1 CURRICULUM VITAE Banu Helvacioglu Department of Political


1 CURRICULUM VITAE Banu Helvacioglu Department of Political
Banu Helvacioglu
Department of Political Science, Bilkent University,
Ankara, 06533, Turkey
phone:+90 312 290 1470 (w)
fax: +90 312 266 4960
e-mail: helvaci@bilkent.edu.tr
Canadian and Turkish citizenships
1988 - Ph.D., Political Studies, Queen's University
Dissertation title: "The New Right in the U.S.A.: A 'Morbid Symptom' of the Crisis
of American Politics".
Supervisors: Colin Leys and Richard Simeon
1984 - M.A., Political Studies, Queen's University
Thesis title: "The Asiatic Mode of Production and Oriental Despotism".
Supervisor: Colin Leys
1982 – B.A. Honors (with distinction), Political Science and Public Administration,
Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
Sept 2009 – present Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science,
Bilkent University, Ankara
Assistant Prof, Philosophy Department (in conjunction with Pol.Sci.
Dept), Bilkent U.
Assistant Prof, Department of Political Science, Bilkent University,
2002 – 2003
Research Fellow at Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales,
1994- 1997
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science,
Bilkent University, Ankara.
1989- 1997 Assistant Professor, Department of Politics, Ryerson Polytechnic
University, Toronto, (received tenure in Dec. 1992)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Political Studies,
Queen's University.
1983 -1988
Teaching Assistant, Political Studies, Queen's,
tutoring: POLS 131 (Intro. to Comp. Pol.)
POLS160 (Intro. to Inter. Rel'ns.)
POLS 260 (International Politics)
Spring 1986
Research Assistant for Dr. Bruce J. Berman, Political Studies,
Queen's; Project title: "Explaining Mau Mau in Kenya: A Study in the Sociology
and Politics of Knowledge."
Summer 1984
Organizer of Seminar Series for the Programme of Studies in
National and International Development (PSNID), Queen's University.
1982 - 1983 Research Assistant to Prof. Haldun N. Gulalp, Dept. of Political
Science and Public Adm., METU, in the preparation of a "Development Studies
1980 - 1982 Research Assistant, Political Science and Public Adm., METU, in the
field of Development and Latin American Politics.
“Love as a Metonymy for National Mourning”, Lahoucine Ouzgane (ed.),
Masculinities in Middle Eastern Literature and Film, NY: Routledge
(forthcoming in 2015).
“Melancholy and Hüzün in Orhan Pamuk’s Istanbul”, Mosaic 46 (2) June 2013.
“The Smile of Death and the Solemncholy of Masculinity”, L. Ouzgane (ed.),
Islamic Masculinities, London: Zed Press, 2006.
“Human Nature in Nature’s Nature”, Public, no. 26, 2002.
“An Ethics for Our Times: Moral Selves in Solidarity?”, A. Bakan and E.
MacDonald (eds.), Critical Political Studies: Debates and Dialogues from the
Left, Toronto: McGill- Queen’s University Press, 2002.
"Globalization in the Neighborhood: From the Nation-State to Bilkent Center",
International Sociology, 15 (2) 2000.
"The Paradoxical Logic of Europe in Turkey: Where does Europe End?", Vilho
Harle (ed.), special issue on Otherness, Identity and Politics, European Legacies,
4(3) 1999.
"An Ankara Chronicle: Fidelity to an Impossibility", Cynthia C. Davidson (ed.),
Anytime, NY: MIT/Anyone Corporation, 1999.
“Europe in Turkish Discourse: How does One Conceive of Oneself?”, Rikard
Larsson (ed.), Boundaries of Europe? Stockholm: Swedish Council for Planning
and Co-ordination of Research, 1998.
“L’Ambiguo Nazionalismo in Turchia”, Traduzione di Emanuela Fabretti,
(“Hybrid Discourses of Nationalism in Turkey”), Franco Angeli (ed.), special issue
on "Dove va l'Arca di Noe: Nationalismo Arabo-Islamico", Futuribili, 1997.
“‘Allahu Ekber We are Turks’: Yearning for a Different Homecoming at the
Periphery of Europe”, Third World Quarterly, 17 (3), 1996.
“Final Discussion [on Modernity] ”, in Huricihan İnan (ed.), special issue on New
Approaches to European History, Studies in Development, Ankara: METU, 1996.
"Toronto's Racial Conflicts: Wild in the Streets?”, The Canadian Forum, no. 811,
July/Aug. 1992.
"The Thrills and Chills of Postmodern Imaginary: The Western Intellectual
Vertigo", Studies in Political Economy, no. 38, Summer 1992.
"The State in the Reaganite Era: Capital, Labor and More?", in John Shields and
Steve McBride (eds.), Regulating Labour: The State and Industrial Relations in a
Neo-Conservative Era, Toronto: Garamond Press, 1991.
"The God-Market Alliance in Defence of Family and Community: The Case of the
New Right in the U.S.A.", Studies in Political Economy, no. 35, Summer 1991.
“Hatırın Hatırı” (A letter to Hrant Dink’s grand-daughter), Birikim, no. 214, 2007.
“Yaşlı Avrupa Gözüyle Irak Krizi: Paris’te Durum çok mu Farklı?” (in anticipation
of a war in Iraq), Birikim, no. 168, 2003.
“Mekana Sığmayan Ankara’da Mekan Nasıl Yaşanmakta?” (“Why is Spatiality in
Ankara an Impossibility”), Gönül Pultar, et.al., derleyen, Kültür ve Modernite,
Istanbul: Tetragon, 2003.
“Neo-Liberal Ahlak: Beterin Beteri Vardır”, (on Neo-Liberal Morality) Birikim,
Haziran, 2002.
“Bir Ankara Günlüğü: İmkansıza Sadakat”, Çeviren Fatih Tokatlı, (“An Ankara
Chronicle”) derleyen, C. Davidson, Anytime, Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği, 2000.
“Deconstruction ve Mimarlık” (“On Deconstruction and Architecture”), Mimarlık
Üzerine Tartışmalar, Ankara: Mimarlar Dernegi, 1996.
"Evvel Mekan İçinde Kalbur Zamanlar İçinde: Tarihi Coğrafi Materyalizm" ("A
Critical Evaluation of Historical Geographical Materialism"), Toplum-Bilim, no.
64-65, 1994.
"Clinton Yönetiminde ABD" ("An Optimistic Evaluation of the Clinton
Administration"), Birikim, no. 60, June 1994.
Non-Academic publications in Turkish
“Hükümsüz Kimlikler”, Edebiyat Eleştiri, no. 8, Bahar, 1995.
“Ses (siz)in”, Fol, no. 4, Temmuz, 1996.
“Kaza Ol …”, Fol, no. 5, Ocak, 1997.
Conference Proceedings
“When Testicles cannot Testify: An Antinomy in the Ethics of Mourning”, ISSEI,
The Ethical Challenge of Multidisciplinarity, Nicosia, Cyprus, July 2 - 6, 2012.
“Locating Sites of Cruelty: Three Literary Responses to Death Marches and War in
Anatolia (1905 – 1922)”, in the CD collection of Concentrationary
Imaginaries/Imaginaries of Violence, University of Leeds, April 13 – 15, 2011.
"Contradictions of European Identity: A Case for Cultural Hybridity",
Conference Proceedings of V Conference on European Culture, Pamplona:
Universidad de Navarra, October, 2000.
Unpublished manuscripts
“Some Reflections on Gezi Direniş (in Turkish, Bir Tenefüs Düşünce Molası) June
“On the Strength of The Absurd: Singing with Kierkegaard’s Abraham and
Mother’s No” (2005).
International Lectures:
Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University, May 1999:
"Some Reflections on the Globalization of Violence".
"A Dress Rehersal for Radical Evil".
Department of Sociology, York University, Toronto, February 1999:
"Gender, Violence and the Self".
Department of African Studies in collaboration with the Division of Social Science,
York University, February, 1999:
"Globalization in the Neighborhood".
“When Testicles cannot Testify: An Antinomy in the Ethics of Mourning”, ISSEI,
The Ethical Challenge of Multidisciplinarity, Nicosia, Cyprus, July 2 - 6, 2012.
“What Happens to Truth in Historically Induced Aphasia?”, ISSEI, The Ethical
Challenge of Multidisciplinarity, Nicosia, Cyprus, July 2 - 6, 2012.
“Locating Sites of Cruelty: Three Literary Responses to Death Marches and War in
Anatolia 1905 – 1922”, Conference on Concentrationary Imaginaries, Imaginaries
of Violence in Contemporary Cultures and Cultural Forms, organized by
University of Leeds, Leeds, April 2011.
“Minority Rights in Turkey: A Historical Rem(a)inder”, in Etnicity and Democratic
Governance/ Gouvernance Démocratique et Ethnicité, Public Conference
organized by Université de Montreal and Queen’s University, Montreal,
October 25 -27 2007.
“Remembering and Thinking of Death and Hrant Dink’s Death” (co-organizer and
the panelist for a Memorial), February 8, 2007, Bilkent.
“On the Strength of the Absurd: Singing with Kierkegaard’s Abraham and
Mother’s No”, Conference on Women and the Divine, hosted by The Institute of
Feminist Theory and Research, The University of Liverpool and Liverpool Hope
University College, Liverpool, England, 17 – 19 June 2005.
“Translating Gender in Turkish Literature: Moral Imperatives of Being a
Wo/man”, in “Gender, Sexuality, and Health”, organized by Centre for Asian and
African Literatures, School of Oriental and African Studies, University College
London (UCL), London, November 4-6 2002.
“Male Subjectivity in the Making of the Ottoman Turk”, in “Balkan Masculinities”,
organized by Centre for South-East European Studies, School of Slavonic and East
European Studies, University College London (UCL), London, June 7-8 2002.
“Mekana Sığmayan Ankara’da Mekan Nasıl Yaşanmakta?”, Kültür, Modernite
Konferansı, Antalya, October, 2001.
“Aesthetics of Politics: Body Parts, Dead Bodies and Death Herself”, in Center for
Research in Transitional Societies, Bilkent University, November, 2001.
2007 – present
2005 – present
2000 – present
1998 – present
1997 – present
1999 – 2002
Jan.- Dec. 1993
Board member of International/Interdisciplinary Bilkent
Seminar Series
Co-Director of Political Theory, Dept of Pol. Sci., Bilkent U.
Member of Comprehensive Examination Examining
Supervising Ph.D. dissertations in Pol. Sci. Dept, Bilkent
Member of Ph.D. recruitment committee, Pol. Sci. Bilkent
Appointed by Rector Prof. Ali Dogramacı to design and direct
Political Philosophy courses in Political Science and
International Relations Departments.
Co-ordinator of Public Administration Program, Ryerson
Polytechnic University.
Spring 1993
1992 - 1993
1992 - 1993
Dean's Committee for the Selection of Best Essay Prizes,
Dean of Arts, Ryerson.
President's Advisory Committee on Homophobia, Ryerson;
co-author of ethics guidelines for the committee.
Library Committee, Ryerson.
Fall 1992
Organizer of two workshops on research methods for public
administration students at Ryerson.
Spring 1992
Dean's Committee for the Selection of Best Essay Prizes, Dean
of Arts, Ryerson.
Department Representative for Library acquisitions, Ryerson.
1990- 1993
Comparative Politics, Curriculum Development Committee,
Department of Politics, Ryerson.
Granted “Doçent” degree by the Examiners of the Higher Education Board.
Winter 1994
Ryerson Research Professorship.
October 1993 Canadian Embassy (Ankara-Turkey) Travel Grant.
Travel/Research grants from Dean of Arts, Department of Politics,
and Ryerson Faculty Association
Spring 1990 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Grant
for field research.
Fall 1987
June 1982
Feb. 1982
The Skelton-Clark Fund for Field Research, Queen's University.
Queen's University Graduate Fellowship.
R.S. McLaughlin Fellowship, Queen's University
Top Student Award (METU, Turkey).
Book Prize (METU, Turkey).
Areas of Teaching and Research:
*Modern Political Theory
*History of Political Thought
*Continental Political Philosophy
*Aesthetics of Politics
English, Turkish, French (fair comprehension of spoken and written French with
the help of a dictionary).