14 May, Friday


14 May, Friday
14 May, Friday
Session A
11:00-12:30 A General Theory of Time Preferences,
Efe Ok (NYU)
Measuring Segregation,
Oscar Volij (Ben-Gurion University)
CHAIR: Chaim Fershtman (Tel-Aviv University)
14:30-16:00 A Fallacy in the Theory of Nash Implementation,
Remzi Sanver (Bilgi University)
Self Monotonicity and Implementation,
Semih Koray (Bilkent University)
CHAIR: Eddie Dekel (Tel-Aviv University)
16:30-18:00 On the Potential of Gentle Rule Enforcement,
Ido Erev (Technion Haifa)
Adaptive Heuristics,
Sergiu Hart (Hebrew University)
CHAIR: Ipek Ozkal-Sanver (Bilgi University)
Session B
The Efficiency of Competitive Mechanisms under Private Information,
Rann Smorodinsky (Technion Haifa)
Course Bidding at Business Schools,
Utku Unver (Koc University)
CHAIR: William Thomson (University of Rochester)
Core Equivalence for Equilibria with Slack
Aysegul Yildiz Ulus (Galatasaray University)
Trade Rules for Uncleared Markets,
Ozgur Kibris (Sabanci University)
CHAIR: Itzhak Gilboa (Tel-Aviv University)
Participation in Auctions,
Michael Landsberger (University of Haifa)
Towards a Strategic Foundation of Rational Expectations Equilibrium,
Motty Perry (Hebrew University)
CHAIR: Tayfun Sonmez (Koc University)
15 May, Saturday
Session A
Empirical Similarity, Itzhak Gilboa (Tel-Aviv University)
Session B
Vote Buying, Eddie Dekel (Tel-Aviv University)
Rational Choice with Status Quo Bias,
Yusufcan Masatlioglu (NYU)
Ensuring Pareto Optimality by Referendum Voting,
Ipek Ozkal-Sanver (Bilgi University)
CHAIR: Jean-Francois Laslier (Ecole Polytechnique)
Time Dependent Bounded Recall Strategies Are Enough To
Play The Discounted Repeated Prisoners’ Dilemma,
Mehmet Barlo (Sabanci University)
CHAIR: Elchanan Ben-Porath (Hebrew University)
A New Probability Model for Public Preference Structures: Impartial
Anonymous and Neutral Culture Condition,
Ayca E. Giritligil Kara (Isik University)
Finite State Dynamic Games with Asymmetric Information: A
Computational Framework
Chaim Fershtman (Tel-Aviv University)
Strategic Approval Voting in a Large Electorate,
CHAIR: Michael Landsberger (University of Haifa)
Comparitive Statics of Games between Relatives,
Igal Milchtaich (Bar-Ilan University)
CHAIR: Sergiu Hart (Hebrew University)
Rationalizable Expectations,
Elchanan Ben-Porath (Hebrew University)
Children crying at birthday parties; Why?
William Thomson (University of Rochester)
Incentives and Discrimination,
Eyal Winter (Hebrew University)
CHAIR: Efe Ok (New York University)
Allocating multiple estates among agents with single-peaked
preferences, Anirban Kar (Sabanci University),
CHAIR: Ozgur Kibris (Sabanci University)
Generalized Trust and Wealth,
Mehmet Bac (Sabanci University)
Kidney Exchange, Tayfun Sonmez (Koc University)
CHAIR: Eyal Winter (Hebrew University)
Contracts as Precommitments, Levent Kockesen (Columbia U.)
CHAIR: Motty Perry (Hebrew University)
Jean-Francois Laslier (Ecole Polytechnique)
16 May, Sunday
Session A
09:00-11.00 A Decomposition of Maxmin Expected Utility,
Emel Filiz (Columbia University)
Session B
Economics of Scale in Reputation: A New Theory of the Emergence of
Nira Yacouel (Bar-Ilan University)
Regretful Agents in Static and Dynamic Auctions,
Erkut Özbay (New York University)
A Characterization of ‘Anonymous and Neutral’ Equivalence Classes,
Onur Doğan (Boğaziçi University)
Cost Allocation Over a Fixed-Circular Route,
Duygu Yengin (University of Rochester)
Optimal Voting Scheme with Costly Information Acquisition,
Alex Gershkov (Hebrew University)
CHAIR: Levent Kockesen (Columbia University)
CHAIR: Remzi Sanver (Bilgi University)

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List of Participants

List of Participants igilboa@post.tau.ac.il


View - Bogazici University, Department of Economics

View - Bogazici University, Department of Economics “The   Welfare   Effects   of   Government's   Preferences   over   Spending   and   its   Financing,”   with   C.   E.   Alper,   O.   P.  Ardic  and  I.  S...


ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service

ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service Second World congress of the Game Theory Society, July 2004 (Bargaining with Nonanonymous Disagreement) Third International Meeting of the Society for Economic Design, July 2004 (Trade Rules for Un...


ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service

ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service • Second World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Temmuz 2004 (Bargaining with Nonanonymous Disagreement) • Third International Meeting of the Society for Economic Design, Temmuz 2004 (Trade Rule...


ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service

ÖZGÜR KIBRIS - Sabancı University myWeb Service “On Algorithmic Solutions to Simple Allocation Problems”, 2008. “A Revealed Preference Analysis of Solutions to Simple Allocation Problems”, 2008. “Bargaining with Nonanonymous Disagreement: Monoto...
