Awards and Honors - Joan Iverson Nassauer, FASLA


Awards and Honors - Joan Iverson Nassauer, FASLA
Assist. Prof. Meltem Erdem Kaya, PhD.
Office: Istanbul Technical University, School of Architecture, Department of Landscape Architecture
Taskısla, Taksim, 34437, Istanbul, Turkey
Phone: +90 (212) 293 1300 / 2801 E.mail:
Web: http:// www. akademi. /erdemme/
Adress: Balmumcu Mah. Arzu Sok. Blok B/5 Daire No: 4 Beşiktaş, İstanbul, Turkey
Gsm: +90 (533) 524 74 65
2005- 2012
Doctorate, I.T.U. Institute of Science & Technology, Landscape
Architecture Ph.D. Program.
Master, I.T.U. Institute of Science & Technology, Landscape
Architecture Master Program
Bachelor, I.U. Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape
// Professional Positions
2013- present
Assistant Professor, Dr., Department of Landscape
Architecture, ITU Faculty of Architecture
2013- present
Vice Head, Department of Landscape Architecture, ITU
Faculty of Architecture
Instructor, Dr., Department of Landscape Architecture,
ITU Faculty of Architecture
Visiting Scholar, University of Michigan, School of
Natural Resources and Environment, Landscape
Ecology, Perception and Design Lab,
Editor, XXI Architecture, Design & Space Journal
Research Assistant, Department of Landscape
Architecture, ITU Faculty of Architecture
Awards and Honors
>> YÖK, Higher Education Council- Abroad Ph.D. Research Scholarship 2010
>> Tinçel Cultural Association, Abroad Education Scholarship 2010
>> TUBITAK BIDEB, Doctoral Scholarship Program- 2005-2010
>> First Degree Graduation Award of Istanbul university, Faculty of Forestry,
>> Istanbul University, Rectorate Scholarship, 2001
Design Competition
>> Gallipoli Peninsula Historic National Park Concept Plan Competition,
Mansion Award, Design Team: H. Sinan Omacan, Meltem Erdem Kaya,
Didem Teksöz, Burcu Serdar Köknar, Aslı Şener, Okay Karadayılar,
Muemmer Erel, Avşar Gürpınar, June 2014
>> “Afyonkarahisar
republic square and surrounding area architecture and
urban design project competition”, Second Award, Design Team, Ervin Garip,
Banu Garip, Alev Özkan Albayrak, Meltem Erdem, October 2011
>> “Two phased national architectural project competition to transfer Kayseri
Citadel into a cultural and art center”, Mansion Award, Design Team: H.
Sinan Omacan, Didem Teksöz, S. Yıldız Salman, Consultant:Meltem Erdem
>> “ Dicle Valley Landscape Planning , Urban Design and Architecture Project
Competition”, Award of Purchase, Design Team: Birge Yıldırım, Zeynep
Ataş, Meltem Erdem, March 2007
>> UCTEA Chamber of Landscape Architects
>> Le-Notre Thematic Network in Landscape Architecture
>> ECLAS- European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools
Committee and Administrative Activities
>> Vice Head of Landscape Architecture Department- 2013-present
>> Education Committee - Landscape Architecture and Faculty of Architecture
Education Council- 2008-present
>> Coordinator, Landscape Architecture Undergrad Program- 2005-present
>> Coordinator, Landscape Architecture Graduate Program- 2005-present
>> Accreditation Committee- 2012-present
>> Erasmus-Socrates Committe- 2005-present
>> Erasmus-Socrates Committe- 2005-present
>> Faculty Publicity Committe 2011- present
>> Archieve Committee - 2008-2010
>> Canteen Committee-2008-present
Professional Practice
>> Kumaşır Lake and Surrounding Area Planning and Design Project,
Landscape Planning and Design Team: Dr. Hayriye Eşbah Tunçey
(Assoc.Prof)- Project Coordinator), Dr. Meltem Erdem Kaya (Assist.Prof.Dr.),
Urban Planning Team: Dr. Handan Türkoğlu (Prof.Dr.), Dr. Fatih Terzi
(Assoc.Prof.), Dr. H. Serdar Kaya, Kahramanmaraş City Greater Municipality
and Istanbul Technical University Urban and Environmental Planning and
Research Center, June 2014
>> Namık Kemal University, Common Class Building & Surrounding
Landscape Design Project, with Birge Yıldırım, Coordinator: Assist. Prof. Dr.
Yüksel Demir, December 2009
>> “Cengelkoy Urban Design Project”, *Project is prepared for the Municipality
of Uskudar by Istanbul Technical University, Design Team: Prof. Dr. Cengiz
Girtlioglu (Former Dean of the ITU Faculty of Architecture), Prof. Dr. Mehmet
Ocakcı, Dr. Gülden Demet Oruç, Res. Ass. Meltem Erdem, Res. Ass. Mehmet
Emin Salgamcıoglu, Res. Ass. Burcin Yazgı, Res.Ass. Eda Beyazıt, 2008
// Competition Projects
>> Kurbağalı Dere Valley Concept Project Competition,Kadiköy Municaplity,
İstanbul, Design Team, H.Serdar Kaya, Meltem Erdem Kaya, Fatih Terz,
>> IBB Beyoglu City Theatre Architectural Design Project Competation”,
Design Team: Bogachan Dundaralp (Architect), Ceren Ovunç (Architect, Msc),
Meltem Erdem (Landscape Architect, Msc.), Evren Uzer (Urban Planner,
Msc.), 2008
>> Adana Municipality Ziyapasa Neighbourhood Urban Design Project
Competation, Design Team: Zeynep Atas (Architect, Msc.), Esra Gurbuz (
Architect), Meltem Erdem (Landscape Architect, Msc.), 2008
>> “Fethiye Belediyesi Alışveriş ve Yaşam Merkezi Ulusal Mimari Proje
Yarışması”, Tasarım Ekibi: Sinan Omacan, Atölye Mimarlık, Temmuz 200811-19
>> “İzmir Konak Municipality Uzundere Recreation Valley Project
Competation”, Design Team: Birge Yıldırım (Architect), Ekin Ayatac
(Architect), Alper Derinbobaz (Architect), Meltem Erdem (Landscape Architect,
Msc.), 2006
>> “Basaksehir Urban Center Two Phase Urban Design Project Competation,
Design Team: Birge Yıldırım (Architect), Ekin Ayatac(Architect), Uygar Yuksel
(Architect), Meltem Erdem (Landscape Architect, Msc.), 2007
>> “Beylikduzu Cumhuriyet Street and Surrounding Area Urban Design
Competation”, Design Team: Dr. Cigdem Demirel Eren, Dr. Fatma Erkok,
Funda Uz Sonmez (Architect, Msc.), Meltem Erdem (Landcsape Architect,
Msc.), Gulsen Guler (Urban Planner, Msc. ), 2006
>> “Bursa Kızyakup Urban Park Urban Design and Architectural Project
Competation”, Design Team: Dr. Cigdem Demirel Eren, Dr. Fatma Erkok,
Meltem Erdem (Landscape Architect, Msc), Gulsen Guler (Urban Palnner,
Msc.) , 2006
Teaching Experience
Undergraduate Program
Fall Semester
Landscape Design II (2+6) (second year, compulsory)
Forestration & Plantation Techniques (2+2) (third year, compulsory)
Topics in Landscape Urbanism (3+0) (elective)
Spring Semester
Landscape Design III (2+6) ( third year, compulsory)
Natural Systems & Design (2+0) ( first year, compulsory)
Rural Landcape Planning (3+0) (third year, compulsory)
Landscape Ecology (2+0) (second year, compulsory)
Soil Science (2+0) (second year, compulsory)
Graduation Project (3+0) (fourth year, compulsory)
Summer School
Joint Studio, Landscape Design I & II (second year)
Graduate Program
Fall Semester
Landscape Project I (3+0) (compulsory)
Ecological Approaches in Landscape Design (3+0) (elective)
Seminar (3+0) (compulsory)
ERDEM, M., 2005. The new role of landscape components within altered
environmental conditions- mid-layer approach”, Master Thesis, ITU
Institute of Science & Technology, Superviser: Assist.Prof.Dr. Selim
ERDEM, M., 2012. An evaluation matrix proposal to identify, preserve and
development of landscape characteristic of rural settlement, PhD
Thesis, ITU Institute of Science & Technology, Superviser:
Assist.Prof.Dr. Selim Velioğlu.
Research Project
ERDEM, M. ( Project coordinator), Kaya, H.S., Terzi, F., “Evaluation of
physical landscape identity components of rural settlements in Bodrum
Peninsula”, Scientific Research Project, Funded by I.T.U Rectorship,
1.10.2013- continuing
International Paper (Indexed)
>> ERDEM, M., NASSAUER, I.J., 2013, “Design of Brownfield Landscapes
Under Different Contaminant Remediation Policies in Europe and The United
States”, Landscape Journal, Fall 32:2, ISSN: 0277-2426(Architectural
Publications Index Art Index Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals Bibliography of
the History of Art); CSA ILLUMINA )EBSCOhost Environmental Issues & Policy
Index Fisheries Review FRANCIS (RLG) Garden Literature Index); GENAMICS
JournalSeek (IBZ - Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes ISI / Thomson OCLCFirstsearch), Periodicals Index Online (ProQuest RLG Eureka Sage Urban Studies
Abstracts); SCOPUS (Wildlife Review Abstracts, Wilson Web), IN PRESS
>> ERDEM, M., 2011, “Revaluating Ecology in Contemporary Landscape
Design”, A-Z İTU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, ISSN 1302-8324, 9:1,
ss. 37-55 (ICONDA (International Construction Database), DAAI (Design and Applied
Art Index), AVERY Index to Architectural Periodicals, DOAJ (Directory of Open
Access Journals), GENAMICS JournalSeek).
>> ERDEM, M., 2013, “Landscape Change and Rural Policy: An ıdentity
based approach to rural settlements”, A-Z İTU Journal of the Faculty of
Architecture, Fall 2013, ISSN 1302-8324 (Kabul) (ICONDA (International
Construction Database), DAAI (Design and Applied Art Index), AVERY Index to
Architectural Periodicals, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), GENAMICS
JournalSeek), IN PRESS.
>> ERDEM, M, YILDIRIM, B., 2013. An Interdisciplinary Design Approach:
Designing Dicle Valley with Locally Based Strategies, Spaces and Flows: An
International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, Common Ground
Publishing, VOL 4., Issue 1, pp.47- 66, ISSN:2154-8676
>> ERDEM, M., AKYOL, M., 2013. Through the Historical Landscape to an
Urban Green Infrastructure: Themes & Context, Nordic Journal of Architectural
Research, Theme Issue, Green Infrastructure: From Global to Local, Issue 2,
pp.231- 254, ISSN: 1893-5281.
International Paper (Proceeding)
Full Papers
>> ERDEM KAYA, M., KAYA, H.S., 2014, Reintegrating the “Groves” to the
city: A way to sustainable green infrastructure development, 26. International
Building and Life Fair and Congress, Proceedings, 3-5 Nisan 2014, Bursa
Mimarlar Odası, ss. 115-124.
>> KAYA, H.S., ERDEM KAYA, M., 2014, Traditional Children Plays and
Urban Space, 26. International Building and Life Fair and Congress,
Proceedings, 3-5 Nisan 2014, Bursa Mimarlar Odası, ss.417-424.
>> SERDAR KÖKNAR, A.B., ERDEM KAYA, M. 2013., Informality: A
Landscape Design Strategy, ReThinking the Urban, CUI’13 / Contemporary
Urban Issues Conference, November 4-6, Istanbul University, Proceeding,
DAKAM Publishing, pp. 189-200, ısbn: 978-605-5120-24-5.
>> ERDEM, M. 2013, “From Vacany to Occupancy: Landscape Strategies For
Post-Industrial Space in Urban Environment”, Livable Cities, 25th International
Building & Life Fair and Congress, 27-31 March 2013, Bursa Mimarlar Odası.
>> ERDEM, M., DİRİK,H. 2012, “Landscape Identity as an Agent for
Sustainable Rural Development”, Proceedings, BENA Istanbul 2012,
Sustainable Landscape Planning and Safe Environment”, ITU 21-24 Haziran,
ss. 357-371, İstanbul.
>>YILDIRIM, B., ERDEM, M., 2012, “Remediation By Design: Gasworks of
Istanbul”, Proceedings, Greenage II Sempozyum- Sustainable Society and
Green Economy,26-27 Nisan 2012, MSU, İstanbul.
>> ERDEM, M., KÖKNAR, A.B.S., 2012, “A Changing Vernacular Landscape:
Antalya Citadel”, ISVS-6, 6th. International Seminar On Vernacular
Manifestations, Proceedings, ISBN: 978-975-8401-82-6, ss.541-553, 19-21
Nisan, Kuzey Kıbrıs.
>> ERDEM, M., 2009, “ Industrial Landscape as Cultural Heritage”, IAPSCSBE & Housing Network, Revitalising Built Environments: Re- Qualifying Old
Places for New Uses, International Symposium, 12-16 Ekim, 2009, Taşkışla,
İstanbul, Abstract Book and Proceedings, ISBN-978-975-561-359-8.
>> ERDEM, M., ERBAŞ GÜRLER, E., 2007, “Transformation of Landscapes”,
Livenarch 2007, 3 rd International Cogress of Livable Environments and
Architecture, KTU, ISBN: 978-975-01716-0-4, SS. 627- 636, 5-7 Temmuz
>> ERDEM KAYA, M., KAYA, H.S., 2014, A Constructed Landscape: Urban
Deltas of Istanbul, Riverine 2014 Conference, Univeristy of Kent, Canterbury,
UK, 26-28 June
>> ERDEM KAYA, M., 2013., Ecology of Space: Local Strategies For
Generating Urban Landscape, Becoming Local, Public Space As An
Imaginary of Alternative Urban Futures, International Conference, Nov. 20-23,
İstanbul, Ozyegin University, In Press
>> ERDEM, M., YILDIRIM, B., 2012, “Dicle Valley: From Locally Based
Landscape Strategy to Regional Development”, accepted abstract Spaces &
Flows 2012, Third International Conference on Urban and ExtreUrban Studies,
11-12 October, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA, ,
>> ERDEM, M., AKYOL,M., 2012, “From Historic Landscape to Urban
Ecological Network: Themes & Context”, International Conference
Proceedings, EFLA Regional Congress,Green Infrastructure: from global to
local,11-15 Haziran 2012, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Uppsala, Sweden,pp. 43
>> ERDEM, M. IVERSON NASSAUER, J., 2011, “Precedent Case Studies:
Public Park Design as a Product of Brownfield Policy and Remediation
Approaches”, poster, 48. IFLA World Congress, 27-29 June 2011, Zurich,
>> ERDEM, M., 2009, “ Industrial Landscape as Cultural Heritage”, IAPS-
CSBE & Housing Network, Revitalising Built Environments: Re- Qualifying Old
Places for New Uses, International Symposium, 12-16 October, 2009,
Taskısla, İstanbul, Abstract Book and Proceedings, ISBN-978-975-561-359-8
>> ERDEM, M., ERBAŞ GÜRLER,E., 2006, “A Cultural Landscape Toward 21
st. Century: The City of Mardin”, Abstract Book, ECLASS 2006, Bratislava,
National Research Articles
>> ERDEM, M., 2009, “ Development and Adaptation Strategies in Landscape
Design” Yapı, vol. 334, pp. 118-123, September
>> ERDEM, M., 2008, “Ficus Square”,interview, XXI Architecture, Design and
Space Magazine, issue 65,ss.22-26, March 2008
>> ERDEM, M., 2007, The Red Ribbon of the Nature”, publication, XXI
Architecture, Design and Space Magazine, issue 62, December 2007
>> ERDEM, M., 2007, “The Cubist Periphery of Barcelona”, interpretation,
XXI Architecture, Design and Space Magazine, issue 61, November 2007
>> ERDEM, M., 2007, Just Garden”, publication, XXI Architecture, Design and
Space Magazine, issue 60,ss.22-26, October 2007
>> ERDEM, M., 2007, “New Colors to the City”, interview with Martha
Schwartz, XXI Architecture, Design and Space Magazine, issue 59, ss 56-60,
September 2007
>> ERDEM, M., 2007, Urban Park Over the Higyway”, XXI Architecture,
Design and Space Magazine, issue 57,ss. 62-64, June 2007
>> ERDEM, M., 2006, “New Expantions in Landscape Design”, Yapı, vol. 290,
pp. 81-84, January
Other Academic Activities
Organization of Scientific Meeting
International Meetings
>> “6th International Space Syntax Symposium – SSS6”, Organisation:
Prof.Dr. A.S. KUBAT (coordinator), E. Eyüboğlu, Ö. Ertekin, Y.İ. Güney, P.
Dursun, B.Başer (secretarait), Ö. Özer (secretariat), H.S. Kaya, G.Güler, M.
Erdem, ITU Faculty of Architecture, Taşkışla , 11- 16 June, 2007
>> “Recording Textures, International Workshop“, 8 June, 2006
National Meetings /organization
>> PEMAT 2011 İstanbul, Landscape Archtecture Education in Turkey and
Bologna Process” 14-17 June 2011, İTÜ Taşkışla, İstanbul, Organisation:
Prof. Dr. A.C. Yıldızcı (Başkan), Assist. Prof. Dr. G. Güler (Sekretarya), Res.
Asst. M.A. Örnek (Sekretarya), Assoc.Prof.Dr. H.Eşbah Tunçay, Assist. Prof.
Dr. S. Velioğlu, Assist. Prof. Dr. Y.Ç. Seçkin, Assist. Prof. Dr. S. Deviren, Dr.
F.A. Türer Başkaya, Res. Asst. M. Erdem, Res. Asst. B. Yıldırım, Res. Asst.
E. Akyol
>> “Future of Landscape Architecture in Mediterranean Countries: Identity
and Targets”, International Landscape Architecture Symposium, 17-18
October 2008
// Book Translation
>> ERDEM, M., AR, B., 2008, “The Complete Outdoor Builder”, YEM
Publications, Isbn: ISBN: 978-9944-757-14-0, November 2008
// Seminars
>> “Dicle Valley: From Locally Based Landscape Startegies to Regional
Development”, Brownbag Talk, University of Michigan, School of Natural
Resources and Environment, Ann Arbor, USA, 18 October 2012.
>> “Portfolio”, University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources and
Environment, Brownbag Talk, USA, 8 December 2010
>> “Precident Site Stories: Relationship Between Policy, Remediation and
Design of Public Parks” with Prof. Joan Iverson Nassauer, Ecological Design
Approaches to Brownfield Redevelopment University of Michigan, School of
Natural Resources and Environment, USA, 5 October 2010
>> “Post-industrial Landscape Design”, University of Michigan, School of
Natural Resources and Environment, Landscape Architecture Master and
Ph.D. Program, USA, 29 January, 2010,
>> “Urban Landscape in Eastern Block Countries, with Ayçim TÜRER
BAŞKAYA and Ebru ERBAŞ GÜRLER, Landscape Architecture Seminars,
ITU Taskisla, April 2007
Workshop Organization
>> Thinking the Edge 2013, Water and Culture, International Workshop,
Attanted as a Lecturer, in collaboration with, Politecnico di Milano, Bilgi
University, UAL, Lisbon, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
(E.T.S.A.M), Kadir Has University, Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul Technical
University, IAAC Barcelona, Columbia University, University of Genove,
University of Naples-Frederico II, Organization, Paolo Belloni, Ana Hidalgo.
>> “Urban Open Spaces”, International Workhop, in collaboration with Munich
Technical University, November 2012,I.T.U. Taşkışla Campus.
>> “Temporaryscape”, National Workshop, Coordinator: Birge Yıldırım,
Meltem Erdem, Muhammed Ali Örnek, ITU School of Architecture, 24-30
November 2011.
>> “Ordinary/ Emergency UTITU Workshop on Galata 2006”, collaboration
with Tokyo University & ITU,Taskısla, İstanbul , 11-17 September 2006
Research Interest
>> Landscape Design Methodologies
>> Landscape identity and Rural Settlements
>> Ecological approaches in landscape design
>> Natural Systems and Design
>> Adobe Programs 2014
>> Autocad 2014
>> Microsoft Office Programs 2014
>> Turkish (native)
>> English (advanced)
>> German (beginner)

Benzer belgeler

CV Yuksel Demir - Politecnico di Milano

CV Yuksel Demir - Politecnico di Milano Urban Planning Team: Dr. Handan Türkoğlu (Prof.Dr.), Dr. Fatih Terzi (Assoc.Prof.), Dr. H. Serdar Kaya, Kahramanmaraş City Greater Municipality and Istanbul Technical University Urban and Environme...
