With Father Domenico in Antioch


With Father Domenico in Antioch
With Father Domenico in Antioch
—Photo by Aydın Eroğlu
Church of the Good Shepherd
Sr. Virginia Stehly, C.S.J.
– Director, Christian Initiation
Adult Confirmation
Sr. Kathleen Daly, R.S.H.M.
– Director, Teen Confirmation
Bible Study
Sharon Monroe
– President, Parish Council
Patrecia Formeca
– Director, Religious Education
Lector Coordinator
Terry Hicks
– Director, Music
Sundays 8:30, 10:30 am,
RECTORY — Private Residence
12:00, 5:30 pm
Saturdays 8:00 am & 5:30 pm Vigil
Holy Days 6:30, 12:05, 7:30 pm
504 N. Roxbury Dr.
Monday-Friday 6:30 am, 12:05 pm
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 285-5425
Saturdays 4:00-5:00 pm
FAX (310) 285-5433
Fridays before 12:05 pm Mass
WARM LINE (310) 535-7121
ONLY on the 4th Sunday of
the month.
Please call the Parish Office
regarding preparations.
To leave a message for the Staff,
please call the Parish Center at:
Please make an appointment
with one of the priests six months
(310) 285-5425
Terry Miller, Principal
Rev. Msgr. Thomas Welbers
before the event.
148 S. Linden Dr.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Rev. George O’Brien
Eucharistic Devotion:
(310) 275-8601
In Residence
www.goodshepherdbeverlyhills.com First Fridays 12:30-1:30 pm
Rev. Colm O’Ryan
Fatima Devotion: First Saturday
Pastor Emeritus
after the 8:00 am Mass
APRIL 25, 2010
Ever since I began planning for the first Pilgrimage to Early Christian World sites in Turkey, back in 2005, I have
deliberately refused to call it "Footsteps of St. Paul," as many pilgrimages are labeled. Why? There are several
reasons. Foremost is my conviction that the large number of sites in Turkey that are very dear to our heritage and
identity as Catholic Christians span the centuries, and the purpose of this Pilgrimage is to touch them, learn from
them, and drink deeply of the spirituality and history these places represent. The focus of this Pilgrimage is much
broader than Paul alone, or even the so-called "Seven Churches of the Apocalypse" in the first three chapters of the
Book of Revelation. Finally, in a very practical sense, following in the footsteps of St. Paul would require walking
about 12,000 miles, something most of us today are not prepared to do. Yes, that's how far scholars estimate he
traveled exclusively on foot. Horses and chariots were only for soldiers and government officials; donkeys and
camels were too valuable for carrying merchants' goods.
As I am writing this, which is last Tuesday as you are reading it, we have just completed a full day in Antakya, the
modern-day city that was ancient Antioch, the place from which the earliest missionary effort of the Church,
represented by St. Paul, St. Peter, and others mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles. From here, Paul embarked on
his missionary journeys; here was the beginnings of conflict between Jewish Christians and non-Jewish, Greek,
Christians over whether they should maintain Jewish observance of the Torah, including circumcision; and it is here,
probably because of this conflict, that those who accepted the way of Christ were first distinguished from others by
being called "Christians."
Today, there is very little in this city that speaks of our Christian heritage, but that little bit is powerful indeed. Most
tour groups are taken to the so-called "Grotto of St. Peter," on the mountainside overlooking the city. They are
dutifully told by the guides that this is where the earliest Christians, including St. Peter and St. Paul, met for prayer
and celebrated the Eucharist -- also hid from persecution. Although that's a charming story, for a number of reasons
it's impassible, and the small cave could not have been a Christian site before the fourth century.
Where did the early Christians meet? In homes, situated in what is now the "old town," which was also then and is
now, the Jewish Quarter. Today, the only Catholic Church in Antakya is located in a remodeled nineteenth century
house in the same part of the city. Because the Grotto is so famous, that's where Christian groups want to go to pray
and celebrate Mass, and "feel" close to the Apostles. Most are completely unaware of the "house church" of the local
parish where the dozen or so Catholic families in the city, as well as many Greek Orthodox and even Jews and
Muslims come to visit and pray. Several years ago our Pilgrimage group stumbled upon the place because the Grotto
had been closed by a landslide. It's the perfect place for us to celebrate Mass because it most closely replicates in
spirit the kind of gathering place that the earliest Christians would have had.
The church is staffed by a Capuchin Franciscan priest, Fr. Domenico Bertogli, who joins me in the picture on the
bulletin cover, taken after the Mass today by our tour guide, Aydın. The picture behind us, a collage of significant
images surrounding the map of St. Paul's missionary journeys, was placed in the wall of the little church during the
2008-2009 Year of St. Paul. He is also an expert in the history of the place, and our Pilgrims had a wonderful discussion with him before the Mass.
Yesterday, we celebrated Mass in the Church of St. Paul in Tarsus, another inspiring experience. Tomorrow we are
going to Cappadocia, a strange and wonderful land formed between two ancient volcanoes. There are monasteries
and houses dug out of the soft volcanic rock, and even many underground cities. We will celebrate Mass in one of
the old cave churches which dates from the time of the Byzantine Empire.
As the time left on this Pilgrimage grows shorter, please be assured of our prayers for all of you who support us by
your prayers. All the Pilgrims greet you, as do I. I love you.
Fr.Tom Welbers
This Sunday, April 25th, a special collection will be taken up for the Cardinal McIntyre Fund For Charity.
Your donation goes to the families in need and, families who are often not eligible for financial aid and yet are in great
need. The special envelopes are in the pews. Thank you for your generous support.
—Meditation times in our Parish Center Chapel,
Tuesday evenings 7:00 — 8:00 PM and Thursday
mornings, 11:00 — 12:00 Noon.
—Prayer Shawl Ministry
For those who like to knit, crochet and pray as they do!
You may either meet on the first and third Mondays,
beginning April 19th from 10:00 AM — 12:00 Noon, or
once a month on a Saturday,
—Prayer Ministry Letter
You will receive a letter once a month listing Parish
needs. You are invited to pray with these intentions
during the month.
—Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Many people call asking for prayers for a sick person, a
surgery, someone dying etc… this prayer group would
receive an e-mail, giving the name of the person and
their request for prayer. Just think of the power of prayer
reaching out all over the parish!
Please call the Parish Office at (310) 285-5425 if you are
interested in any one of these ministries.
Registering in a Parish is a declaration of your desire
to be a part of a Catholic Community and a commitment
to the life of the Parish Family. Being a "Registered
Parishioner" makes things much easier when it is time
for Infant Baptism, School Registration, Weddings and
even Funerals.
The Parish Office is often asked to provide affidavits
for Baptism and Confirmation Sponsorship; this may be
provided if a person is a registered, active and contributing member of our Parish.
Should you wish to register with the Church of the Good
Shepherd Parish Family, please visit the Parish Website
at www.goodshepherdbh.org and click on “Join Us”, or
call Phyllis at the Parish Office at (310) 285-5425.
The Organ Celebration Event is drawing near.
The festivities will take place in the Church on Saturday,
May 8, 2010 at 1:30 PM. The day will feature the recognition of our donors, special invited guests and a terrific
presentation of music for all. We hope to see you there!
Please save the date.
—The Organ Committee
Have you ever thought about being a Catholic or,
completing your Sacraments of Eucharist and/or
Confirmation? Oh, do not wait. Now is the time!
This is the greatest adventure of your life.
Do not miss out!
Welcome to our Inquiry Sessions beginning
Thursdays, May 6 and May 20,
7:30 — 9:00 PM
at the Parish Center.
For more information, please contact either Sister
Virginia at (310) 285-5425 or email:
virginiarcia@aol.com, or Penny Lane at (310)
"Our Bus" is rolling, but it needs more energy
from our parish family. 1/3 of our goal is where
we are! Let’s aim for the top! Getting children to
visit their Dad’s in prison takes all kinds of help.
◊ Money needed to pay for expenses
◊ Need licensed counselors
◊ Persons who like to bake, this is to provide goodies as
they ride the bus on June 5th
◊ Purchase the Father’s day cards
◊ Any items you can bring from ages 3 — 18, male or
female to help entertain the children and teens on the bus
ride to and from their destination, please bring to the
Parish Office
◊ June 5th, help needed to welcome the families, help them
get their breakfast, get supplies to the bus. Need to be in
Parish Hall at 4:30 AM!
If you can help in anyway, please contact us at
lslotsve@sbcglobal.net or call 323-459-9919 or (617) 3889456. We have potentially 165 children that will be going to see
their fathers in prison. Thank you for being part of this special
Kindergarten — 8th Grade Registration 2010-2011:
All parents interested in registering their children for
next school year, are welcome to visit our school during
scheduled tours. We are located at 14k South Linden
Dr. in Beverly Hills, just minutes from Good Shepherd
Church. Please visit our website for additional information: www.goodshepherdbeverlyhills.com
Please call Sylvia Ortega at (310) 275-8601 to make an
School Tours:
Our Next school tours will be as follows:
Monday, April 26th at 1:30 PM
SAVE THE DATE: Spring Carnival at Good Shepherd
School on Sunday, May 23rd from 10:00 — 5:00 PM
PAGE FOUR__________________________________
For those who like to pray as they knit and crochet come
join our new prayer shawl group. If you would like to
learn how to knit or crochet we can teach you.
We meet on the first and third Mondays, from 10:00 AM 12:00 Noon, and once a month on the third Saturday,
from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM. If you would like to join this
prayer ministry or request a prayer shawl for a friend or
loved one please call the Parish Office (310) 285-5425.
Text Messaging: Know the Warning Signs
During Child Abuse Prevention month and the
Archdiocese’s “Keep Kids Safe” campaign,
let’s remember that monitoring a child’s Internet
browsing and cell phone use are important
and challenging aspects of being a parent. In keeping
track of your child’s text messaging, with its dizzying
array of coded abbreviations and symbols, there are
some codes that every parent should keep his/her eyes
open for. These are codes that kids use to warn others
that their parents are around or that they use to talk
about sex, drugs, or to arrange a meeting. A helpful tutorial for parents is located at http://knoll.google.com.
Type: “How to understand your kids’ text messages” in
the search box.
For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at
(213) 637-7650.
Lectors are the lay people who proclaim the First and
Second readings and lead the assembly in the Prayer of
the Faithful. We’re looking for new members. If you’re
interested in joining us, call Patty Formeca, the Lector
Coordinator (310) 285-5425 x 201 to make an appointment for an audition and an interview.
Separated, Divorced and Widowed Ministry
The Office of Family Life Separated, Divorced and
Widowed Ministry presents, Fr. Patrick J. Hill, MA, JCL,
Dmin. “Continuity of Prayer from Temple times
Christian Times” Saturday, May 1, 2010
Registration: 10:30 AM—11:00 AM Workshop and Mass
11:00 AM—3:30 PM. Join us to reflect, renew and rebuild
our inner strength through understanding prayer from
Temple Times to Christina Times. God’s desire for us to
change our mourning into a strong spirit can be strengthened through prayer and meditation.
For brochures or information call: Julie Auzenne (213)
637-7249 or E-mail: imonell1@altrionet.com. Please
make checks payable to: Office of Family Life and mail to:
Attn: Julie Auzenne, Office of Family Life, Archdiocese of
Los Angeles, 3424 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA

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