22nd Congress Programme Committee


22nd Congress Programme Committee
22nd Congress Programme Committee
Istanbul, Turkey - 24th November 2014
Programme Committee Meeting - CPC01
1. Welcome by the Chair
2. Introduction of all CPC Members
3. Review of CPC Roles and Responsibilities
4. Feedback and Lessons learnt from the 21st WPC in Moscow
5. Revisit of Congress Structure
6. Congress Theme
7. Time Schedule and Meetings towards Istanbul 2017
8. Programme review: WPC Leadership Conference, Tromsø, 26-28 May 2015
9. AOB
10. Turkish OC Update and Venue Site Visit (15:30)
2. Introduction of all
CPC Members
CPC Members – 22nd Congress Cycle
• Mr. Tor Fjaeran (Norway) – tof@statoil.com
• Mrs. Solange Da Silva Guedes (Brazil) – solangeg@petrobras.com.br
• Mr. James McFarland (Canada) - jmcfarland@valeuraenergy.com
• Dr. Liu Zhenwu (China) - sz_intl@cnpc.com.cn
• Mr. Pascal Breton (France) - pascal.breton@total.com
• Dr. Stefan Ernst (Germany) - ernst@chemie.uni-kl.de
• Mr. Artur Thernesz (Hungary) – thernesz@tvk.hu
• Mr. Subhashish Panda (India) - pandas@ias.ni.in
• Dr. Mohammad Ali Emadi (Iran) - ema2di@yahoo.com
• Mr. Uichiro Yoshimura (Japan) - u.yoshimura@sekiren.gr.jp
• Dr. Mohammad AlSaleh (Kuwait) – maalsaleh@kisr.edu.kw
• Mr. Henk Vasmel (Netherlands) – henk.vasmel@shell.com (NEW – replaced Jeroen Regtien)
• Dr. Pandele Neculae (Romania) - pandele.neculae@gmail.com
• Dr. Nikolay I. Seregin (Russia) - seregin_nikolay@mail.ru
• Dr. Nabeel Alafaleg (Saudi Arabia) - nabeel.afaleg@aramco.com
• Mr. Pedro Miras Salamanca (Spain) - pms@cores.es
• Mr. Toby Hunt (UK) - tobyhunt@hillintl.com
• Mr. J. Gerardo Uria (USA) - uriag@api.org
• Mr. Mehmet Ali Kaya (Host Country Representative) – mak@tpao.gov.tr
• Dr. Katharina Grünberg (Youth Committee Chair) – Katharina.Gruenberg@shell.com
3. Review of
CPC Roles & Responsibilities
CPC - Roles & Responsibilities
Develop the programme of the World Petroleum Congress ensuring the highest standards
required by the WPC in terms of quality of papers and presentations, seeking a balanced
regional, gender and age representation among participants
Prepare topics (with brief descriptions) for the technical sessions, including Forums, Best
Practice Keynotes, Roundtables
Suggest topics and speakers for Plenary Sessions and Special Sessions
Select Chairs, Vice-Chairs and Moderators from nominations by NCs and others
As CPC Contact liaise with session chairs and moderators providing guidance as required,
secure quality control and ensure that the programme is delivered within the required
Review programme to ensure quality and relevance to WPC for Expert Workshops,
Leadership Conferences and Youth Forum
4. Feedback and Lessons learnt
from 21st WPC in Moscow
21st WPC Feedback Survey
21st WPC Feedback Survey
21st WPC Feedback Survey
21st WPC Feedback Survey
21st WPC Feedback Survey
21st WPC Feedback Survey
21st WPC Feedback Survey
On a scale from 1-5 with 5 being the best and 1 being the worst
Lessons Learnt from Moscow - 1
Overall structure
4 blocks worked well – good choice for delegates
High number of concurrent sessions – trimming recommended
Do we have 2 parallell congress programs – Idea: Initial business congress followed by a 2-3 days technical congress
Improve Chairs/Vice Chairs and Moderators nomination process - based on NC nominations
Improve the overall effectiveness and preparedness of Moderators and Chairs
Special sessions
Good topics, but variable attendance. Hall too large hall for most plenaries – felt empty by speakers.
Moderator critical – few good discusssions following the presentations
Start too early? Luncheon plenaries an option?
Opening plenary a mess
EW, MS &
Positive Expert Workshop feedback
Few people for the high-level Dewhurst lecture
MS – very variable, but some very well attended. MS content requirements?
Forums, BPK’s,
RT’s & Posters
Forums & RT’s worked well. EW and SS reduce value of BPK’s
Downstream too specialized – redesign to capture a larger audience?
Too many late changes - who conclude the changes?
Very variable quality and preparedness of Chairs/VC/Moderators
Lack of effective communication between chairs/moderator and speakers/panelists
Qualty of RT moderators an issue.
Process of nominations of Chairs/moderator needs additional work and more commitment
CPC engagement with Chairs/Vice Chairs and Moderators to be improved – in preparations and at the Congress
More debating sessions rather than speeches. Combine RT’s and Special Sessions
English skills too often a challenge
Move posters back to technical area. Find a way to make the ‘Plaza’ work well technically in the Congress venue. Poster plaza
excellent design, but location challenging (noise, acoustics & seating). Replace the «poster» term
Posters to be presented close to papers in time
Lessons Learnt from Moscow - 2
Social resp. &
Youth villages
• Large, successful and high profile exhibition showcasing most companies
• Takes more and more WPC attention, incl. technical presentations at booths
• What kind of congress would WPC like to be?
Opening & closing
• Impressive shows / taking a lot of attention and time, but very well attended.
• Too many and too long speeches.
• Distance between plenary and technical - 4 floors – challenging to locate the first day. «2 parallel Congresses»?
• Facility quality generally very good
• Opening & closing ceremony good, but Russia Night did not meet expectations
• Moscow hospitality - a very positive experience
Payment & Hotel
• Registration & payment did not work well. Full hotel payment months ahead an issue
• Many found it difficult to register and to apply for visa
Is exhibition area the right location? Deserve more attention
More presentations into the technical programme
Use youth area (also) more as a mentoring venue - link to Mentoring programme
Request feedback from Youth committee
Daily schedule started too early. Some session late in week not well attended
Hotel-venue commuting worked well for most (not dedicated lanes as promised)
On-site audio visual team did an excellent job. High quality equipment that worked throughout the congress
Security in general effective
Security/evacuation routes/fire exits/info before each session/first aid stations – attention needed
Large group of volunteers very visible and helpful
CPC Improvement Areas
 Ensure that speakers and delegates feel that they are getting good ‘value’ for their
commitment of time and cost in participating
 Improve the overall effectiveness of contributions by Forum and BPK Chairmen and
Vice Chairs
 Ensure that all Round Table Moderators are effective and active in their role
 Find a way to make the ‘Poster Plaza’ work well technically in the Congress venue
 CPC engagement with Chairs/Vice Chairs and Moderators is valuable. Can serve as an
important catalyst and is key to ensure quality
 Ensure a structured and effective Chairs/Vice Chairs and Moderators nomination
process based on NC nominations
5. Review Congress Structure
Present structure
Plenaries (+ Dewhurst Lecture, Opening and Closing Ceremonies)
Plenary Hall
Special sessions (not all)
Best practice keynotes
1. Upstream
2. Downstream
3. Market
4. Society
Best practice keynotes
Technical Area
Expert Workshop Reports
Ministerial Sessions
Poster Plaza
Youth Lounge presentations
Exhibition Hall
Social Responsibility Village presentations
Exhibition presentations
Alternative structure
Plenaries (+ Dewhurst Lecture, Opening and Closing Ceremonies)
Plenary Hall
Special Sessions, Roundtables & Expert Workshops
Expanded Forum
(incl. Youth & SR)
1. Upstream
2. Downstream
Expanded Forum
(incl. Youth & SR)
Technical Area
3. Market
Poster Plaza
4. Society
Poster Plaza
Ministerial sessions
Youth Lounge meeting point & mentoring area,++
Social Responsibility Village exhibition & showcasing
Exhibition (presentations)
Exhibition Hall
21st Congress Structure
Technical Sessions (Forums, BPK’s & RT’s)
Block 1: Exploration and Production of Oil and Natural Gas
Block 2: Refining, Transportation and Petrochemistry
Block 3: Natural Gas Processing, Transportation and Markets
Block 4: Sustainable Management of the Industry
Breakout Session
Task: Discuss and Define a Preferred Congress Structure
Group A
Group C
 Solange Da Silva Guedes
 Pascal Breton
 Artur Thernesz
 Mohammad Ali Emadi
 Mohammad Al Saleh
 Nabeel Alafaleg
 Netherlands
 Pedro Miras Salamanca
 Tor Fjaeran
 Katharina Gruenberg
Group B
Group D
 Liu Zhenwu
 James McFarland
 Subhashish Panda
 Stefan Ernst
 Pandele Neculae
 Uichiro Yoshimura
 Toby Hunt
 Gerardo Uria
 Mehmet Ali Kaya
 Nikolay Seregin
Overall Structure & Technical Blocks
• Four Blocks focusing on:
• Upstream
• Downstream
• Natural Gas
• Management
• Stronger downstream section
• Simplify structure, eg combine RTs and Special Sessions
• Stronger moderators and chair engagement
• Expert Workshops to be integrated into technical programme
• Review of posters: name and positioning
• Involve youth more
• Ensure strong leadership of Congress programme vs exhibition
• Special focus on Turkey and its region
6. Congress Theme
Previous Themes
Moscow (2013)
Responsibly Energising a Growing World
Doha (2011)
Energy Solutions for All – Promoting Cooperation,
Innovation and Investment
Madrid (2008)
A World in Transition – Delivering Energy for
Sustainable Growth
Johannesburg (2005)
Shaping the Energy Future – Partners in Sustainable
Rio (2002)
Petroleum Industry: Excellence and Responsibility
in Serving Society
Calgary (2000)
Petroleum for Global Development: Networking People,
Business and Technology to Create Value
IGU (2015)
WEC (2013)
ONS (2014)
OTC (2014)
IP Week (2015)
Growing Together towards a Friendly Planet
Securing Tomorrow's Energy Today
Come together
Strategies for the changing oil and gas landscape
Theme Proposals
Unrestrained Oil and Gas
Bridge to the future
Today - Tomorrow – Together
The crossroads of east to west
Sustainable utilization of non-renewable resources.
Petroleum Serving Society
New planets, new energies
Shaped the past – shaping the future
At the energy crossroads
Energy for Mankind
Shaping the future of the world energy
From West to East the corridor of the
energy shift Road to 2040
The crossroads to future energy
Oil and gas is the future
The energy crossing to the future
Oil and gas for the benefit of all
The Oil and Gas Future
A sustainable Future
Emerging dynamics of future energy
Link to the future
Energy Future : Created by Technology, Bridged
by Generations
Recreating Synergy for energy future: bridging
consumers and producers
Evolving the Future by Energy - Bridging the Societies
by Welfare
Diversified by nature, integrated by energy
Cooperating in the new energy era for a sustainable
Bridging Generations: Energy for Life
Cooperating in new energy era towards social,
environmental and industrial development
Breakout Session
Task: Discuss and propose key elements for the Congress Theme
Group A
Group C
 Solange Da Silva Guedes
 Pascal Breton
 Artur Thernesz
 Mohammad Ali Emadi
 Mohammad Al Saleh
 Nabeel Alafaleg
 NN
 Pedro Miras Salamanca
 Nikolay Seregin
 Katharina Gruenberg
Group B
Group D
 Liu Zhenwu
 James McFarland
 Subhashish Panda
 Stefan Ernst
 Pandele Neculae
 Uichiro Yoshimura
 Toby Hunt
 Gerardo Uria
 Mehmet Ali Kaya
 Tor Fjaeran
22nd Congress Theme: Group proposals
@ energy crossroads
Group A:
Building energy bridges to the future
Group B:
Bridging our energy future
Bridging energy crossroads
Group C:
Cooperating for a new / sustainable energy era
Group D:
At the crossroads to future energy
22nd Congress Theme
Bridges To Our Energy Future
Recommended 22nd WPC Theme
Bridges To Our Energy Future
The world is experiencing a global shift with dramatic political, economic and
industrial changes, increases in population and volatile pricing that will have a longterm impact on energy requirements and the global petroleum sector. Demand for
conventional and unconventional oil and gas continues to rise and remains critical to
the changing energy mix, which includes a significant growth of renewable energy.
The industry will need to cooperate with all stakeholders including government,
industry, academia and society to build the bridges to a sustainable energy future for
all. Partnerships, technical innovations, human ingenuity and strong leadership will
form the foundations, supported by global policies for energy efficiency, low carbon
solutions, infrastructure development and continuing investment in order to supply
energy for our future in a reliable, secure, affordable and responsible manner.
The 22nd World Petroleum Congress will provide the platform for open dialogue to
build bridges between consumers and producers, governments and industry,
academia and financiers, leaders and society, in order to address these issues and
present debates, developments and solutions for sustainable production and use of
the world’s energy resources.
7. Time Schedule and Meetings
towards Istanbul 2017
Timeline – Moscow to Istanbul
November 14
March 2015
May 2015
October 2015
New Dehli
Select Chairs
& Moderators
Status Update
March 2016
Rio de Janeiro
October 2016
Status Update
Plenaries, SP,
Approval of
Chair Nominations
Call for Papers
Expert Workshops
Nov 2014
June 2014
21st WPC
March 2015
May 2015
October 2015
Council, EC, CPC
New Dehli
March 2016
Rio de Janeiro
Updates &
October 2016
Council, EC &
CPC Bahrain
July 2017
22nd WPC
Feb 17
8. WPC Leadership Conference
Programme Review
WPC Leadership Conference
Through responsible actions and close cooperation with all
stakeholders the oil and gas industry will be able to contribute to
sustainable solutions. The World Petroleum Council and its
Norwegian National Committee will bring together industry leaders to
discuss and demonstrate best available technology and practices in
order to minimize impacts and risks to the people and environments
where we operate around the world. By highlighting the industry’s
strategies in places such as the Arctic and other frontier areas we can
contribute to raising the standards across the sector.
Place: Tromsø, Norway
Date: 26-28 May 2015
Plus: Technical Tours /
Training / Workshops
Key topics:
Leadership Perspectives
Responsibly Addressing Challenges from New Frontiers
Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Development of Resources
Responsible Operations: Safety, Environment and Preparedness
Strategies for Responsibility, Cooperation and Sustainability
WPC Leadership Conference
Steering Committee chaired by Remi Eriksen, COO, DNV GL
WPC Leadership Conference
9. Any Other Business
10. Turkish OC Update
and Venue Site Visit
(separate pdf)
World Petroleum Council
Thank you!