Hilal Handan Atlı - EN / Bilkent University


Hilal Handan Atlı - EN / Bilkent University
Hilal Handan Atlı
Course Tutor
Contact address;
School of English Language, Bilkent University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey
Tel: +90 312 2905190
Fax: +90 312 2664320
Email: hilal@bilkent.edu.tr
I have been an English language teacher since 1992. I taught in a private language school to both adults and young
learners for a year before I came to Bilkent University School of English Language (BUSEL). After teaching in BUSEL for
seven years, I became a teacher trainer in 2000. I have worked on the COTE, DELTA and ICELT courses at BUSEL.
Current responsibilities
I am currently working on the ICELT course as a tutor and course director. This involves planning and delivering input
sessions, supervising and assessing course participants in their teaching practice, marking ICELT assignments, and
coordinating the ICELT course.
Areas of interest
My current professional interests include teacher cognition in teacher education, which was also my MA research project,
psychodynamics of teacher training, teacher development and classroom-based research.
Atlı, H.H. (2006). Changes in beliefs: the odyssey of a novice teacher. Research News: IATEFL Research SIG Newsletter,
Issue 17. Whitstable, Kent: IATEFL.
Yurtseven, B. and Atlı, H. (2004). Revitalise your Remedial Teaching: Remedies available here. Proceedings of the 9th
International BUSEL ELT Conference, Bilkent University, Ankara. Atlı, H. and Clark, B. (2003). Welcome to the Speakeasy.
Proceedings of the 8th International BUSEL ELT Conference, Bilkent University, Ankara.
Atlı, H. and Smith, B.(2002). Grammar? The way to go, but which way? Proceedings of the 7th International BUSEL ELT
Conference, Bilkent University, Ankara.
Atlı, H, and Gencer, M. (2001). New Trainers, New Trainees and Beginning Students: Learning Together. Proceedings of
the 6th International BUSEL ELT Conference, Bilkent University, Ankara.
Conference Presentations
May 2006,
’The Translation of Change’ (with Hande I. Mengu) at Extending Development and Training Horizons, IATEFL TTED
Conference , Kizilcihamam
May 2006,
’Perceptions of Change’ (with Hande I. Mengu) at 2006 METU International ELT Convention, Middle East Technical
University, Ankara
April 2004
‘Welcome to the Speakeasy’ (with Barbara Clark) at 38th International IATEFL conference at The Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool
March 2004
‘Revitalize your Remedial Teaching: Remedies available here!’ (with Bengu Yurtseven) at BUSEL 9th International ELT
Conference, Ankara
February 2004
‘Motivation’ at Train the Trainer Conference organized by U.S. Embassy Ankara and Hacettepe University, Ankara
February 2002
‘Grammar? Way to go but which way?’ (with Kristina Smith) at BUSEL 7th International ELT Conference, Ankara
February 2001
‘New Trainers, New Trainees and Beginning Students: Learning Together’ (with Müge Gencer) at BUSEL 6th International
ELT Conference, Ankara