Public Interest Law and Policy Update (Fall-Winter 2014


Public Interest Law and Policy Update (Fall-Winter 2014
Fall/Winter 2014‐2015 Vol. 5 • No. 1 WELCOME to the Fall/Winter 2014‐2015 Public Interest Law and Policy Update. This e‐
newsle er updates you on ac vi es taking place throughout our department. While learning more about what your colleagues are planning and accomplishing, you also may find items of specific applicability to your own work. Look inside for news of publica ons, trainings, events, and more. HIGHLIGHTS IN THIS ISSUE ProBAR Celebrates 25th Anniversary ………………………………...2
Morris Leibman Award in Na onal Once again, we profile an ABA member dedica ng me and energy to the public interest. Security Law Awarded ………………...3 Nane e Elster is Chair of the ABA Special Commi ee on Bioethics and the Law. We invite you to Policy Proposals at the ABA Midyear read about her work and her thoughts on a public interest/public service law career. Mee ng …………………………………….. 3 The ABA Midyear Mee ng is coming up in Houston, Texas. Running from February 4‐10, the mee ng will have its headquarters at the George R. Brown Conven on Center, and the hotel headquarters will be the Hilton Americas. For informa on about the Midyear Mee ng, and to register, visit h p:// Public Services Clerkship for Summer 2015……………………………….4 The Division con nues to develop the web portal for public interest lawyers on the ABA web site, available alongside portals for military lawyers, solo prac oners, and other legal communi es. Enter the ABA web site through this portal to gain access to informa on about dues discounts, relevant ABA programs and events, publica ons, awards, internships, and more across the Associa on. The portal also incorporates our public interest law links organized by subject ma er. Visit the web portal at h p:// or click on the link at the bo om of every ABA web page. Whistleblowers, Leaks and the Media Published ………………………….4 Please feel free to connect with us online to contribute to discussions and learn about developments in “real me.” Find us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twi er. Through these social media sites, we also are publicizing your events, publica ons and other news. Join the conversa ons! Cur n Jus ce Fund Legal Internship Program ……………………………………...4 “Lawyers Working to End Poverty” Three‐Year Ini a ve ……………………5 Unaccompanied Children Resource Center Web Site Created ……………..5 Traveling Exhibit: Magna Carta: Enduring Legacy 1215‐2015 ………...5 ABA Midyear Mee ng – Houston, Texas …………………………………………..5 ABA London Sessions to Commemorate Magna Carta ……….7 In addi on to informing you about the work of your fellow commi ees and commissions, we offer this e‐newsle er as a vehicle for two‐way communica on. We invite your contribu ons, Interna onal Summit on the Legal including announcements, links to blogs, and other material that you believe will be of interest Needs of Street Youth ………………...8 to your Division colleagues. We also welcome feedback on the kinds of informa on and format that you find most interes ng and useful so that we can be er serve your needs and interests. Public Interest Profile: Meet Nane e Elster ……………………………..8 The ABA home page is h p:// Visit the Division at h p://
publicservices. Our web site also serves as an addi onal entry point to the web sites of your respec ve ABA en es. Sincerely, Elissa C. Lichtenstein, Director Division for Public Services American Bar Associa on 1050 Connec cut Avenue, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 Special Commi ee on Bioethics and the Law · Cybersecurity Legal Task Force Standing Commi ee on Elec on Law · Commission on Homelessness and Poverty Commission on Immigra on · Standing Commi ee on the Law Library of Congress Standing Commi ee on Law and Na onal Security Coordina ng Commi ee on Veterans Benefits and Services RECENT EVENTS AND PROGRAMMING The Special Commi ee on Bioethics and the Law hosted a Town Hall on Informed Consent. DLA Piper in San Diego hosted the event, which a racted local a orneys as well as healthcare providers and professionals represen ng local and na onal ins tu ons. Addi onal Town Halls are scheduled for 2015. The Standing Commi ee on Elec on Law presented a program, Interna onal Standards for Ensuring Free and Credible Elec ons, focusing on the resolu on of post‐
elec on disputes and the conduct of audits and recounts. Commission on Homelessness & Poverty Collabora ng with the VA and HHS on a na onal ini a ve aimed at addressing child support issues for homeless veterans, the Commission hosted a two‐day summit at the ABA Washington Office in partnership with the VA and HHS to discuss best prac ces, measuring outcomes and how to be er address interstate issues. Commissioner Vicki Turetsky of the Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Administra on for Children and Families of HHS gave the keynote address, and par cipants included lawyers, child support staff and VA homeless service providers. As a result of the summit, a new listserv for lawyers and providers handling child support issues for veterans will be launched. The materials from the summit are available here. The Commission con nues to facilitate the crea on of Homeless Courts throughout the United States by educa ng communi es about this innova ve response to the special legal problems of homeless people and equipping courts with the necessary tools to administer successful programs. The Commission presented to a group of judges, lawyers and providers in Charleston, SC on December 5, providing technical assistance as they prepare to launch a Homeless Court shortly. Click here for more informa on on Homeless Courts. The ABA Coordina ng Commi ee on Veterans Benefits and Services (CCVBS), staffed and led by the Commission, held a Fall mee ng and conference call at the ABA Washington Office in November and will hold a mee ng in Houston, TX at the 2015 ABA Midyear Mee ng. The CCVBS has secured liaisons from per nent ABA en es in an effort to foster greater communica on Page 2 and collabora on. Leadership, members and staff are contacted regularly and invited to share informa on on programming, policy development, pro bono ini a ves and other ac vi es. In November, the Commission on Immigra on celebrated the 25th anniversary of ProBAR, the South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representa on Project, a legal service project of the ABA located in Harlingen, Texas. Its dedicated staff and volunteers provide legal informa on and direct representa on to detained, indigent immigrants and asylum‐seekers held in the remote Rio Grande Valley on immigra on charges. ABA President William Hubbard addressed over 150 guests who honored ProBAR’s work providing cri cal legal services to newcomers and helping to add fairness and efficiency to the immigra on court system. President Hubbard also presented awards to ten “Pro Bono Champions,” lawyers who have gone above and beyond in providing pro bono support to ProBAR staff and clients. The Commission also organized a border tour to several border sites including the interna onal bridge in Brownsville, Texas; a shelter for unaccompanied minors; and the Port Isabel Deten on Center, an Immigra on and Customs Enforcement owned and operated adult deten on center where ProBAR provides daily “Know Your Rights” presenta ons to newly arrived detainees. The Commission looks forward to con nuing to support ProBAR and the Commission’s Immigrant Jus ce Project in San Diego, California, for many years to come. The Standing Commi ee on Law and Na onal Security a racted over 500 a endees to its 24th Annual Review of the Field of Na onal Security Law CLE Conference in November. ABA President William Hubbard delivered the welcome address followed by the tradi onal Public Interest Law and Policy Update FALL/WINTER 2014‐2015 Execu ve Branch Update on Developments in Na onal Security Law featuring the General Counsels from each of the na onal security agencies. Other highlights included panels on the role of the judiciary in na onal security, the future of foreign intelligence, ethical issues facing lawyers prac cing na onal security law, military jus ce and cybersecurity. The strong line‐up of speakers from the intelligence community may be viewed via podcast at, and program materials may be accessed as well. During the Annual Review conference the Commi ee presented the Morris Leibman Award in Na onal Security Law to Judge William S. Sessions, partner, Holland & Knight and former Director of the Federal Bureau of Inves ga on. The Award, the highest given by the Standing Commi ee, honors the memory of Morris Leibman and recognizes the example of his lifelong dedica on to the rule of law and leadership in the field of law and na onal security affairs. The Commi ee held a summer associates panel discussion and a Fall networking and career program in na onal security law in conjunc on with George Washington University School of Law. The Commi ee is commi ed to assis ng law students and law schools around the country in the crea on of na onal security law socie es and helps to sponsor and provide speakers and program materials for career panels at par cipa ng law schools and bar associa ons. Almost every law school in the country now has a na onal security lawyer’s affiliate program. The fi h Annual Seminar on Teaching Na onal Security Law was held in September at NYU School of Law, Center on Law and Security. The seminar, “The Law of Cybersecurity: A Mul disciplinary Perspec ve,” a racted almost 300 academics and law students. The Page 3 next Seminar will take place in April at Oklahoma City University School of Law and will highlight the opening of the Law School’s Center for Homeland Security Law and Policy. Guests will par cipate in a memorial service in remembrance of the 20th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. The ABA Cybersecurity Legal Task Force, staffed by the Standing Commi ee, is co‐chaired by Harvey Rishikof, Chair of the Standing Commi ee’s Advisory Commi ee and Judith Miller. Their book released last summer, Cybersecurity Handbook for Lawyers and Law Firms, con nues to be used as the basis for ABA CLE programming/cyber curriculum as well as by state and local bar associa ons. At the ABA Annual Mee ng in Boston, the Standing Commi ee on the Law Library of Congress offered its popular free CLE program, “How to Conduct Free Legal Research Online.” Barbara Bavis of the Law Library of Congress gave the presenta on. The program will be offered at the ABA Midyear Mee ng in Houston as well – see the Calendar on page 6 for details. If your ABA group is interested in a presenta on for your own members, please contact the Standing Commi ee at 202
‐662‐1691 or POLICY MAKING The Commission on Homelessness and Poverty is cosponsoring three policy proposals to be addressed by the House of Delegates at the ABA Midyear Mee ng in Houston: (1) #109B: Seeks to expand housing protec ons for vic ms of domes c violence, da ng violence, sexual assault and stalking, using the federal Violence Against Women Act, as well as some emerging state prac ces, as a model; (2) #110, urging federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial authori es and legisla ve bodies to proac vely iden fy and address the special needs of vulnerable popula ons that are dispropor onately affected by disasters and to provide appropriate funding. It also urges lawyers to par cipate in community planning to help ensure that plans comport with legal requirements applicable to services and benefits offered disaster survivors, especially for the most vulnerable; and (3) #111C, urging federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments to con nue to enforce and enact rules or legisla on that strengthen consumer protec ons regarding decep ve or fraudulent Public Interest Law and Policy Update FALL/WINTER 2014‐2015 loan foreclosure rescue prac ces; supports ongoing AWARDS, COMPETITIONS, INTERNSHIPS efforts of state courts and lawyer disciplinary agencies to inves gate allega ons of decep ve or fraudulent loan The Division for Public Services is offering a compe ve foreclosure rescue prac ces by lawyers and, when Public Service Clerkship for the summer of 2015. Law appropriate, to prosecute and discipline lawyers who students who are members of the ABA Law Student commit this type of misconduct; and encourages Division may apply if, next Fall, they will be entering na onal, state, local, territorial, and tribal bar their second or third year at an ABA‐accredited law associa ons to establish and support programs to educate lawyers and consumers about decep ve or school. With oversight from a Division a orney or other fraudulent foreclosure rescue prac ces, including those supervisor, the successful candidate will conduct a legal involving lawyers. research and wri ng project throughout the summer. If of publishable quality, the Division may release the work The Commission on Immigra on, as a partner in the to the public on its web site. The clerkship was ABA Working Group on Unaccompanied Minor developed to provide an opportunity for talented law Immigrants, is a cosponsor of policy proposal #113, students to immerse themselves in a subject of interest to them and of concern to the Division and to develop suppor ng government appointed counsel for scholarship in our areas of jurisdic on. For details, unaccompanied children in immigra on proceedings and click here. urging that immigra on courts should not conduct any hearings, including final hearings, involving the taking of The Commission on Homelessness and Poverty has pleadings or presenta on of evidence before an announced that the Cur
n Jus ce Fund Legal Internship unaccompanied child has had a meaningful opportunity Program seeks mo
vated law student interns to apply to consult with counsel about his or her specific legal for s pends available for the Summer 2015 Program. op ons. Because obtaining Special Immigrant Juvenile Students should have a posi
on offered, con ngent on Status is one key immigra on remedy available to many funding, from a qualified organiza
on. The Cur n Legal of these children, the resolu on seeks to secure training Internship Program is managed jointly by the ABA for state, territorial and tribal courts to help them Commission on Homelessness and Poverty and the ABA promptly provide the prerequisites for these visas that Standing Commi ee on Legal Aid and Indigent fall within their jurisdic on. Finally, the resolu on urges Defendants. The Program will pay a $2,500 s pend to state, territorial and tribal courts to consider crea ng three law school students who spend the summer specialized dockets to adjudicate SIJ cases and months working for a bar associa on or legal services establishing expedited processes for children age 16 program designed to prevent homelessness or assist and over. homeless or indigent clients or their advocates. The Program will provide much‐needed legal assistance to The Standing Commi ee on Law and Na onal Security organiza ons serving the under‐represented and give worked closely with the ABA Cybersecurity Legal Task students direct experience in a public interest forum. Force towards successful conclusion of a Report and Through this, the program aims both to help homeless Resolu on passed by the House of Delegates in August. clients as well as to encourage careers in the law that The resolu on urges the private sector and government further the goals of social jus ce. The applica on organiza ons to bolster their enterprise security deadline is March 30, 2015. For details and to apply, programs, to develop and test cyber‐a ack response click here. plans, and to encourage informa on‐sharing partnerships. 
Click here for exis ng ABA posi ons on elec on law ma ers. 
ABA policy posi ons on homelessness and poverty issues may be found here. 
To view ABA policy posi ons on immigra on law ma ers, visit the Commission’s web site. ABA policy posi ons rela ng to the Law Library of Con‐
gress may be found here. Page 4 PUBLISHING In December, the Standing Commi ee on Law and Na onal Security released a new book, Whistleblowers, Leaks and the Media. The book features essays by experts examining the collision of laws and freedoms Public Interest Law and Policy Update FALL/WINTER 2014‐2015 when persons release sensi ve informa on to the media. For more informa on and to purchase the book, click here. OTHER ACTIVITIES OF NOTE The Commission on Homelessness and Poverty has embarked on a three‐year an poverty ini a ve – Lawyers Working to End Poverty – aimed at removing legal and jus ce system‐based barriers that create or perpetuate poverty. Through this ini a ve, the Commission will iden fy, promote and implement best prac ces for elimina ng legal and jus ce system‐related policies, prac ces and procedures that unfairly perpetuate or worsen the harmful effects of poverty on low‐income people and communi es, including obstacles and barriers to public benefits, employment, housing, treatment and services needed by people experiencing homelessness or living in poverty. Ini ally, the Commission’s efforts will focus on the following two areas: (1) substandard and unaffordable housing and homelessness; and (2) dispropor onate involvement of poor people in criminal and civil jus ce systems. For more informa on, please visit the ini a ve’s website. The Immigra on Advocates Network and the American Bar Associa on, in partnership with Pro Bono Net, are pleased to announce the launch of a new website, the Unaccompanied Children Resource Center ( The site shares trusted legal informa on and referrals with advocates, children, and their guardians. It was created in response to the influx of unaccompanied immigrant children seeking refuge in the United States. The Resource Center brings together the country’s leading bar associa on, pro bono lawyers, and resources from leading immigrants’ right organiza ons to increase access to jus ce and reduce barriers for children naviga ng the deporta on process. Available are training manuals, webinars and prac ce advisories to help nonprofit legal staff and pro bono a orneys represent children in proceedings, and a na onal directory of volunteer opportuni es for pro bono lawyers, links to key resources, and up‐to‐date news and events are included. For families and guardians of unaccompanied children, the site offers basic legal informa on, including videos on what to expect in immigra on court, and plain language materials on immigra on law and procedure. Children Page 5 and their guardians can search for legal help through a na onal directory of nonprofit legal service providers. The website is updated regularly with news, upcoming events, new legal developments, plain‐language materials, and highlights on ini a ves and partnerships that share informa on, match children to counsel, and more. Key contacts are Ma hew Burne , Director of the Immigra on Advocates Network (IAN) (mburne @immigra and Meredith A. Linsky, Director, American Bar Associa on Commission on Immigra on ( The Standing Commi ee on the Law Library of Congress has been working with bar associa ons, law schools, and other legal groups to facilitate travels of the exhibit, MAGNA CARTA: ENDURING LEGACY 1215‐2015 around the country. The exhibit debuted at the ABA Annual Mee ng in Boston and has traveled so far to Ann Arbor, MI; Indianapolis, IN; and Jacksonville, FL. It will appear at the ABA Midyear Mee ng in Houston from February 5
‐7 in the Hilton Americas Hotel, adjacent to ABA Registra on. Therea er, it will be seen in Buffalo, NY; Philadelphia, PA; Washington, DC; Atlanta, GA; Denver, CO; several ci es in Utah; Louisville, KY; Brooklyn, NY; Springfield, MO; and White Plains, NY, among other loca ons. The exhibit also will appear at the ABA’s London Sessions in June and will travel to two loca ons in Surrey, England following the ABA London sessions. To inquire about bringing the exhibit to your community, please contact us at and for more informa on visit the web site at ON OUR CALENDAR ABA MIDYEAR MEETING – Houston, Texas All mee ng a endees must register, and registra on is free. To view and register for events, visit: h p:// ▫ Thursday, February 5 ‐ Saturday, February 7 9:00 am ‐ 5:00 pm Hilton Americas Hotel, ABA Registra on Area MAGNA CARTA: ENDURING LEGACY 1215 ‐ 2015 Come view this excep onal exhibit organized by the ABA and the Library of Congress to educate all ages about the history, legacy, and impact of this seminal document. Public Interest Law and Policy Update FALL/WINTER 2014‐2015 ▫ Friday, February 6 9:30 ‐ 11:00 am George R. Brown Conven on Center, Level 3, Rm 342 B/E HOW TO CONDUCT FREE LEGAL RESEARCH ONLINE This popular program focuses on the legal research services and resources available from the Law Library of Congress as well as other free online collec ons. Learn about the Law Library's global research services, its vast worldwide collec ons, and expert staff. Following an overview of the Law Library and its services available to lawyers, librarians, and researchers around the world, our presenter explains the organiza on and content of and THOMAS, the Library of Congress's federal legisla ve informa on sites, which together contain the full texts of House and Senate bills and resolu ons, the Congressional Record, and much more. This program also highlights other free online legal collec ons and search engines, such as the U.S. Government Prin ng Office's Federal Digital System (FDsys), Cornell University Law School's Legal Informa on Ins tute, the University of California Santa Barbara's American Presidency Project,, FindLaw, Jus a, LexisWeb, Google Scholar, and a number of other products. CLE credit will be offered. Presenter: Barbara Bavis, Legal Reference Specialist, Law Library of Congress, Washington, DC Standing Commi ee on the Law Library of Congress 10:00 am ‐ 12:30 pm George R. Brown Conven on Center, Level 3, Rm 332 C/F TOWN HALL ON MONEY AND POLITICS The Standing Commi ee on Elec on Law was created in 1973 with the purpose of developing and examining ways to improve the federal electoral process. As part of this task, they are commi ed to study of elec on reform, and have begun to sponsor a series of Town Halls on a variety of issues related to the electoral process. In 2014, the Commi ee hosted Town Halls in Miami, FL on Early Vo ng/Elec on Day Issues; in Philadelphia, PA on Voter Iden fica on; in Columbus, OH on Voter Registra on and Elec on Administra on; in Aus n, TX on Redistric ng; and in Tempe, AZ on Elec on Reform. The purpose of the Town Halls is to meet with state and local elec on administrators, bar leaders, and interested individuals and organiza ons working to make our electoral process run more smoothly, to highlight the importance of our electoral system and develop best prac ces and standards that can be used na onwide. Standing Commi ee on Elec on Law Page 6 10:00 am ‐ 5:00 pm George R. Brown Conven on Center, Level 3, Rm 320C Commission on Immigra on Business Mee ng 10:00 ‐ 11:30 am George R. Brown Conven on Center, Level 3, Rm 342 C/F ELIMINATING DEBT AND COMBATTING POVERTY: HOW TO EFFECTIVELY ADDRESS CONSUMER AND TAX DEBT, CHILD SUPPORT ARREARAGES AND COURT‐IMPOSED LEGAL FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS Experts in consumer debt, tax debt, child support debt and court‐imposed legal financial obliga ons will discuss the ways in which debt drives and entrenches poverty; effec ve strategies for lawyers to be er assist their clients; and legal barriers created by such debt. Panelists will explore how lawyers can assist individuals mired in debt and the broader systemic reforms needed. Moderator: Katherine McGovern, J.D., Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Portland, ME Panelists: Nick Allen, J.D., Columbia Legal Services, Ins tu ons Project, Sea le, WA; Renato Izquieta, J.D., Legal Aid Society of Orange County, Santa Ana, CA; Dalié Jiménez, J.D., Associate Professor of Law & Jeremy Bentham Scholar, University of Connec cut School of Law, Har ord, CT CLE credit will be offered. Commission on Homelessness and Poverty 12:00 Noon ‐ 2:00 pm George R. Brown Conven on Center, Level 3, Rm 352 E LAWYERS WORKING TO END POVERTY: A CONVERSATION WITH LOCAL EXPERTS AND NATIONAL ADVOCATES Join local advocates, legal aid providers, pro bono a orneys, social service providers, poli cians, and others to discuss efforts to combat poverty in Houston. What issues are most pressing in Houston? What can lawyers do to assist with an ‐poverty efforts? What can the ABA do to promote and assist local efforts and best prac ces? Members of the ABA Commission on Homelessness & Poverty will also discuss best prac ces and model programs from across the country. Commission on Homelessness and Poverty 2:30 ‐ 4:30 pm George R. Brown Conven on Center, Level 3, Rm 352 E Coordina ng Commi ee on Veterans Benefits and Services Mee ng and Roundtable Discussion Public Interest Law and Policy Update FALL/WINTER 2014‐2015 ▫ Saturday, February 7 8:00 ‐ 10:00 am George R. Brown Conven on Center, Level 3, Rm 361 A/D CONVOCATION ON IMMIGRATION The convoca on is intended to bring together all relevant ABA en es to discuss what the ABA is doing with regard to immigra on‐related ac vi es, how to engage addi onal lawyers in pro bono efforts, and opportuni es for future collabora on among ABA groups. 9:00 am ‐ 4:00 pm George R. Brown Conven on Center, Level 3, Rm 310C Commission on Homelessness and Poverty Business Mee ng
10:00 ‐ 11:30 am George R. Brown Conven on Center, Rm 332 C/F THE PROS AND CONS OF THE EXERCISE OF EXECUTIVE ACTION IN IMMIGRATION LAW Moderator: Crystal Ayala, News reporter and anchor, Univision Houston, Houston, TX Speakers: Thomas A. Saenz, President and General Counsel, Mexican‐American Legal Defense Fund, Los Angeles, CA; Professor Michael Olivas, University of Houston Law Center, Houston, TX; Professor Le cia Saucedo, University of California‐Davis School of Law, Davis, CA CLE credit will be offered. Primary Sponsor: ABA Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights and Responsibili es Cosponsor: Commission on Immigra on
10:00 am ‐ 12:30 pm George R. Brown Conven on Center, Rm 351 C/F, Level 3 TOWN HALL ON INFORMED CONSENT The Special Commi ee on Bioethics and the Law is hos ng Town Halls throughout the country in order to gain feedback to be er develop policy on issues related to bioethics and the law. The first Town Hall took place in October 2014 in San Diego, convening lawyers, academics, healthcare professionals, interested individuals, and organiza ons working in the field. The purpose is to highlight the importance of cri cal issues such as informed consent, and to develop best prac ces and standards that can be used na onwide. Special Commi ee on Bioethics and the Law 2:00 ‐ 3:30 pm George R. Brown Conven on Center, Level 3, Rm 342 A/D HOMELAND AND NATIONAL SECURITY LAW: THE EVOLUTION OF DOMESTIC EXTREMISM Page 7 Moderator: Harvey Rishikof, Chair, Standing Commi ee on Law and Na onal Security Advisory Commi ee, Washington, DC Panelists: Dina Temple‐Raston, NPR Counterterrorism Correspondent, New York, NY; Geoffrey Corn, Professor of Law and expert in military and na onal security law, South Texas College of Law, Houston, TX; Josh Snavely, Assistant Dean for External Rela ons, Oklahoma City University School of Law, Oklahoma City, OK Standing Commi ee on Law and Na onal Security
2:00 ‐ 3:30 pm Hya Regency Houston, Level 3, Dogwood Room IMMIGRATION RELIEF FOR ABUSED CHILDREN: WHAT STATE COURTS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THEIR ROLE IN DETERMINING ELIGIBILITY State courts have a congressionally mandated role in issuing court orders that help federal immigra on authori es determine a child’s eligibility for Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) classifica on. SIJ is a form of immigra on relief for foreign‐born children present in the United States who may be in need of humanitarian protec on because they have been abused, abandoned or neglected by a parent. This session is designed for any state court judge with jurisdic on to make judicial determina ons about the care and custody of children. Panelists from both the United States Ci zenship and Immigra on Services (USCIS) and the advocate community will lead a discussion on the elements of the SIJ classifica on applica on process that are cri cal for judicial stakeholders to consider when hearing SIJ cases. Panelist: Eileen Matuszak, Adjudica ons Officer (Policy), United States Ci zenship and Immigra on Services, Washington, DC No CLE credit. Primary Sponsor: ABA Standing Commi ee on Pro Bono and Public Service Cosponsor: Commission on Immigra on ▫ June 11‐15, 2015 Grosvenor House London, England ABA SESSIONS COMMEMORATING MAGNA CARTA The ABA will present a series of con nuing legal educa on programs and plenary sessions in conjunc on with the 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta. The sessions will represent the culmina on of a year‐long celebra on of this historic charter. During the mee ng, ABA will present preeminent speakers, outstanding CLE programs, Public Interest Law and Policy Update FALL/WINTER 2014‐2015 and recep ons at historic sights and legally significant venues. The traveling exhibit, MAGNA CARTA: ENDURING LEGACY 1215‐2015 will be available to visit throughout this me. To register for the London sessions, visit h p://
londonreg. For more informa on about the traveling exhibit, its contents and its travel schedule, visit h p:// 2015 UPCOMING ABA HOLIDAYS (offices closed) Monday, February 16 – President’s Day Monday, May 28 – Memorial Day Monday, September 7 – Labor Day Monday, October 12 – Columbus Day Thursday‐Friday, November 26‐27 – Thanksgiving Friday, December 25 – Christmas Day PUBLIC INTEREST LAW PROFILE: NANETTE ELSTER In this column, we honor the accomplishments of ABA lawyers associated with Division commi ees and commissions who are dedica ng their me and energy to the public interest. Our web site also presents these profiles. This month, we are pleased to introduce Nane e Elster, ▫ June 16‐17, 2015 J.D., M.PH. Nane e Elster is Loca on: Baker & McKenzie, London, England. A endees Manager, Ethics Outreach for also may par cipate “virtually” via Baker & the American Dental McKenzie's satellite offices around the globe. Associa on and a lecturer at INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT ON THE LEGAL NEEDS OF Loyola University Stritch STREET YOUTH School of Medicine, The Commission on Homelessness and Poverty is Neiswanger Ins tute for collabora ng with a coali on of interna onal partners to Bioethics and Health Policy. convene this summit, which will provide the first ever She is Vice President of Spence & Elster, P.C., a Chicago‐
comprehensive interna onal discussion about the legal area law firm working in the area of fer lity law. Ms. rights and policies that affect this vulnerable segment of Elster also is the legal consultant to the Commi ee on the homeless popula on. The ul mate goal is to gather Bioethics for the American Academy of Pediatrics. She the experts who can discuss model laws and policies and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Center then develop a framework for standards that incorporate for Jewish Gene cs; as a member of the University of best prac ces from around the world. Baker & McKenzie Illinois at Chicago embryo stem cell research oversight has generously agreed to provide their London office and commi ee; the RESOLVE Advisory Board on Public audio‐visual equipment free of charge as well as use of Awareness of Embryo Dona on; the Alliance for Fer lity several of their offices around the globe for virtual summit Preserva on; and as Chair of the ABA Special Commi ee par cipa on. ABA President William Hubbard and on Bioethics and the Law. She has extensive experience in President‐elect Paule e Brown are scheduled to speak. legal, public health and ethical issues related to women’s The Summit will cons tute Phase I of a larger ini a ve that and children’s health. She has spoken na onally and entails ongoing coordina on of the interna onal group of interna onally and is the author of numerous ar cles on lawyers and advocates to promote legisla ve ini a ves the legal, health policy and ethical implica ons of a range both domes cally and abroad, as well as promo ng of public health issues. She has appeared on such media increased pro bono for direct legal services to homeless staples as CNN, Good Morning America and NPR. youth domes cally. For more informa on about the Summit, please visit the Summit page. We invited Ms. Elster to reflect on her career. Page 8 Public Interest Law and Policy Update FALL/WINTER 2014‐2015 At what point in your life did you know that you wanted to work towards public service? I think that I knew very early on. Issues like discrimina on were very apparent to me at a young age when I was growing up in Gary, Indiana, but I am not sure that I knew what to call it un l years later. I vacillated between wan ng to be a lawyer and a social worker from as far back as I can remember. And, in a way, what I do now is very much a combina on of those things. Then, during my Masters, I was exposed not only to public health but to bioethics, and that is truly when it all came together for me. What were the major influences on your choices and career path? As men oned above, spending my early years in Gary, Indiana was influen al, as was having immigrant grandparents. Then, a series of family health issues really made my studies in bioethics seem much more applicable rather than just theore cal/academic. You are a na onally recognized expert on in vitro fer liza on. How did you become interested in other aspects of bioethics and the law? So many ethical issues are presented in assisted reproduc on, and law teaches us to look at analogies. The key principles in bioethics: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and jus ce are not just applicable to Assisted Reproduc ve Technology (ART) but can be applied across the life span. Each new advance in technology seems to raise ethical dilemmas par cularly related to social jus ce and access. What is your greatest sa sfac on in your present posi on? You have such a great wealth of experience as an academic, a prac oner, and as Manager, Ethics Outreach at the American Dental Associa on I get to do what I love. My work is always interes ng, always challenging, and gives me an opportunity to make a contribu on on many levels (individual, ins tu onal, and societal). I am fortunate that my professional life not only leaves room for but also encourages service work. The volunteer posi ons that I have been able to take on as a result of my professional experience have been invaluable and they truly inform my day‐to‐day work. To what extent has ABA involvement helped you in your career? Many of the people I have met through the ABA have influenced me in so many ways. In a way, I have matured professionally within the ABA, having become involved Page 9 over 15 years ago. I have had amazing role models who have balanced careers, families and service work in a way that seems seamless. This is something I have tried to emulate. I am always struck by how much amazing work gets done by volunteers and how important that work is to advocacy and educa on. What advice can you give law students and young lawyers considering a career in public interest law – and bioethics and the law? Find what you are passionate about. If an organiza on is doing what you are commi ed to, offer to volunteer, get to know more about the organiza on, the people involved and the people served. More specific to bioethics, see if your local hospital is taking volunteers for their ethics commi ee. This is a great way to see ethics in ac on. Volunteering to be a community member on an Ins tu onal Review Board is another great way to get involved and focus not just on issues related to research ethics but also issues of social jus ce. Addi onally, advanced training is available in bioethics through Cer ficate, Masters and Doctoral programs that are o en well‐suited for those with a founda on in law. I would recommend these same things to mid‐career professionals looking to become involved in bioethics. The perspec ve of new professionals and seasoned professionals is equally beneficial when grappling with the complex and challenging issues in bioethics today. Division for Public Services American Bar Associa on 1050 Connec cut Avenue, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 Public Interest Law and Policy Update FALL/WINTER 2014‐2015