Aug 11 - St. James Catholic Church


Aug 11 - St. James Catholic Church
Saint James Catholic Community
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
PB&J (Prayer, Bibles Stories &
Jammin') is a Catholic Faith Formation program for infants
through Pre-K, taught through
music and movement. Pick up an
informational brochure and
registration form in the Narthex to
register for this year's classes. Classes begin the first week
in September. Contact Lori
Tajchman at
August 11, 2013
Children’s Choir
Children’s Choir is open to children
in Kindergarten through Sixth
Grade. We lead the 11am Mass
music on 1st and 3rd
Sundays of each month, and practice on Saturdays from 10 to 11am
Contact Lori Tajchman at
Little Saints Playgroup will meet on Wednesdays
at 10 am in the Social Hall beginning September
4th. Join us for a bible story, craft, snack and
play-time. No registration required. To stay current
on our schedule, add your name to our email list
(located in the Narthex), or email Lori Tajchman at
RE classes in our parish are open to all children from the age of
3years (by 8-1-13) to those entering the 5th grade. Our Sunday
morning class runs from 9 to 10:30 and includes PreK through 5th
grade. Our Wednesday evening session runs from 6:30 to 8pm and
includes 1st through 5th grade.
St. James Catholic Church
309 S Stewart Road, Liberty MO 64068
Office (816) 781-4343 Fax (816) 792-8691
School (816) 781-4428
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-4:00
On the web @
Mass Schedule:
Weekdays: M-F 8:00am (During school year Friday, 9am)
Saturday, 5:00pm
Sunday, 7:30am, 9:15am, 11:00am, 6:00pm
8:00pm William Jewel College, when in session
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday 4pm and Anytime by request
St. James Catholic Church
Page 2
Our Pastoral Team
Rev. Mike Roach, Pastor ......................... x201
Rev. Timothy Armbruster, C.PP.S, ......... x203
Deacon Chuck Koesterer ........................ x223
Jim Newell, Operations Manager ............. x204
Danny Baker, Dir of Liturgy and Music Ministry x207
Cecilia Richardson, Dir of Religious Ed Ministry ................. x206
Bobbi Roman, Dir of Youth Ministry ......... x208
Sandy Gagnon, Dir of Christian Initiation Ministry ... x200
Molly Doherty, School Principal ............... x213
Daryl Ann Sweetland, Office Manager .... x200
Loretta Venneman, Secretary .................. x202
Katie Klassen, Finance/ Bookkeeper ....... x220
Vicki Fischer, Development Director… ..X 261
Ombudsman—Jenifer Valenti, .. 816-812-2500
Victim Advocate-Mary Bultmann, MA, PLPC
Pastoral Council and Assignments:
Phil Baumert, Chair
Rena Tulipana
Jim Waterman
Sue Nordhues
Gerry Kimmel-Carr
Brieanna Shay 913-302-8296
Anne Crossett,
Michael Hundsceid
Mike Carr
Mission Statement
We, the community of St. James, are a prayerful and
Eucharistic people who treasure our Catholic
traditions. We strive to grow in our faith by being
good stewards of the gifts God has given us; sharing
God’s truth with all. As the Body of Christ, we are
called to love and serve everyone, especially the
marginalized, with joy and hospitality.
August 11, 2013
Did You Know?
“IT BEARS REPEATING” We are preparing to go to
Phase II of our effort to beef up security. It will include
MAG Locks on the door to the social hall closest to the
school office as well as a camera and push button pad
to control and monitor access to the school through
that door. A MAG Lock and push button pad will be
installed on the upper level gym entry and the lock and
remote access system on the school’s front door will
be renovated as required. Cameras will be installed to
allow us to monitor the play ground in the rear of the
church, as well as a camera in the concession area in
front of the gym. Thanks again to the PTO for funding
these security enhancements.
Thank you! — Jim Newell
Operations Manager
July 2013
Annual Appeal MTD
Annual Appeal YTD
Year to date
* Includes Offertory, and Misc Church Income.
“Thank you all.”
You should have received in the mail our updated
Church Guide and Directory. Please patronize the
advertisers in this booklet; thanks to them, this comes
to us free of charge. This includes the printing of
directory and the mailing no cost to us.
We remind you to please contact Loretta
( when changing your
phone number and email addresses. Thanks to Fr.
Timothy we now have an email blast to help keep you
informed of news in our parish.
St. James Catholic Church
Page 3
Mass Intentions
From the Pastor’s Pen
As we journey through the month of August, we know
this month is a ''hectic time for families---beginning
school, many young people leaving home for the first
time, and all kinds of other emotions and feelings and
experiences'. Know of our thoughts and prayers for all
families this time of year.
When I last wrote a "Pastor's Pen", I wrote in gratitude
for the tremendous response of folks in sending cards,
thoughts and prayers as I was battling some health issues.
Well, those 'battles with health issues' are on-going! But
I am still MOST grateful for the get well cards, the birthday cards, and the prayers. The response has been so
overwhelming, and I once again want to share with you
how grateful I am for being here at St. James---THANKS
As we prepare for school to begin this coming week--know that we still have some openings here at St. James
that provides a wonderful Catholic educational opportunity for you and your family. Please contact the school if
you are interested. This week we also celebrate the
Feast of the Assumption on Thursday, Aug. 15th--a Holy
Day of Obligation. Masses will be at 6:30 am, 9 am
(School Mass) and 7 pm.
As the beginning of the school year demands a more
rigorous schedule, we appreciate all those who have
been so faithful to their weekly giving. Part of being a
good steward is to be faithful to giving back to God from
all that God has given us--and that is done on a regular
And to those who have been faithful to their building fund
commitments, we are MOST grateful!!
Again, it takes all of us doing our part to continue the
good work that God has begun among us.
Be sure to mark your calendars for the upcoming Holy
Smoke BBQ offered by our “Do-Dad's”. Last year was a
tremendous success---and we know this years’ event will
also be a great success. Come and join us on Friday
evening, August 23 and Saturday, August 24!
May you and your families know God's continued
Blessings and Hope.
Peace, Fr. Mike
Week of Aug 12-18:
8am +Bill Fuenfhausen
The healing of Bud Sutlief
8am ++ Silas and Nancy Jesse
6:30am Precious Blood Members and
9:00am Sharlene James’ intentions
+Herbert E. James
7:00pm Fr Mike
Our Youth
Please note school schedule on pg4
5:00pm Mary Jo Hopkins in Thanksgiving
7:30am + Genevieve & Clayton Siefert
9:15am + Sharon Wynne
11am + Frieda Weber
6pm Our Parish
Please note our Friday Mass time changes
back to 9am on August 23rd, so our
school children can attend Mass. Effective
August 23rd we will not have 8am Mass.
“Do not be afraid any longer, little flock,
for your Father is pleased to give you the
kingdom. Sell your belongings and give
alms. Provide money bags for yourselves
that do not wear out, an inexhaustible
treasure in heaven that no thief can reach
nor moth destroy. For where your
treasure is, there also will your heart be.
Luke 12
Contact Info
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Sat 4pm until finished; any time requested.
Sacrament of Baptism:
Baptismal Preparation Classes: 2nd Wed of each month.
Contact JoAnn in Parish Office, ext. 205
Religious Education: For Preschool through adult
spiritual development, please notify office of needs.
New Parishioners: Please register at the parish office.
We Welcome You!
St. James School: PS-8th grade offered.
Call the School Office, to inquire, 781-4428
Sacrament of Marriage: 9 months advance notice
Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office.
To Schedule an event in our Parish Facility:
or call Daryl or Loretta in Parish Office.
All Bulletin articles must be submitted by Monday
12Noon to:
St. James Catholic Church
Page 4
The Week Ahead
Sunday, Aug 11: Coffee and donuts after 7:30 & 9:15 Mass.
All are welcome for Larry and Loretta Venneman and Julie
Harman and Family
Mon. Aug 12: Pleasant Valley Nursing Home Mass at 10am
Tue. Aug 13: Rosary prayed following the 8am Mass
Wed. Aug 14: First day of school for St James students
—Sponsor’s for Christ meet 1st and 3rd Wed.
Thu. Aug 15: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mass times are 6:30am, 9:00am, 7:00pm
10:30am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. All are welcome to stop by the church for quiet prayer until 6:00pm
Fri. Aug 16: 8am Mass
—Family movie night , back of school gym @ 8:30pm
Sat. Aug 17 : That Man is You at 7:15am
— Saturday morning faith sharing group @ 10am
Even though the summer months are usually the
time when donor turnout is not the best because of
vacations, etc., we had a great turnout for the last
blood drive. The Community Blood Center
registered 117 donors and collected 112 units of life
-saving blood. On behalf of the CBC and local
VOLUNTEERS for helping to make this a successful summer drive! Your efforts are commendable!
“Thank you” doesn’t always seem to be enough to
convey just how important you are to this ministry. I
often have the opportunity to hear from blood
recipients and their families and in the words of one
very grateful mother whose family was blessed with
your generosity, “You have no idea how much this
means to me & my family!” God Bless you all for
your continued support and gifts of life! We look
forward to seeing you again at our next blood drive
on Tuesday, September 24th.
Nikki Power, Blood Drive Site Coordinator
Sunday, Aug 18: Altar Society serves coffee and donuts
after the 7:30 and 9:15 Masses. All are welcome
Scriptures for Aug 17/18 Masses:
Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/ Heb 12:1-4/ Lk 12:49-53
Gift Bearers for Aug 17/18:
Sat. 5pm: Jacqueline Filardo & Georgia Hampton
Sun. 7:30am: Ed and Midge Weir
9:15am: James and Tracie Murphy
11am: Eddy and Ima Enriquez
6pm: Steve and Karen McKee
Hospitality Greeters for Aug 17/18:
Sat 5pm: Dee Ward & Jeannette Sanders
Sun 7:30am: Dawn Davis & Helen Lynn
9:15am: John and Lori Riedel
11:00am: Steve and Tammy Seggerman
6:00pm: Meg McCarthy
To all of our college bound students we send
you off with prayers for a good start and know our
Church doors are always open for you to join us in
prayer when heading back home.
We welcome back our St James Students for the
2013-14 school year and remind all aged students
wherever you attend to start your day with prayer
asking the good Lord to help you to do your best.
The St. Pius X Theatre Department is holding
open casting for children
10 and up for our fall musical, The Wizard of Oz.
Show dates are November 21st, 22nd and 23rd.
Auditions for grade school students
will be August 21st from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
For those children casted,
practices will be two nights a week during the
months of October and November. For more
information, please contact Sandy Prothman or
call 816-453-3450 x109.
We invite you to join us in praying the
Rosary before the first weekend of the Month
Masses and also after the 8am morning Masses,
Monday through Thursday and 8:15am on Friday.
We ask through the intervention of the Blessed Mother Mary
for the peace of our Lord Jesus
in our hearts, our homes and in
the world.
Holy Mary Mother
of God, please
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our
death. Amen
Page 5
A from the
Liturgy/Music Office
August 11, 2013
Someone is Watching and Wondering
Conversion is grace, pure gift from
God. The Greek work metanoia “to
turn and see again” describes both
“conversion” and “repentance”. It
conveys the idea of understanding
old ideas with a fresh mind, clearer eyes, and an open heart. The
catechumenate is a process of metanoia, receiving God’s grace,
Beginning Wednesday, August 7th at 7:00pm that requires preparatory steps and support of a faith community
the St. James Parish Choir will resume
open to its own on-going conversion.
The first step: a willingness to live with ambiguity; moving from
rehearsals. Anyone that enjoys music and
is a problem to be solved” to “life is a mystery that unfolds.”
wants to be a part of something special is
life grounded in attentive prayer, listening to the small
welcomed to join us. Rehearsals are every
Not a meaninglessly recitation of prayers, but a
Wednesday from 7:00-8:30pm in the church.
commitment to daily prayer that invites holiness into our day;
If you have any questions please feel free to experiencing the wonder of life. Third: a commitment to
contact Danny in the Liturgy/Music Office. We community. It is trendy to speak of being “spiritual but not
hope to see lots of new faces on August 7th! religious.” Such spirituality is an illusion. Community tests our
spiritual growth and conviction to follow Christ. Without community
we live un-confronted lives. We cannot profess to be Catholic
pretending God is far away in some spiritual realm. He is present
among us. How we treat one another is truly how we love and
serve God. Fourth: naming sin and repenting. A healthy realization
of sin and how to repent from life patterns that bring pain to our
human family is essential for conversion. Do I recognize my fault;
am I willing to change; can I stop blaming others? Fifth: seeking
silence. Our culture is full of business. We need an inner place of
simply being, remembering we are created in God’s image. Silence
and resting in God leads to the path of holiness. Six: service.
More than just another task added to our hectic lives, service is a
mental attitude: Do I consciously put the needs of others before my
own, try to understand their behavior, showing compassion and
empathy? Seven: letting go of false idols. Where do I seek security: in social standing, reputation, ideas, wealth, self-image? Eighth:
community symbols and rituals. Do I experience deeper communion with God through the rites of the church? Am I aware of God’s
presence and call? Ninth: faithfulness and obedience. Obedience
is not blind acquiescence to higher authority, but rather living with a
deep humility, embracing our humanity. Faithfulness is consenting
to remain in situations that are demanding or difficult. Although we
must evaluate when circumstances become too overwhelming,
most of us recognize that we grow spiritually, when we make it
though the tough times. Tenth: discipleship and friendship with
Christ. Understanding the Gospel with new insight reveals what
Jesus is asking; being challenged by the vision Jesus gives.
Conversion is a grand invitation to the ups and downs of life. We
do not have to literally die to experience heaven on earth.
However, we must respond to God’s ongoing call to fall more deepChildren's Choir is open to children in
ly and passionately in love with Christ. This is the journey we share
Kindergarten through Sixth Grade. We lead
with our catechumens. There are two cornerstones to our Catholithe 11 a.m. Mass music on the 1st and 3rd
cism. The first is a way of life based on the incarnation, and Jesus’
teaching that the meaning of life is found through love of God and
Sundays of each month, and
neighbor. The second is a constant vision of life and the created
practice on Saturdays from 10 to 11
universe which emphasizes God’s love present in the world and
am. Children's Choir will begin practicing
which finds God’s glory in countless everyday, ordinary events of
Saturday, August 17. Pick up your
life. God relates to us in a loving, caring, personal way. His love is
registration form in the Narthex today, or
unconditional, passionate, and absolutely reliable. Our call to
email Lori Tajchman at
conversion is a call to live this love.
Your Sister in Christ, Sandy Gagnon
Ready! Set! Sing!
Children’s Choir
St. James Catholic Church
Page 6
We pray for Our Country, Leaders, and Loved ones serving our Country:
Chad Wilson, Paul Mooney, Jeff Auksel, Phil Plack, Robert Harrison, John Barry
Jake Harmon, Alex Reilly, Gary Lee, Bobby Kern, Geoff Wiese, Casey Snodgrass,
Chris Griese, Ryan Villines, Paul Tyrrell, Charles Hensley, Gary Hogan, Jeremy
Finn, Michael Caine, Alex Worth, Dan Knudson, Kyle Coday, Paul Starner,
Jarrett Muck, Matt Winkelbauer, Bong Vtug, Brianna Hannum, Aaron Dolak,
Tony Velasquez Jr., Colleen McCloskey, Raymond Lopez, David Castro, Jr.,
Jeff Gardner, Brad Nees, Josh DeLeone, Joe Binggeli, Jeremy Pyle, Cody Londo
Jason Lyday, Andy Sparks, Jacob Weller, Ray Writesman, Cody Zoglman, Adam
Parnacott, Charlette Pruett, Daniel Wilson, Nicole Dobbelaere Martindell, If we ever forget that
we're one nation under God, then we will be gone under.
Last Call for School Shopping
School starts in a few days and
chances are there are still a few
things on your shopping list that
you’ll need to pick up this week.
There are still plenty of “back to school” sales, so
before you shop, be sure to pick up HOPE gift
cards for the stores where you’ll be looking for
those last minute items. We have HOPE gift cards
in stock for many of the stores where you’ll likely
When your shopping is done, treat yourself to a
movie at B&B (Liberty 12) Theater. We receive
20% of the cost of every B&B card sold from this
generous merchant.
After the movie, relax with a meal or a snack at
one of our local eateries. Places that return 9% or
more from the sale of HOPE cards include Chili’s,
Chipotle, Cracker Barrel, Dish Pizza, Firehouse
Subs, Landing Eatery & Pub, McDonalds, Olive
Garden, Panera, Papa’s Coffee, Red Robin,
Schlotzsky’s and Sonic.
HOPE Gift Cards are sold after every weekend
Mass and in the Parish Office during regular
business hours.
Thank You for Buying HOPE Gift Cards
Your Purchase Makes A Difference
Reminder: if every one used the Gift Cards
from our local Grocers alone it would bring in
a substantial profit, not to mention how much
added profit we would make from all other
merchants. Thank you!
St. Pius X High School is seeking individuals
interested in working part time, as school bus
drivers, transporting students on field trips and to
athletic events. Trip times vary and are flexible
around your schedule. The pay is $12 per hour
and paid once a month on the 15th.
Applicants must be at least 25 years of age, have
a good driving history, be able to pass a Federal
DOT health physical, be able to participate in a
DOT drug testing program, and must obtain a
class B commercial driver's license with
appropriate endorsements. Experience is not necessary and training is provided. If interested, or
for more information, contact Mark Hidy at 816803-6426, or
We welcome these new families to our Parish
Connie Andrews
Chris, Sanya, Morgan, and Sean Brown
Bill and Nancy Carr
Ryan Conway
Dan, Rose, Nick, Olivia, Victoria, and Noah DeFerraris
Jeff, Rachel, and Mitch Dias
Cathy Dobson
Justin, Adrienne, Caroline, and Emma Fowler
Jean Greenwald
Patrick, Toni, Ella, Ben, Sophia, and Frannie Hess
Cory and Tricia Kauffman
Crystal Milcher and Trevor Myers
Nic and Taylor Mohr
Michael, Angela, Sophia, and Juliana Moore
Jeff, Karen, John Paul, Joe, and James Ridder
Tony, Stephanie, Henry, and Anthony Rizzo
John, Abbey, and Ben Robinson
Frank and Rose Steinmetz
Glen and Mary Thilges
CJ, Emily, and Jack Travis
Alan, Jen, Nora, and Jude Welty
Page 7
August 11, 2013
From the looks of all these faces from last
years Bar-B-Que you won’t want to miss
this years event on August 23rd.
Competition BBQ teams, a Kid Zone, Beer
Garden, and live music is part of Do-Dad’s
sponsored community event. Gates open
at 4:00pm on Friday, August 23, 2013 and
the event is open to the public until
midnight. Gates will re-open at 10:00am
on Saturday, August 24 and will remain
open until the winners are announced at
3:00pm. Admission is $5 for adults.
Admission does not cover additional
purchases. This is a Kansas City
Barbecue Society sanctioned event and
where over 40 teams will be competing for
over $3,500 in prize money. All types of
food will be available Friday evening from
various vendors. Try out some of the
professional team’s items as well.
St. James Catholic Church
Our Faith In Action
Holy Trinity in Weston, Missouri will be
hosting a Sick and Homebound liturgical
workshop on Saturday, August 24th. The
workshop will be from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm and a
simple lunch will be provided. We please ask
that you arrive 10 minutes before class to check
in. We will be taking registrations up until the
Wednesday prior to the class. We ask that you
please register following the link below so you
are counted and contacted if the training does
not take place.
Below are the links to sign up and the password
is: hailmaryjmj
Sick and Homebound link – August 24th
Our Lady of Fatima Join us for the Five Saturday
Devotions on September 7, 2013. Confessions at
5:30am, Mass at 6:15am with the Rosary to
follow in Church.
Page 8
Youth Group Happenings
It is Summer
Don’t Forget about Prayer
There is never a time when prayer isn’t the
thing to do. All you need to pray is JUST DO IT.
There is no right or wrong way. God always
wants what is truly best for you. Sometimes
God gives you things, and sometimes God
waits for you to ask. ASK! Pester God! God
puts up well with being pestered. Trust God to
do what is really good for you. God creates you,
loves you, and wants you to be happy. He also
wants you to talk to Him.
Text Messages from God
Would like to receive a Daily Gospel Reflection text message on your cell phone? It is simple to sign up & a great way to get a daily one
minute prayer. Open to everyone.
You can sign up from the youth page or by
scanning this code with your smart phone.
Immacolata Manor Thrift Shop needs volunteers
to sort/display their items. Please consider
helping. To inquire call Amy at 781-5472.
Donations always welcome. Thanks
Summer is a time for family outings. If tensions
in family relationships ruin your family outings,
consider family counseling. Fr. Garry Richmeier is
a Licensed Professional Marriage and Family
Therapist providing family, marriage, and
individual counseling, as well as Spiritual
Direction. His office is on the grounds of St.
Charles Church and he offers a sliding scale fee.
For more information or to schedule a free initial
visit, call Fr. Garry at 816-436-1580.
Bishop Helmsing Institute: The institute offers a
program of courses for certification for laypeople
working in parish or diocesan positions, and also
for personal enrichment. To learn more about
what the institute has to offer, check their website
at www.mybhi.orb
Youth Office Closed for Summer
This summer our St. James Youth office will be
closed until Aug 10th. We will begin registration
for the 2013-14 year after Masses Aug 10-11.
If you need assistance prior to August you may
contact the parish office 816-781-4343.
Page 9
Parish Religious Education
Calendar Dates
August 10-11
August 17-18
August 24-25
August 31-9/1
Sept 16/18
RE signup forms available
Registration begins
Registration for RE classes
Final Registration weekend
Classes begin
Registrations Beginning Soon
We will begin taking registrations for the
2013-2014 school year for Religious
Education. RE classes in our parish are open
to all children from the age of 3 years (by
8/1/13) to those entering the 5th grade. Our
Sunday morning class runs from 9 to 10:30
and includes PreK through 5th grade. Our
Wednesday evening session runs from 6:30
to 8pm and includes 1st through 5th grade.
Our diocese requires that any children
preparing to receive the sacraments of
Reconciliation and Communion must have
first completed at least one year of prior
religious instruction, whether in our parish
school or our Sunday/Wednesday RE classes, or in a qualified home study
program. Preparation will begin with a parent
meeting on either Sept 23rd or Sept 25th
(pick the date that works best for your
schedule). Students will make their First
Reconciliation in the fall, and their First
Communions in the spring. Contact
Cecilia in the Religious Ed office with
August 11, 2013
St. James School News
School Mission Statement
The St. James Catholic School Community, a
ministry of the parish, empowers students to achieve
their full academic and Christian potential, become
prayerful, lifelong learners and good
stewards of God’s gifts.
Have you done something good for your heart lately? St. James Physical Education classes saved
over 5,000 lives during the 2012-2013 school year!
Students raised $11,667.11 for the American Heart
Association during the annual Jump Rope and
Hoops for Heart events. CPR training costs about
$50.00 per person. After raising over $11,000.00,
the students figured over 5,000 lives were saved!
Since about 1992, St. James Students have raised
over $70,000.00 to help fight heart
disease. While the kids enjoyed all types of
jumping, shooting baskets and exercising, they
learned how to keep their hearts healthy. Heart
healthy exercises and heart healthy nutrition
lessons were the focus during the exciting event.
This event landed St. James School as one of the
top ten schools in Missouri for donating to The
American Heart Association in the combined Jump
Rope and Hoops for Heart events.
Be sure to mark your calendar for our Meet the
Teacher/PTO Ice Cream Social on Sunday, August
11th. Feel free to come by anytime between 5:00
PM-6:00 PM for the opportunity to bring in school
supplies, meet your teacher, purchase uniforms and
visit various booths to sign-up for other school related events. The PTO will be hosting an Ice Cream
Social beginning at 5:30 PM! If you are a new family
and missed the new parent meeting in the spring,
please join us in the school library at 6:50 PM for
any last minute questions.
St. James Catholic Church
Page 10
Birthdays this week: Today we celebrate all
that you with God’s help, have accomplished.
Rebecca Bauer
Harrison Brimer
Will Boling
Jennifer Castillo
Wyatt Boling
Dorothy Dittemore
Emma Cadd
James Galetti
Pam Carr
Daniel Harrner
Nikki Costa
Brenda King
Samantha DeClue
Maury Maddox
Dan DeFerraris
Pearl Martin
Marie Disciacca
Otto Nevins
Betty Dixon
Keith Ryan
Christy Eichler
Jacquelyn Stichnot
Asa Kellner
Oliver Sumpter
Katie Klassen
Ken Tajchman
Karen Mische
Richard Veach
Ryan Nystrom
Roger Waltemath
Kristina Paterson
Hilary Winfrey
Audrey Probst
Ethan Beumer
Randall Rogers
Irvin Brooks
Terrie Carson
Joseph Ciferri
Robert Smock
JoAnne Cuezze
Harper Fortman
Trevor Hachman
Beverly Sullenger- Hector Higareda
Ted Hindman
Louis Kelsey
Jim Olson
Danna Burgeson
Marie Palmer
Margarida Carter
Patrick Rooney
Kieffer DeMayo
Kaden Rottjakob
Johannah Harman
Michael Saye
John Hoppenrath
Leah Scott
Andrew Hubbard
Richard Smith
Bill Hudson
Hayley Tischinski
Jeff Hundt
Don Werth
Cheri Kendrick
Mary Ann Williams
Mike Klosterman
Lisa Ledbetter
Jacquelyn Marolt
Michele Brancato
Bailee Millhouse
Nicole Burkhart
Stacy Pennington
Sarah Dawdy
Brian Reynolds
Hannah Ruf
Brad Healey
Stephen Slocum
Marilyn Thomann
Douglas Van
Laure Klosterman
Noah Wilson
Debbie Knopke
Noah Adrineda
Ken Lenger
Hannah Leonard
Gary Bayle
We Pray to our Lord Jesus for healing
Barbara Still
Kathleen Benson
Chrystal Hampton
Rita Lowe
Bob & Lynda
Teagen Peters
Jeff Smith
Nadia Kadi
Lola/Joe Lopez
John Pfannestiel
Nancy Brown
Elaine Catalano
Janice Frizzell
Bobby Morton
Crystal Coley
Alverna Schuster
Ed, Mary Weir &
Becky Booth
Gordley Family
Louie Bussjaeger
Suzie Stramel
Phil Wilson
Haley Prouty
Shawn Adkins
Rhonda Vandel
Martha Pintar
Mae Rahter
Jason Robinson
Andrew Lay
Jodi Gusman
Randy Canaan
John Lewis Emma Shay
Anna Weiner
Bob Giefer
Miles Siasoco
Pat Clark
Kim’s Dad
Gene Gagnon
Joseph Stoway
Cody McCoy
Jo & Al Bartoski
Becca Sharp
Marion Ricono
Candy Clark
Ben Hon
Karen Wilson
Bill Douglas
Pederson Family
Ray Lopez
Brenda Tabor
Mary Schuster
Teresa Binder
Cathy & Wallace
Bud Sutlief
Marilyn Niere
Celia Saenz
Darleen Farnan
Kenny Erwin Sha- Gene & Shirley
ron Augh
Chad Weinzerl
Devona Gilgour
Mary Weinzerl
Theresa Fortune
Anne Robinson
Mary Bell Jones
Richard Driggers
Arthur Pisana
Francis Talbot
Frances Winslow
David Roach
Baby Jesse
Dave Landewee
Baby Sienna
Nippy Jandourek
Joan Swoboda
Lerah Allen DonSteve Swoboda
nie Smith Shirley
Betty and Merle
Susan Kendall
Connie Sullivan
Brenda Adams
Mary Elizabeth
Jonas Miller
Lanham / Donnie
Frank Benassi
Tonya Hays Den- Jim & Cameron
Brock Moon Steny Phyllis
Monique Noah
Lee Schwery
Martha H. Brenda
Rose Swarts
Chabot Gerald
Michelle McClune
Joann/ Greg
Laura Ann
Mike Lyons
Victor Spallitta
Colin Leypoldt
Alta Flanigan Jaci
George Kristek
Leigh Gwin
Forrestine Hargoe
Charles Gage
Pat Kocon
Gage Gussy
John Luke Kern
Karen Elliott
Betty Johnson
Matthew Pate
Daniel Cruz
Nicole Martindell
Chase Holmes
Rachel Johnson The Doile Family
Robert Doleshal
Peggy Giefer
Jersey & James
Kevin Sargent
Clarke Crawford
Alan Mazi
Katie McDaniel
Rachel Richter
Stacy Roemer
Delores Schott
Brent Snyder
Chris Stauffer
Cecelia Steinbauer
Amiran Abuselidze
Dan Bacon
Robin Bradford
Tracy Helin
Sarah Latham
Michael Miller
Chloe Monzon
Ray Schroering
Lisa Seever
Darrick Sprenger
Tori Sullivan
Roger Arthur
Victoria DeFerraris
Olivia DeFerraris
Julie Falleri
Chris Gabriel
Madison Gangai
Bill Goeckel
Claudia Grey
Mitchell Hansen
Robert Hatch
Jeanne Keck
Isaac Mathews
Olivia Newell
Christina Rangel
Megan Schemmel
Austin Seever
Kyle Starke
Michael Stramel
Please notify us to remove your name from our
Bill Worth
While waiting for God to open a door,
praise him in the hallway.
prayer lists when it is time. By law, HIPPA forbids
us to print names for prayers, without request from
the person or immediate family. Please call the parish office for prayers. For prayer emails contact
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Roger Arthur, Parishioner
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John Brimer
Sales Consultant
Cell: (816) 806-6795
Max Curnow
Sales Manager
Cell: (816) 520-7482
Store: (913) 334-1166
365050 St James Catholic Church (A)
Ken Bohr
963 W. Liberty Drive, Liberty, MO
Thank you for advertising in
our church bulletin.
I am patronizing your business
because of it!
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-855-685-5703

Benzer belgeler

October 5, 2014 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church

October 5, 2014 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church contact Danny in the Liturgy/Music Office. We community. It is trendy to speak of being “spiritual but not hope to see lots of new faces on August 7th! religious.” Such spirituality is an illusion....
