Res. Assist. Özlem ÖZMEN E-Mail:


Res. Assist. Özlem ÖZMEN E-Mail:
Özmen 1
Res. Assist. Özlem ÖZMEN
Academic Titles
Research Assistant: 2011-…, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. (Joint)
: 2011-..., English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Dissertation Title
: “Selected Rewritings of Shakespeare’s Plays in Contemporary British
Drama in a Socio-Historical Context”
Bachelor of Arts
: 2011, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Erasmus Exchange : 2010, English Language and Literature, National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens
2011 : English Language Teaching Certificate, Hacettepe University
Research Interests
Contemporary British Drama, Mythology, Classical Literature, Literary Criticism,
Shakespearean Rewriting, Women Playwrights, Post-colonial Literature
Foreign Languages
English (Excellent), French (Fair), Greek (Fair)
Özmen 2
1. Özmen, Özlem. “Türkiye’de Politik Tiyatronun Gelişimi.” Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve
Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi 55. 1 (2015): 415-429.
2. Özmen, Özlem. “Epik Tiyatro’nun Öncüsü: Bertolt Brecht ve Cesaret Ana [The
Precursor of Epic Theatre: Bertolt Brecht and Mother Courage].” Tiyatro Dünyası. Web.
26 July 2012.
1. Özmen, Özlem. “Fighting Fire with Fire: Unavoidable Violence in John Arden’s Serjeant
Musgrave’s Dance.” Proceedings of the 8th IDEA Conference Studies in English 16-18 April
2014. Muğla: Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, 2015. 206-213. Print.
2. Özmen, Özmen. “The Question of a Stable Identity in Brian Friel’s Post-War Play:
Philadelphia Here I Come.” The European Conference on Arts and Humanities 2013
Official Conference Proceedings. Nagoya: Iafor, 2013. 206-213. Print.
1. Özmen, Özlem. “Geyik Avcısı.” Kül Öykü Gazetesi. Ankara: Kül Sanat Yayıncılık. Vol.
23, 2009.
2. Özmen, Özlem. “Elmas Gerdanlık.” Kül Öykü Gazetesi. Ankara: Kül Sanat Yayıncılık.
Vol. 23, 2009.
Conference Papers
1. Özmen, Özlem. “’East West, Home’s Best’: Being Women, Belonging Home in Sue
Townsend’s Bazaar and Rummage.” European Network for Comparative Literary
Studies. Dublin-Galway/Ireland. 24-28 Aug. 2015.
2. Özmen, Özlem. “Feminist Counter-Discourse against the Shakespeare Canon: Elaine
Feinstein’s Lear’s Daughters.” Innovative Representations of Sexualities in Studies in
English. Hacettepe University Centre for British Literary and Cultural Studies. Ankara.
11 Mar. 2015.
3. Özmen, Özlem. “Challenging Hamlet: Erotic Representation of Gertrude in Howard
Barker’s Gertrude-The Cry.” Interdisciplinary.Net. Prague/Czech Republic. 4-6 Nov.
4. Özmen, Özlem. “Fighting Fire with Fire: Unavoidable Violence in John Arden’s Serjeant
Musgrave’s Dance.” IDEA. Muğla University, Muğla/Turkey. 16-18 Apr. 2014.
Özmen 3
5. Özmen, Özlem. “Theatre as a Redemptive Power in Timberlake Wertenbaker’s Our
Country’s Good.” International Journal of Arts and Sciences. University of London,
London/UK. 5-8 Nov. 2013.
6. Özmen, Özlem. “The Question of a Stable Identity in Brian Friel’s Post-War Play:
Philadelphia Here I Come.” European Conference on Arts and Humanities.
Brighton/UK. 18-21 July 2013.
7. Özmen, Özlem. “Modern Man’s Search for a Place to Belong: Eugene O’Neill’s The
Hairy Ape.” Four-Footed Actors: Live Animals on the Stage. Valencia/Spain. 12-14 Dec.
8. Özmen, Özlem. “Multicultural Conflicts in Andrea Levy’s Fruit of the Lemon.”
Multiculturalism and its Representations in Contemporary British Literature. Hacettepe
University Centre for British Literary and Cultural Studies, Research Essay Contest for
Graduate Students. Ankara, Turkey. 9 Mar. 2012.
9. Özmen, Özlem. “Colonialism in Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe within the Context of
Othering.” 1st Undergraduate Conference on Anglo-American Literature: “The Other.”
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. 28-29 Apr. 2011.
Conferences Attended without Presentation
1. “British and Turkish Literary and Cultural Interactions.” Hacettepe University,
Department of English Language and Literature, Ankara, Turkey. 12-14 May 2015.
2. “One Day, Oscar Wilde...” Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. 26 Nov. 2014
3. “Shakespeare, 450 Conference.” Hacettepe University, Department of English Language
and Literature, Ankara, Turkey. 29 Apr. 2014,
4. “One Day, Samuel Beckett...” Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. 29 Nov. 2013.
5. “One Day, William Butler Yeats...” Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. 17 Dec. 2012.
6. “ESSE (The European Society for the Study of English).” Boğaziçi University, İstanbul,
Turkey. 4 Sep. 2012.
7. “One Day, James Joyce...” Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. 5 Dec. 2011.
Theatre Experience:
2013-2014: Directing English Language and Literature Department Theatre Group- Martin
McDonagh- The Lieutenant of Inishmore

Benzer belgeler

+90-370-712-6833 Work: +90-370-712

+90-370-712-6833 Work: +90-370-712 6.2 Articles published in Other Refereed International Journals 1. “Kodály and Orff: A Comparison of Two Approaches in Early Music Education,” Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergi...


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Arş. Gör. Cemre Mimoza BARTU 8. Özmen, Özlem. “Multicultural Conflicts in Andrea Levy’s Fruit of the Lemon.” Multiculturalism and its Representations in Contemporary British Literature. Hacettepe University Centre for British ...
