, July 28-31,
2010, Ankara, Turkey – Organizing team member
9. Biomed 2010 – 16th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium,
September 29 – October 2, 2010, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey – National Advisory Board
10. 18th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, September 1013, 2012, Tokat, Turkey – National Advisory Board Member
11. TERMIS EU Chapter 2013 Congress, June, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey (National
Organizing Committee).
12. 2nd Biomaterials Day, Hacettepe University, April 2014, Ankara, Turkey (Sc
Entific Committee)
13. 20th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, August 24-27,
2014, Köyceğiz, Muğla, Turkey – National Advisory Board Member.
14. KOMPEGE III, International Participation III. Ege Composite Materials Symposium,
Kuşadası, Aydın, Turkey – Scientific Board Member.
Theses Supervised
1. Burcu Sarıkaya: “Development of Collagen/Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate Based
Synthetic Bone Grafts”.
2. Cansel Işıklı Öğütçü: “Development of Glycerol-Sebacate-e-Caprolactone Based
Biodegradable Elastomers and Investigation of Their Potential as an Advanced
Therapy Medicinal Product (ATMP) for Bone Tissue Engineering”.
3. Selcen Güler: “ Development of Extracellular Matrix Preparation Protocols Using
Supercritical Fluid Supported Decellularization Method for Aorta Tissue Repair”.
4. Bahar Aslan: “Preparation of Polymeric and Decellularized Matrices for Cornea
Tissue Engineering”.
5. Atakan Tevlek: “Development of Strategic Approaches Towards Enhancing the
Thickness of Cell Sheet Constructs and Resolving Problems Related to Vascularization
and Necrosis in Tissue Engineering Constructs”.
Professional Membership
1. Founding member of the National Society of Biomedical Sciences.
2. Member of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Society.
3. Member of European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO).
Journal Referee Duties
1. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
2. Physiological Research
3. Journal of Microencapsulation
4. Advanced Materials Letters
5. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry
6. Kara Harp Okulu Bilim Dergisi
Courses, Workshops & Meetings
1. Advanced Practical Course on the Design and Building of Quartz Crystal
Microbalance (QCM) Biosensors, June 20-27, 2004, Ankara, Turkey
2. 2nd Alea Jacta Est/2nd EXPERTISSUES TUTORIAL COURSE – “Tissue Engineering
of Bone and Cartilage: Current Trends and Future Perspectives”, October 17-19, 2005,
Antalya, Turkey.
3. Bone and Cartilage Tissue Engineering, Satellite Workshop, May 12, 2007, Samsun,
4. NanoTR-3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, June 11-14, 2007,
Ankara, Turkey.
5. Expertissues 36th Month Meeting, October 5-6, 2007, Kusadasi, Turkey.
6. 6th Marie Curie Cutting-Edge Conference, October 27-31, 2008, Algarve, Portugal.
7. Hacettepe University Continuous Training Centre, Biomaterial-Tissue Compatibility
in Tissue Engineering Applications, March 27, 2009, Ankara, Turkey
8. FP7 Marie Curie Actions/ Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways IAPP
Summer School: Porous Hydrogels for biomedical applications –from cytapheresis to
tissue engineering, Summer School September 29-October 2, 2009, Antalya, Turkey.
10. European Society for Artificial Organs & American Society for Artificial Internal
Organs Joint Winter School: Bioartificial Organs & Cell Therapy 2010, January 21-23,
2010, Semmering, Austria.
11. Monaco Extra Summer School, September 29 – October 2, 2010, Antalya, Turkey.
12. COST Action B28, Workshop on Array Technologies, May 5-6, 2010, Istanbul,
13. 24th Annual Scientific Congress of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, May 14-18, 2010,
Antalya, Turkey.
14. Marie Curie Conference, July 1-2, Turin, Italy.
15. EuroScience Open Forum, July 2-7, Turin, Italy.
16. MIT Professional Education – Short Programs: Controlled Release Technology:
Polymeric Delivery Systems For Pharmaceuticals, Proteins and Other Agents, July 1923, 2010, Boston, USA.
17. 5th Workshop on Biopolymeric Systems, March 4, 2011, Industrial Experience in
Biomaterial Production, Ankara, Turkey.
18. 7th Symposium on Controlled Releaase Systems, 2 June 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
19. 61st Nobel Laureates Meeting, 26 June – 1 July 2011, Lindau, Germany.
20. 8th Nanoscience – Nanotechnology Congress & IANM 3rd World Congress, June
25-29, 2012, Ankara, Turkey.
21. Advances in Tissue Engineering, 20th Annual Short Course, August 8-11, 2012,
Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA.
22. 18th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, September 1013, 2012, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Tokat, Turkey.
23. BIOMATEN Workshop on “Use of Biomaterials in Medical Field”, March 19, 2013,
Ankara, Turkey.
24. Universita Degli Studi Di Trento Summer School on Biomaterials and Regenerative
Medicine, July 8-12, 2013, Riva del Garda, Italy.
25. International Cartilage Repair Society ICRS 2013 Congress, September 15-18,
2013, İzmir, Rurkey.
26. COST Action MP1301 First MC and WG Meeting, March 13-14, 2014 Turin, Italy.
27. British Council’s Researchers Link Programme, New Horizons in Biocatalysis for
Biomaterials Workshop, April 8-12, 2014, İzmir, Turkey.
28. International Conference on Tissue Engineering, 20-25 June 2014, Kos, Greece.
29. The International Bioprinting Congress, 24-25 July, 2014, Singapore.
30. The International Seminar on Lab on A Chip, 7-11 September, 2014, Kuşadası,
31. HUNITEK Advanced Technologies on Health Sciences Symposium, 15-16
September, 2014, Ankara, Turkey.
32. 21st International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, October 22-24,
2015, Antalya, Turkey.
33. Turkish Ministry of Health, Turkish Pharmacopea Workshop, December 9-12, 2015,
Kizilcahamam, Turkey.