
St Anthony’s Parish
90 Buckley Street, Noble Park, VIC 3174
Tel (03) 9546 8276 - Fax (03) 9548 1608 - School (03) 9546 0044
50 years in 2006
Email: parishsecretary@stanthonysparish.net
Parish Website: http://stanthonysparish.net
Parish Priest: Fr Arsenio Tuazon
Assistant Priest: Fr Jossy Kizhakkethalackal - School Principal: Margaret Batt
Pastoral Workers: Srs Kim Tran & Nga Nguyen
first sunday of lent
13 march 2011
Mass Times
Monday to Saturday:
9.30am & 7.00pm
1st Friday:
Saturday Vigil:
3rd Sunday
2.00pm - Sudanese Mass - in Arabic
During Lent the readings
trace the history of
salvation from creation
to Jesus. They form a
tapestry of poetic
answers to the key
questions of human
existence - Where did
we come from? Why is
there so much pain and
suffering in the world?
What is the origin of
sin and evil? What is
the purpose of human
Saturday 10am and 6pm
Entrance Antiphon: When he calls to me, I will answer; I
will rescue him and give him honour. Long life and
contentment will be his.
Communion Antiphon: Man does not live on bread
alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of
Next week:
X First reading:
X Second reading:
X Gospel:
- Genesis 12:1-4
- 2 Timothy 1:8-10
- Matthew 17:1-9
The human experiences
of temptation and doubt,
belief and hope are the backdrop to the readings.
Jesus is tempted (First Sunday; he is the saviour of
all who question. Jesus is transfigured (Second
Sunday); he is the hope of all who believe.
Sun 13 March: Group 13 - Albert Saliba, Kalyani & Nicole
God, give me the grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed, courage to
change the things that should be changed, and
the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.
07.00pm: Bertram Almeida, Shiroy Fernando
Trevin Fernando, Derek D'Costa
08.15am: M Lawson, Bill Cooney
09.30am: M Mcdonald, J Quinn, Clare Polaiga
11.00am: Theodora D'Costa, Joan Randall, Thy Tran
05.30pm: Sandra Saliba, Marion Tessera, Steph Saina
Ferdinand, Ravi DeCruz, Tim Scully
Sun 20 March: Group 14 - Jim & Elaine Henderson,
Ed Holland, Mary Farrell, Anselm Almeida
Sun 20 March:
From Break Open the Word
In The Piety Stall
Recipe Books $5.00 - Wine Glasses $3.00 (buy 6 pay for 5) * Mugs $3.00 * Stubbie Holders $2.00
COMMENCING 11/03/2011
09:00 AM – ENGLISH
6:00 PM – FRENCH
You are invited to join Most Rev. Denis J. Hart, Archbishop
of Melbourne, in celebrating THE RITE OF ELECTION
BAPTISED CANDIDATES to be held at St Patrick’s
Cathedral on Sunday 20 March, 2011 at 2.30pm. Afternoon
Tea will be provided outside the Cathedral following the
Rite of Election. If you would like to attend, please notify
the Evangelisation Office on 9287 5572.
from March Meeting
+ Mary MacKillop painting ready to be ‘unveiled’.
+ Thanks to MOPACATAM for Flood Relief
Fundraising effort.
+ Need to seek new people to organise Carnival. Any
+ Lenten Program to start on March 8 - every Tuesday
10.30 am and 7.30 pm.
+ Ideas discussed for shelter for users of bus on Sundays
while waiting for Mass.
+ School has new Vision/Mission Statement.
+ Plan to build up a booklet of local tradespeople.
+ Farewell and thanks to Jean-Claude de Robillard.
in the Church on Saturday March 19 at 9.15am (before the Mass)
The Parish Pastoral Team would like to build up a list of
tradespeople in our Parish. If you would like to be
included, please drop in your business card/details to the
Parish Office.
Childrens' Liturgy will take place at this Sunday's 9.30am Mass,
March 13, 2011 and every Sunday except school holidays. This
caters for the needs of the younger members of the Parish,
presenting them with the Word of God and activities
appropriate for their age. We are inviting parents to bring their
children. All welcome.
The New Translation
of the Roman Missal into English
Why do we need a new translation of the Mass? Why not
just keep what we are familiar with? The foundational
point to understand, as we look at the new translation of the
Mass, is best understood through a common Latin maxim:
"lex orandi lex credendi." Loosely translated, this means,
"the law of prayer is the law of belief." In other words,
what we say in our liturgical prayers has a direct impact
upon what we actually believe. There is a direct
connection between the two and, thus, this highlights the
importance of making sure the language of our prayer
reflects accurately the content of our belief. It has been
determined that the current translation of the Mass into
English is deficient in its "translation" of the actual content
of our belief.
Additionally, it's important to understand that the actual
language of our Church is Latin. This language, being a
dead language, has also the potential of being a "timeless"
and "cultureless" language. In other words, one of the
benefits of the Latin language, as the primary tongue of our
Church, is that the nuances of various times and cultures do
not effect or change the meaning of this language.
Therefore, the meaning of Latin words in the 10th century
are the same in the 15th century as well as the 21st century.
Time, history and culture do not change the meaning of this
language. This is one of the primary reasons we hold onto
the Latin language as the primary language of the Church.
Therefore, in translating the Mass from Latin to the
vernacular, it is essential that the Church enters into the
authentic meaning of this timeless language and present it
to each culture and time through the vernacular. In looking
at the current English translation of the Mass, the Church
has found many deficiencies. There are many ways in
which the meaning of the current English translation does
not properly reflect the rich timeless meaning found in the
Latin text. Therefore, one of the main goals of this new
translation is to rediscover and represent the deep, rich and
authentic meaning of the faith of our Church in our life of
prayer. By having the words of our prayer become more
accurate and faithful to the Latin text, the Church is
striving to sharpen and deepen our faith and understanding
of the Mass itself.
Mopacatam presents St Patrick's Day, 17 March. Come
along to the small hall at 7pm and join us in celebrating the
“wearing of the green”, by singing all the Irish songs, dancing
the jig and eating Guinness pies (other Irish food on sale also).
Ring Moira (0417 519 159) or Paddy (0422 296 961) for more
A MYSTERY AUCTION will be held at 11am on 23rd March at
4/28 Alfred Street, Noble Park. Please bring a gift under $10 to
action off. Money to go to St Vincent De Paul.
Enq. Marg 9547 0939.
For urgent anointing of the sick (after hours only), please use this emergency mobile number 0447 105 671
A Special Welcome to New Parishioners to our Parish. Please enter your name and phone number in the Book in the
Sacristy and a Parish Representative will visit to welcome you as soon as possible.
Our parish is holding a Lenten Discussion and
Reflection programme to help make this Lenten
season a time when we can grow in our spiritual
life. “HEART TO HEART” is the title of the
2011's Lenten Programme. Based on the Sunday
gospels of Lent the focus is on our life of service
and conversation with Jesus Christ.
The sessions are held at St Anthony's Church Gathering
Space every Tuesday at 10:30 A.M. and at 7:30 PM until
April 12.
This program is something to 'take on' for Lent and
provides each participant with the opportunity to pray,
meditate and deepen their personal relationship with
Jesus. Please come join us.
Kaluram is 33 and lives with his wife and
three children in the hot plains of western
Nepal. Caritas Australia supports Farmer
Field Schools to improve food production
and livelihoods for more than 12,000
poor farmers from disadvantaged ethnic groups and castes.
Each of us is connected to Kaluram and people like him.
Our choices do make a difference. Your donation to Caritas
Australia’s Project Compassion provides people like
Kaluram with the opportunity to learn new skills, enables
them to move away from dependence and debt and assists
them to become self-supporting and independent.
Lord, Hear Our Prayer!
X We pray in thanksgiving for Jennifer Townsend,
Booth Errol Rondeau, and those who have died
recently in the peace of Christ.
X We pray for: Jack Foy, Mabel & Bryan
Cummins, Allan Raux, Arlene Koelmeyer,
Blanche De Alvis, Florence Taylor, Martin Van
Der Voost, Amand Merino, Gladys Thomas,
Danijela Marinovic, Dennis Jones, Fernanda
Bacelar, Mario Oroyo, France & Aline Migale, Therese & Raoul
Dureau, Robert Chauvin, Gilbert Marion, Armando Marinho,
and all those whose anniversaries occur at about this time.
X Please also pray for: Mike O’Leary, Veronique Permal, Ian
McCallum, Gayle Magee, Frank D’Cruz, Lisa Scicluna,
Restituto Miasis, Donna Keddie, Matthew Powellsland, Yoland
Grant, Cheryl Bentley, Patrick Bastanisz, Elinie Nicalef,
Samantha Adams, Martin MacIntosh, Brittany Chalambous,
Garry Burke, Daisy Ebert, Percival Hermanus, Kevin
Sreenivas, Joe Vecranges, Claude Marie, Joseph Cassar, Dean
Whitewood-Neil, Patricia Turner, John Claude Salece, Graham
Harvey, Peter Harvey, Mary Spittall, Carl Perry, Molly
Maguire, James Webster, Jordan Whitewood-Neal, Melissa
Haidar, Kerrie St Clair, Francis Erispe, Joseph & Mildred
Erispe, Pedro Williams, Elise Fernandez, Susan & Jean
Espedillon, Bruce Thomas, Ronald Turner, Blake Hayes, Tracy
Hili, Geraldene Daniels, Belinda Johnson, Anne Wallace, who
are sick.
Let the Word of God influence your busy life!
The Scripture study combines personal Bible reading and study,
small group faith sharing, lecture and prayer in an informal
setting. Come join us and learn to make the real connection
between your faith and your everyday life.
Title: The Acts of the Apostles - from 16th March to 18th May,
2011 - Wednesday Mornings - 9.45am to 11.15am - Wednesday
evenings - 7.20pm to 9.00pm - Location: St Mary’s Community
Centre - New Street Dandenong
Registration forms will be available at St Anthony’s Parish
Centre. Further information: Keith Donovan (St Mary’s Parish)
9791 3342
HELPING HANDS NEEDED! We need 5 young men to help
with moving things into the new shed on Saturday 26th March
2011 at 10.00am. If you can help, please contact Joseph 9546 8276.
Celebrating The Eucharist - A Saturday morning Session on
the Mass and the New Translation at Holy Saviour Parish,
Glen Waverley North on Saturday March 19 from 9.30am to
12.30pm. If you want to join us please contact the Holy
Saviour’s Secretary on 9803 3554.
We still have 3 more places on the bus from St Anthony’s.
Contact the Parish Centre 9546 8276.
LEGION OF MARY - Acies Ceremony
Saturday 26 March at 2.00pm
at St Anthony’s Church - Noble Park
Thank you to everyone for paying for the Live Shows,
more information soon. Thanks. Carmel Martin
? Play Group - Mondays from 9.30 - 11.30am in the Small Hall
? Legion of Mary meet in the Gathering Space at 5.30 pm on
? Charismatic Prayer Group meet in the Small Hall every
Monday at 8.00pm. All are welcome.
? Novena - Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Help follows
the 7.00pm Mass in the Church on Wednesdays.
? Italian Prayer Group meeting will be on Thursdays at
10.15am. Contact Lucy 9547 1671.
? Divine Mercy Devotion every Friday 2.45 pm in the Church.
? El-Shaddai Multicultural Prayer Group meet every 1st
Friday of the Month.
? Knitting Group meet in the Gathering Space every Friday
from 10-12am.
? Sudanese Prayer Group meet every Friday evening at 6.30 in
the Gathering Space.
? Legion of Mary meet at the Parish Centre at 10.15am on
? Sudanese Monthly Mass at 2.00pm in the Church every 3rd
Sunday of the month.
? Friendly Hearts Group meeting 2nd & 4th Saturdays in the
Gathering Space from 1-4pm.
First Reading: Genesis 2:7-9. 3:1-7
A reading from the book of Genesis
The Lord God fashioned man of dust from the soil. Then he
breathed into his nostrils a breath of life, and thus man
became a living being.
The Lord God planted a garden in Eden which is in the
east, and there he put the man he had fashioned. The Lord
God caused to spring up from the soil every kind of tree,
enticing to look at and good to eat, with the tree of life and
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the middle of
the garden.
The serpent was the most subtle of all the wild beasts that
the Lord God had made. It asked the woman, ‘Did God
really say you were not to eat from any of the trees in the
garden?’ The woman answered the serpent, ‘We may eat
the fruit of the trees in the garden. But of the fruit of the tree
in the middle of the garden God said, “You must not eat it,
nor touch it, under pain of death”.’ Then the serpent said to
the woman, ‘No! You will not die! God knows in fact that
on the day you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will
be like gods, knowing good and evil.’ The woman saw that
the tree was good to eat and pleasing to the eye, and that it
was desirable for the knowledge that it could give. So she
took some of its fruit and ate it. She gave some also to her
husband who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of
both of them were opened and they realised that they were
naked. So they sewed fig-leaves together to make
themselves loin-cloths.
one could be accused of the sin of ‘law-breaking’, yet death
reigned over all from Adam to Moses, even though their
sin, unlike that of Adam, was not a matter of breaking a law.
Adam prefigured the One to come, but the gift itself
considerably outweighed the fall. If it is certain that
through one man’s fall so many died, it is even more certain
that divine grace, coming through the one man, Jesus
Christ, came to so many as an abundant free gift. The
results of the gift also outweigh the results of one man’s sin:
for after one single fall came judgement with a verdict of
condemnation, now after many falls comes grace with its
verdict of acquittal. If it is certain that death reigned over
everyone as the consequence of one man’s fall, it is even
more certain that one man, Jesus Christ, will cause
everyone to reign in life who receives the free gift that he
does not deserve, of being made righteous. Again, as one
man’s fall brought condemnation on everyone, so the good
act of one man brings everyone life and makes them
justified. As by one man’s disobedience many were made
sinners, so by one man’s obedience many will be made
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Gospel Acclamation: Matthew 4:4
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory!
No one lives on bread alone,
but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory!
This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Gospel: Matthew 4:1-11
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 50:3-6. 12-14. 17
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew
R. Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned.
Jesus was led by the Spirit out into the wilderness to be
tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty
nights, after which he was very hungry, and the tempter
came and said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, tell these
stones to turn into loaves.’ But he replied, ‘Scripture says:
Man does not live on bread alone
but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’
The devil then took him to the holy city and made him stand
on the parapet of the Temple. ‘If you are the Son of God,’ he
said, ‘throw yourself down; for scripture says:
He will put you in his angels’ charge,
and they will support you on their hands
in case you hurt your foot against a stone.’
Jesus said to him, ‘Scripture also says:
You must not put the Lord your God to the test.’
Next, taking him to a very high mountain, the devil showed
him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour. ‘I
will give you all these’, he said, ‘if you fall at my feet and
worship me.’ Then Jesus replied, ‘Be off, Satan! For
scripture says:
You must worship the Lord your God,
and serve him alone.’
Then the devil left him, and angels appeared and looked
after him.
Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness.
In your compassion blot out my offence.
O wash me more and more from my guilt
and cleanse me from my sin. R.
My offences truly I know them;
my sin is always before me.
Against you, you alone, have I sinned;
what is evil in your sight I have done. R.
A pure heart create for me, O God,
put a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from your presence,
nor deprive me of your holy spirit. R.
Give me again the joy of your help;
with a spirit of fervour sustain me.
O Lord, open my lips
and my mouth shall declare your praise. R.
Second Reading: Romans 5:12-19
A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Romans
Sin entered the world through one man, and through sin
death, and thus death has spread through the whole human
race because everyone has sinned. Sin existed in the world
long before the Law was given. There was no law and so no
This is the Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

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