Bartu 1 Res. Assist. Cemre Mimoza BARTU E


Bartu 1 Res. Assist. Cemre Mimoza BARTU E
Bartu 1
Res. Assist. Cemre Mimoza BARTU
Academic Titles
Research Assistant: 2011-…, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Academic Degrees
: 2014-…, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Master of Arts
: 2011-2014, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Thesis Title
: “Disenchanting Patriarchal Fairy Tales through Parody in Angela
Carter’s Bloody Chamber and Other Stories and Emma Donoghue’s
Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skins”
Bachelor of Arts
: 2007-2011, English Language and Literature, Ege University
Erasmus Exchange : 10.2009-02.2010, Anglistik, University of Augsburg, Germany
Research Interests
Fairy Tale Studies, Children’s Literature, Rewritings,
English Novel, Gender Studies
Foreign Languages
English (Excellent), German (Average)
Bartu 2
Book Chapters
Bibliyografya. Ayla Kutlu Edebiyatı, Ankara: Bilgi Yayınevi, 2012.
1. Bartu, Cemre Mimoza. “Elmasız.” Aimee Bender. Notos Öykü Dergisi. Haziran-Temmuz
Conference Papers
1. Bartu, Cemre Mimoza. “Mapping London and Self in Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere.”
Literary London 2013: Representations of London in Literature, The Literary London
Society, London/UK, 17-19 July 2013.
2. Bartu, Cemre Mimoza. “Famous and Monstrous: Transformation of Andy Warhol and
Lady Gaga into a Phenomenon.” 2nd Global Conference Celebrity: Exploring Critical
Issues, Inter-Disciplinary.Net, Lisbon/Portugal, 10-12 Mar. 2013.
3. Bartu, Cemre Mimoza. “Kadınlar Dile Gelince: Carol Ann Duffy’nin Gözünden Dünyanın
Tüm Eşlerine.” Kültür ve Edebiyatta Cinsiyet, Cinsellik, Şiddet, EKAM, Ege University,
İzmir/Turkey, 15-16 Nov. 2012.
4. Bartu, Cemre Mimoza. “Araftaki Sanatçı: Erendiz Atasü’nün ‘Taş Üstüne Gül Oyması’
Hikayesinde Ölüm ve Ölümsüzlük.” II. Kadın Yazarlar Sempozumu: Erendiz Atasü
Edebiyatı, Yeni Yüzyıl University, İstanbul/Turkey, 24-25 May 2012.
: Ege University, Department of English Language and Literature, Second
Place Award

Benzer belgeler

Arş. Gör. Cemre Mimoza BARTU

Arş. Gör. Cemre Mimoza BARTU 2. Bartu, Cemre Mimoza. “Mapping London and Self in Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere.” Literary London 2013: Representations of London in Literature, The Literary London Society, London/UK, 17-19 July 2013...


Res. Assist. Özlem ÖZMEN E-Mail:

Res. Assist. Özlem ÖZMEN E-Mail: 2. Özmen, Özlem. “Feminist Counter-Discourse against the Shakespeare Canon: Elaine Feinstein’s Lear’s Daughters.” Innovative Representations of Sexualities in Studies in English. Hacettepe Universi...
