springword - ClubRunner


springword - ClubRunner
The official Bulletin of The Rotary Club of Springwood Inc.
Chartered 4th December 1984 CLUB 22213
Postal Address P.O. Box 45, Springwood, N.S.W, 2777
See the District 9685 website http://rotarydistrict9685.org.au
Club Website www.springwoodrotary.org.au
Volume 30, Issue 5
29th July, 2013
This Week’s Meeting…
Phillip Hammon
Scenic World
Of the things we
think, say, or do
 Is it the truth?
 Is it fair to all concerned?
 Will it build good
will and better
 Will it be beneficial
to all concerned?
Inside this issue...
From the President
Money Stuff
Dates for Your Diary
Club News
Photo Page
Members of the
Last Meeting Stats
From the President...
Thank you for the excellent
attendance at the Club Assembly last Monday. The discussion was thought productive
and a great indication to the
Board of the Members opinions. More investigations will
be carried out and the findings
will be outlined to all. If anyone has a specific interest in
any matter raised during the
Assembly please speak with
me or Ross. In anticipation,
we are looking forward to the
next Markets at Faulconbridge
Public School.
Introduction : J. Kroonstuiver
Ross Ingram
Our Youth Exchange student
Adele arrived on Saturday
morning and is staying with
Warwick & Yvonne Harrison.
Bronwyn Berriman is the Club
Counsellor and Adele will be
attending Winmalee High
School. Tonight we welcome
Apologies are to be phoned
Phillip Hammon from Scenic
to Ivan on 0412 159 521
World as our guest speaker. I
before 12 noon on the day of
am sure he will give an interthe meeting.
esting presentation.
Reminder: You will be required to pay for any meals
If you know of someone who
not cancelled .
may be interested in knowing
more about Rotary please give
their details to Dave Rayner.
Please remember the theme for
this Rotary year “Engage Rotary Change Lives”.
Laurie Waterson
The Other News…
Ron Burton is the 2013-2014 President of Rotary International
His theme is “Engage Rotary, Change Lives”
to ...
Money Stuff - for 22.7.13
Dates for Your Diary...
Dinner fees: $ 536.00
$ 28.00
Money Box
$ 32.85
Pick a Card: $ 78.00
Sgt at arms:
$ 37.40
Members Dues $ 220.00
Bus Trip
$ 100.00
Scratchies - $ 30.00
July is the Commencement of the Rotary Year
Total Banked $ 1002.25
Dinner Costs: $ 540.00
July 29
Aug 3
Aug 5
Aug 11
Aug 12
Aug 19
Aug 24
Aug 26
Sept 2
Sept 7
Sept 8
Sept 9
Sep 16
Sep 28
Oct 21
Meeting - Phillip Hammon - Scenic World
Working Bee - Buttenshaw Park
Meeting - David Rayner - Child Protection
Vietnam Vets Day - BBQ
Meeting - Noreen Davern - Africa
Meeting - GSE team Presentation
Blue Gum Markets
Meeting - School Debating Night
Meeting - Mitzi Raaphonst - Blind World
Working Bee - Buttenshaw Park
Careflight event - Euroka Clearing
Meeting - Michael Sparkes - Police Sexual Squad
Combined Mtns Rotary Clubs Meeting with DG
Blue Gum Markets
Pride of Workmanship Awards
 Our exchange student, Adele (Yi-Ru) Wu arrives this Saturday. Warwick and Yvonne Harrison are the first hosts, and Adele
will be present at our meeting next Monday night.
Pat Ainslie was invited by the Principal of Faulconbridge PS, Ms Dorothy Lean, to a meeting regarding advice about the
gardens at the school. The Principal has been to Buttenshaw Park and was very impressed with what has been done there. As
they are having a special anniversary next year, we have been approached to consider modifying the gardens in readiness.
This project does not require us to fund-raise, in fact, we have a budget from the school of $2000. It does however, require
labour, probably 2-3 working bees over the 12 months. Pat will inform us about when these working bees will occur.
Once again, Laurie thanked all who attended the Ronald McDonald House Christmas in July. We had great comments from
the clients at the house, and from the staff working there. Bill Bowler received a special thanks for his role as sommelier, and
Bev Waterson was thanked for the way she liaised and
talked to the clients throughout the evening, a really
great role.
Please consider the possibility of international travel
with Katoomba travel. Short notice, but sounds really
It has been proposed to introduce a “60 seconds talk
about yourself” - talk without notice and preparation.
Just a reminder about nominating a young person (18-25
years of age) for the RYLA Camp at Vision Valley in
Pick-a-Card total stood at $472.50 last week, with 42
cards left.
 Marilyn Kenney addressed the issue of the editorship of the Springword from July 2014. She (I) like
doing the job, and loves the creativity involved, but is concerned about getting stale and becoming
repetitive. For this reason, I decided that a two year role as editor would be appropriate. However, the
task of being the editor can be individualised. There is no reason that the same style of newsletter be
used in the future. The newsletter can be adapted to any style and level of technological skill the new
editor wishes to choose. So, the request for a new editor from next July is out there to be considered
by all.
 Warwick Harrison announced that Adele Wu, our new exchange student is arriving this Saturday
(27th July). He has suggested that if anyone wishes to take her on visits / excursions / holiday, or
invite her to dinner one night, it would be a great idea to organise it so she can put it into her diary.
 Warwick also announced a revised menu / price list for the BBQ for the markets. This menu will be
in operation from this Saturday.
 Bill Bowler raised the issue of Club uniform. He explained that we do all of our
activities well, but we all have different Rotary shirts, and therefore don’t look
like a team. He has suggested that we again investigate the Club uniform, to introduce a consistency across all members, and put the recommendation to the Board.
 He also raised the issue of a project with a long term aim. All of our projects are decided annually.
His suggestion was that we make the Congo project a long term one.
 John Lambert suggested that this may only have a three year life as a project.
 Others suggested that we already have some ongoing projects - Buttenshaw Park, Seniors lunches,
supporting Technological Aids for the Disabled, and supporting Riding for the Disabled.
 Steve Elliott raised the issue of insurance, or lack of for members over 79 when helping with Rotary
activities, such as the BBQ. These members have 05% of the benefits unavailable to them. We need
to raise the issue with AON, the insurer, so as to meet all of the needs of all personnel helping with
Rotary events.
 An attendance register needs to maintained for every Rotary activity, where it is the responsibility
of the member or volunteer helper to sign on and off. This register will commence this Saturday.
 Phil Sharp offered copies of the Salvation Army register, and their Volunteer
Agreement for us to adapt for our purposes.
 Ivan Fedor discussed the actual Rotary Insurance policy and its implications.
 Quite extensive discussion took place about this vexing issue. It was decided that we need to do
some research, and discuss this again at the next Club Assembly.
 Laurie Waterson raised the issue of inviting children from the country to Sydney for holiday.
 Ken Thrift spoke about how we offer Youth Exchange, RYPEN, RYLA, etc which all benefit our
own young people. However, as a child he well remembers the joy of coming to the big city from a
small country town.
 He recommended to members and the Board that the Club considers bringing one girl and one boy
in Year 10 from a remote country town to stay for about 3 weeks. Their program could cover work
experience, sight seeing and sports activities.
 We need to consider costs, medical cover, child protection, method of travel.
 Steve Elliott offered all of the documentation used by another Club for a similar program.
 All members agreed that it was a worthwhile program to be followed up.
 Ross Ingram discussed parking issues at the Blue Gum Markets. Apparently some
drivers are hitting the seats, bending them. He has asked that people supervising the
parking go and guide drivers into the spots.
 Car parking on-site may not be available in the future.
 We have two insurance policies for the markets - the Rotary insurance, and a private insurance specifically for the Markets event. This covers up to 20 stall holders.
Public Liability is covered by both.
This very successful Club Assembly was a most informative, interesting and productive meeting. Well done, all!!!
Just click on each picture, then click to play
Judges Lack Confidence in This Shy 14
Year-Old...Until She
Cats in Water
Starts Singing
There was a man sitting at a bar, and he looks over at
the gentleman sitting next to him and says, "Hey, you
look familiar.
“Are you from around here?" The man answers,
"Yeah, I live down the street."
"No kidding?" says the first man, "Well, so do I. And
hey, you look about my age. Where did you go to
high school?"
"Oh I went to Francis Lewis over on Utopia. Graduated in '66. How 'bout you?"
"Get out. I went to Francis Lewis. And I graduated in '66, too." "Where'd you go
to college?"
"Beloit, in Wisconsin."
"No way! I went to Beloit too. What dorm?"
"Kevin Sullivan dorm."
"Sullivan? You're not going to believe this . . ."
Joe the bartender walks over, and the first guy says, "Joe, you won't believe it in
a million years. This guy went to the same high school as me, graduated the
same year I did, and went to the same college. We were even in the same dorm.
Isn't that amazing?"
Joe looks at them both and says, "Yeah, that's just plain amazing."
A third man comes in and says, "Hey Joe. What's new?" Joe says, "Not much.
The Johnson twins are drunk again."
A couple is arguing about who should make the coffee in the morning. The wife says, “I think your should because you get up first.”
He counters with, “The kitchen is your domain, and you do all the
cooking so you know where everything is. I think you should make
the coffee.”
“No way,” she says. “You should do it. The Bible even says so.”
“What the heck are you talking about?” She grabs the family Bible, thumbs
through, and point to the appropriate section: “Hebrews”.
Tech Support: "I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop."
Customer: "Ok."
Tech Support: "Did you get a pop-up menu?"Customer: "No."
Tech Support: "Ok. Right click again. Do you see a pop-up
menu?" Customer: "No."
Tech Support: "Ok, sir. Can you tell me what you have done up until this point?"
Customer: "Sure, you told me to write 'click' and I wrote click'."
Garfield on the oil crisis
A lot of folks can't understand how we came to have an oil shortage
here in Australia. Well, there's a very simple answer. Nobody bothered to check the oil. We just didn't know we were getting low. The
reason for this is purely geographical. Our oil is located in: Victoria,
New South Wales, Western Australia, Queensland, Northern Territory, South
Our dipsticks are located in Canberra. Any Questions ??? NO?...Didn't think so.
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a
camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of
wine, they lay down for the night, and went to
Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged
his faithful friend.
"Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what
you see."
Watson replied, "I see millions and millions of
"What does that tell you?" Holmes asked.
Watson pondered for a minute.
"Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of
Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.
Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. Theologically,
I can see that God is all-powerful and that we
are small and insignificant.
Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a
beautiful day tomorrow.
What does it tell you?"
Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke.
"Watson, you idiot. Somebody has stolen our
Rotary’s 105th Convention
Where: Olympic Park, Homebush
When: 1 - 4 June, 2014, (28th to 31st May: Preconvention)
Open: www.riconvention.org
Cost: $US310 including an 8 day free travel pass (bus/
How can you help?
1. Attend (please complete early bird registration,
before 15th December, to allow organising Districts
to get hosting deposit refund, *Needs over 50% early
bird registration of 9675 and 9685 Rotarians*).
2. Volunteer www.rotary2014.com.au
Rotarians, partners and
friends of Rotary
3. Offer home stay (During / Pre / Post).
4. Appoint a Conference Officer/ contact person
(please supply this name and email to your AG and
PDG Paul Erickson).
5. Each member to invite all your Rotary contacts,
individuals and clubs.
6. Join the RI Convention mailing list
7. Publicise in newsletters and on correspondence.
District Promotions Committee contact PDG
Paul Erickson
(paul.erickson53@hotmail.com) 47512040
 Departing Springwood at 7.00am we travel to Blayney
Phillip Hammon
J. Kroonstuiver R. Ingram
David Rayner
M. Kenney
P. Kilkeary
Noreen Davern
R. Templeman
I. Fedor
GSE Team
R. Crouch
L. Sparkes
School Debate
Mitzi Raaphonst
A. Law
N. Kitto
Michael Sparkes
P. Sparkes
K. Thrift
where the local P & C are providing our morning tea.
It’s then full steam ahead to Young and The Races where
we are being hosted by Young Rotary Club who will be
providing us with our lunch.
Following an enjoyable and hopefully profitable day we
head to the Cherry Blossom Motel for a relax before dinner
in the dinning room at 7.30pm.
Breakfast will be available from 7.00am with luggage loading from 8.30am for a 9.00am departure.
Were off to Rotary’s Chinese Tribute Gardens for a stroll
and morning tea. (In June 1992 members of the Rotary
Club of Young adopted a beautification project for the development of the Chinese Gardens at Chinaman's Dam).
Next were heading off to the Bluestill Distillery & Gallery
to sample a selection of local wines presented by the Hilltops Regional Wine Cellar with time to browse through the
arts & craft, sample local jams, sauces, olives, oils & condiments before lunch is served before our 2.00pm departure.
Homeward bound with a short stop in Cowra we should
arrive back in Springwood about 6.00pm.
A $50 non-refundable deposit payable by 15th August
Balance due by 30th September
President : Laurie Waterson
Vice President : Ross Ingram
Past President : Peter Kilkeary
Honorary Secretary : Ross Ingram
Honorary Treasurer : Norman Kitto
Club Administration Director : Ross Ingram
Community Service Director : Jenny Kroonstuiver
International Service Director : Pat Ainslie
Membership and Public Relations Director : David Rayner
Vocational Service Director : Cheryl Kitto
New Generations Director : Margaret Bell
Foundation Director: John Lambert / Jennifer Wearn
Sergeant at Arms : Bill Bowler / Adam Law
Historian: Alan Cameron
Speaker Coordinator : John Voytas
Springword Editor : Marilyn Kenney
Current Membership
Attendance tonight
Effective Attendance
Raffle Winner
Card Game Winner
Exchange Student
Members’ Guests
Guest Speakers
Margaret Bell, Bronwyn Berriman,
Margaret Boyle, Alan Cameron,
Adam Law, Joanna Deegan,
John O’Sullivan, Peter Sparkes
Jenny Kroonstuiver, David Rayner,
Lynda Sparkes, Jennifer Wearn
Peter Kilkeary
84.21 %
David Manzi
Carol Brandt - no joker
Lance Brandt, John Hankins
N/A - Club Assembly