ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service


ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences,
Sabancı University
Orhanlı, Tuzla, 34956 İstanbul
Phone: +90 (216) 483-9267
Fax : +90 (216) 483-9250
E-mail: ozgur@sabanciuniv.edu
Last updated: August 28, 2014
Economics Graduate-Undergraduate Programs Coordinator, Sabancı University, September 2014 –
Economics Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Sabancı University, August 2013 – September
Visiting Associate Professor, Duke University, August 2011 – June 2012.
Associate Professor, Sabancı University, March 2009 – present.
Economics Graduate Program Coordinator, Sabancı University, August 2008 – August 2011.
Fellow, Murat Sertel Center for Advanced Economic Studies, September 2009 – present.
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Rochester, September 2007 – June 2008.
Assistant Professor, Sabancı University, September 2001 – February 2009.
Research Fellow, CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain, August 2000 – July 2001.
Ph.D. Economics, University of Rochester, May 2000.
M.A. Economics, University of Rochester, September 1998.
M.A. Economics, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, February 1995.
B.S. Industrial Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, June 1992.
Fellowships, Scholarships, and Awards
Sabancı University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Teaching Award, 2010.
Member of Murat Sertel Center for Advanced Economic Studies since September 2009.
Turkish Academy of Sciences: Distinguished Young Scholar Award, (TUBA-GEBIP) 2006.
Turkish Academy of Sciences Encouragement Award in Social Sciences, 2003.
Université Catholique de Louvain Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, 2000-2001.
Kaplan Award, University of Rochester, 1998.
University of Rochester Summer Research Grant, 1997.
University of Rochester Fellowship and Tuition Scholarship, 1995-1999.
Bilkent University Fellowship and Tuition Scholarship, 1992-1995.
Bilkent University Fellowship and Tuition Scholarship (Undergraduate), 1988-1992.
Research Interests
Game Theory, Bargaining Theory, Mechanism Design, Social Choice Theory, Decision Theory,
Political Economy.
Title: Cooperation and Manipulation in Conflict Resolution
Supervisor: William Thomson
Work in Progress
“On the Dynamics of Political Violence” (with Arzu Kıbrıs)
“Limited Attention with Status-quo Bias (with Yusufcan Masatlioğlu)
“An Experimental Test of the Investment Implications of Bankruptcy Rules” (with Mürüvvet
Büyükboyacı, Mehmet Yiğit Gürdal, Arzu Kıbrıs)
Working Papers
“On Surplus Sharing Rules in Partnerships” (with Arzu Kıbrıs)
“On Dynamis of Conflicts” (with Arzu Kıbrıs)
“Protectionist Demands in Globalization” (with Arzu Kıbrıs and Mehmet Yiğit Gürdal), Sabancı
University working paper, February 2003.
“A Mechanism Design Approach to Allocating Central Government Funds Among Regional
Development Agencies” (with İpek Gürsel Tapkı), Review of Economic Design (2014), 16:4, 269282.
“On the Investment Implications of Bankruptcy Laws” (with Arzu Kıbrıs), Games and Economic
Behavior (2013), 80, 85-99.
“On Recursive Solutions to Simple Allocation Problems”, Theory and Decision (2013), 75, 449463.
“Nash Bargaining in Ordinal Environments”, Review of Economic Design (2012), 16:4, 269-282.
“A Revealed Preference Analysis of Solutions to Simple Allocation Problems”, Theory and
Decision (2012), 72:4, 509-523.
“Bargaining with Nonanonymous Disagreement: Decomposable Rules” (with İpek Gürsel Tapkı),
Mathematical Social Sciences (2011), 62:3, 151-161.
“Bargaining with Nonanonymous Disagreement: Monotonic Rules” (with İpek Gürsel Tapkı) ,
Games and Economic Behavior (2010), 68(1), 233-241.
“Trade Rules for Uncleared Markets” (with Serkan Küçükşenel), Social Choice and Welfare
(2009), Vol. 32, 101-121.
“Allocating Multiple Commodities Among a Group of Agents with Single-Peaked Preferences”
(with Anirban Kar), Social Choice and Welfare (2008), Vol. 31(4), 641-666.
“Bargaining over a Finite Set of Alternatives” (with Murat Sertel), Social Choice and Welfare
(2007), Vol. 28, 421-437.
“Egalitarianism in Ordinal Bargaining: the Shapley-Shubik rule”, Games and Economic Behavior
(2004): Vol. 49:1, 157-170.
“Bargaining Power in Stationary Parallelogram Games” (with Bart Taub), Review of Economic
Design (2004): Vol. 8:4, 449-465.
“Ordinal Invariance in Multicoalitional Bargaining”, Games and Economic Behavior (2004): Vol.
46:1, 76-87.
“Consistency, Converse Consistency, and Aspirations in TU-Games” (with Toru Hokari),
Mathematical Social Sciences (2003), Vol. 45:3, 313-331
“Constrained Allocation Problems with Single-Peaked Preferences: An Axiomatic Analysis”,
Social Choice and Welfare (2003), Vol. 20:3, 353-362
“Misrepresentation of Utilities in Bargaining: Pure Exchange and Public Good Economies”,
Games and Economic Behavior (2002): Vol. 39, 91-110.
Book Chapters
“Cooperative Game Theory Approaches to Negotiation”, in Handbook of Group Decision and
Negotiation, Springer, eds: Marc Kilgour and Colin Eden, (2010), Springer.
Principal Investigator - Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TÜBİTAK) Grant:
“On Surplus-Sharing in Partnerships” (June 2014 – June 2015). Project number 114K060.
Principal Investigator - Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TÜBİTAK) Grant:
“On the Implications of Bankruptcy Laws on Investor Behavior and Welfare” (January 2010 – July
2011). Project number 109K538.
Conference Presentations
The Twelfth International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, June 2014
(On Surplus Allocation in Partnerships)
The Fifth Murat Sertel Workshop on Economic Design, May 2014 (On Surplus Allocation in
All Istanbul Workshop, May 2014 (On Surplus Allocation in Partnerships)
34th Bosphorus Workshop on Economic Design, August 2013 (On the Dynamics of Civil
Association for Public Economic Theory, 2013 Conference (A Mechanism Design Approach to
Allocating Central Government Funds Among Regional Development Agencies)
The Fourth Murat Sertel Workshop on Economic Design, May 2013 (On the Dynamics of
Civil Conflict)
All Istanbul Workshop, May 2013 (On the Dynamics of Civil Conflict)
Murat Sertel Workshop on Advances in Economic Design, November 2012 (A Mechanism
Design Approach to Allocating Central Government Funds Among Regional Development
GAMES 2012, Fourth Congress of the Game Theory Society, July 2012 (A Mechanism Design
Approach to Allocating Central Government Funds Among Regional Development Agencies)
Society of Economic Design, 2011 Winter Workshop (Production Economies with Single
Peaked Preferences: Pareto optimal and Strategy Proof Rules)
Workshop on Allocation Problems, June 2011 (Production Economies with Single Peaked
Preferences: Pareto optimal and Strategy Proof Rules)
All Istanbul Workshop, May 2011 (Production Economies with Single Peaked Preferences:
Pareto optimal and Strategy Proof Rules)
Bosphorus Workshop on Economic Design, XXXII, July 2010 (Investment Implications of
Bankruptcy Laws)
Association for Public Economic Theory 2010 Conference, June 2010 (Organizing Committee
member) (Investment Implications of Bankruptcy Laws)
Group Decision and Negotiation 2010 Conference, June 2010 (Program Committee member)
(A Revealed Preference Analysis of Solutions to Simple Allocation Problems)
Koç Winter Workshop, December 2009 (Investment Implications of Bankruptcy Laws)
ASSET Annual Conference, October 2009 (Program and Organizing Committees member and
session organizer) (Investment Implications of Bankruptcy Laws)
The Second Murat Sertel Memorial Conference on Economic Theory, October 2009
(Investment Implications of Bankruptcy Laws)
Bosphorus Workshop on Economic Design, XXXI, July 2009 (Investment Implications of
Bankruptcy Laws)
The 2009 Summer Workshop in Economic Theory. Koç University (June 2009) (Organizing
Committee member) (Investment Implications of Bankruptcy Laws)
The 2009 Conference on Economic Design, June 2009 (On Algorithmic Solutions to Simple
Allocation Problems)
INFORMS international meeting, June 2009 (Program Committee member and session
organizor) (Investment Implications of Bankruptcy Laws)
The 2006 Conference on Economic Design, July 2006 (Organizing Committee and Program
Committee member) (Bargaining with Nonanonymous Disagreement: Decomposable Rules)
The Eighth International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, July 2006 (Organizing
Committee and Program Committee member) (Bargaining with Nonanonymous Disagreement:
Decomposable Rules)
The 2006 Summer Workshop in Economic Theory. Koç University (June 2006) (Bargaining with
Nonanonymous Disagreement: Nondecomposable Rules)
Bosphorus Workshop on Economic Design, XXVIII, August 2005 (Bargaining with
Nonanonymous Disagreement)
SING1, June 2005 (Bargaining with Nonanonymous Disagreement)
LGS4, June 2005 (Bargaining with Nonanonymous Disagreement)
ASSET annual conference, November 2004 (Trade Rules for Uncleared Markets)
Second World congress of the Game Theory Society, July 2004 (Bargaining with
Nonanonymous Disagreement)
Third International Meeting of the Society for Economic Design, July 2004 (Trade Rules for
Uncleared Markets)
Murat Sertel Memorial Conference on Economic Theory, May 2004 (Organizing Committee
chair, Program Committee member) (Trade Rules for Uncleared Markets)
ASSET annual conference, November 2003 (Program Committee member) (Allocating
multiple commodities among a group of agents with single-peaked preferences)
Bosphorus Workshop on Economic Design, XXVI, August 2003 (Allocating multiple
commodities among a group of agents with single-peaked preferences)EURO/INFORMS joint
international meeting, July 2003 (Bargaining Power in Stationary Parallelogram Games)Sixth
Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, July 2003 (Bargaining
over a Finite Set of Alternatives)North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society,
June 2003 (Bargaining Power in Stationary Parallelogram Games)
Bosphorus Workshop on Economic Design, XXV, September 2002 (Bargaining over a
Countable Number of Alternatives)
Sixth International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, July 2002 (Nash
Bargaining in Ordinal Environments)
Second International Meeting of the Society for Economic Design, July 2002 (Nash Bargaining
in Ordinal Environments)
Third International Conference on Public Economics, July 2002 (Bargaining Power in
Stationary Parallelogram Games)
Fifth Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, July 2001
(Characterizing Ordinalism and Egalitarianism in Bargaining: the Shapley-Shubik rule)
Social Choice and Welfare Conference, Maastricht University, May 2001 (Characterizing
Ordinalism and Egalitarianism in Bargaining: the Shapley-Shubik rule)
CORE-FEEM-GREQAM-CODE Sixth Coalition Formation Workshop, January 2001
(Protectionist Demands in Globalization)
SED 2000, Conference on Economic Design, June 2000. (Truthful Representation of Utilities
in Multicoalitional Bargaining)
Conference in Honor of Walter Oi, University of Rochester, November 1999. (Discussant)
Tenth International Conference on Game Theory, SUNY Stony Brook, July 1999.
(Misrepresentation of Utilities in Bargaining: Pure Exchange and Public Good Economies)
Invited Talks
Middle East Technical University (September 2014, April 2010), İstanbul Technical University
(September 2014), T.E.D. University (April 2014), Bilkent University (April 2014, November 2010,
October 2008, May 2006, April 2003 and April 2001), Marmara University (May 2013), Central
European University (October 2012), Duke University (April 2012, September 2011), Boston College
(November 2011), University of Rochester (November 2011, March 2008, October 2007), Kadir Has
University (December 2010), University of Montreal (April 2008), Bogazici University (November
2008, May, 2005, March 2003 and April 2001), Koç University (October 2008, April 2004, November
2001), Istanbul Technical University (May, 2007), Yildiz Technical University (March 2004), Bilgi
University (May 2003), Université de Caen (May 2001), Université Paris 1 (April 2001), Universitat
d’Alacant (March 2001), Tilburg University (March 2001), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
(February 2001), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (February 2001, December 2000), Ohio State
University (February 2000), University of Pittsburgh (February 2000), University of Toronto (January
2000), Queen’s University (January 2000)
Delivered the “Murat Sertel Memorial Lecture”, Bogazici University, April 2007
Conference Organization
The Fourth Murat Sertel Workshop on Economic Design (May 2013): Organizer
GDN 2013 meeting: Program committee member
GDN 2012 meeting: Program committee member
GDN 2011 meeting: Program committee member
APET 2010 meeting: Organizing committee member
GDN 2010 meeting: Program committee member
SWET 2009 meeting: Organization committee member.
ASSET 2009 meeting: Program and Organization committee member.
GDN 2009 meeting: Program committee member.
Society for Social Choice and Welfare 2006 Meeting: Program and Organization committee
Murat Sertel Memorial Conference, 2004: Program committee member and organization
committee chair.
ASSET 2003 meeting: Program committee member.
Sabancı University Economics Seminars, 2001-2005, Organizer.
Refereeing Experience
Theoretical Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Games and Economic Behavior, Economic
Theory, International Journal of Game Theory, Mathematical Social Sciences, Social Choice and
Welfare, Review of Economic Design, Group Decision and Negotiation, İktisat İşletme Finans, Turkish
Mathematics Journal
Member of
Turkish Economics Foundation (Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu), Econometric Society, Society for Social
Choice and Welfare, Game Theory Society, Society for Economic Design, Society for Economic Theory
Teaching Experience
Instructor, Sabancı University:
Games and Strategy, B.A. program, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Fall 2001now
Topics in Game Theory, M.A. and Ph.D. program, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences,
Spring 2002- now
Topics in Microeconomics, M.A. and Ph.D. program, Faculty of Arts and Social
Sciences, Fall 2013
Microeconomic Theory, M.A. and Ph.D. program, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences,
Fall 2003 – now
Formal Modeling in Political Science, M.A. and Ph.D. program, Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences, Fall 2009 – now
Game Theory, Executive Development Unit, Fall 2003- now (occasionally)
Instructor, Duke University:
Topics in Economic Theory, Economics M.A. program, Spring 2012
Intermediate Microeconomics, Economics B.A. program, Fall 2011
Topics in Game Theory, Economics B.A. program, Spring 2012
Instructor, University of Rochester:
Introduction to Modern Value Theory, Ph.D. Program, Department of Economics, Fall
Mathematics Review Course, Ph.D. Program, Department of Economics, Summer
1998, Summer 1999.
Mathematics Review Course, Executive Development Program, W. E. Simon School
of Business Administration, Summer 1998.
Teaching Assistant, University of Rochester:
Advanced Price Theory, Ph.D. Program, W. E. Simon School of Business
Administration, Fall 1999.
Introduction to Mathematical Economics, Ph.D. Program, Department of Economics,
Fall 1997, Fall 1998.
Managerial Game Theory, Executive Development Program, W. E. Simon School of
Business Administration, Fall 1999.
Strategic Decision Making: Theory and Practice, M.B.A. Program, W. E. Simon
School of Business Administration, Fall 1999.
Managerial Economics, M.B.A. Program, W. E. Simon School of Business
Administration, Spring 1998, Spring 1999.
Intermediate Microeconomics, Department of Economics, Spring 1998, Spring 1999,
Fall 1999.
Teaching Interests
Game Theory, Microeconomics, Mathematical Economics, Political Economy.
Thesis Supervision
Ph.D. Degrees
İpek Gürsel Tapkı, Decision Analysis in Competitive and Cooperative Environments
(Ph.D. Thesis) 2010 (Assistant Professor at Kadir Has University)
M.A. Degrees
Enes Şafak, Dynamics of Civil Wars Under the Possibility of Third-Party Intervention,
(M.A. Thesis) 2014 (private sector)
Korhan Koçak, The Effect of Social Media on Media Capture and Government
Accountability, (M.A. Thesis) 2014 (PhD student at Princeton University)
Kutay Çingiz, Coalition Formation in Bargaining, (M.A. Thesis) 2013 (PhD student at
Maastricht University)
Rüştü Duran, Compromise and Attraction Effects, An Experiment for Verification and
Comparison of Alternative Models (M.A. Thesis) 2011 (PhD student at Oxford
Yeliz Ayşe Kaçamak, On the Investment Implications of Bankruptcy Laws (M.A.
Thesis) 2011 (PhD Student at University of Michigan)
Ercan Aslan, A Noncooperative Analysis of Dynamic Simple Allocation Problems
(M.A. Thesis) 2010 (PhD student at University of Edinburgh)
Musab Murat Kurnaz, An Axiomatic Analysis of Dynamic Simple Allocation
Problems (M.A. Thesis) 2010 (PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University)
Osman Yavuz Koçaş, Alternative Notions of Rationality for Solutions to Simple
Allocation Problems (M.A. Thesis) 2010 (PhD student at Duke University)
Bertan Turhan, On Game Theoretical Solutions to Allocation Problems (M.A. Thesis)
2009 (PhD student at Boston College)
Mürüvvet Büyükboyacı, An Experimental Test of the Welfarism Axiom (M.A. Thesis)
2007 (received PhD from CalTech, 2012)
Mahmut Kemal Özbek, An Analysis of a Real-life Allocation Problem (M.A. Thesis)
2007 (received PhD from Cornell, 2012)
Hasan Vatansever, Contract Theory (M.A. Thesis) 2004 (working for Turkcell)
Serkan Küçükşenel, Uniform Trade Rules for Uncleared Markets (M.A. Thesis) 2004
(received PhD from CalTech, 2009)
Özgür İnal, Ordinal Bargaining in Economic Domains (M.A. Thesis) 2003 (received
PhD from Rice University, 2010)
M. Yiğit Gürdal, Protectionist Demands in Globalization (M.A. Thesis)
(received PhD from University of Minnesota, 2009)

Benzer belgeler

ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service

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ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service

ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service Komite üyesi) (Bargaining with Nonanonymous Disagreement: Decomposable Rules) The Eighth International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, July 2006 (Organizasyon ve Program Komit...


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