Res. Assist. Pelin KUT BELENLİ - Hacettepe Üniversitesi İngiliz Dili


Res. Assist. Pelin KUT BELENLİ - Hacettepe Üniversitesi İngiliz Dili
Kut Belenli 1
Res. Assist. Pelin KUT BELENLİ
Academic Titles
Research Assistant : 2008-..., English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. (Joint)
: 2008-..., English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Dissertation Title
: “‘To paint the soul:’ Reflections of Victorian Psychology in Robert
Browning’s Poetry”
Bachelor of Arts
: 2008, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Erasmus Exchange : 02.2014-07.2014, Lingue e Letterature Straniere (Anglofonia),
Università degli Studi di Verona, Italia (Italy)
: English Language Teaching Certificate, Hacettepe University
: Theatre Education Certificate, “Tiyatro Atölyesi,” Antalya
Metropolitan Municipality Theatre
Research Interests
Metaphysical Poetry, Victorian Poetry, Modern Poetry, Mythology, Robert Browning
Foreign Languages
English (Excellent), Italian (Average), German (Fair)
Kut Belenli 2
Book Chapters
1. Kut, Pelin. “Are the Speakers Mad or Bad: Robert Browning’s ‘The Laboratory’ and
Carol Ann Duffy’s ‘Havisham’.” Concerning Evil. Ed. Grace Holden and Gabriela
Màdlo. Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press, 2013. 99-108. Web. (E-book)
1. “Kara Ağız’ı Susturmak Adlı Eserden.” Ortaçağdan On Yedinci Yüzyıla İngiliz Kadın
Yazarlar. Ed. A. Deniz Bozer. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2014. 16063. Print. (Translation of an extract from Rachel Speght’s A Mouzell for Melastomus)
Conference Papers
1. Kut, Pelin. “Are the Speakers Mad or Bad?: Browning’s ‘The Laboratory’ and
Duffy’s ‘Havisham.’” 14th Global Conference: “Perspectives on Evil and Human
Wickedness”, Inter-Disciplinary.Net: A Global Network for Dynamic Research and
Publishing, Lisbon/Portugal, 10-12 Mar. 2013.
2. Kut, Pelin. “Orientalist Ideology and Robert Browning’s Ferishtah’s Fancies.” 2nd
International BAKEA (Western Cultural and Literary Studies) Symposium:
“Ideology”, Pamukkale University, Denizli/Turkey, 5-7 Oct. 2011.
Conferences Attended without Presentation
1. “One Day, Oscar Wilde...” Hacettepe University, Department of English Language
and Literature, 28 Oct. 2014, Ankara/Turkey.
2. “One Day, Samuel Beckett…” Hacettepe University, Department of English Language
and Literature, 29 Nov. 2013, Ankara/Turkey.
3. “One Day, James Joyce...” Hacettepe University, Department of English Language
and Literature, 5 Dec. 2011, Ankara/Turkey.
Professional Memberships
İDEA : The English Language and Literature Association of Turkey [İngiliz Dili ve
Edebiyatı Araştırmaları Derneği], Member, 2014-…
ESSE : The European Society for the Study of English, Member, 2014-…