CV - Department of English Language and Literature


CV - Department of English Language and Literature
Curriculum Vitae
Züleyha Çetiner-Öktem
Ege University, Faculty of Letters
Department of English Language and Literature
35100 Bornova, Izmir
Phone: +90-232-311-5052
Education, Degrees
PhD, Ege University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, English Language and Literature,
Izmir, (2006-2013) Title of PhD Thesis: “Memory, Men and Chaucer”
MA, Ege University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, English Language and Literature,
Izmir, (2002-2004) Title of MA Thesis: “Re/Structuring the Past/Present: The Usage of
Medieval Imagery within Contemporary Postmodern British Fantasy”
BA, Ege University, Faculty of Letters, English Language and Literature, Izmir, (1996)
Positions Held
Lecturer at Ege University, Faculty of Letters, Department of English Language and
Literature (2007-present)
Instructor at Ege University, Department of Foreign Languages (2005-2007)
Lecturer at Ege University, Faculty of Letters, Department of English Language and
Literature, under Article 31 (2002-2007)
Administrative Duties
Double-Major and Minor Undergraduate Student Advisor (2011-present)
Bologna ECTS Coordinator for the Dept. of English Language and Literature (2010-present)
Undergraduate Student Advisor (2009-present)
Department Course Schedule Planner (2006-present)
“Moonlight, Twilight ve True Blood: Yeni Çağın Aklıselim Vampirleri,” in Yazınsal ve/veya
Görsel Vampir Anlatıları Proceedings. Istanbul: Istanbul University Press, 2012. 47-57.
“Dreaming the Middle Ages: American Neomedievalism in A Knight’s Tale and Timeline,” in
Interactions 18.1 (Spring 2009): 43-56.
“The Sandman as a Neomedieval Text,” in ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies 4.1
(Summer 2008). <>
“Gothic Transformations: Revisiting the House on the Borderland,” chapter in Nostalgia or
Perversion? Rewriting the Gothic from the Victorian Age until the Present Day, Edited by
Isabella van Elferen, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007.
“Humanizing Evil: The Humourized Portrayal of Death in the Discworld Series,” in Evil in
English Literature Proceedings. Istanbul: MAS Matbaacılık A.Ş., 2003. 120-128.
Conference Papers
“Tracing the Transformative Function of the Telephone Box from Superman to Doctor Who,”
13th International Cultural Studies Symposium (CSS) entitled Change and Challenge, Ege
University, Izmir-Turkey, 4-6 May 2011.
“Camelot Redefined: Merlin as a Non-Othering Text of the Middle Ages,” 17th Biennial
Congress of the New Chaucer Society, Siena-Italy, 15-19 July 2010.
“(Un)Becoming Male: Contemplating Chaucerian Masculinity,” on panel entitled Medieval
English Literature Studies in Turkey at the 5th International IDEA Conference: Studies in
English, Atlılım University, Ankara-Turkey, 14-16 April 2010. (Awarded Best Graduate
Student Paper)
“Gnostic Remnants in Fay Weldon’s Puffball,” International Multidisciplinary Women’s
Congress (IMWC) entitled Change and Empowerment, Dokuz Eylül University, IzmirTurkey, 13-16 October 2009.
“Redemption on TV: Life on Mars as a Purgatorial Narrative,” 12th International Cultural
Studies Symposium (CSS) entitled Redefining Modernism and Postmodernism, Ege
University, Izmir-Turkey, 29 April-1 May 2009.
“Playing the Demiurge: Gnosticism and Battlestar Galactica,” conference entitled It has
Happened Before, It will Happen Again: The Third Golden Age of Television Fiction,
Istanbul-Turkey, 8-10 October 2008.
“From Pan to the Pied Piper and Beyond: Negotiating the Centre with China Miéville’s King
Rat and Terry Pratchett’s The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents,” conference
entitled Ex-centric Narratives, Identity and Multivocality in Anglo-American Cultures,
Thessaloniki-Greece, 15-18 March 2007.
“Revisiting the House on the Borderland,” Conference entitled Nostalgia or Perversion?
Gothic Rewritings from the Victorian Age until the Present Day, Nijmegen-The Netherlands,
9-11 November 2005.
“Distortion of Time: A Fantastic Neomedievalist Perspective on Timeline and A Knight’s
Tale,” 29th Annual American Studies Conference (ASAT) entitled Continuous Present,
Future Perfect: American Temporalities, Antalya-Turkey, 27-30 October 2004.
“City and Spectacle: The Ritual of Hıdrellez in the City of Izmir,” 9th International Cultural
Studies Symposium (CSS) entitled [City in (Culture] in City), Ege University, Izmir-Turkey,
5-7 May 2004.
“Humanizing Evil: The Humourized Portrayal of Death in the Discworld Series,” 23rd AllTurkey English Literature Conference entitled Evil in English Literature, Istanbul University,
Istanbul-Turkey, 24-26 April 2002.
Invited Addresses
“Fantezi, Fantazya, Fantastik: Bir Kültürün Çevirisi” / “Fantasy, Fantasia, Fantastic: A
Translation of Culture,” Fantastik Eser Çevirisi Paneli / Panel on Fantasy Literature
Translations, organised by TÜÇEB Translation and Interpreting Students of Izmir, Yasar
University, 25 April 2013.
“Moonlight, Twilight ve True Blood: Yeni Çağın Aklıselim Vampirleri,” Korku Anlatıları
Konferansı: Yazınsal ve/veya Görsel Vampir Anlatıları / “Moonlight, Twilight and True
Blood: Commonsensical Vampires of the New Age,” Horror Narratives Conference: Written
and/or Visual Vampire Narratives, Istanbul University, Istanbul-Turkey, 2-3 November 2009.
“Bilim Kurgu ve Fantastik Edebiyatın Kısa Tarihçesi,” Yeni Dünyalar Yaratmak / “A Brief
History of Science Fiction and Fantasy” Creating New Worlds, organised by the Science
Fiction & Fantasy Club (İÜBKFK) of Istanbul University, Istanbul-Turkey, 4-5 November
Training/Seminars Attended
Tolkien Spring School, University of Oxford, Faculty of English, 21-23 March 2013.
Editorial Work
İşçi, Günseli Sönmez, Dilek Direnç, Züleyha Çetiner Öktem, eds. Inside Outside In:
Emotions, Body and Society. Izmir: Ege University, 2004.
Assistant editor for Interactions (journal published biannually-Fall/Spring) from Spring 2005
until Spring 2007.
Mythopoeic Society (2008-present) <>
The New Chaucer Society (2008-present) <>
Organization of National and International Conferences
Organizing Committee Member, Ege University 14th Annual International Cultural Studies
Symposium entitled “Confinement, Resistance, Freedom”, co-organised by the Departments
of English Language & Literature and American Culture & Literature at Ege University, and
the Cultural Office of the US Embassy. (8-10 May 2013)
Organizing Committee Member, Ege University 10th Annual International Cultural Studies
Symposium entitled “When Away Becomes Home: The Cultural Consequences of
Migration”, co-organised by the Departments of English Language & Literature and
American Culture & Literature at Ege University, the British Council, the American Studies
Association of Turkey and the Cultural Office of the US Embassy. (4-6 May 2005)
Head of the Organising Committee of the Ege University 8th Annual International Cultural
Studies Symposium entitled “Inside Outside In: Emotions, Body and Society”, co-organised
by the Departments of English Language & Literature and American Culture & Literature at
Ege University, the British Council, the American Studies Association of Turkey and the
Cultural Office of the US Embassy. (21-23 May 2003)
Courses Taught at Ege University
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Human Studies in Social Sciences Program
Fall Semester
Mythology and Culture (2013-present)
Faculty of Letters, Undergraduate Program
Fall Semester
ENG 151 Mythology (2002-present)
ENG 241 Introduction to Poetry I (2004-2005)
ENG 341 Medieval Thought and Literature I (2002-2007)
ENG 349 Chaucer (2007-2009)
ENG 369 Medieval Literature and Culture (2009-present)
ENG 449 Science Fiction and Fantasy I (2004-present)
IMT 105 Listening and Speaking Skills I (2010-present)
Spring Semester
ENG 148 Classical Literature (2002-present)
ENG 152 Computer Skills (2004-2005)
ARK 224 Mythology and Literature (2007-2008)
ENG 242 Introduction to Poetry II (2004-2005)
ENG 343 Medieval Thought and Literature II (2002-2007)
ENG 362 Medieval English Literature (2007-2009)
ENG 370 Chaucer and His Contemporaries (2009-present)
ENG 450 Science Fiction and Fantasy II (2004-present)
IMT 98 Listening and Speaking Skills II (2010-present)
School of Foreign Languages, Prep. Program
2005-2006 Academic Year – Grammar & Writing
2006-2007 Fall Semester – Reading & Writing
2006-2007 Spring Semester – Grammar