Arş. Gör. Zümre Gizem YILMAZ


Arş. Gör. Zümre Gizem YILMAZ
Yılmaz 1
Res. Assist. Zümre Gizem YILMAZ
Academic Titles
Research Assistant: 2013-…, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Research Assistant: 2012-2013, English Language and Literature, Giresun University
Academic Degrees
Dissertation Title
Master of Arts
Thesis Title
Bachelor of Arts
: 2012-…, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
: “The Discord Among the Cosmic Elements and Human Nature:
Ecophobia and Renaissance English Drama”
: 2010-2012, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
: “The Illustration and Function of Epic Theatre Devices in Selected
Plays by Caryl Churchill”
: 2006-2010, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Research Interests
British Drama, Renaissance English Drama, Critical Theory, Ecocriticism, Posthumanism,
New Materialisms, Ecophobia, Spacophobia, Technophobia, Witchcraft and the
Representation of the Devil in British Drama, Performance Studies, Comparative Literature
Foreign Languages
English (Excellent), Spanish (Average), German (Fair)
Yılmaz 2
1. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “New Materialisms on Stage: Environmental Directions in
Contemporary British Drama.” Coreopsis: Journal of Myth and Theatre 4.1 (2015).
2. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Bibliography for Work in Ecocriticism” CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture 16.4 (01 Dec. 2014). Thematic Issue New Work
in Ecocriticism. Eds. Simon C. Estok and Murali Sivaramakrishnan.
<> (AHCI index)
3. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Epic Theatre on British Stage: The Alienation Strategies in
Caryl Churchill’s Lives of Great Poisoners.” Interactions 23.1-2 (2014): 281-90. Print.
Book Chapters
1. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Who is Afraid of ‘Dark’? Familiarising the Unknown.”
Commercial Space Exploration: Ethics, Policy and Governance. Ed. Jai Galliott.
Farnham: Ashgate, 2015. 47-60. Print.
2. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “The Subjugation of ‘Witches’ in History: Reflections From
Byrthrite and Vinegar Tom.” Batı Edebiyatında Tarih – History in Western Literature.
Ed. Zekiye Antakyalıoğlu. Gaziantep: Gaziantep University, 2014. 551-57. Print.
3. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Yaşar Kemal ve Orman Yangınları.” Ekoeleştiri: Çevre ve
Edebiyat. Ed. Serpil Oppermann. Ankara: Phonenix, 2012. 129-69. Print. [“Yaşar
Kemal and Forest Fires” in Ecocriticism: Environment and Literature]
Conference Proceedings
1. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Gaining New Identities through Technology: The Image of
the New Human.” The Sixth Tamkang International Conference on Ecological
Discourse, Speculative Materialism: Contexts and Paradigms for Ecological
Engagement. Ed. Joy Shih-yi Huang. New Taipei City: Tamkang UP, 2014. 121-28.
Conference Papers
1. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Political Ecology: Ecological Ideology and Apocalyptic
Scenarios on Stage.” ASLE UKI Biennial Conference: ‘Green Knowledge’ Murray
Edwards College, University of Cambridge/UK. 2-4 September 2015.
2. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Scenarios of Terror, Uncontrolled Agencies, Threat,
Tranquility: From Ecophobia to Robot-Theatre.” ASLE Eleventh Biennial Conference,
Yılmaz 3
Notes From the Underground: The Depths of Environmental Arts, Culture and
Justice. University of Idaho, Moscow/USA. 23-27 June 2015.
3. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Representing the Body as the Posthuman: Technologically
Reshaped Sexualities in Literary and Visual Media.” XXXVI Annual Conference of the
Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies (APEAA), (Re)Shaping
Humanities: New Ways of Reading, New Forms of Representation. University of Trásos-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Vila Real/Portugal. 26-28 March 2015.
4. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Nonhuman Acting: Virtual Bodies, Digital Voices on Stage.”
Graduate Conference: Innovative Representations of “Sexualities” in Studies in
English, Hacettepe University, Ankara/Turkey, 11 March 2015.
5. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Gaining New Identities Through Technology: The Image of
the New Human.” The Sixth Tamkang International Conference on Ecological
Discourse, Speculative Materialism: Contexts and Paradigms for Ecological
Engagement. Tamkang University, Taipei/Taiwan. 19-20 Dec. 2014.
6. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Maddesel Söylemsel Oluşumlar: Doğa ve İnsan
Kavramlarının Yok Oluşu.” Spekülatif Kurgu Konferansı: Doğa ve Kent. İstanbul
Üniversitesi, İstanbul/Türkiye. 15-16 May 2014.
7. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Unlocalised Nature: Framing and Spoiling Nature and
Locality.” The European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture, and
Environment (EASCLE), Framing Nature: Signs, Stories, and Ecologies of Meaning.
The University of Tartu, Tartu/Estonia. 29 April- 3 May 2014.
8. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “The Subjugation of ‘Witches’ in History: Reflections from
Byrthrite and Vinegar Tom.” 3rd International BAKEA (Western Cultural and
Literary Studies) Symposium: History, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep/Turkey, 09-11
Oct. 2013.
9. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Dirt and Garbage as a Text: Discursive Matter.” PreConference Paper, ASLE Tenth Biennial Conference: Migrations, Energies, Limits,
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS/USA, 28 May-1 June 2013.
10. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Ecophobia: Fear, Migration, and Changing the Environment.”
ASLE Tenth Biennial Conference: Migrations, Energies, Limits, University of Kansas,
Lawrence, KS/USA, 28 May-1 June 2013.
11. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Environmental Justice for all the Organisms: Silent
Resistance.” 14th International Cultural Studies Symposium: Confinement,
Resistance, Freedom, Ege University, İzmir/Turkey, 08-10 May 2013.
Directed Plays
1. Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem, and Kerim Can Yazgünoğlu, dirs. Cadının Marifetli Kedisi
(Vinegar Tom). By Caryl Churchill. Trans. Zümre Gizem Yılmaz and Kerim Can
Yazgünoğlu. Hacettepe University, Ankara/Turkey. 28-30 April, 13 May 2015.
Yılmaz 4
Professional Memberships
ASLE : The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, Member, 2013-…
The Environmental Humanities International Research Group, Temporary Researcher,
Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne, L’Universita Di
Torino, Italy, 2014-2015.
Administrative Duties
2012-…: Secretary, Centre for British Literary and Cultural Studies, Hacettepe University
11 Mar. 2015: Member of the Organising Committee, Graduate Conference: “Innovative
Representations of ‘Sexualities’ in Studies in English”, Centre for British
Literary and Cultural Studies, Hacettepe University, Ankara/Turkey
Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “Techno-Apocalyptic Scenarios: Dehumanising or Rehumanising?”
Technophobia and Technophilia in British Literature. Hacettepe University, Department of
English Language and Literature, The Second Research Essay Contest in Science Fiction and
Fantasy Literature, 1st Degree, January 2014.
Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem. “The Failure of the White Supremacist Movement: Skinheads and
Sarah Kane’s Skin.” Multiculturalism and Its Representations in Contemporary British
Literature. Hacettepe University, Centre for British Literary and Cultural Studies, Research
Essay Contest for Graduate Students, 2nd Degree, March 2012.
The Profile on

Benzer belgeler

Yazgünoğlu 1 Res. Assist. Kerim Can YAZGÜNOĞLU E

Yazgünoğlu 1 Res. Assist. Kerim Can YAZGÜNOĞLU E 1. Yazgünoğlu, Kerim Can. “Neo-Victorian Fiction: The Problematization of His-tory and Gender/ed Identity in Sarah Water's Tipping the Velvet.” 3rd International BAKEA (Western Cultural and Literar...


Yazgünoğlu 1 Res. Assist. Kerim Can YAZGÜNOĞLU E

Yazgünoğlu 1 Res. Assist. Kerim Can YAZGÜNOĞLU E Migration, Energies, Limits”, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS/USA, 28 May-1 June 2013. 5. Yazgünoğlu, Kerim Can. “Gender/ed Meta-Morphoses: Corporeal Reflections in Angela Carter’s The Passion o...


Arş. Gör. Kerim Can YAZGÜNOĞLU

Arş. Gör. Kerim Can YAZGÜNOĞLU Tartu/Estonia, 29 Apr-03 May 2014. 7. Yazgünoğlu, Kerim Can. “Neo-Victorian Fiction: The Problematization of His-tory and Gender/ed Identity in Sarah Water's Tipping the Velvet.” 3rd International ...
