Curriculum Vitae Prof.Dr. Bianca Kaiser


Curriculum Vitae Prof.Dr. Bianca Kaiser
Curriculum Vitae
Prof.Dr. Bianca Kaiser-Kaya
Personal Information
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Marital Status
Germany, Halle (N.R.W.)
married, three children
Full Professorship awarded by Istanbul Kemerburgaz University (2015)
Doçentlik - Associate Professorship (2009): state examination by the Turkish Higher Education
Board (YÖK)
PhD in Political Science and International Relations (1999): Bosphorus University, Istanbul
MA (Diplom) in Development Economics (1988): University of Giessen
BA (Vordiplom) in Development Economics, English and Spanish Language and Literature
(1986): University of Giessen
Diploma in Hispanic Studies (1983): Complutense University, Madrid
Study-abroad Periods:
 PhD exchange student at the University of Houston, Dept. of Political Science (1992-1993)
 BA exchange student at the City of London University, Dept. of Economics (1984-1985)
Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Istanbul (since 2011)
 Acting Director, School of Foreign Languages (since 2016)
 Full Professor of International Relations, Department of International Relations (since 2015)
 Chair, Department of International Relations (since 2011)
 Associate Professor of International Relations, Department of International Relations (2011-15)
 Member of University Senate (2011-14; again since 2016)
 Member of Internationalization/Bologna Committee (since 2011)
 Member of Research Support Committee (since 2011)
 Member of Ethics Committee (2011-2015)
 Member of Faculty Board, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (2011-2015)
Istanbul Kültür University, Istanbul (2001-2011)
 Associate Professor of International Relations (2009-2011)
 Assistant Professor of International Relations, Department of International Relations (20012009)
 Founding Director, Center for European and International Affairs, Istanbul Kültür University
 Member of Bologna Committee (2009-2011)
 Member of Faculty Board, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (2010-2011)
Marmara University, Istanbul (1989-2001)
European Union Institute at Marmara University
 Researcher (1989-1991)
 Full-time lecturer (1999-2001)
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Part-time lecturer (1995-1998)
Kaiser, B. and A. Kaya (2016), “The Transformation and Europeanization of Migration Policy in Turkey:
Multiculturalism, Republicanism and Alignment” in I. Sirkeci and B. Pusch (eds), Turkish Migration
Policy. London: Transnational Press London, 2016. ISBN 9781910781173
Kaiser, B. (2015), "Changing Patterns of Migration: German Migrants in Turkey" in E. Nuroğlu et als.
(eds.), Turkish German Affairs from an Interdisciplinary Perspective. Peter Lang Edition: Frankfurt a.M.,
Kaiser, B. and A. Kaya (2015), "Transformation of Migration and Asylum Policies in Turkey” in A. Güney
and A.Tekin (eds.), The Europeanization of Turkish Public Policies: A Scorecard, Routledge Studies in
Middle Eastern Politics. London: Routledge.
Kaiser, B. and C. Balkır (2015), “20. ve 21. Yüzyılda Avrupa’dan Anadolu’ya Göçün Tarihi” in M.
Erdoğan and A. Kaya (eds.), 14. Yüzyılından 21. Yüzyıla Türkiye’ye Göçler, Istanbul: İstanbul Bilgi
Kaiser, B. (ed.) (2014), Turkey and the European Union: An Intercultural Perspective, Istanbul:
İstanbul Kemerburgaz Publications (e-book), Regional and Global Affairs Series Vol. I.
Kaiser, B. (2013), Book review on B. Pusch (ed.) (2013), Transnationale Migration am Beispiel
Deutschland und Türkei, Wiesbaden. (378 p.) in S. Ozil, M. Hofmann and Y. Dayioglu-Yücel (eds.),
Jahrbuch für deutsch-türkische Studien: Jugendbilder – Repräsentationen von Jugend in Medien und
Politik, Vol. 4, 177-79.
Kaiser, B. (2012), “Die Türkei als Migrationsziel für Auswanderer aus Deutschland” in E. Esen and B.
Gümüş (eds.), Aktuelle Aspekte Deutsch-Türkischer Wissenschaftskooperation / Türkiye ve Almanya:
Türk-Alman Bilimsel İşbirliğinin Güncel Konuları, Akdeniz Üniversitesi Avrupa Birliği Araştırma ve
Uygulama Merkezi ve Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Derneği, Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi, 181-188.
Kaiser, B. (2012), “50 Years and Beyond – The Mirror of Migration: German Migrants in Turkey” in
Perceptions, Journal of International Affairs, Special Issue, Vol. 16, Spring, 103-24.
Kaiser, B. and A. İçduygu (2011), “EU-StaatsbürgerInnen in der Türkei” in B. Pusch and U. Tekin
(eds.), Migration und Türkei: Neue Bewegungen am Rande der Europäischen Union , Würzburg: ErgonVerlag, 171-88.
Kaiser, B. (2010), “Avrupa Birliği Uyum Sürecinde Türkiye’nin Yabancılar Mevzuatı ve AB Vatandaşı
Göçmenlerin Yaşamları Üzerindeki Etkileri” [Turkey’s Legislation for Foreigners in the European Union
Accession Process and Its Impact on Immigrants that are EU Citizens] in B. and T. Wilkoszewski (eds.),
Türkiye’ye Uluslararası Göç: Toplumsal Koşullar – Bireysel Yaşamlar [International Immigration to
Turkey: Social Conditions – Individual Lives], Istanbul: Kitap Yayınevi Ltd., 57-72.
Kaiser, B. (2008), Fırtınanın Ortasındaki Ülke: Almanya’nın Avrupa Politikası [Country in the Eye of the
Storm: Germany’s European Policy], Istanbul: İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Yayınları, Jean Monnet Series
Kaiser, B. (2008), “EU-Anpassung, ihre Auswirkungen auf die Ausländergesetzgebung und die
Lebenswelt von EU-Migranten in der heutigen Türkei” in B. Pusch and T. Wilkoszewski (eds.), Facetten
Internationaler Migration in die Türkei: Gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen und Persönliche
Lebenswelten, Würzburg: Ergon-Verlag.
Kaiser, B. (2007), “Türkiye’deki Avrupa Birliği Yurttaşları: Siyasal ve Toplumsal Katılımın Önündeki
Engeller” in A. Kaya and B. Şahın (eds.), Kökler ve Yollar: Türkiye’de Göç Süreçleri, Istanbul: İstanbul
Bilgi Yayınları.
Kaiser, B. and A. İçduygu (2005), “Türkiye’de Yaşayan Yabancı Uyruklular” in A. Kaya and T. Tarhanli
(eds.), AB Üyesi Ülkelerde ve Türkiye Gerçekliğinde Anayasal Vatandaşlık ve Azınlıklar , Istanbul:
Türkiye Ekonomik ve Sosyal Etüdler Vakfı (TESEV).
Kaiser, B. (2004), “Info-Telegramme” in Ö. Erzeren, Eisbein in Alanya: Erfahrungen in der Vielfalt
deutsch-türkischen Lebens, Hamburg: edition Körber-Stiftung.
Kaiser, B. (2004), “Social Life-Worlds of German Migrants in Turkey: The ‘Other Side’ of the TurkishGerman Transnational Space” in T. Faist and E. Özveren (eds.), Transnational Social Spaces: Agents,
Networks and Institutions, Avebury, UK: Ashgate, 91-110.
Kaiser, B. (2003), “Lifeworlds of EU Immigrants in Turkey” in E. Zeybekoğlu and B. Johansson (eds.),
Migration and Labour in Europe: Views from Turkey and Sweden , co-published by Marmara University
International Relations Research Center (MURCIR) and the Swedish National Institute for Working Life
(NIWL), Istanbul: Sefik, 269-89.
Kaiser, B. (2002), “German Foreign Policy after Unification: Normality or Assertiveness?” in Istanbul
Kültür University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2, November, 11-20.
Kaiser, B. (2002), “Germany’s European Policy: Some Implications for Turkey” in Private View, Special
Issue: German-Turks (2002), No. 11, 50-56.
Kaiser, B. et als. (2001), The Concept of “Free Movement of Persons‟ and Turkey’s Full Membership in
the European Union. Final Report for Marmara University Research Fund Project (Project No.
2000/SOB-5), Istanbul.
Lowry, Heath W. (1991). Die Hintergrundsgeschichte zu Botschafter Morgenthaus Memoiren, translated
by B. Kaiser from English to German. Istanbul: İsis.
Conference Papers
Kaiser, B. (2016). “Integration Challenges faced by EU Citizens in Turkey”, paper presented at the 10th
Annual Turkish Studies Symposium on Migration, Diversity, and Identity in Turkey and the EU ,
organized by the European Union Center (Jean Monnet Center of Excellence) at the University of
Illinois, co-sponsored by European Institute, Istanbul Bilgi University; Jean Monnet Chair, Istanbul
Kemerburgaz University; and the Center for Global Studies (CGS); the Russian, East European, and
Eurasian Center (REEEC); the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (CSAMES); and the
Program in Arms Control & Domestic and International Security (ACDIS) at the University of Illinois,
Champaign-Urbana, 28-29 April 2016.
Kaiser, B. (2015). “Germany in Turkey”, paper presented at the International Symposium on
“Migration, Gender and Health”, organized by Marmara University Sociology Department, Kassel
University Sociology Department and Association of Social Sciences for Health (Sağlık için Sosyal
Bilimler Derneği - SASBIL). Istanbul, Marmara University, November, 5 – 6, 2015.
Kaiser, B. and A. Kaya (2015), “The Transformation and Europeanization of Migration Policy in Turkey:
Multiculturalism, Republicanism and Alignment”, paper presented at Turkish Migration Conference
2015: Economics, Identities and Geographies, Charles University Prague, 25-27 June 2015.
Kaiser, B. (2015), “Deutsche in der Türkei: Eine chronologische Bewertung”, paper presented at
Perspektivenwandel durch Migration?, organized by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Orient
Institut Istanbul and Forum Internationale Wissenschaft Bonn within the framework of the GermanTurkish Scientific Year 2014/15 at Bonn University, Bonn, 05-06 Mayıs 2015.
Kaiser, B. (2014), "Deutsche in der Türkei", paper presented at Deutsche in der Türkei/Türken in
Deutschland: Positive Beispiele, organized by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, TANDEM ve TOVAK, Ankara,
12 Aralık 2014.
Kaiser, B. and A. Kaya, “Transformation of Migration and Asylum Policies in Turkey”, paper presented
at the International Jean Monnet Conference on Europeanization of Turkey: Polity, Politics and Policies,
organized by Bilkent University and Yaşar University, Ankara, Bilkent University, 19-21 June 2014.
Kaiser, B.. “Turkey’s Immigration Policy before and after the 2013 Law on Foreigners and International
Protection: Impact of and Perception by the German Community”, paper presented at the Turkish
Migration Conference 2014: Comparative Perspectives and Continuities , organized Regent’s University
London, London, 30 May – 01 June 2014.
Kaiser, B., "AB Vatandaşları Yabancıların Uyum Deneyimleri". Presentation at the Workshop on
“Migration Management and Integration”, organized by the Interior Ministry’s Directorate General for
Migration Management within the framework of the new Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International
Protection, 12 December 2013.
Kaiser, B. and A. Kaya, “The Europeanization of Turkey’s Migration and Asylum Policy”, paper
presented at the Jean Monnet Workshop on Europeanization of Turkey: Polity, Politics and Policies,
organized by Bilkent University and Yaşar University, Izmir, 24-25 October 2013.
Kaiser, B., “Living in Turkey as a Foreigner: Insights from the Perspective of German Migrants”, paper
presented at the Conference on Perceptions of International Migrants in Turkey, organized by the
International Organization for Migration (IOM), Swedish Consulate General Istanbul and the Centre for
Migration Research at Istanbul Bilgi University, 12 April, 2013.
Kaiser, B.. “Humanitarian Issues and other Commitments”, keynote speech held at the Plenary Working
Session III of the 2012 Human Dimension Implementation Conference, organized by the OSCE –
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Warsaw, 24 September – 05 October 2012.
Kaiser, B.. “Migration ‘Reversed’: European Immigration into Turkey”, paper presented at the
International Conference on Turkish Migration in Europe: Projecting the Next 50 Years , organized by
the Oxford University’s Turkish Migration Studies Group, the London Centre for Social Studies and the
Centre for Transnational Studies at the Regent’s College London, London, 7-9 December 2012.
Kaiser, B. (2012), “Migration aus Deutschland in die Türkei: Von der Geschichte bis zur Gegenwart”,
paper presented at the International Conference Forum Türkisch-Deutscher Wissenschaftskooperation,
organized by Akdeniz University EU Research Center (AKVAM) and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Antalya, 15
– 17 Mart 2012.
Kaiser, B. (2011), “Türk-Alman Ulusaşırı Alanında Alman Göçmenler” [German Immigrants in the
Turkish-German Transnational Space], paper presented at the International Conference Transnational
Migration between Turkey and Germany, organized by the Orient Institute, Goethe Institute and Fritz
Thyssen Stiftung, İstanbul Bilgi University, 31 October – 02 November 2011.
Kaiser, B. (2007), “Social and Political Lifeworlds of EU Citizens in Turkey”, paper presented at the
Conference on Intercultural Dialogue Between Turkey and the EU: Turkey‟s EU Accession –
Contribution and Role of Euro - Turks and of EU Citizens in Turkey to the Accession Process, organized
by İstanbul Bilgi University, Akdeniz University EU Research Center (AKVAM) and Faculty of Economic
and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations, Antalya, 14-15 February 2008.
Kaiser, B. (2007), “EU-Anpassung, ihre Auswirkungen auf die Ausländergesetzgebung und die
Lebenswelt von Migranten in der heutigen Türkei.” Presented at the International Symposium entitled
International Symposium on Facetten Internationaler Migration in die Türkei: Gesellschaftliche
Rahmenbedingungen und Persönliche Lebenswelten, organized by Orient Institute and Goethe
Institute, Istanbul, 07–10 March 2007.
Kaiser, B. (2006), “From Enemies to Friends? French-German Reconciliation and the European Union”,
paper presented at the Conference Third Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, organized by the
Standing Group on the European Union of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR).
Istanbul, 21–23 September 2006.
Kaiser, B. (2006), “National, Dual and European Citizenship among EU Migrants in Turkey”, paper
presented at The Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2006 , Baltimore, MD, USA, 6–9 July
Kaiser, B. (2005), “Turkey and the EU: Insights for Asia-Pacific?”, paper presented at the Third Meeting
of European Union Studies Association Asia-Pacific, Keio University, Tokyo, 8–10 December 2005.
Kaiser, B. (2005), “Germany’s European Policy and Turkey”, paper presented at the First World
International Studies Conference (WISC), Istanbul, 26–28 August 2005.
Kaiser, B. (2005), “From Enemies to Partners to Friends? – France and Germany in the European
Union”, paper presented at the International Summer School: The EU, Turkey and Greece: Perceptions
on the Middle East, organized by İstanbul Bilgi University and Panteion University, Istanbul, 27 June –
08 July 2005.
Kaiser, B. (2004), “Vorstellung der Untersuchungsergebnisse des Euro-Türken Projekts”, paper
presented at the International Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt a.M., 09 October 2004.
Kaiser, B. (2004). “Transnational Social Actors: EU-Migrants in Turkey”. Presented at the Conference
entitled Second Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, organized by Johns Hopkins University
Bologna Center. Bologna, Italy, 24-26 June 2004.
Kaiser, B. (2004), “EU Migrants in Turkey”, paper presented at the International Symposium Turkey: A
Bridge, or a Breach, to the European Union?, The National University of Ireland Maynooth, Dublin, 07
May 2004.
Kaiser, B. (2004), “National, Dual and European Citizenship among Immigrants in Turkey”, paper
presented at the International Workshop on Citizenship in a Globalizing World, organized by Bremen
Fachhochschule, Bremen, 01-03 April 2004.
Kaiser, B. (2003), “European Culture,” paper presented at the First European Weekend Project,
organized by Bosphorus University European Union Center, International Student Forum, Istanbul, 2325 May 2003.
Kaiser, B. (2003), “Deutsche Migranten in der Türkei”, paper presented at the International Workshop
on New Developments in German-Turkish Migration Relations, organized by İstanbul Bilgi University
Center for Migration Research and the Goethe Institute, Istanbul, 24-25 January 2003.
Kaiser, B. (2002), “The Situation of EU-Citizens in Turkey”, paper presented at the International
Workshop on Migration and Labour Markets in a European Perspective , organized by Marmara
University, the Swedish Institute in Istanbul and the Swedish Institute for Working Life, Istanbul, 19-20
April 2002.
Kaiser, B. (2001), “Turkish-German Political Relations”, paper presented at the Turkish-German
Summer School, organized by Marmara University European Union Institute, Istanbul, 16-27 July 2001.
Kaiser, B. (2001), “German Immigrants in Turkey: The Neglected Aspect of the Turkish-German
Transstate Space (Part II)”, paper presented at the First Institutionalized German-Turkish Summer
Institute, organized by Bremen University, Körber Stiftung and Bosphorus University, Istanbul, 26 July
– 06 August 2001.
Kaiser, B. (2000), “German Immigrants in Turkey: The Neglected Aspect of the Turkish-German
Transstate Space (Part One)”, paper presented at the First Institutionalized German-Turkish Summer
Institute, organized by Bremen University and Körber Stiftung, Germany, 24 July – 04 August 2000.
II. Panel Chairs
Kaiser, B. (2014), DFG, Orient Institut, Max Weber Stiftung işbirliğiyle düzenlenen Modernisierung
durch Migration? - Internationale Konferenz zu deutsch-türkischen Austauschprozessen konulu
uluslarası konferansta "Deutsch-Türkischer Kulturaustausch" panelinde oturum başkanlığı, Bahçeşehir
University, 23-24 October, 2014.
Kaiser, B. (2011), Orient Enstitüsü, Goethe Enstitüsü ve Fritz Thyssen Vakfı işbirliğiyle ortaklaşa
düzenlen Türkiye ve Almanya Örneği Üzerinden Ulusaşırı Göç konulu uluslararası konferansta
“Üniversite Mezunları ve Öğrenciler için Almanya bir Ulusaşırı Alan mı?” konulu panelin oturum
başkanlığı. İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 01 Kasım 2011.
Kaiser, B. (2007), International Symposium zu “Einheit und Vereinigung: Wie aus zwei Deutschlands
ein Staat wurde, Açık Oturum Panel Başkanlığı. Açık Oturum Katılımcıları: Rainer Eppelmann, Markus
Meckel, Prof. Dr. Bernd Faulenbach ve Dilek Zaptçıoğlu. Goethe Enstitüsü, Deutsche Bundesstiftung zur
Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur ve İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü tarafından organize edilen
Uluslararası Sempozyum. İstanbul, 30-31 Mart 2007.
Kaiser, Bianca (2007). “An Overview of Turkish Immigration History”, Panel Başkanlığı. Panel
katılımcıları: Prof. Dr. Ahmet İçduygu (Koç Üniversitesi) ve Prof. Dr. Sema Erder (Marmara
Üniversitesi), International Symposium - Facetten Internationaler Migration in die Türkei:
Gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen und Persönliche Lebenswelten , Orient Enstitüsü ve Goethe
Enstitüsü tarafından organize edilen Uluslararası Sempozyum. İstanbul, 07-10 Mart 2007.
Kaiser, Bianca (2007). “New Women’s Perspectives on Religion in Germany and Turkey”, Panel
Başkanlığı. Panel katılımcıları: Rachel Herweg, Gisela Matthiae ve Lale Akgün, International Symposium
on Religion in Modern Society. Goethe Enstitüsü ve İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Avrupa Çalışmaları
Merkezi tarafından organize edilen Uluslararası Sempozyum. İstanbul, 23–24 Şubat 2007.
Invited Conference and Discussion Participant
I. Ulusal Göç Araştırmaları Çalıştayı, organized by the Turkish Interior Ministry, Migration Management
General Directorate, Center for Migration Studies, 19-20 December 2014.
Jean Monnet Conference 2013: The political implication of European economic integration towards a
political Union. European Commission, DG Education and Culture. Brussels, 14–15 November 2013.
Meeting of the South-North Mediterranean Dialogue. European Movement and İstanbul Bilgi University.
Istanbul, 28 September 2011.
Aday Ülkelerde STK’lar: Siyasi Taahhütten Etkin Diyaloga – Başlangıç Toplantısı. European Commission,
DG Enlargement, Uluslararası Avrupa Hareketi (EMI) and Türkiye Üçüncü Sektör Vakfı (TÜSEV).
Istanbul, 11-12 February 2011.
The European Union After the Treaty of Lisbon. European Commission, DG Education and Culture, 25-
26 May 2010.
Regional Environment Center (REC), Venice International University (VIU) and Agroinnova işbirliğinde
İtalya Çevre, Arazi ve Deniz Bakanlığı mali desteği ile düzenlenen Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma İçin
Ortaklıklar: Karadeniz Ülkeleri’nde Sürüdürülebilir Kamu Politikaları ve Özel Sektör Uygulamaları
seminer dizisinin ikinci ayağı’na davetli katılımcı. Venedik (İtalya), 26 – 27 Ekim 2009.
20 Years of Support for European Integration Studies: From the Jean Monnet Action to the Jean
Monnet Programme. European Commission, DG Education and Culture, 7–8 September 2009.
Global Jean Monnet Conference 2006: Europe’s Challenges in a Globalised World . European
Commission, DG Education and Culture, 23 November 2006.
İstanbul’daki İsveç Enstitüsü ve Avrupa Komisyonu Ankara Delegasyonu tarafından ortaklaşa
düzenlenen Mardin ve Midyat’ta gerçekleştirilen Türkiye’deki Süryani Topluluğu ve Göç Konulu Alan
Araştırması Grubu Misafır Üyesi. 27–29 Mayıs 2005.
Avrupa Siyaseti Çalışmaları için İsveç Enstitüsü (SIEPS) ile İsveç Başkonsolosluğu’nun ortak
organizasyonu ile İstanbul İsveç Araştırma Enstitüsünde düzenlenen International Roundtable on
Turkey, Sweden and the EU: Expectations and Experiences, başlıklı toplantısında tartışmacı. 7 Ekim
7th ECSA World Conference: The European Union and Emerging World Orders – Perceptions and
Strategies. European Commission, DG Education and Culture, 30 November – 01 December 2004.
Projects and Awards
Since 2015
Jean Monnet Chair in Education in Diversity: Connecting People and Cultures at the Department of
International Relations, School of Economics and Adminstrative Sciences, Istanbul Kemerburgaz
University, awarded by the European Commission, Jean Monnet Action Programme 2015 (Agreement
No.: 2015 – 2246 / 001 – 001)
Since 2013
Jean Monnet Module in the Field of European Political Integration. Name of the Module:
European Integration at the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Administrative
Sciences, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, European Commission Jean Monnet Action Programme
Since 2014
Associate Partner and Coordinator of Correspondents and Peer Reviewers in Turkey for the Migrant
Integration Policy Index (MIPEX), coordinated by the Migration Policy Group Brussels and supported by
the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
Since 2013
Member of the Expert Reviewer Team in Turkey for the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX),
coordinated by the Migration Policy Group Brussels and supported by the Organisation for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
International Jean Monnet Summer School 2008: Governance and Decision-Making in Turkey and the
European Union – Prospects for Intercultural Dialogue at the Department of International Relations,
Faculty of Social and Administrative Sciences, Istanbul Kültür University, European Commission Jean
Monnet Action Programme 2007
Jean Monnet Chair in the Field of European Political Integration at the Department of International
Relations, Faculty of Social and Administrative Sciences, Istanbul Kültür University, European
Commission Jean Monnet Action Programme 2005
Jean Monnet Module in the Field of European Political Integration. Name of the Module:
Introduction to the European Union: History, Institutions and Policies at the Department of
International Relations, Faculty of Social and Administrative Sciences, Istanbul Kültür University,
European Commission Jean Monnet Action Programme 2003
Jean Monnet Module in the Field of European Political Integration . Name of the Module: European
Integration: Institutions and Policies at the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering, Istanbul Kültür
University, European Commission Jean Monnet Action Programme 2003
Project Consultant, “Euro-Turks: A Bridge, or a Breach, between Turkey and the European Union”.
Project financed by İstanbul Bilgi University and Consortium for Applied Research on International
Migration, in cooperation with the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Union
Communication Group, Open Society Institute, and Heinrich Böll Foundation.
Free Movement of Persons: The Situation of EU-Citizens in Turkey - Proposals for Reform in the Light
of Turkey’s Application for Full Membership in the European Union. Project Coordinator. Marmara
University Research Fund Project, Istanbul.
Consultancy and Reviewing
Since 2013
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (ZfAS), University
of Cologne
Since 2012
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Kuyushu Review, European University Institute of Japan,
University of Kuyushu
2010, 2011, 2012
Independent Academic Review Committee Member, European Commission (EACEA), Lifelong Learning
Programme, Jean Monnet Programme – Key Activity 1
Review Committee Member, South European Society and Politics (SSCI indexed)
Review Committee Member, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (SSCI indexed)
Since 2007
Advisory Board Member, Istanbul Bilgi University, European Institute
Since 2005
Review Committee Member, Koç University, Migration Research Program (MIREKOÇ)
Advisory Board Member, Marmara University International Relations Research Center (MURCIR)
Professional Memberships
Law and Society Association, University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA /U.S.A.
European Consortium on Political Science (ECPR)
Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES)
Erasmus Mobility for Faculty Members
Since 2006 annually for 1-2 weeks: Bielefeld University, Transnationalization and Development
Center (TDRC) and Center on Migration, Citizenship and Development (COMCAD) , Postgraduate
Bremen Fachhochschule, Department of International Relations, Internatioanl Policy Management
Programme, 23–31 April 2005.
Teaching Experience
I. Marmara University, Departments of Economics, Business and Political Science and
International Relations (1995-98)
Introduction to the European Union: Institutions and Policies (undergraduate)
II. Marmara University, European Union Institute (1999-2001)
1. Foreign Policies of EU Member-States (postgraduate)
2. External Relations of the European Union (postgraduate)
3. Methodology of the Social Sciences (postgraduate)
4. German Foreign Policy (postgraduate)
5. Turkish-German Relations (PhD)
6. German Foreign Policy and European Integration (PhD)
III. Istanbul Kültür University, Department of International Relations
a) 2001-2004
1. World Economy (undergraduate)
2. World Politics (undergraduate)
3. European Culture (undergraduate)
4. Regional Politics (undergraduate)
b) 2004-2011
5. Introduction to the European Union: History, Institutions and Policies - Jean Monnet Module (open
tol undergraduate students at Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences)
6. The European Union: Policies and Institutions (open to undergraduate students at Faculty of
Engineering and Architecture)
7. European Integration Seminar I - Jean Monnet Chair (undergraduate)
8. European Integration Seminar II - Jean Monnet Chair (undergraduate)
9. International Politics of the European Union – Jean Monnet Chair (postgraduate)
10. External Relations of the European Union – Jean Monnet Chair (postgraduate)
IV. Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Department of International Relations (since 2011)
Introduction to International Relations (undergraduate)
European Integration (undergraduate)
Policies of the European Union (undergraduate)
The European Union as an International Actor (undergraduate)
Research Areas
European integration, migration, Germany’s foreign and European policies, Turkish-German relations,
intercultural dialogue
German (mothertongue)
English (fluent)
Turkish (advanced)
Spanish (intermediate)
French (intermediate)

Benzer belgeler

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