service - NYS Historic Newspapers


service - NYS Historic Newspapers
Curious eyes peered; fivm 1b*
tonewe that mm *t?M Nebra>a tiie pajto^ljocse and the
and Northern district. At first
his range was limitless, but in a were not without fame even if tbe. then
fe*r short years be could *t«nd| on mm himself were a stranger to
the roof of his sod hut and see the them a l t f o r the better part o t wiaaed to ride for ra 0
wlitte points of light which were a. year the two high-colored horse* than for another, their
ftjirattera.* m&gowi flotttog the tmm hail been seen on the range—eontli
tq the far librlwn lu^ay fltectictia to tbe "railroad, west to tbe Idaho •!SL 551^S.
"Becatue tbe~Three Bar
he chose to Imk, 1'lie first 'of
fbese to iav«# i»Js » % e hafl oeen and when seen by approaching man who baa prowled tlii
and gathered, • few
0«l Warren, moving osa before the riders he had always been angling W
« a . t \ g t t o g *Ml" •• ««ai
»wawo of settJers JjacWag Into the on a course that would miss their
ca"And fljat Information lg
locality t)t his first chofcu In sacl*
alaruilng numbers tlmt he fejired riosity, deliberately ridden oat to to any brand that hires ro
an uphealthy congestion of bmnan- Intercept htm . reported that ha tbe girl. "Is that what yoa
tty in the near future. Tne debate seemed a decent sort of citlxea,
of faruitng versus co«s was re* ^willing to converse on any known wrong with a man scfaooH
siiased between the two, but each topics except those concerning him- self to know all points of
held doggedly to hw own particular self.
• • " before he asked for it," i
it happens tbat wasn't
TICWB and the longed-for partner'
He dropped front tbe saddle be- "But
- "ship was again poistponed.
fore the bunk house and aa he stood m*
A shade of weariness
Harris moved once more—and
her face. Daring tbe
then agaln*-and It wm something men lounging on the bunks. Tnia that her father bad ben
over two decadeg after his departure Indolence appraised him of tho fact 0 tbe hoose after being
from Dodge with the Three Bar that they were extra men signed by a boraa and in tbe
cows that he made one final shift, on for tbe summer season and that that bad elapsed since !
faring on in search of .that land their pay had net yet started* tor tbe aJ* ^boosand cows a
where nestera- were unknown. Be tbe cowhand, when on the pay roil, /•mm the Tfc*ee Bar brand
made a dry march that cost blm a works sixteen boars daily and range btd decreased to
fourth of his cons, skirted the Colo- when he rests or frolics it is, ex> under bar management
rado desert and made his stand un- cept in rare instances, on his own
der the first rim of the hills. Those time and at his own expense. ,
rtl probaWy be Insulted
others who came to share thie range
A tall, lean Individual, who sat ( have
to offer. The m e a a j
were man whose views were cross-legged on a bonk, engaged: after
the boraartomorrow. I
Identical with bis own. wboae in mending a spar strap, waa the M man•:&*&
tad da
watchword was: "Our cows shall first to answer his Inquiry > for the ft« Jabi roundhere*
run free on a thousand hills." They foreman.
; ,
get iiel» ^
sought for a spot .where the range
"Bllile Warren Is tbe big he-coon
waa untouched"
watai1 holes tmfotyced. They had -You'H Hkely find tbe boast at
moved. Dbea moved again, drives blacksmith shop." Tbe lanky
<p ,*af • the.
grinned aa the atraagtr
a huge. Cst
aa before the invasion of the set- back through the Utter of
of the shop ai.d
tiers. These men bsnded together buildings, guided by the
face with ,*'
and swore that here condition squeak of bellows and tbe cia
ahoald be reversed, that It was tbe a aledga on hot lro«i. Sevearat
eqoatter who ahoald move, and oa pressed close to the window* t& Wtf
*ew*pa>er,-A mm-*^
this principle they grimly retted. Udpatlon of viewing tb«v-ia#»
Cal Warren had been tbe van* comer's atarprise at greeting «Aa , *bim mm a tttti* OxJagi
gntrd of each new rash of settlers Three Bar boss. Bat tbe man did A eowband is rhe most ovens* '
that had paahad Bill Harris on to not seem surprised when a young and o»dtrpal« siphend that;
anotftar range, aad tbe cowman bad girl emerged from tbe open door at lost t h m
cone to ear th* band of fata In the shop as he neared it
on and; tte*i»lb
tola persistence. When the Warren
She waa dad In a gray flannel
family foond blm again and bait- skirt and black angora chaps, "foe all—to awtd-a ftk at forty,
ed their white-topped wagon before heavy brown hair waa concealed six months fi»tbe year. Tbe^
his door, Bill Harris gave It up. beneath the broM. bat that waa six he's thr*w*d l«we like «•
. T r e come to see about getting palled low over her eyes after tbe horse to' rsatfe or starve,
that partnership fixed up. Bill," fashion of those who live macb in wprk itt tt» world—but he
Warren greeted. **Yoa know—the tbe open. The man removed bis know H. »r *n»»y i^oaldnt hh»1
one we talked over in Dodge a hat and stood before her.
to Alp'•:§, tmtA H«
while ago, about our going in toplay. N l nnV o«t of ten but wtat
"Miss, Warren r be inquired. Tbe prides litnaeif fhat l» cant k
gether when either of us changed
his mind. Well, I've changed mine. girl nodded and waited for him to browbeat into'doing a tap of Wfl*
I've come to see-that running cows state his purpose^
Ask him lo cut » stick of flreatol
"What are the chances of ,my and he'll artir*l»ia hack and
is a good game, Bill, so let's fix it
riding for the Three Bar?"' he at yoa spornful-llke- ~T>oot
up. I've changed my mind."
beat h f - i r -, ••
"That was twenty years ago, asked.
"We're full-handed." said the girl.
"It do." wild the stranger.
Cal," Harris said. "But it still hold*
"I'm* the }««t wagon ci>oh flat
good—only I've eh an cod my mind, T i n sorry."
"You'll be breaking out the- re- erer sloshed dlstlwater over DK
too. Yon was dead right from the
first Squatters will come 'to roost muda right soon now," he suggest- tall-gote, and even berter tlmnthit
on every foot of ground nnd there'll ed. "FnMfeaJ handy round a break- In a ranch-house kitchen." the fen"
come a day when I'll have to turn Ing corral."
quaclous fine modestly assured bid'
squatter myself—so I might as well
"They're ail handy nt that," she "But I cjin't do Justice to the raesH,
start now. The way to get used said. Then sha noted the twd when I lay out to do all the cboffl*
to crowds, Cal, Is to RO where the horses before the bunk house and w,ltbin four* mile* and run mym
crowds are at. I in headed back frowned. Her eyes searched th'e thin collecting scraps and aqsst
for KasAas and you better come stranger's fare and found no fault wood to keep tbe-atove I»et aip. J&f
rtlong. *Ve'il get that partnership wMh it; slip HketJ Ills level enw. since Bilile baa hired you. I tnwt
fixed, up.**
But she wondered what manner of you'll work op a pile of trona rttt
A single child had come to Mess man ttis wasjvho had so aimlessly will keefi me grtkig—and folks «|l
me Wad4{aa,** he ndde<l as an after
each union Jn the parents* late mid- wandewd alone for a year,
(Contteued cm Page Nine)
dle age. The Harris heir, a boy
of- eight, had been named Calvin
in honor of his father's friend. Cal
Warren had as nearly returned the
compliment as circutustanees would
permit, Bnd his thret-year-old
daughter bore the name of WHHamette Ann for both father andmother of the boy who WRS his
namesake, and Warren styled her
A modem garage with, the most up-to-date equipmoat
Blllie for short.
Each man was as stubbornly set
and with skilled janig experienced mechanic* enables us to
In his new views aa he had bees
serve you promptly and| with a measure of satisfaction
In the old. The Harrises came Into
possession of the Warren's prairie
tunsitfpasse'd m the Nort!h Country.
Wbooner and drove off to the east,
The Warrena took over the Three
Bar ranch and the Httie WiHlamette
Ana slept la the tiny bunk built for
Call Us On The Telephone At Any Time of the
the son of the Harris household,
fflr a space of minutes these
Day or Night
jOld picture* oecnpJed the wind ot
the roan on the pinto horse. DJs«
tint string* of prairie schooners
flat! ox-bows faded from his ralnd'a
and OIL
•eye and he was once more con*
HOO0 and 0 . S. TIRES
»eton» «f the red steer with the
Tftree Bar brand that hnd stirred
op the train of reflections, He
turned for another gHmpm of the
distant sign Hs he headed the painthWHB aloiJ^ the road.
"AH tftnt wm quite a »jwtt melt,
CMfce/* fte *«fii. "Old Bill BimU
planted tftp firsf one of thnscj jsls?n»,
Mn<l it mn'CH n good, purpose tfi
'!?#'« *!g» ilmt stands fnr bitik
progrm tod»y, Times, etange,
ifafefrpij*?lKJ«e<*n $e»n or
line low the fetge 0t the great
•*?•:'.,: '
By H A L G . E V A H T S
It W M five years before their
trails crossed again. Cal Warren
the first of te
tbe two to wed,, and
lUUfiK }acged northward along
d tblihd
Hit road o o i b i i pinto hone, he bad established a post along
H Icil btKicBkta, peeked, trailing a the trafl, a rambling structure of
fjalMength behind, A ranch road 'dob*, poles and aod, and .there
branched off t* the left and the ma* conducted tbe business of "Two for
HuUed u« Ma fcerae to view a sign One," a calling Impossible and onknown In any other tbao that day
that stood «t the forks.
**£qtiacter, Jkm't let the sun go tad place.
OB von," be read, "Th«f« tbe j The tang toll trains were in sight
from hortsoa to hortaon avary boor
third oae of tfceee reminders. Cali- of
tbe day. The grind of the gravel
co,** be told the horse. T h e word- wore
down the hoofs of the unshod
tog a little daflerast but tbe aenti- oreo,
aad when footsore they coald
stunt alt the aasae."
not go on. tea sound boll "for
Fifty yare* a* the trail the two with tender feat w*» Warrso's
charred ae* fctackeaed fragments rate of trade. These crippled ones
©f a vragoa abawed to sharp con- were soon made sound in the padtrast to the hteached white hone* dle pen, a sod corral doodad with
©f two hoceea,*
anflMaat water t» puddle toe yel"They deemed his team aad low day Into a six-inch layer of
torched Ida perldty gooda," ttw stiff, healing mud, than thrown but
rW*-r. said. **«. JUa--a«pea gone an tfaa open range t» fattea and
grow atroog. But traasltioas ware
awift aad sweeping, steel rails
"•\H# taraat f« Ms
ware erowdlag ektaa behind this
looked otfajaaaa ta*
•wuw «f «•••.; OeMftfer—prot- ftraJrla actaoatwrs aad the ex-bowa.
a*}y so naaaal {Mai the fact that Bui} flralM grew fewer eveey year;
eTantoaiiy* Cai Warren wade
UH> thr«e ftsJip la ta« tofa eooati- M
d yf
tufcfci the eeljr fipree of rntac with- Mi teat trade
of two for one."
in DM court i«g» lay thirty mika
Bin Bania bad -#on»e back to
to the aavtfc, I daatar of aeaaa
dm railroejO" of which he bad
forty tiuiidkajr oaattiag a* a wtod- view
ao moeb and be remained in.
•w<<pt flat • ia»era| aaBaa beyond it, beard
aad to be a part of the
with l^tmttMweeae* centers witneaa
wild days of Abilene. Mays and
' lvillsatiea feetwseau the rail- Dodge, aa each attained tbe apex
atrtbdM* wm* V* rolling of Ita 'glory aa the railroad's
ead and the consequent desntaataeit as* more look at tination of the Texas trail herds.
the *vid«*»M taft f M a i ' t o prow The sight of these droves of
iii. t (tie sign was a* :ampty threat thousand* implanted a desire to
tx>r»r« heading thi, patnt-horae rap cows himself, and when be was
kU-ug the left-hand JWk. He noted wed is Dodge he broached this
that the range c o n along bis route project to bis boyhood pal.
were (xxir and iesn, tneirulp bones
was tbe sincere wish of each
tri-.«-itiK lumpily through sagging to Itgain
the other as a partner in
tlriii, et»ing them the* appearance
future enterprise, but this was
of milker* mtber than beef stock. all
Tli« |>r«-eedlog MUtnnjer had been not to be. . Warren had seen the
tint imri dry, browning the ning« ^bottom drop.out of the bull trade
I'IS u <•<>&* iMjfone It* time, aad the and he would not relinquish the
• ! v k t.wd gone Into the winter In suspicion that, any business dealing
|f('>r ^tsaiK*. Hilary snowfalls hail In fntir-fooied »ii>4 wst hazard\ii;r>.f>i<"i«Ht me havoc, Htid 3d i>er ous in the'extreme- and he insist-
fe '
• f-ciii «jf i!i*» ranj;i> stock had
• v..iii'r-l,ns<>tJ.
Tlu«*e that,
I-i:!!i'il liiruujdi mew slow In
\fi . <M wvl'iM anil recoverinjr
Tlirtv l'.;ir brand lw>m
\fti ; • a iiH' Kiik", iind fhe man
. <• }<tin>Hi up liis liorse and lost
. ••(! in r#!rf»si«?ction aa be
ml nt ilte brand.
«» old Three liar, CalFirw,1* hf
ked la his horse. "Tlie old
iiruiid. It's iteen msny a utooa
lint- 1 Imt laid an rye on « Three1
V'j M« IIUJII # a s gnatng directly at
jtM>V.u>«r iMit lie no longer «aw I t
Ii.^;(-iid. he jx$m_ picturing th«» old\.* t.<'Hit*a tfml the sight of the
, li, .tt.ul I'vfuttaL
StPp hy step JHS
'. \f Aiiert Hi** ftmg twft of ihe
.,.j;.-r W-ft ifrom'Pud^ Wty t o
i'i •!.)«>, f;--«»i.ih> HrtitP jo'the roll|i , sfijse-rfcfd nlUs rouna old Fort
. ^
" \r
• "
i i
i '--
i - " s^.
'n j ^ " ~ ~ *" flfc* rTT—" ' i T ^ t i » ^
? - " ( H wjw
e tale* and tti»U|!i
•••>: i m f l l "
... . r «SsfS'i'tttl «».W Jlft MflJ«elt
vilViu-» ru»'«f "
The Vanjiuard of Each New Ru«h
«f ^tttfai^r „:. . ; ( •„
that d o salwilsjj of alt ttelr"
pm& apto
fog lpM,'ti'6t eittis.' fltowts «sal(4
mi fee.-tofltttoi to tarn tae Mi •m
wfiifo- steers WOBB sclitos
feJit dollars ' l i p f
c«n n
» u I '•• in
wore than H mtt& '
, Bar -