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· Spuek · · ._ _._-_ , DrOp :LasfTwo~'T~p@;·~:~~
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by Cia~ YOUDI
Friday .upt .the Mercer
WV. cWe.ted at U.. bMcll of the
Jac:bonviDe . DolphiDI. 11M bome
team wu outmatched by the heiabt
of the Florida te.m, ud tboul:h
dou~e·n;w:.. .k. Roi»rt.Wolt
aod 1'om' Mitc:beU Mcb' icoriq
poiDta. :
· ro;:..r·.if..
it' Robert.· .... ·. 8
";1-·:2 ·.s·
· .4 . -~ ~:.a£; ' ' \I ;
. · 6 J. I ·.":t .
Be1loU ·. ·
' .
The Sputaul Were Jed in ICOriDI MltcMU
With 21 pointa. pther top
· ·. .'t :.· 0.' i . ~ .
were ba.d by Bob
and Lu· ~ ':a.:
theBrum.playedaf.Mtpme,they tber J{enely; ,.m ucwial
a..wa · ·. ·- 0 .c;:.·.;,. 0 ··
Couldn't atop the rebowadibl of. poiDt.. Jimmy Sinl.th t.d.l&, and Porter ·.· .:'.:"··
~ 1~ : 1 ~ ,f f
Mercer Bears are going to have a lo&ing season thiJ y~, Rod Mcintyre., Fr omt.be VVJ b. Jolm Selenc:io b'alled with 9 pollda.
· ::·. ;o . 1o.~o· ·o·
but with a few breaks and an ability to shoot foul abPta the linn1DI the pme w.e Jacboaville'•
M...cet- ~Dade 2B/M · lhota, .tO
.. · :0.·if ~· .~
situatiot could possibly. be different. Coach Wilder bas a good game. Alee rth_e iDiCial awaute., the 'hmpa'• 33/61 ~,._ Me~•
: p.··:. ~o. ~ ~~~
b~ch of boys; m fact m Jud Roberts be probablythaa one of Bean fell behind by • IDUiiD or 6 record now~ wtth a 9-18 .... Grabaa., ·.: . 0 . '•J-:-~ " ·.0
Mercer's fin~t all time p~yers. Nobody woWd complain about ~inff. They ~aiucl bebiud an- aon, aPd OODd~ ' with a ,._.. Ta;lor
a .· .O.J~ : ·~· -··
.Roundballers· R~viewed
o::o •
:o· .
Robert Bellou or Tom Mitchell ~hen he playa.
It wu just one of tbo.e yean ud
the Bean ,ot off to a bad .tart and
really didn't play focether welJ ·UD·
til a at_rong victory in overtime over
Georgia Southern gave them ·the
impetus; they won with 10me re«U·
hive ~ off .,. an. accepted
part of ~tr ltyle .8Dd their ability
to l~t the open man ill a vital ta).
ent TlW year Bill Naylor baa
come into his own. In the wt ball
of the ~~Maon Bill hat had clutch
pertormancee oou.il~ntly and
neectleu to. aay it one the !lean
couldn't hav~ done without. 'bur
aube are coming along, m01t being
freahmen and have all .contributed
to winl here and thor,~ thia 18480n.
Nerl year they will be ready to
help the Bean mol'&-410meone will
,tep into Naylor'• spot. Jim .Hildebrandtand 'JiJnGraham ·arelikely
candidate. or maybe a ·!rot fftllb·
man prospect· Maybe Spean Weat·
With adequate rebounding and
·foul abootinJ the Bean could roar
Tbey lhould be able
to run with anybody; Jud aod Belloir handle the fut break as good
u anybody we've aeen. With ade·
quate faa •upport the Bean ebould
be inlpired to a winninl eeuon. In
fact the Bean l01e ~ lleldom at
home the fana really lhould have
something to cheer about.
Thil year waa a bunch of maybe's
and almostl (maybe tbey1l1ink the
rree throw and they al:mott won)
nest year Jet'• be p00tive and win.
!ll the laa~ IIWluta, belt rem•lruwt
m con~ntion, .cloliDf the PIP to
two pom~; the Mil~ aco!- ....
The eecond half .... tbe dec:ldlnl
factor for tiM! home &ilem. 11M· two
Sophomoaagu&l'& IPraDI baclr and
lbowed their true form. form Chat
had preYio~ly beaten the Y dow
Jacket. of Tech, Stetloli and William_ and Mary. The Wilder. tMD:i
wu out rebounded. acored aod ma·
neuvered the whole aecond billf.
Bill Naylor, the only tetirl.q Sen·
ior 01;1 the team, played
of hll
larity alter that
There have been thole apeci.al
moment& tiW year we won't forget.
Mercer: futilely chaaiq Huntingdon
in the fmt Mercer lnvitatioDal only
to go down in defeat .when the
Hawb .eem.inJly never mbled
from the foul line. The complete
fruatration of blowing a 14-poi.nt
fane.t•'tauu•, ~ .ev.r.I
lead to nationally ranked Canon·
.botafromthe ~ucb ~~MeNewman and u mentioned before,
Intyre. .
the happine. of the wiD vver arch·
Jud Robert. led the &an
rival Southern. The Bears tuted
scoring, and compiled • total' of 19
~ lint Homeoom.inr victory in 3
pointa. Bill Naylor put in 12 pobttl,
yean. and reYenpd a 10M to Tam·
to Freshman Jim Graham'• 10 11M
P8 ~t yea_r by whippin( them~
team shot a 46.. percent of~.
79 .wtth native Tampan Jud Roberta
or lS/?,8 attempted 1pointa.
dolq the bono.n . It was a HUOD of
The Florida Dolphinl were J.d
pltu~e~ and IIUJlUSM ; Jud Roberta
by the Shopomore Rod Mclntyn.
and Robert Belloir on the plua aide,
He ahot so pointa: The other tall
and a lack of apirit and free throw
Sophomore Tom Purvia poured in
lhootiq to the debit aide.
21 point.. Kellam and Smith were
Individually the Bean bad lOme
the other two scoren in the double
~uta. Roberta continue~ hit 20
figures. They had 12 and. 10 re.
poUlt ave~ into . the laat pme
1pectively. The Dolphinl ahot a r.
~ ~tr l.t •hootinl a~d a 17
markable 54.8% or 25/28 ba,sbta.
pomt clip. ~ tbt!le bo)'ll talents
Mercer clC*!d ita 18810n with a
9·1-' eeaiOn. Jacbonville has a 12·
. ........ ._......... all well 811
12 record with two more pm81 r.
tbetr abooting. The ateela th8le two dove of peace, which cot lost in maining to be played. .
space, the Raaaians arranged a
Tuesday night in Porter Gym,
Sputnik·which would not BEEP itl the Tampa Spartans cl~y defeat·
old ~ogan-Better Elect ~ise~er ed the Bean by a 1100re of 81·65.
(C.tlaed fraiD Pap 2)
Pt-efudent, but would 11ng a new From the very out8et of the pme,
cruiter, a Navy ReCruiter, BD Air tune-Love ~t Lyndon.
it looked u if the Tamp& tHm waa
Force Recruiter, a Peace Corps
The Viet Cong demonstrated determined to revene the outcome
RepJ"eeentative, . five lltac:b of U· against &ending more Americans of Mercer-Tampa'• previoua match.
10rted brochuree on tbinp .. vari· into space, inai•ting that they have
In the initial .minutel of the
o• • Hindu lndu.atrial Practice. more room for Americans in Viet game, the Spartan. lead by Senior
and new btu. of the Mercer Cata· Nam..
Rudy Bradley, jumped to a quick
101\le. .
The fint univenity of apace will seven point leed, and main~ined
How ref~ the campua will be jammed with Kentucky basket- the margin 'Til mid quarter. With
be with the added piltiODI. Pei'Cbed ball playen who hllv• learned that four minutes lert in the half, the
on their lofty. beil)lt. they will re- you can jump 30 feet in apace, Bean managed to whittle, i'empo.
mind me of the hip icte.Ja of the along with Ole Miu football play· rarily, the vialti~« team'• lead. The
liberal arta edua~tion u i' it at en with New Janey accent. who effort didn't quell the Spartan'•
Mercer, as 'It apota everyone in a are JOin& to bleach Man better style for long, and by the half had
particular field.
dead than red. Space Univeraity resumed a atronr lead with o acorit
Oh· Mercer! What will you think will have a facultY . aelec:ted from of 40-28.
of nezt? Perhaa- y~ will purchue St. Joluul, 1\ukeJee, S.M.U. and
In the seoond half the Bruin~
~ potato farm for the FoOd Ser: Agnes Scott. It will be running ita fared no better; .llainiq by ten
vice or build a paper mill to im'· fint apace debate touma.ment Q}}. point.. Senior BiD Naylor pulled
prow the l'lcademi~ atmo.pbeft.
ed the Sup~me Traneeartbly Uni- down ~everal- key rebound~, and
vetsity Planetery Debate, known made a fine show •1ainat Tampa'•
as STUPID for abort, with faculty .Stevena. But the individual eftorta
u debetora and etudent. u judge.. of the B•n wu not eulflcient to
(Coo~ froa:l P.,. I)
Just as the people Chicago de- stop the Spartan'• marclL The fiMl
. The French asked for American bate whether there ia a heU and the ecore w.. 66-81.
aid to finonoo their space· tria-, in people in hell debate whetlie~ there
.Jud Robert. led the Be.n with
(old pleaae, •nd the dictator of i& a Cbicaso th~ fim .debe~ toPic_ 17·pointa. Bill Na,ylor tank aix .free
ParagWty three.tened to tum red for STUP~ .will be: la 'l'bere .throWI, and ..came out with. a ecore
il we did not' tum over to him IOIIMt Really A Dilltrict of Columbia?
of 12 point.. 'nw ~er S..n in
of the long ,reen. ·
In the _intel"eet o( the Ru.iian
well~p~~ ~:_~
·Satire ....
Po Iitics . . . .
. . . . ..
. ~42:-9121 .
.. .
~. .
. ,
' ·
The ~ar
: .
Uble11 ~ wiD. l;)r. BaJpb
PbelPI ·~ld M~r .UDivealty
~dentl, . We ~& ~ 8DOUih
men ~ve,..__ to WlD tbfte.·
"U wel01e the atrugle at home,
IOinl to commeJld ·OW' way ol Hfe
to the one-third ol the. world tbat Jl
~ot com.mitte!l"
: Dr. P.lielpt, wbo .. oa !Mv. aa
prwident ol Ouachita Baj,tiat
venity, · ·Aritadelphia. .
....... . '-l!nninl ol c:hiMJI
are ioblf tp ... ill tbil CCJUDtry.
are I'Obll to ... aJoD,, bot III.IDIJI•·
beeau.e ol the bl~ a4
hwaan.lewl for
. .. .
llv• below the po¥Wty JfDe.
eerlbed the ponrty line • a
.AJ.Irla-; ·u, ol ~ hma,· -..s
better by the c1wrcbeL We mutt
with ·Chriatian comi)Miion 'cale
wha4 hapPen. to people."
Dr. Pbelpa criticUed CbriltiaDI
for not 'f'(anti.q -"to become 1nvolwd
in the ugly world" and laid, ''We
mu.at be a servant church or
of the buatne.."
The baaic idea cd the OEO wu
on poverty ia to help people help
thezuelv81, Dr. Phelpa aaid. He ad·
mitteci abort.cominp and called the
OEO .. · 0 f the
t ' 1m limeD
in ~ COWl~ . ~ ~
death, be MiCl, 'but there
_IWUlY ~- w~ •t ODly
m-.1 a day and that_iJ" the
lunch they pt at KbOol. .
~et.out No+~Ce
wo~ , P .
• •. •
!Ball of ... D•• 1n.t•t al
a& S..,. U.&va.ae,, ,.,._
,... Ia' -
• ............
wiD W.. • ~
. . _.BJ•Wap•, ~.
ed P~ but ~d, 'U~til we ,_,. rl, at 74t-P.M. Ia acome up With a better P~ we of ... ~.,....._ 0....
bad better utili.&e the one~ have."
~,...ale .. e111n1a11J bme.d.
• Now..:a.....
... 1.-.-()a
II:Q' . . . . . . .
.. .
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. e AIIB•tllti'G--tid
w... ~.~ ....- ...~.~na
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.....enel ~. ACdfttlt IM..W~~ee C.MIIiny
· Naslt....,
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challenpcl chUrch. y~~ $8.~.•· Y.-r ~r. -~ 'There are,
more than INICred IOCie6el for allb- tbil ~-Uication, 86 mJmoD
bini linDen." He laid, "Much of icul ol wbom 70 pen:ut ue
what we ue doinr in the Oflic:e ol peno~ be Nkl.
Etonomlc Opportunity can be doDe
"It ll ,bard jo belMve ~&
• . ~•. I
Dr. ~ told the .M ercer
d.Jltll U..t one ol ·fiv.
nli Milc,ta a.ustH..
.. .
:~'he~ .ul, ")Ve Ji.w
. .
~ deacribecl ~ by. tbe
eute~8~~0()f tbe 'val.O~ of. Ecoaomic_Opp~unib:. :. l.ll.
. .
. c..... .,...... ... . . ·:. : : .. . ..
14M ......ld• •~. · WI. ·c.JOi' . . · ·.·. . .
1...,...•Avenue .-.;~';
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T.,.e11ei . .'. '
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· · --tor. · . ·
On s trugg
. I'e. f'Of sUrVW
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apllllt.Jacbonville. ·
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