currıculum vıtae - Özyeğin Üniversitesi


currıculum vıtae - Özyeğin Üniversitesi
Kafescioglu CV
Nilufer Kafescioglu, Ph.D.
Ozyegin University
Department of Psychology
Nisantepe Mah. Orman Sk. No:13
Alemdag Cekmekoy 34794
+90 (216) 564-9528
Marriage and Family Therapy
Department of Child Development and Family Studies
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Minor: Women’s Studies
Dissertation: Dyadic and Mediation Analyses of the Relationship
between Attachment Security and Health Outcomes of Cardiac
Patients and their Partners
Advisor: Volker Thomas, Ph.D.
Co-chair: Cleveland Shields, Ph.D.
Committee: Drs Douglas Sprenkle, Mary Dankoski, Karen Yehle
Clinical Psychology
School of Psychological Sciences
University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Department of Psychology
Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
Thesis: Reflection of Family Relationships in the Kinetic Family
Drawings of Fourth and Fifth Graders
Advisor: Oya Sorias, Ph.D.
Academic and Research Positions
Sep 2012 –
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology, Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey
Theories of Personality and Individual Differences (PSY 301)
Play Therapy and Interventions for Children (PSY 517)
Child Psychopathology (PSY 304)
Developmental Psychopathology (PSY 514)
Kafescioglu CV
Sep 2012 –
June 2014
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Psychology, Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey
Couple Therapy (PSY 517)
Advanced Family Therapy (PSY 528)
Psychotherapeutic Skills Practicum-I (PSY 547)
Psychotherapeutic Skills Practicum-II (PSY 548)
Apr – Sep
Couple and Family Therapy Graduate Program Coordinator
Department of Psychology, Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey
Sep 2009 –
Sep 2012
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology, Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey
Clinical Psychology (PSY 441)
Psychology of Gender (PSY 407)
Introduction to Psychotherapy (PSY 446)
Family Therapy (PSY 527)
Advanced Family Therapy (PSY 528)
Family Therapy Skills-II (PSY 552)
Psychotherapeutic Skills Practicum-I (PSY 547)
Psychotherapeutic Skills Practicum-II (PSY 548)
Feb – May
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Psychology, Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey
Introduction to Psychotherapy (PSY 446)
Psychotherapeutic Skills Practicum-II (PSY 548)
May – Aug
Research Assistant
Military Families Research Institute, Purdue University
Director: Shelley MacDermid, Ph.D.
Jan 2007 –
May 2007
Teaching Assistant
Department of Child Development and Family Studies, Purdue
Course: Family Assessment and Intervention (CDFS 443)
Aug 2006 –
Jan 2007
Women’s Studies Program, Purdue University
Course: Introduction to Women’s Studies (IDIS 280)
Sep 2005 –
Aug 2006
Research Assistant
Infant Toddler Specialists of Indiana Network, Purdue University
Director: James Elicker, Ph.D.
Kafescioglu CV
Jan 2005 –
Aug 2006
Cooperative Extension Project, Purdue University
Tippecanoe County Child Development Associates Training
Aug 2004 –
May 2005
Research Assistant
Adults and Children Together Against Violence (ACT) Project,
Purdue University
Director: Volker Thomas, Ph.D.
Aug 2003 –
May 2004
Teaching Assistant
Department of Child Development and Family Studies, Purdue
Course: Skills in Helping Professions (CDFS 431)
Aug 2003 –
Aug 2006
Research Assistant
Cooperative Extension Project, Purdue University
Director: Dee Love, M.A.
Aug 2002 –
Aug 2003
Research Assistant
Web-based Continuing Education Workshop on Family Systems for
Head Start Workers, Purdue University
Director: Volker Thomas, Ph.D.
Supervised Theses:
Pınar Şahin (2012). Hipertansif Hastaların Sağlıklı Yaşam Biçimi Davranışlarının Aile
İşlevselliği, Öz Yeterlilik ve Çok Boyutlu Algılanan Sosyal Destek ile İlişkisinin
İncelenmesi. Okan Üniversitesi Klinik Sağlık Psikolojisi Yüksek Lisans Programı.
Thesis Committees:
Yeşim Akhoroz (in progress). Adult attachment style and defensive projection: Projection of
undesired traits in response to threat. Boğaziçi University, Department of Psychology.
Burçak Özdemir (in progress). Narcissism, romantic and sexual relationships: Roles of
parental attitudes. Bilgi University, Department of Psychology.
Fatma Gökçe Yücel (2013). Examining the relationship between projective identification,
gender roles, conflict resolution styles and marital satisfaction. Bilgi University,
Department of Psychology.
Clinical Positions
Aug 2007 –
Dec 2007
Clinic Assistant
Purdue University Individual, Couple, and Family Therapy Clinic,
West Lafayette, IN, USA
Aug 2005 –
Jul 2006
Pre-Doctoral Internship
Home Hospital, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Kafescioglu CV
Aug 2002 –
May 2005
Practicum in Marriage and Family Therapy
Purdue University Individual, Couple, and Family Therapy Clinic,
West Lafayette, IN, USA
Aug 2001 –
May 2002
Master’s Practicum in Clinical Psychology
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Counseling and Psychological Services, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Sep 1999
Turkish Psychological Association Earthquake Area Crisis
Intervention Team, Golcuk, Turkey
Sep 1996
Ege University Hospital Department of Psychiatry, Izmir, Turkey
Refereed Journal Articles
Chawla, N., & Kafescioglu, N. (2012). Evidence-based couple therapy for chronic illnesses:
Enriching the emotional quality of relationships with emotionally focused therapy.
Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 23, 42-53.
Carkoglu, A., Kafescioglu, N., & Mitrani, A. A. (2012). Review of explicit family policies
in Turkey from a systemic approach. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 21, 42-52.
Christiansen, A. T., Thomas, V., Kafescioglu, N., Karakurt, G., Lowe, W., Smith, W., &
Wittenborn, A. (2011). Multicultural supervision: Lessons learned about an ongoing
struggle. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 37, 109-119.
Thomas, V., Kafescioglu, N., & Love, D. P. (2009). Evaluation of the adults and children
together (ACT) against violence training program with child caregivers. Journal of
Early Childhood and Infant Psychology, 5, 141-156.
Book Chapters
Çarkoğlu, A., & Kafescioğlu, N. (2014). For whose sake is it anyway? Evaluation of
explicit family policies in Turkey. In M. Robila (Ed.), Handbook of family policies
across the globe (pp. 239-255). New York: Springer.
Karakurt, G., Kafescioglu, N., & Keiley, M. (2010). Cross-cultural adult attachment
research. In P. Erdman & K. Ng (Eds.), Attachment: Expanding the cultural
connections (pp. 109-125). New York: Routledge.
Kafescioglu, N. (2010). Bağlanma, çift-evlilik terapisi ve kronik hastalıklarla başetme. T.
Solmuş (Ed), Bağlanma, evlilik ve aile psikolojisi: Türkiye bağlanma el kitabı (s.
342-352). İstanbul: Sistem Yayıncılık.
Kafescioglu CV
Natrajan-Tyagi, R., & Kafescioglu, N. (2010). My story. In L. Lowenstein (Ed.), Creative
family therapy techniques: Play, art, and expressive activities to engage children in
family sessions (pp. 203-206). Toronto: Champion Press.
Natrajan-Tyagi, R., & Kafescioglu, N. (2010). Self image. In L. Lowenstein (Ed.), Creative
family therapy techniques: Play, art, and expressive activities to engage children in
family sessions (pp. 228-230). Toronto: Champion Press.
Other Manuscripts
Kafescioglu, N., Thomas, V., & Shields, C. (2010). Dyadic and mediation analyses of
coping with cardiovascular disease. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences
Journal, 5, 216-220.
Kafescioglu, N. (2009). Couples coping with cardiovascular disease. Indiana Association of
Marriage and Family Therapy Communique, 26, 3-4.
Manuscripts In Preparation
Kafescioglu, N., Carkoglu, A., Oner, S., & Ledermann, T. (in prep). Communication and
interaction patterns of dating couples from an attachment perspective.
Kafescioglu, N., Ozer, S., Carkoglu, A., & Thomas, V. (in prep). Filial therapy with at-risk
children: Effects on child, parent, and family outcomes.
Ersoy, N. C., & Kafescioglu, N. (in prep). Spill over and cross over job demands in couples:
The role of emotion regulation difficulties and gender role identity.
Kumru, A., Kafescioglu, N., Eisenberg, N., Yagmurlu, B., & Sayıl, M. (in prep). Relations
between maternal child-rearing and childrens’ emotion regulation: A 3-wave
longitudinal study.
Conference Presentations
Kumru, A., Kafescioğlu, N., Yağmurlu, B., & Sayıl, M. (2014, April). Ebeveynlik
davranışlarının çocukluk döneminde gösterdiği değişim: Boylamsal bir inceleme.
Paper symposia presented at the XVIII. National Psychology Congress, Bursa,
Alkanat, Ö., Kafescioglu, N., & Hafızoğlu, S. (2013, November). Bağımlılık sorunu olan
ailelerde evlilik ve çift terapisi. 8. Ulusal Alkol ve Madde Bağımlılığı Kongresi, İzmir,
Kafescioglu, N., Erenel, S., Akyıl, Y., Konuk, E., & Arduman, E. (2013, October). Family
therapy training and practice in Turkey: New Developments and Challenges.
Symposium at the European Family Therapy Assoc Congress, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu CV
Cristea, I., Kafescioglu, N., & Coyne, J.C. (2013, July). The worrisome state of research
concerning couples interventions for cancer patients: A systematic review. European
Health Psychology Conference, Bordeaux, France.
Ersoy, N. C., & Kafescioglu, N. (July, 2013). Spill over and cross over job demands among
partners: The role of emotion regulation difficulties and gender role identity. Oral
presentation at the European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Switzerland.
Kafescioglu, N., & Akyıl, Y. (May, 2013). Aile ilişkilerinin güçlendirilmesinde oyun
terapisi uygulamaları (Family therapy techniques in strengthening family
relationships). Işık Savaşır Klinik Psikoloji Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N., Ozer, S., & Carkoglu, A. (2013, February). Filial Therapy with children atrisk for emotional and behavioral problems in Turkey. Oral Presentation at the World
Family Therapy Congress of International Family Therapy Association, OR, USA.
Kafescioglu, N., Carkoglu, A., Oner. S. (2012, May). Effects of couple communication
patterns and conflict resolution styles on relationship satisfaction. International
Psychological Applications Conference and Trends, Lisbon, Portugal.
Kafescioglu, N., Ozer, S., & Carkoglu (2012, April). Filial Terapi’nin çocuk, ebeveyn ve
aile değişkenleri üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi. 17. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, İstanbul.
Carkoglu, A., Kafescioglu, N., & Akdas, A. (2011, July). Policies for and politics of the
protection of the Turkish family. Oral presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of
the International Society of Political Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N., Carkoglu, A., Oner, S., Duymaz, G., Ozcanli, F., & Suvarioglu, I. C.
(2011, June). The couple communication and interaction patterns in the Turkish
context. Oral presentation at the International Association of Cross Cultural
Psychology Regional Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N., Duymaz, G., Oner, S., Ozcanli, F., & Suvarioglu, I. C. (2010, October).
Learning from research: Therapy with Turkish families. Workshop presentation at
the European Family Therapy Association Congress, Paris, France.
Chawla, N., & Kafescioglu, N. (2010, September). Family therapy for adult posttraumatic
epilepsy and comorbid mood disorders. Poster presentation at the Epilepsy and
Depressive Disorders: An Epilepsy and Behavior Conference, Chicago, IL.
Chawla, N., & Kafescioglu, N. (2010, April). Coping with chronic illness: Implications for
couples’ treatment. Workshop presentation at the World Conference on Psychology,
Counseling, and Guidance, Antalya, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N., Thomas, V., & Shields, C. (2010, April). Dyadic and mediation analyses of
coping with cardiovascular disease. Oral presentation at the World Conference on
Kafescioglu CV
Psychology, Counseling, and Guidance, Antalya, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N., Thomas, V., & Shields, C. (2009, October). The relationship between
attachment security and health outcomes of couples coping with cardiovascular
disease. Research poster presentation at the International Attachment Conference,
Barcelona, Spain.
Kafescioglu, N., Thomas, V., & Shields, C. (2009, September). A multilevel study of dyadic
coping with cardiovascular disease. Research poster presentation at the Annual
Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Pisa, Italy.
Kafescioglu, N., Thomas, V. & Love, D. (2008, November). Development of an outcome
measure evaluating a violence training program. Research poster presented at the
National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Little Rock, AR.
Thomas, V., Christiansen, A. T., Wittenborn, A., Kafescioglu, N., Karakurt, G., Smith, W.,
& Lowe, W. (2008, November). Struggles in multicultural supervision: A multi-case
study. Workshop presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual
Conference, Little Rock, AR.
Kafescioglu, N., Thomas, V., & Shields, C. (2008, April). Psychosocial variables in the
development of cardiovascular disease. Poster presented at the British Psychological
Society Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Birky, B. M., Schweickart, P., Kafescioglu, N., Becerra, J., & Elias, C. (2007, May).
Transnational feminist networks: Navigating the cultural divide in the graduate-level
women’s studies classroom. Roundtable presented at the Women as Intercultural
Leaders Conference, Notre Dame, IN.
Keiley, M. K., Liu, T., Canino, J., Karakurt, G., Kafescioglu, N., & Faber, A. (2005, June).
Emotionally focused family therapy with incarcerated adolescents and their families.
Workshop presented at the American Family Therapy Academy-International Family
Therapy Association International Conference on Family Therapy, Washington, DC.
Kafescioglu, N., & Karakurt, G. (2005, May). Current issues in play therapy:
Multiculturalism. Poster presented at the Indiana Association for Marriage and
Family Therapy Spring Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Karakurt, G., Kafescioglu, N., & Thomas, V. (2004, November). Experiences of
international students with a marriage and family therapy program. Research poster
presented at the Indiana Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Fall
Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
Keiley, M. K., Johnson, S. M., Karakurt, G., Kafescioglu, N., Liu, T., & Canino, J. (2004,
March). Emotionally-focused therapy with incarcerated adolescents and their
families. Workshop presented at the 16th Biannual World Congress of the
Kafescioglu CV
International Family Therapy Association. Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N., Karakurt G., & Thomas, V. (2004, March). Experiences of international
students and trainers with a marriage and family therapy program in the United
States. Workshop presented at the 16th Biannual World Congress of the International
Family Therapy Association. Istanbul, Turkey.
Thomas, V., & Kafescioglu, N. (2003, November). The future of MFT: A web-based
continuing education program for head start workers. Teaching Roundtable
presented at the 65th Annual Conference of the National Council on Family
Relations. Vancouver, BC, CA.
Love, D., & Kafescioglu, N. (2003, October). Problem-solving in preschoolers. Workshop
presented at the Ball State University Early Childhood Conference, Muncie, IN.
Kafescioglu, N. (1997, May). Reflections of family characteristics in children’s kinetic
family drawings. Research paper presented at the 3rd National Congress of
Psychology Students, Istanbul, Turkey.
Invited Talks (Presentations, Lectures, Workshops)
Kafescioğlu, N. (2013, February). Çift İlişkisinde Bağlanma ve İletişim Döngüleri. ODTÜ
Psikoloji Günleri, Ankara, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2013, September). Yetkin çift ve aile terapisti. Invited presentation at Çift
ve Aile Terapileri Derneği 1. Aile Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2013, September). Cinsiyet rolleri ve cinselliğin ilişkiye yansıması
(Moderatör). Çift ve Aile Terapileri Derneği 1. Aile Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2013, July). Couple and family therapy in Turkey. Invited lecture at Koc
University, Department of Psychology, “Couple and Family Therapy” Course,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2013, May). Çift ve aile terapisi tanıtım sunumu. Invited speaker at Koc
University Kariyer Günleri, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2013, May). Research methods in couple and family therapy. Invited
workshop presented at Satir Human Development and Family Therapy Institute,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2013, April). Filial therapy with children at-risk for behavioral and
emotional problems. Invited webinar for the Texas Tech University, Marriage and
Family Therapy Graduate Program “Diversity in Marriage and Family Therapy”
Kafescioglu CV
Kafescioglu, N. (2013, April). Couple relationships and dyadic research. Invited
presentation at the European Federation of Psychology Students Association
Congress, İzmir, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2013, March). Çift ve aile terapisi (Couple and family therapy). Invited
speaker at Işık Üniversitesi Department of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2013, March). Psikoloji’nin Alanları Paneli (Moderatör). Özyeğin
Üniversitesi Department of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2013, February). Ethical and legal issues in couple and family therapy.
Invited workshop presented at Yasar University Surekli Egitim Merkezi Couple and
Family Therapy Certificate Program, Izmir, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2013, February; 2010 February). Research methods in marriage and family
therapy. Invited workshop presented at the Relationship Therapies Institute, Istanbul,
Kafescioglu, N. (2013, January). Evlilik ve aile terapisi (Marriage and family therapy).
Uluslararası Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Zirvesi, Ankara, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2011, March). Sınav kaygısı ile başetme yöntemleri (Coping with test
anxiety). İzmir Eğitim Fuarı, İzmir, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2010, July). Toplumsal cinsiyet ve psikoloji: İletişim (Gender roles and
psychology: Communication). Invited speaker at Sabancı Vakfı Mor Sertifika
Programı, İstanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2010, March). Sınav kaygısı (Test anxiety). Bursa Egitim Fuari, Bursa,
Kafescioglu, N. (2010, February). Research methods in marriage and family therapy.
Invited workshop presented at the Relationship Therapies Institute, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N., & Karakurt, G. (2009, December; 2007, December). Introduction to
marriage and family therapy models: Emotionally-focused therapy. Invited
workshop presented at the Relationship Therapies Institute, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2009, November). Family therapy with children and play therapy
techniques. Invited workshop presented at the Relationship Therapies Institute,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2009, November). Sınav kaygısı (Test anxiety). Invited speaker at Dogus
University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2009, January). Introduction to health psychology. Invited speaker at
Kafescioglu CV 10
Dogus University Department of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2009, January). Dyadic and mediation analyses of the relationship between
attachment security and health outcomes of cardiac patients and their partners.
Invited talk at Bogazici University Department of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2008, December). Couples coping with cardiovascular disease: Research
summary. Invited speaker at Saint Elizabeth/Home Hospital Cardiopulmonary
Rehabilitation Programs, Lafayette, IN, USA.
Kafescioglu, N., & Karakurt, G. (2007, December). Research methods in marriage and
family therapy. Invited workshop presented at the Relationship Therapies Institute,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Kafescioglu, N. (2006, November). Culture and the health system in Turkey. Workshop
presented for continuing education units credited by the Indiana Social Worker,
Marriage and Family Therapist and Mental Health Counselor Board, at Home
Hospital, Lafayette, IN, USA.
Kafescioglu, N. (2004, August). Assessing for depression by the use of CES-D Scale.
Workshop presented at the Early Head Start, Kokomo, IN, USA.
Research Grants
Kafescioglu, N., Arıkan, G., Kumru, A., & Ledermann, T. (2014). Evliliğin İlk Yıllarında
Evlilik İlişkisini Etkileyen Faktörler (Factors Influencing the Marital Relationship in the
First Years of Marriage). 1001-TUBİTAK Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projelerini
Destekleme Programı.
Grant #: 113K538
Responsibility: Principal Investigator
Grant period: 6/2014-6/2017
Amount: 379.921 TL
Kafescioglu, N., Ozer, S., & Carkoglu, A. (2012). Efficacy of filial therapy (Filial terapi
yaklaşımının etkinliğinin incelenmesi). 1002 -TUBITAK Hızlı Destek Programı.
Grant #: 111K008
Responsibility: Principal Investigator
Grant period: 5/2011 – 5/2012
Amount: 15.240 TL
Indiana Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Graduate Student
Research Award
Purdue University Graduate Student Government Travel Grant
Purdue University Department of Child Development and Family
Studies Graduate Student Travel Fellowship
Kafescioglu CV 11
Purdue University Gladys E. Vail Kappa Omicron Nu Scholarship
Purdue University Center For Families, Van Scoyoc Fellowship
Professional Review Activities
Journal Reviewer
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy (2013-present)
Türk Psikoloji Yazıları (2013-present)
Journal of Child and Family Studies (2010-present)
Conference Reviewer
17th Psychology Students’ Congress (2012)
5th Psychology Graduate Students Conference (2011)
World Conference of Psychology, Counselling, and Guidance (2010)
Conference Chair
17. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey (2012)
ÇATED 1. Aile Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Turkey (2013)
Editorial Board Member
Journal of Feminist Family Therapy (2006 – present)
Conference Organization
5th Psychology Graduate Students Conference (2011)
Service to Ozyegin University
Özyeğin Üniversitesi İnsan Hakları ve Araştırmaları Etik Kurulu (2013 – present)
Service to Professional Organizations
Çift ve Aile Terapileri Derneği (Couple and Family Therapy Association) Founding
Member, Vice President (2012-2014)
Türk Psikologlar Derneği Çift ve Aile Terapisi Birimi Yürütme Kurulu (Turkish
Psychological Association, Division of Couple and Family Therapy, Executive Board)
Professional Memberships
Turkish Psychological Association
Çift ve Aile Terapileri Derneği
American Psychological Association
International Family Therapy Association
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

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