toplantı bilgileri mutlu günlerimiz konuklarımız


toplantı bilgileri mutlu günlerimiz konuklarımız
U.R. Başkanı 2010–11
Kemalettin ERBİLGİN
U.R. 2430. Bölge Guvernörü 2010–11
Ertuğrul KAYA
4. Grup Guvernör Yardımcısı
Tuban GÜÇLÜ (Başkan)
Mustafa CİVELEK (Asbaşkan)
Melisa KARA (Kulüp Sekreteri)
Nezahat KÖSEOĞLU (Sayman)
H.Ediz.PARLAR (Üye)
Perihan SEFEROĞLU (Üye)
Aykut KURŞUN (Üye)
Serkan SOLAK (Üye)
: 22.03.2011
: 764
: 35
: Şehir Kulübü
: 37
: Can Zinneha
19 Mart
- Can Zinneha’nın doğumgünü
19 Mart - Cem Mertayak’ın eşi Tülay Mertayak’ın doğumgünü
20 Mart - Can Zinneha’nın kızı Caroline Zinneha’nın doğumgünü
Gözene Defne Rotary İlköğretim Okulu Müdürü İrfan Türk
Gözene Defne Rotary İlköğretim Okulu Öğretmeni Gökhan Bulut
Gözene Defne Rotary İlköğretim Okulu Öğretmeni Duygu Şahlar
Adres: İnönü Cad. Önen Psj. Antakya / Hatay
Tel/Faks: (326) 2163234
Toplantı Yeri, Günü, Saati: Antakya Şehir
Kulübü, Salı,20.00
Sevgili Rotary Ailem,
Bu haftaki toplantımıza Gözene Defne Rotary İlköğretim Okulu müdürü İrfan Türk ve
öğretmenlerden Gökhan Bulut ile Duygu Şahlar konuk oldu. Okulda yaptıkları olumlu değişiklikleri bize bir
sunu eşliğinde anlattılar. İhtiyaçlarını da belirttiler. Elimizden geldiğince ihtiyaçlarına cevap vermeye
çalışacağız. Toplantı sırasında pek çok arkadaşımızın da şahsi katkı sözü verdiğini belirtmek isterim.
23 Nisan tarihinde 5440. Bölge Dostluk Değişim Ekibi’ni Antakya’da ağırlayacağız. Bölge
guvernörünün de içinde bulunduğu ekip, 2 gece misafirimiz olacak. Antakya Rotary Kulübü ile birlikte ortak
ağırlayacağımız konuklarımızla ilgili, bizim kulübümüze en başta düşen 3 çifti evlerimizde konuk etmemiz
olacak. Gelen ekiple ilgili bilgiler bültenimizin ekinde yer almaktadır.
25 Mart’ta Beşiktaşlılar Derneği’nin Erol Bilecek Meslek Lisesi’nde düzenleyeceği masa tenisi
turnuvasının açılışı var. Erol Bilecik ve Beşiktaş’ın eski yöneticilerinden Hüsnü Güreli’nin de katılacağı
turnuvaya, kulübümüzden katılmak isteyen olursa, tişört desteği vereceğimizi belirtmek isterim.
Defne Müzikseverler Derneği’nin organize ettiği klasik müzik konseri 08 Nisan Cuma akşamı
Antakya Kültür Merkezi’nde. Bu bilgilendirme için Oya Gali’ye teşekkür ediyor, katılmak isteyenler için
konser detayını bültenimiz ekinde veriyoruz.
Eşleşmiş bağış projemiz kapsamında, Hollanda’dan gelecek konuk sayımız 14 olarak kesinleşti. 2-9
Haziran tarihleri arasında konuklarımızı en iyi şekilde ağırlayacak ve 3 Haziran’da üniversitedeki açılışı
Ediz Parlar önümüzdeki dönem “Toplum Hizmetleri Ana Komitesi”nde görev almış. Kendisine
kulübümüz adına teşekkür ediyor, başarılı çalışmalar diliyorum.
2010-11 Dönem Konferansı’nın 28 Nisan – 1 Mayıs tarihleri arasında Spice Otel’de yapılacağını ve
katılmak isteyenlerin bir an önce kayıt yaptırmasını hatırlatmak isterim.
Rotaryen sevgi ve saygılarımla.
William H. Muldoon, III
I am a 75-year-old retired daily newspaper publisher, although my college training and early work was in
petroleum geology. I have been married to Rotarian Nancy for 53 years, and we have two children and
four grandchildren.
I joined Rotary in 1961 in the Virgin Islands and am a District 5440 Past District Governor. I have held
numerous District positions and am proud to be a Rotary Foundation Alumnus, achieved by being a GSE
team leader in 1995 to Egypt and several other nations in District 2450. Nancy and I are members of the
Paul Harris Society and are Level 2 Major Donors.
Among my many interests are racquetball, skiing, gourmet dining, ceramics, opera and international
hunting. I am a former master scuba diver and free diver, but my bronchial asthma condition now
precludes that activity. Nancy and I particularly enjoy world travel and cultural exchanges.
Nancy A. Muldoon
I have an MBA in marketing, and worked in teaching and several management positions. In retirement I
have become very interested in studies in archaeology, especially in the field of ancient native
I became a Rotarian in 1991 and have served as a Club President and Assistant Governor. I have been a
RYLA Senior Counselor and we belong to several Rotary Fellowships. Among my Rotary passions have
been humanitarian projects in South Africa, Nicaragua and Mexico.
One of my major interests is fishing.
James (Jim) R Coleman Retired building electrical/lighting designer, Married with two sons, past
club president, hobbies hunting, hiking, golf and wood working, enjoy all foods, no allergies,
interests, archeology, museums, old and new building construction.
Born, April 1929, Brighton, England, married Freda 1955, emigrated to USA, 1957. Civil
Engineer, Started Construction Company in Casper ,Wyoming in 1963, constructed Roads
,Bridges, schools, many public buildings, water and sewer plants etc; Sold out the Company in
1989 and retired. Have 3 married Sons and 7 grandchildren. Hobbies, are cabinet
making, hunting, fishing& travel. Joined Rotary in 1964, President of Casper club 1976-7
Alistair & Doreen MacDonald
Alistair was born and educated in Scotland, and after joining HP, moved to London. Doreen
was born and grew up in Guyana, South America, and moved to London where she became
RN and psychiatric nurse. We met in London then moved to Switzerland when Alistair was
transferred there by HP. We married in Geneva then moved to Loveland, Colorado.
Alistair is a Past President of the Loveland Rotary Club and presently the chairman of the
Loveland Rotary Foundation, he runs a small electronic manufacturing company and
Doreen is
involved in the community and raises funds for the Community Kitchen which provides
for the poor.
We have 2 grown children living away from home and we enjoy traveling.
Non smokers
No allergies
No Medical conditions
No dietary restrictions
Home Address: 2045 Sitka Court,
Loveland, Colorado 80537 USA
Home Phone +1 970 669 2672
Office Phone +1 970 669 6553
While Traveling mobile number +1 970 581 6553
Bryan & Carolyn Cooke
Bryan was born and raised in India. He completed teacher training, taught for 5 ½ years, and earned
his BA degree from Aligarh University. In 1960 he emigrated to England where he taught for a year
and earned the Post-Graduate Certificate in Education from London University. Two years later he
came to the U.S. to complete the Master of Science and Ph. D. degrees in Public Health at the
University of Illinois.
There he met and married Carolyn. They moved to Greeley, Colorado in 1968 where Bryan was
Professor and Chair of the Department of Community Health and Nutrition, University of Northern
Colorado, Greeley for 16 years and Graduate Coordinator for 19 years. He was a three time Fulbright
Fellow in Australia and India. He coordinated the Peace Corps’First Medical & Health Specialist
program in Malaysia and completed research on Cardio-Vascular Risk Factor Reduction in Children
while on a NIH Post-doctoral Fellowship at the University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston
earning the Master of Public Health degree.
They have two adult children. Daughter Hilary lives in Hartford, Wisconsin and son Ian lives in
Denver, Colorado.
Carolyn was raised in Colorado and Illinois. She earned the BA degree in Industrial Administration
and worked for judges in the Colorado courts for many years. Both Carolyn and Bryan retired in
They are Rotarians and multiple Paul Harris Fellows. They love to travel. Bryan enjoys art, music,
photography and sports. Carolyn enjoys knitting, crosswords and Sudoku.
They are non-smokers, have no medical conditions or food allergies.
1933 21st Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 Ph: 970-353-8303 E-mail:
Contact: Hilary Wagner, Ph: 414-566-2644 E-mail:
Ian Cooke, Ph: 303-931-6332 E-mail:
Raju Jairam, P.E., Rotary Club of Ft. Collins After work.
Raju (b. 1948) is a Structural, Forensics Engineer and Commercial Builder in Fort
Collins, Colorado who has been in the industry for over 40 years. Originally from
Madras, India, he transplanted to the US in 1970 and took his US citizenship a few years
later. He has been a Rotarian for 7 years. He is currently the RFE Chair for District
5440. His interests are golf, travel and exploring different cultures.
He is a non-smoker and prefers non-smoking environments. He has no known allergies
or medical conditions requiring accommodation.
His daughter, Maya, lives and works in Fort Collins. Her emergency contact information
is 1709 Rangeview Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80524. (970) 310-5297 (cell)
Dave Mills
I am a retired semiconductor engineering manager. I worked for Motorola
and Hewlett Packard, building microchips for computers and cell phones. I
am married with three children and a 2 year old granddaughter. I joined the
Loveland Rotary Club in 2006. My interests are kids, tutoring math,
exploring cities, renewable energy, jogging and playing flute and piccolo.
Diane Mills
A South Dakota ranch is where I grew up. Dave and I met in graduate school in
Arizona. We have a son, twin daughters, a son-in-law, and a granddaughter. I
am a retired nurse who worked with moms and new babies. I like trying new
recipes, doing sewing projects, reading, visiting and living in new places, and
spending time with my extended family.