sabiha leyla pur ozyigit


sabiha leyla pur ozyigit
Curriculum Vitae
2013 May:
Drug Desensitization Program, Division of Rheumatology, Immunology and
Allergy, Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
2011-present: PhD student at Istanbul University, Institute for Experimental Medical Research,
Department of Immunology
Anesthesia Allergies Education at University of Montpellier, France,
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Division of Allergy and Clinical
Allergy Education and Diploma at University of Montpellier, France,
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Division of Allergy and Clinical
Resident at Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of
Respiratory Medicine
Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty
Saint Joseph French High School, Istanbul, Turkey GPA: 4.11 / 5.00
2012-present: Istanbul American Hospital Allergy and Immunology Department,
Pulmonologist and Allergist
Muş Public Hospital, Respiratory Department, Turkey, Pulmonary Physician.
2004-2010: Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of Respiratory
Medicine, Resident.
5th International Summer Course, Research Methodology and Ethics in Health Sciences,
Koç University, School of Medicine, Istanbul 2014
EAACI Annual Congress, Milano 2013
Methods in Epidemiologic, Clinical and Operations Research Course, Level 1, Izmir
Flow Cytometry Certificate, Institute for Experimental Medical Research, Istanbul 2012
EAACI Annual Congress, Geneva 2012
EAACI Annual Congress, Istanbul 2011
French National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress Course of Food and Drug
Allergy 2010
French National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress, Paris, 2010
National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress 2009 Antalya
French National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress, Paris, 2009
French National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress, Course of Recombinant
Allergens, 2009
French Pneumology Congress 2009
French Pneumology Congress, Course of Specific Immunotherapy 2009
South France Course of Food and Drug Allergy, Toulouse 2008
National Tuberculosis and Respirology Congress, Istanbul 2008
Annual National Sleep Congress Antalya 2008
National Bronchoscopy Course Antalya 2008
Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress 2008
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Conference Antalya 2007
ERS Annual Congress Stockholm Post-Graduate course: Pulmonary Gas Transfer and
Arterial blood gases 2007
ERS Annual Congress Stockholm 2007
ERS Research Seminar ‘Severe Asthma’ Athens 2007
World Asthma Meeting Istanbul 2007
World Asthma Meeting- How Do You Follow A Patient with Asthma Course 2007
Intensive Care Unit Principals Course – University of Gaziantep Turkey 2007
Cardiac Emergencies Course Istanbul 2007
Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress Antalya 2006
GA²LEN / EAACI Allergy School Hannover 2006
Fourteenth National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress 2006
Turkish Radiology Society Course of Thoracic Radiology 2005
Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress Antalya 2005
Spirometer Course 2005 Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Istanbul
Turkish Thoracic Society Course of Pulmonary Emergencies 2005
ERS Annual Congress Copenhagen 2005
Advanced French learning program
Ø EF Nice, France (1998)
English learning program
Ø The Cambridge Centre for Language, London, UK (1996)
• European Diploma in Allergy 2011, European Board Examination for Allergology and
Clinical Immunology.
• Inter University Diploma in Anesthesia Allergies 2011
• European Diploma in Adult Respiratory Medicine 2010, European Board Examination
at Adult Respiratory Medicine.
• EAACI Clinical Fellowship 2009 Award
• Third Prize for the Best Poster at Annual Congress of Turkish Thoracic Society 2008
“Role of electrocardiography (ECG) score in massive and non-massive pulmonary
thromboembolism “ Leyla Pur Özyiğit, Gülfer Okumuş, Esen Kıyan, Halim İşsever,
Tolga Özyiğit, Orhan Arseven
• National Polysomnography Certificate at Annual Sleep Congress 2008 Antalya
Pur Ozyigit L, Ozcelik B, Ozcan Ciloglu S., Erkan F. The effectiveness of a pictorial
asthma action plan for improving asthma control and the quality of life in illiterate
women. J Asthma May;51(4):423-8.
Pur Ozyigit L , Ozyigit T., Cuhadaroğlu C et al. A pilot study - acute beneficial effects
of smoking cessation on coronary flow reserve. Anatolian Cardiology Journal 2014
May; 14(3): 294-5.
P. Giavina-Bianchi, J. Caiado, M. Picard, L. Pur Ozyigit, V. Mezzano and M. Castells.
Rapid desensitization to chemotherapy and monoclonal antibodies is effective and safe.
Correspondance Allergy 68 (2013) 1482–1486
Buyukozturk S, Gelincik A, Demirtürk M, Erdoğdu D, Pur L, Colakoğlu B, Deniz G,
Erdem Kuruca S. Nickel dental alloys can induce laryngeal edema attacks: A case
report. J Dermatol. 2013 Jul 9
L.P. Ozyigit, C. Galera, P.-J. Bousquet, C. Piot, P. Demoly. Rush aspirin
desensitization protocol in aspirin hypersensitivity Revue française d’allergologie 51
(2011) 485–491
L. Pur Ozyigit, C. Galera, C. Defrance, Z. Kilicaslan, P. Demoly. Allergy to
antituberculosis drugs, a pragmatic approach: Tolerance induction to Rifater. Revue
française d’allergologie 2011 June.
Siret-Alatrista, L. Pur Ozyigit, M. Rubio, M. Demoly, H. Alatrista-Salas, P.-J.
Bousquet, P. Demoly. Egg food allergy at the University Hospital of Montpellier: Our
experience. Revue française d’allergologie 2011 Jan.
Gülfer Okumuş, Koray Güven, Esen Kıyan, Leyla Pur Özyiğit, Namşan Yıldız,
Mustafa Erelel, Halim İşsever,Orhan Arseven. Early and long term results of bronchial
artery embolization. Turkish J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010
Tulin Cagatay, Zeki Kilicaslan, Penbe Cagatay, Munevver Mertsoylu, Ziya Gulbaran,
Reyhan Yildiz, Leyla Pur, Sevil Kamali, Ahmet Gul. TNF-alpha antagonist therapy
modify the tuberculin skin test response. Rheumatol Int. 2010 Mar.
Galera C, Pur Ozygit L, Cavigioli S, Bousquet PJ, Demoly P. Gadoteridol-induced
anaphylaxis - not a class allergy. Allergy. 2009 Oct.
Ozyigit LP, Kiyan E, Okumus G, Yilmazbayhan D. Isolated laryngo-tracheal
amyloidosis presenting as a refractory asthma and longstanding hoarsenss. J Asthma.
2009 Apr.
Turkish Translations:
Ø Ronald Labonté, Ted Schrecker, Corinne Packer, Vivien Runnels. Globalization
and Health: Pathways, Evidence and Policy, İnsev Yayınları, 2011
Ø Lionel H. Opie and Bernard, J. Gersh. Drugs for the Heart, 7th ed., Nobel
Matbaacılık, 2010
Ø Michael Marmot, Richard G. Wilkinson. Social Determinants of Health, İnsev
Yayınları, 2009
2014 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Congress
Ø Added Value Of Skin Testing In Hypersensitivity Reactions To Taxanes
2013 European Immunology Congress
Ø Is Basophil Activation Test as a Safe Diagnostic Tool for Immediate Drug
Hypersensitivity to Proton-Pump Inhibitors?
2012 European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Ø Oral Presentation: A Pictorial Asthma Action Plan Effective for Non-Literate
Asthmatic Women
Ø Anaphylaxis to Nickel: A Case report
2010 Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress Istanbul
Ø Sigara Bırakmanın Kalp Hızı Değişkenliği ve Koroner Akım Üzerine Etkileri
Ø Reaktif Hava Yolu Disfonksiyonu Sendromu (RADS) olgusunda tedavi
• National Allergy and clinical Immunology Congress 2009 Antalya
Ø Antitüberküloz ilaç Hipersensitivitesinde Oral Desensitizasyon: Rifater® ile vaka
French National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress, Paris, 2009
Ø Un cas rare d’allergie immédiate au thiocolchicoside
Ø Anaphylaxie au gadotéridol
Ø Oral Presentation: Hypersensibilité aux AINS: suivi à long terme des
désensibilisations en rush à l’aspirine
2009 Turkish Thoracic Society Annual Congress Antalya
Ø Bronşiyal Arter Embolizasyonu Yapılan Olguların Uzun Dönem Takibi
2008 National Tuberculosis and and Respirology Congress, Istanbul
Ø Primer Silier Diskinezili İki Olgu Sunumu
Ø Muhabbet Kuşu Nedenli Ekstrensek Allerjik Alveolit Vakası
2008 ERS Berlin Congress
Ø Two different hypopnoea definition: influence to diagnosis
Ø Observation results of 484 patients that use TNF alpha inhibitor in respect of the
risk of tuberculosis
Ø A case of laryngo-tracheal amyloidosis, evaluated as refractory asthma
Ø Oral Presentation: Comparison of PPD and quantiferon tests in determining latent
tuberculosis in patients who are directed to TNF antagonists
2008 National Sleep Congress Antalya
Ø Oral Presentation: Respiratory Evaluation at Myotonic Dystropy
Ø Sleep related respiratory problems at congenital myastenic syndrome
Ø A Patient with Lingular Tonsillar Hypertrophy as a reason for OSA Syndrome
2008 Annual Turkish Respiratory Congress
Ø Oral Presentation: Increased diameter of tuberculin skin test induration in patients
receiving TNF-alpha antagonists.
Ø Non – invasive ventilation at home: Application according to disease, compliance
and satisfaction
Ø Corpora amylacea, our experience with three cases
Ø An unusual cause of: endotracheal polyp: Metastatic leiomyosarcoma resected by
rigid bronchoscopy
2007 World Asthma Meeting, Istanbul
Ø Oral Presentation: Asthma Action Plan: Effectiveness, PAtient’s Compliance and
Psycho-Social Predictors of Compliance
2007 ERS Stockholm Congress
Ø The role of regulatory T cells in differentiating asthma from COPD
Ø Can plasma arginase levels differentiate asthma and COPD?
Ø Follow up results for tuberculosis in patients who receive TNF-antagonist treatment
2006 Annual Turkish Thoracic Congress
Ø Lung-muscle functions and sleep related breathing disorders in patients with
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Ø Lung-muscle function tests and sleep related breathing disorders in patients with
2006 International Congress of Neuromuscular Diseases Istanbul
Ø Respiratory problems in myopathic patients
2006 ERS Munich Congress
Ø The concordance between results of spiral computed tomography and lung scan for
the diagnosis of pulmonary thromboembolism
2005 ERS Copenhagen Congress
Ø Thrombolytic therapy in cases with massive pulmonary thromboembolism
Ø Regulatory T cells in COPD
Ø Koç University School of Medicine (2012-present)
o Classes on Allergy and Immunology to 3rd and 4th year medical students
o Classes on Pulmonology to 4th year medical students
Ø Ozyegin University Faculty of Law-Master program (2013)
o Medical terminology
Turkish (native), English (fluent), French (fluent)
Member of American Thoracic Society (2012-…)
Representative of Istanbul Residents at Turkish Thoracic Society (2012-present)
Muş Public Hospital, Chief of Education Commission (2010-2011)
Representative of Istanbul Residents at Turkish Thoracic Society (2005-2008)
Member of Executive Committee of National Association of Residents at Respiratory
Departments (2005- 2008)
Member of European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (2006-present)
Member of Executive Committee of Lycée Saint Joseph Graduates Association (20042008, 2014-present)
Member of European Respiratory Society (2005-present)
Member of Turkish Thoracic Society (2004-present)
Kadikoy Municipality, Icerenkoy Family Support Centre /Istanbul Volunteer Teacher
and Responsible for Raising Funds (1995- 2002)
Member of Lycée Saint Joseph Graduates Association (1998- present)
Date of birth: 17/09/1979
Place of birth: Istanbul
Marital status: Married, one child
Republic of Turkey
Amerikan Hastanesi Güzelbahçe Sokak, No:20 Nişantaşı • ISTANBUL • TURKEY
Phone Number: +90 212 311 20 00/4761-4762