Assoc.Prof. Dr. Didem DAYANGAÇ


Assoc.Prof. Dr. Didem DAYANGAÇ
Didem Dayangaç-Erden, PhD.
e-mail: didayan (@)
Tel: 0 312 305 2541
Hacettepe University Medical Faculty Department of Medical Biology
Hacettepe University Medical Faculty Department of Medical Biology
Hacettepe University Faculty of Science Department of Biology, BSc
Academic Experience:
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Medical Biology,
2010- 2013
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Medical Biology,
2006- 2009
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Medical Biology,
Aug.- Oct. 2001:
Medical School Hannover, Department of Biochemistry and Tumour
Biology, Hannover, Germany; Molecular genetic analysis in CBAVD
June- August 2003: Medical School Hannover, Department of Biochemistry and Tumour
Biology, Hannover, Germany, CFTR sequencing, transcript and protein
Sept. - Dec. 2004:
Istituto di Genetica Medica, Universita Cattolica, Rome, Italy. The effect
of histone deacetylase inhibitors on SMN gene expression in SMA patients
1999- 2005 :
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Medical Biology,
Research Assistant
Research Areas:
identification of modifier genes and responsible pathways in spinal muscular atrophy, genotypephenotype correlation, transcriptome analysis, identification of biomarker candidates and novel
therapeutic targets.
Selected Projects:
1. 2015- ongoing. TUBİTAK 3001, 114S914,
“The investigation of the function of perineuronal net elements in spinal muscular
atrophy pathogenesis”, Project Coordinator
2. 2013- ongoing. H.Ü, 946,
“The investigation of the role of HAPLN1 in the neurite outgrowth”, Project
3. 2011- 2013. H.Ü. 011D01101010
“Investigation of modifying effect of plastin3 gene on spinal muscular atrophy patients
phenotype”, Project Coordinator
4. 2006-2009. TUBITAK KAMAG, 105G014
"Investigation of potential drug candidate compounds in hereditary diseases caused by
RNA splicing defects”, Researcher
5. 2003- 2005. H.Ü 03G014,
“Designing new vector casettes for gene therapy and biotechnologic areas”, Researcher
6. 2002- 2005. TÜBİTAK SBAG-2599,
“The investigation of the role of sodium butyrate on the treatment of spinal muscular
atrophy RNA splicing defects”, Researcher
7. 1998-2000. H.U.B.A.B 9802101004,
“Prenatal diagnosis in Spinal Muscular Atrophy”, Researcher
Scientific Committees Memberships:
Association of Medical Biology and Genetics
Turkish Biochemical Society
Scientific Awards:
CF European Network, 2001, Cystic Fibrosis European Network Scholarship
Prof. Dr. Altan Günalp Scientific Award (2009): Histone deacetylase inhibition activity and
molecular docking of (e )-resveratrol: its therapeutic potential in spinal muscular atrophy. Chem
Biol Drug Des. 2009 Mar;73(3):355-64. XI. National Congress of Medical Biology and
Genetics, 28-31 October 2009, Bodrum, Muğla
Selected Publications:
1. Uzunallı G, Bora-Tatar G, Dayangaç-Erden D, Erdem-Yurter H. Effects of flavonoid
quercetin on survival of motor neuron gene expression. Cell Biol Int. 2015 Mar; 39 (3):
2. Yener İ.H, Dayangaç-Erden D. Tek Gen Hastalıklarında Fenotipi Modifiye Eden
Genlerin Rolü. Marmara Med J. 2014, 27: 96-101.
3. Ayhan Eşiyok P, Seven Ö, Eymur G, Bora Tatar G, Dayangac Erden D, Yelekçi K,
Yurter H, Demir AS. Aryl butenoic acid derivatives as a new class of histone deacetylase
inhibitors: synthesis, in vitro evaluation, and molecular docking studies. Turk. J. Chem.
2014, 38:338-344.
4. Dayangaç-Erden D, Bora-Tatar G, Dalkara S, Demir AS, Erdem-Yurter H. Carboxylic
acid derivatives of histone deacetylase inhibitors induce full length SMN2 transcripts: A
promising target for spinal muscular atrophy therapeutics. Arch Med Sci, 2011, 7, (2):
5. Ozaydin E, Dayangac-Erden D, Erdem-Yurter H, Derman O, Coşkun T. The
relationship between vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and bone density,
osteocalcin level and growth in adolescents. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab., 2010, 23, (5):
6. Durusu Tanriover M, Bora Tatar G, Uluturk TD, Dayangac Erden D, Tanriover A,
Kilicarslan A, Oz SG, Erdem Yurter H, Sozen T, Sain Guven G. Evaluation of the effects
of vitamin D receptor and estrogen receptor 1 gene polymorphisms on bone mineral
density in postmenopausal women. Clin Rheumatol. 2010, 29, (11): 1285-1293.
7. Havasi V, Rowe SM, Kolettis PN, Dayangac D, Sahin A, Grangeia A, Carvalho F,
Barros A, Sousa M, Bassas L, Casals T, Sorscher EJ. Association of cystic fibrosis
genetic modifiers with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens. Fertil Steril.
2010, 94, (6): 2122-2127.
8. Dayangaç-Erden D, Bora G, Ayhan P, Kocaefe C, Dalkara S, Yelekçi K, Demir AS,
ErdemYurter H. Histone deacetylase inhibition activity and molecular docking of (E)resveratrol: its therapeutic potential in spinal muscular atrophy. Chem Biol Drug Des.,
2009, 73 (3): 355-364.
9. Bora-Tatar G, Dayangaç-Erden D, Demir AS, Dalkara S, Yelekçi K, , Erdem-Yurter H.
Molecular modifications on carboxylic acid derivatives as potent histone deacetylase
inhibitors: Activity and docking studies. Bioorg Med Chem. 2009, 17 (14): 5219- 5228.