Name Semal Yemenicioğlu Current status Prof. Dr. Address METU


Name Semal Yemenicioğlu Current status Prof. Dr. Address METU
Semal Yemenicioğlu
Current status
Prof. Dr.
METU-Inst. Marine Sci.
P.O.Box.28, 3371 Erdemli-MERSĠN
0324 521 2406/1252
0324 521 2327
Date of birth
B.S., University, department, year
Ph. D
METU -Chemistry Dep.,
METU Inst. Marine Sci.,
METU Inst. Marine Sci.,
Work (Professional) Experience:
2009METU-IMS Chemical Oceanography
1998-2009 METU-IMS Chemical Oceanography
Ass. Prof.
1991-1998 METU-IMS Chemical Oceanography
Assist. Prof.
1982-1991 METU-IMS Chemical Oceanography
Research Assist.
1980-1981...METU-Fac. Of Art &Sci. Chem. Dep....................... Assist.
Research Interests:
 The distribution of organic and inorganic tins in biota, sediment and water column.
• Biomethylation of tin in the marine environment.
 The distribution of heavy metals (Hg, Pb, Zn, Cu, and Cd) in northeastern Mediterranean and Marmara
 Cd, Sn and Hg flux in to the Mediterranean from land-based sources.
 Biogeochemical cycle of mercury in northeastern Mediterranean.
 Vertical and spatial distribution of mercury in the sediment and water column at Marmara Sea and Turkish
straits (Bosphorus and Dardanelles).
 Transport of mercury between Black Sea and Mediterranean through Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits.
 Mercury budget of Marmara Sea and Turkish Straits (Bosphorus, Dardanelles straits) system.
 Chemistry of the suboxic zone and Redox Metals in the Black Sea.
 Trace metal composition of sediments in the black sea.
 Distribution and fate of TBT at Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea and Turkish straits.
 Geochemistry of the recent sediments of Northeastern Mediterranean Sea.
Courses Recently Taught:
 Marine Analytical Chemistry, (Ma.Sc. 518).
 Marine Chemistry of Halogenated Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metals, (Ma.Sc. 516).
 Estuarine Chemistry and Processes, (Ma.Sc. 545).
 Introduction to Oceanography (Introduction to Jeology and Jeophysic) (Ma Sc 503)
 Pollution caused by the use of agricultural fertalizers:
 Coasts, Beaches and Estuaries:
Honors and Awards
(S. Erdoğan) Distribution of dissolved and particulate forms of iron and manganese in the black sea,
2002 MS.
(ġakir Çağan Tunç), Geology and geochemistry of recent sediments from the northeastern
Mediterranean basın 2008 MS.
(Oğuz Yiğiterhan), Trace metal composition of particulate matter in the water column and sediments
of the black sea and regional rivers 2005 Ph.D.
Research Projects: (ongoing and completed projects)
Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz‟deki ekonomik önemi olan bazı balıklarda ağır metal miktarları. TÜBĠTAK
Project kod no. YDABÇAG 261/G.
Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz‟de Ağır Metal Kirliliği. TÜBĠTAK Project kod no. YDABÇAG 460/G.
Proje adı: MED POLL PHASE III: Long term bio monitoring trend monitoring and compliance
monitoring program in coastal and hot-spot areas from north-eastern Mediterranean.
Proje adı: „Marine Antifoulant levels and distribution along the Mediterranean coast of Turkey‟ IAEA
Research Contract No. 11962/R0/UNEP.
Proje adı: US - Turkish-Ukraine Collaborative Research in the Black Sea. NSF-TÜBĠTAK Proje No:
MYTITURK - sub-regional surveys for the assessment of contamination level of Aegean and
Mediterranean coastal waters of Turkey using caged mussels existing in Turkish coasts”.
Meeting Organization, Workshop, Conference:
In internationally published jounals: 118 citations
Journal papers :
SALĠHOĞLU, Ġ., C. Saydam, S. Yemenicioğlu, 1987. Two Toxicants, Mercury and Tin in the Gulf of
Ġskenderun, Chemosphere, 16: (2-3), 445-458.
YEMENĠCĠOĞLU, S., C. Saydam, Ġ. Salihoğlu, 1987. Distribution of Tin in the Northeastern
Mediterranean. Chemosphere, 16: (2-3), 429-443.
ERGĠN, M., M. N. Bodur, V. Ediger, S. Yemenicioğlu, M. Okyar, N. Kubilay, 1994. Sources and
Dispersal of Heavy Metals in Surface Sediments Along the Eastern Aegean Shelf. Bolletino di
Oceanologia Teorica ed Applicata. 11: 1, 27-44.
KUBĠLAY, N., S. Yemenicioğlu, C. Saydam, 1994. Trace Metal Characterization of Airborne
Particles from the Northeastern Mediterranean. Fresenius Envir. Bull. 3, 444-448.
ERGĠN, M., M. N. Bodur, M. Yıldız, D. Ediger, V. Ediger, S. Yemenicioğlu, F. Yücesoy, 1994.
Sedimentation rates in the Sea of Marmara: a comparison of results based on organic carbonprimary productivity and 210Pb dating. Continental Shelf Research, 14: 12, 1371-1387.
KUBĠLAY, N., S. Yemenicioğlu, C. Saydam, 1995. Airborn Material Collections and Their Chemical
Composition Over the Black Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 30: 7, 475-483.
YEMENĠOCĠOĞLU, S., Ġ. Salihoğlu, 1995. Vertical Distribution of Mercury in the Sea of Marmara.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 4: 6, 336-341.
KUBĠLAY, N., S. Yemenicioğlu, S. Tuğrul, Ġ. Salihoğlu, 1996. The Distribution of Organotin
Compounds in the Northeastern Mediterranean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 32: 2, 238-240.
KUBĠLAY, N., C. Saydam, S. Yemenicioğlu, G. Kelling, S. Kapur, C. Karaman, E. Akça, 1997.
Seasonal Chemical and Mineralogical Variability of Atmospheric Particles in the Coastal Region of
the Northeast Mediterranean. Catena 28, 313-328.
ERGĠN, M., S. Yemenicioğlu, 1997. Geological Assessment of Environmental Impact in Bottom
Sediments of the Eastern Aegean Sea. Intern. J. of Environmental Studies, 51, 323-334.
YEMENĠCĠOĞLU, S., S. Tuğrul, N. Kubilay, Ġ. Salihoğlu, 1997. The Distribution of Methyltin Species
in Different Seas. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 34: 9, 739-744.
YILMAZ, A., Özer, U., Yemenicioglu, S., Aksoy, S., Torunoglu, T., 1998. Evaluation of heavy metal
contents, polyaromatic petroleum hydrocarbons and some inorganic pollutants in the south
Marmara rivers, Turkey Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 7: (5-6), 269-276.
YILMAZ, K., A. Yılmaz, S. Yemenicioğlu, M. Sur, Ġ. Salihoğlu, Z. Karabulut, F. Telli Karakoç, E.
Hatipoğlu, A.F. Gaines, D. Phillips and A. Hewer, (1998) Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Marine Pollution Bulletin , 36: 11, 922-925.
TEKĠROGLU S. E., V. Ediger, S. Yemenicioglu, S. Kapur, E. Akca, 2001. The experimental analysis
on the Late Quaternary deposits of the Black Sea. Oceanologica Acta, 24: 1, pp 51-67
YEMENĠCĠOĞLU, S., S. Erdoğan, S. Tuğrul, 2006. Distribution of dissolved forms of iron and
manganese in the Black Sea. Deep Sea Research Part II, 53, 1842-1855.
Yemenicioglu, S., Mora, S.d., 2009. Occurrence and seasonal variation of butyltin species along the
mediterranean coast of Turkey, Marine Pollution Bulletin 58, 163–166
Meltem Dural, Ercüment Genç, Semal Yemenicioğlu and M. Kemal Sangun (2010). Accumulation of
Some Heavy Metals Seasonally in Hysterotylacium aduncum (Nematoda) and Its Host Red Sea
Bream, Pagellus erythrinus (Sparidae) from Gulf of Iskenderun (North-Eastern Mediterranean).
Environmental Contamination and Toxicology: Vol. 84, (1) 125-131. DOI 10.1007/s00128-009-99044.
Conference papers:
YEMENĠCĠOĞLU, S., C. Saydam, Ġ. Salihoğlu, 1984. Biomethylation of Tin in the Marine
Environment. In: VII Journees Etud. Pollutions, C.I.E.S.M., Lucern, 217-226.
SALĠHOĞLU, Ġ., S. Yemenicioğlu, 1984. Chemical and Biological Distribution of Mercury in the
North Levantine. FAO/UNEP/WHO/IOC/IAEA meeting on the “Biogeochemical cycle of mercury in
the Mediterranean”. Siena, Italya, 27-31 August 1984.
Yemenicioğlu, S., A. Yılmaz, Ö. BaĢtürk, C. Saydam, Ġ. Salihoğlu, 1988. Mercury Distribution in the
Aegean Coast of Turkey. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. 31, 158, (CIESM XXXI'th Congres
Assemblee Pleniere, Atina, Yunanistan).
Kubilay, N., C. Saydam, S. Yemenicioğlu, Ġ. Salihoğlu, S. Tuğrul, 1990. Organotin Compounds in
the Coastal Waters of the Northeastern Mediterranean Turkey. 3'rd International Organotin
Symposium, Nisan, 1990, Monaco.
Tuğrul, S., N. Kubilay, S. Yemenicioğlu, Ġ. Salihoğlu, C. Saydam, 1990. Occurence and Fate of
Methyltin Species in Aquatic Environment. FAO/UNEP/IAEA Consultation Meeting on the
Accumulation and Transformation of Chemical Contaminants by Biotic and Abiotic Processes in the
Marine Environment. Eylül 1990 La Spezia, Italya.
Kubilay, N., S. Yemenicioğlu, C. Saydam, 1992. Atmospheric input of Particulate Matter to the
Eastern Mediterranean. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. 33, 175, (CIESM XXXIII'th Congres
Assemblee Pleniere, Trieste Ġtalya).
YIlmaz, A., S. Yemenicioğlu, Ö. BaĢtürk, S. Tuğrul, C. Saydam, Ġ. Salihoğlu, 1992. State of Pollution
of the Turkish Coast of the Eastern Mediterranean by Land Based Sources. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer.
Medit. 33, 189, (CIESM XXXIII'th Congres Assemblee Pleniere, Trieste, Ġtalya).
Ergin, M., M. N. Bodur, V. Ediger, S. Yemenicioğlu, M. Okyar, N. Kubilay, K. Yılmaz, 1992. Heavy
Metals in the Surficial Aegean Sediments Along the Turkish Coast. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit.
33,130, (CIESM XXXIII'th Congres Assemblee Pleniere, Trieste, Ġtalya).
Gökmen, A., M. Yıldız, H.N. Erten, S. Yemenicioğlu, M. Ergin, 1993. Radiochronology of Marmara
Sea sediments by natural Pb-210 and a uniform mixing model. International Symposium on
Applications of Isotope Techniques in Studying Past and Current Environmental Changes in the
Hydrosphere and the Atmosphere. IAEA/UNESCO, 19-23 Nisan, 1993, Vienna, Avusturya.
Kubilay, N., C. Saydam, S. Yemenicioğlu, S. Ağlagül, C. Karaman, K.Y. Gülüt, E. Akça, S. Kapur,
1993. Atmosperic Dust in Southern Turkey. 2'nd International Meeting on Red Mediterranean soils.
ISSS/FAO/ TÜBĠTAK, 3-9 Mayıs, 1993, Adana, Türkiye.
Kubilay, N., S. Yemenicioğlu, and C. Saydam, 1993, Trace Metal Characterization of Airborne
Particles from the Northeastern Mediterranean. 7'th International Symposium on Environmental
Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region. Juan Les Pines-Antibes, Fransa, 1215 Ekim 1993.
Yemenicioğlu, S., A. Yılmaz, and Ġ. Salihoğlu, 1996. Heavy Metal Input to Northern Levantine Basin
from Land Based Sources Along the Turkish Coast and by Dardanelles Strait. 8'es Recontres de
L'agence Régionale pour L'environnement, Provence-Alpes-Cote D'azur, 9-11 October, 1996, Nice,
Yemenicioglu S, Salihoglu I, 1997. Transport of heavy metals within a two-layered system: the
Marmara-Mediterranean-Black Seas system. 4th International Conference on Water Pollution LAKE
Yemenicioğlu, S., Ġ. SALĠHOĞLU, 1999. Transport of heavy metals within a two layered system:
The Marmara- Mediterranean- Black Seas system. International Conference on Oceanography of
the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea, Similarities and Differences of two Interconnected
Basins, Athens (Greece), 23-26 February 1999. In, Abstracts Book, edited by E. Th. Balopoulos, G.
Th. Chronis, E. L. Piatou, I. Oliounine, Athens, Greece, 1999. pp .179.
Yemenicioğlu S. and Ġ. Salihoğlu, 2000. Heavy Metal Fluxes Between Black Sea and The Aegean
Sea. In: The Aegean Sea 2000 (Ed: Öztürk Bayram). Proceedings of the Iınternational Symposium
on the Aegean Sea Bodrum (Turkey) 5-7 May 2000, p 63-74.
Yemenicioğlu S., Ġ. Salihoğlu, 2002. Mercury Distribution in the Marmara Sea, Black Sea and
Mediterranean Sea. In: 2‟nd international conference 2‟nd international conference Oceanography
of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Similarities and Differences of two Interconnected
Basins. (Ed. A. Yılmaz). TÜBĠTAK publishers, Ankara, Turkey, p 655-661.
Erdoğan S., S. Yemenicioğlu, S. Tuğrul, 2002. Distribution of Dissolved and Particulate Forms of
Iron and Manganese in the Black Sea. 2‟nd international conference Oceanography of the Eastern
Mediterranean and Black Sea. Similarities and Differences of two Interconnected Basins. (Ed. A.
Yılmaz). TÜBĠTAK publishers, Ankara, Turkey, p 447-451.
Yiğiterhan O., S. Yemenicioğlu and J. Murray, 2002. Controls on Distributions of Redox Metals in
the Black Sea. 2‟nd international conference Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black
Sea. Similarities and Differences of two Interconnected Basins. 14-18 October 2002, Ankara,
Yemenicioğlu, S., S. Tuğrul, D. Ediger, D. Yılmaz, S. Ç. Tunç, 2007. State of Pollution along the
Mediterranean Coast of Turkey. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. Vol. 38 page 329. ..........
Book and Chapter in a Book:
Journal papers
• SALĠHOĞLU, Ġ., C. Saydam, S. Yemenicioğlu, S. Tuğrul, 1986. Kalayın Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz‟deki Biyolojik
ve Kimyasal Dağılımı. Doğa, 10: 3, 484-494.
• YEMENĠCĠOĞLU, S., Ġ. Salihoğlu, 1994. Preconcentration of Mercury on Silver Wool and Determination in
Natural Waters by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Tr. J. of Biology, 18, 261-272.
• TUĞRUL, S., Ç. Polat, Ö. BaĢtürk, E. Hatipoğlu, A. Yılmaz, S. Yemenicioğlu, C. Saydam, Ġ. Salihoğlu, 1995.
Chemical Properties of the Two-Layer Flow Regimes in the Turkish Straits. Turkish J. Mar. Sci. 1: 2-3, 81-94
• YILMAZ , A., Ġ. Salihoğlu, M. A. Latif, S. Yemenicioğlu, 1998. Oceanographic investigations Related to a
Sewerage Outfall in Mersin Bay. Turkish J. of Engineering and Environment Science, 22, 155-167.
• TUĞRUL, S., Yemenicioğlu, S., Doğan-Sağlamtimur, N. (2007) Akdeniz Kıyı Alanları Kirlilik Kaynaklarında
Uzun Süreli Eğilim Ġzleme: Nehirler ve Atıksular (2003-2006). Türk Sucul YaĢam Dergisi (Turkish Journal of
Aquatic Life), 5-8, 596-606.
Conference papers
• BaĢtürk, Ö., D. Ediger, A. F. Gaines, E. Hatipoğlu, N. Kubilay, Ç. Polat, Ġ. Salihoğlu, C. Saydam, S. Tuğrul,
S. Yemenicioğlu, K. Yılmaz, A. Yılmaz, 1991. Marmara Denizinin Kimyasal Osinografisi. Kimya 91, VII. Kimya
ve Kimya Muhendisliği Sempozyumu. Nisan,1991, Gazi Magosa, KKTC.
• Yılmaz, A., S. Yemenicioğlu, S. Tuğrul, Ö. BaĢtürk, C. Saydam, Ġ. Salihoğlu, 1992. Çevre ve Osinografisi ile
Göksu Deltasının Kuzeydogu Akdenizdeki Yeri. Uluslararası Göksu Deltası Çevresel Kalkınma Semineri. 6-9
Ekim 1992 Silifke, Türkiye. T.C. Çevre Bakanlığı/DHKD tarafından Organize EdilmiĢtir.
-Yilmaz A., S. Yemenicioğlu, Ġ. Salihoğlu, C. Saydam, S. Tuğrul, Ö. BaĢtürk (1994) Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz'de
karasal kaynaklardan kirlenmenin boyutları, Kimya 94,X. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Uludağ, Bursa (Turkey), 1921 Eylül 1994. Bildiri Özetleri, U. Özer (ed.), Bursa, Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1994, p.162.
• Yılmaz, A., Ġ. Salihoğlu, S. Yemenicioğlu, S. Tuğrul, Ö. BaĢtürk, M. Yayla, 1998. Akdeniz Kıyılarında
Karasal Kaynaklı Kirlenmenin Boyutu ve Canlılara Etkisi. Türkiyenin Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları II Ulusal
Konferansı, Türkiye Kıyıları 98 Konferansı Bildiriler Kitabı Ed. E. Özhan, p 665-673.
Yemenicioğlu S., 2000. Ege Denizi Sahillerimizdeki Civa Dağılımı, 1. Ulusal Deniz Bilimleri Konferansı
Bildiriler ve Poster Özetleri, Ed. Z. Uysal, Ġ. Salihoğlu. 30 Mayıs-2 Haziran 2000, Ankara, Türkiye. P 249-250
Tuğrul, S., Ö. BaĢtürk, A. Yılmaz, S. Yemenicioğlu, Ç., Polat Beken, Y. Çoban Yıldız, Ġ. SALIHOĞLU, 2000.
Ġstanbul ve Çanakkale Boğazındaki iki tabakalı akıntı rejiminde besin tuzlarının mevsimsel değiĢimleri, I.
Ulusal Deniz Bilimleri Konferansı, 30 Mayıs-2 Haziran 2000, Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi, ODTÜ, Ankara.
Tunç, Ç., Tuğrul, S., Yemenicioğlu, S, Doğan-Sağlamtimur, N. (2007) Kirleticilerin Doğu Akdenizi Besleyen
Nehirlerdeki ve Bazı Atık Sulardaki DeriĢimleri ve Denize DeĢarj Miktarları. (ġenel, S., Demirel, Z., Kumbur,
H., Erkurt, E.A., Avcı, E.D. eds.), Ulusal Çevre Sempozyumu 2007 Bildirileri (Mersin Üniversitesi, 18-21
Nisan 2007, Mersin), s.1-13.
YEMENĠCĠOĞLU S., ġ. Ç. Tunç, E. Erdoğan, 2009. Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz Güncel Sedimanlarının Jeolojisi Ve
Jeokimyası. 15. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu. 1-4- Temmuz 2009 Rize. Sayfa 87.
ERDOĞAN E., Ö. BaĢtürk, S. Yemenicioğlu, S. Tuğrul, 2009. Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz kıyıları güncel
sedimanlarında ve balıklarda ağır metal DeriĢimleri. 15. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu. 1-4- Temmuz 2009
Rize. Sayfa 94
DURAL M., M. Z. Lugal Göksu, S. Yemenicioğlu, Ö. Duysak, 2009. Doğu Akdenizdeki Akyatağan Lagününde
bulunan ticari önemi sahip üç balık türünde ağır metal düzeyleri. 15. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu. 1-4Temmuz 2009 Rize. Sayfa 381.
Book and Chapter in a Book: